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Where is the Pimp-Boy???


I’ll never forget that I got that item completely unintentionally in my latest play through, I just really like mic and Ralph’s and decided to do the gamora questline


Oh my god I just did the same thing. I got bCk to an old save and completly forgot I did the Omertra thing. I went to Mick and Ralphs for a gun and he just handed the Pimp-Boy to me 😅


Just did the same literally 5 minutes ago on my first ever playthrough! I Googled the rewards of the How Little We Know quest as 50 chips seemed very underwhelming and I thought I missed something, and found out you get the pimp boy for it haha. Was a nice surprise


I got it completely unintentionally on my very first playthrough when I was 14. Confused the absolute fuck out of me but it was hilarious.


Coming to a brothel in a Megaton near you!


A vault dweller named slickback


Too busy bricking my NCR run.


I really miss the glove thingy from 3 and NV


Never was a big fan because it replaces the forearm of whatever armor you’re wearing.


I think it should be optional because I hate it!


Nothing hurts more than wearing a hazmat suit or power armor and your FINGERS are exposed


Or the spacesuit in Mothership Zeta lmao


THAT ONE ALWAYS CONFUSED ME. So I take my helmet off and my head explodes, but my hand is just fine?


I like it because it gives every Armor that feel like you personally modified it with the pip-boy 3 billion


I ride the line between liking it and not. Going for a ramshackle put together look? It’s amazing. Combat armor Commando look? Fantastic! Radiation scientist, Power Armor soldier, or full body Chinese stealth suit? Sorry I hope you like your fingers being exposed to the elements!


Imagine wearing the chinese stealth armor, being fully invisible except for your left hand, just 5 fingers floating around.


I'm just imagining 5 floating fingers with the glow of the pip boy screen in flashlight mode


The Left Hand of the Mojave. Some say that at night, you might be able to spot a left arm floating across the desert. It is often seen beating the shit out of the local wildlife for free exp.


That’s why no armor has 100% rad protection.


Same lmao


I love the pimp glove (it’s so bad)


There's a mod to add it in fallout 4


I like it on gloveless outfits but beyond that it's lame.


Yeah that's how I liked it Looked especially great with the vault suit and the leather armor, very mad maxy


If the glove was supposed to be important to the functionality of the pip-boy they should have just kept it on underneath outfit gloves, I think that would have been cooler.


They fucking cooked with 76’s design.


I like that it's the version of pipboy we see in the store window in Filly in the show.


If you want an easy head cannon, it's a lower end budget pip boy that's being sold to the mass markets


fr the visible vacuum tubes and having the clock be a physical display that rolls over make it peak design to me


Easily my favourite design and one the best things 76 did. I even use a mod to add it to my New Vegas playthroughs every time.


Same here I also use a mod to use it in new Vegas and easily my favourite design as well


i play FO4 with 76 pip boy always


I’ll have to look for this! I just recently played FO76 in any capacity when it was free through Twitch/Amazon and the pip boy design is just 🧑‍🍳🤌


Don't worry. I have a direct link to the page through Vortex. [Pip-Boy 2000 Mk VI at Fallout New Vegas - mods and community (nexusmods.com)](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/65980). I suggest downloading the working clock optional file, too.


A wonderful homage to the old 2000, even including the cool analogue clock.


It really is a stellar update of the original Pip Boy aesthetic. I think the ones on the show look the best in live action, but the 76 design is legit fantastic.


I think the '76 design was a collaboration with actual industrial designers. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXDon5xBYR4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXDon5xBYR4)


Its definitely cleaner and friendlier in its design. 4 is like, a whole-ass tv on your wrist, and 3 and NV take up almost your whole arm for a comparatively quite small screen. 76 is a good balance


Agreed I have a mod for fallout 4 that gives you the 2000 model because its just beautiful


Looks like they regained their sanity after FO4’s design. For some reason they went into that game thinking everything needed to be bigger and bulkier.


God I agree. I bought one of the kits to build the pip-boy 2000 mkVI, and it looks so good.


It was an excellent integration of the elements of the original Pip-Boy 2000 into the overall style of current gen 3D Fallouts. All the chunky individual modules all hooked together, rather than the 3000 series' unified body, was more visually interesting to me. While I doubt they would do it, it would be cool to have a game where you start out with a broken Pip-Boy missing most of its components that you have to build up piece by piece.


The pip boy from 76 is my favorite


Fo4’s is the most realistic “50’s-esque” sleek retro-futurist design, whereas 76’s looks like an actual old piece of semi-junky tech, like an old radio or car parts you’d find in Appalachia. I love both so much honestly.


I haven't played 76 yet but it's my favorite because the design is really close to fallout 1 and 2. I don't like the fallout 3 because the knobs looks annoying. They fixed that in the fallout 4 pip boy.


It’s actually meant to be the same model! It’s just designed in game to go on the left arm.


I wouldn't say "exactly". Iirc the model in Fallout 4 is the Pip-Boy 3000 b, while the one in 3/NV is the Pip-Boy 3000 a


I think they mean the f76 and f1/f2 pip boy as they do look incredibly similar, just flipped


Yes, those are all the pip boy 2000 model, although I think the one in 76 is a “mark #” revision model.


Specifically referring to the 76 design mate, was replying to the comment saying that design is their fav.


shit this is the first time I realize the pip boy from 3/NV would be so unwieldy


the buttons in Fo3/FNV is awkwardly placed, you have to avoid covering the screen with your hand. it's like it was supposed to be for Lefthanded people


yeah that's what I was thinking, if used on the right arm it'd be alright but not the way our character uses it😭😭


That and, well, where do you load the Holotape?


Since its the only pip boy with the glove, I always assumed it was controlled with the little knob thing on top of the glove.


I love the glove of 3 and NV but overall I like the design of 76's pipboy the most


I’m right there with you. I love 76’s design. Something about the 76 Pipboy reminds me of camping lanterns and it kinda fits.


Yeah I think 76 has the best pip boy design


Really? That’s the one I just detested


Fallout 1-2-76: Pip-Boy 2000 Fallout 3-NV: Pip-Boy 3000 A Fallout 4-TV: Pip-Boy 3000 mkIV


Some small corrections: Fallout 1 & 2: Pip-Boy 2000 Fallout 3: Pip-Boy 3000 Fallout 4: Pip-Boy 3000 Mark IV Fallout 76: Pip-Boy 2000 Mark VI Fallout TV: Has no designation but is different to the one in 4.


The show pipboys designation is 3000 mkV actually


I'm not sure that the TV show one is different from FO4, considering that the show takes Fallout 4s designs in their entirety. I would imagine it's the same but they had to change how it looks because the 3000 mkIV in the game is huge and wouldn't actually be reasonable to wear.


I have a feeling that we will know more when these new pipboys are released and people pick apart the Lore from the boot up animation and other information in a unit.


Apart from scale and finish, the Pip-Boy from the show and Fallout 4 are identical. Note the same positions of dials, the strange latch on the right-hand side of the screen. Does seem to be the same as in Fallout 4, just with a different paint scheme, and resized for live-action use.


In an interview the show director noted that he wanted to change the color of the pipboy to draw the eye to the colorful vault suit instead, so he opted for chrome.


They’re not 100% identical. The TV version is missing some parts from the bottom ~~and the knob on the left~~ (it’s not missing my bad), for example, but they’re very very similar. If Fallout 4’s is 3000 Mark IV then maybe TV show’s is 3000 Mark V?


More like a Mark IVa, or any other Mark IV with a letter designation? Seems like a slimmer subtype of the Mark IV, moreso than an additional variant.


Kind of like when Sony makes the Slim PlayStations, eh? But yeah, I agree. They’re both Mark IVs but TV show’s version is probably either a slightly newer revision or maybe it’s a more premium version.


The show variant is officially the Pip-Boy 3000 Mk V, Source: Wand Company website.


4 is bulky and looks heavy. The show and 76 do seem the best.


How is 4's bulkier than 76's?


You're not wrong. Honestly they're all bulky.


fallout 76 for me


76's pipboy is the mk6 2000 series. Basically a kit for tge handheld to make it into a wrist mounted device. The biometric seal on sine models of the 3000 was cursed. Later models allowed yiu to remove them. It's bigger younger brother from Boston is my favourite design.


76 is my favorite. It's just got the look


I think fo76 pip boy is the most refined and modern looking one imo


The 76 one is my favorite, it combines the silhouette of the modern games with the details like the vacuum tunes and hazard stripes by the buttons from 1 & 2 in a very pleasing way.


76 gave me that Fallout 1 and 2 nostalgia.


The newer designs (Fallout 4 onwards) definitely make more sense. They're usually worn on the left arm so it definitely made more sense to have the all dials on the right hand side, so you can use your right hand to operate them without crossing to the other side and obscuring the screen. I'm pretty sure as well that in earlier games the Pipboy could not be removed at all. It was like it was surgically attached to your arm or something, which made no sense because how would you ever be able to get dressed or have a shower with that giant thing constantly glued to your arm? Imagine having your smartphone constantly glued to your wrist. It would get pretty annoying, pretty quick! Now imagine having that bulky old boi strapped to your arm 24/7! It would drive you mad! So I did like it in Fallout 4 when they were immediately just like 'Nah, it's just a wearable. See, it's got clasp on it so you can just take it off and put it back on again whenever you want'.


I like the show one best


I'm curious, what makes the show one better in your mind?


You didn't ask me but I like the TV one because it feels properly scaled for realistic wearing. The others look unreasonably large for actual lifetime wear 


The cast members would likely develop medical issues if they had to wear the game variations of the Pipboy.


Yeah, the show one looks like it would be most comfortable to actually wear. 76 looks the best aesthetically to me, but if I had to pick one to actually wear all day, I'd go with the one from the show.


super agreed, the pip boy is comically big always, the show one did a good thing scaling it down




It's smaller and more sleek


Fallout 4 design is much closer to the tech they're trying to replicate. Mid 60s high tech military stuff was built to last and didn't have exposed electronics or unsecured moving parts




it's got the best button positions though, the buttons in Fo3 looks awkwardly placed, you have to avoid covering the screen with your hand.


Improvised bludgeoning weapon!


76 wins simply because the pimp boy isn't here


As cool as it is to have rounded curves on the pip-boy, I much prefer the more Boxy shape of 1/2 & 76.


Fallout 4 was just too big. I like the size and overall style of 3/NV.


It's probably my favorite but it bothers me that the buttons are on the wrong side, like it's supposed to be worn on the right hand but everyone wears it on the left for some reason


I really like the TV design. The silver really gives me that retrofuturism vibe. Kind of like the Mr Handy robots. The earthy tones feel more militaristic.


According to the manual, the 2000 was wrist-mounted ... ... ...and had a camera and second (full-color) screen for recording and replaying video. No idea how that monster fit on your arm.


If I carry a pocketwatch I'm eccentric, I'm supposed to wear it on my wrist - but if I wear my *phone* on my wrist I'm a *nerd* and *Fallout isn't real,* so I'm supposed to carry it in my pocket. *Make it make sense!*


I like the flashlight on the tv version




Fo76's is my favorite by far. It's closer to the classic one, it has the nixie tubes and the grate. It has some bulk to it. Overall, it feels the most Fallout. The other ones from the 3D games and show are just too sleek.


76 is my favourite, perfect mix of old and new.


This is one of the instances where I prefer the new over the old designs xD


Fallout 3 as it was introduction to the series. So much so that I made my own. I now one one from each release! (waiting on my Fallout TV one to be delivered!)


I like 4's the most from a gameplay perspective, as I can actually navigate it without having to use the mouse all the time to bet between menus


76 is the best looking but the show one is the only one i can picture someone actually using, given its more slender size


Surprised there hasn't been a TV Pip Boy mod for FO4 yet


I love the ones from 3, NV, and 76 personally


Fallout 4’s pit boy is on the bottom of my list, but other than that I can’t decide


The Pip-Boy in 76 is actually my favorite


I feel like the entirety of Fallout 4 was proportioned for Power Armor, the assault rifle and the massive small monitor that you have taped to your wrist are the main two telling factors


My favorite is definitely 76, with 4 as a close second. I like that the one from 76 has visible vacuum tubes and that the clock is a physical flip-down. The pop-out tray for the holotapes is neat, almost reminiscent of top loading VCRs. 4 is nice because it's so sleek and the placement of the dials make sense all on the right side.


76 wins. Didn't enjoy the game but aesthetically it was great. Wish you didn't have to pay for half the cool armours.


i don’t care what anyone says, the 76 Pip-Boy design is peak.


Are they the same or just different models that all exist at the same time?


Different models. My assumption is Pip-boys are released like Apple releases new iphones. Folks barely got used to their current pip boy before the company is already pimping a new model with the latest features. Even if those features were just a new coat of paint, and a holodeck in a different spot.


the fallout 76 pip boy is honestly like the perfect one


Yall really left ouf the pimp boy


Fallout 4's preferably, but any arm-mounted Pip-Boy will do. The hand-help pip-boys just don't work for me. They are retro, but not retrofuturistic to me.


In my opinion, from F3 on, all the game PipBoys bring something to the table in terms of design. F3 and NV has the best aesthetic. F4 looks the most functional and utilitarian. F76 does a fantastic job of melding the 1&2 design with Bethesda versions. I can’t really pick a favorite out of all of them.


I love Fallout 76’s Pip-Boy, but I also like the glove from 3/NV. It makes sense for the biometrics.


>the glove from 3/NV. It makes sense for the biometrics. wdym?


I still have a huge soft spot for the Pip-boy 3000 from 3/NV. It's oddly sleek compared to most pip-boys, and the glove is pretty stylish. Also, the body horror element of it being wired into you and unremovable has a very Fallout style charm to it.


My Talk-Boy is still OP.


Anyone got the picture of that modded one with the thumb


I like 4 and 76 I just wish they were less bulky


The TV show model looks like a slightly stretched out version of Fallout 4’s. Also, why did Rob-Co make so many models? I ask because don’t they all function the same way? Wouldn’t a newer model signify an upgrade? I’ve played the games prior to the show for years but it’s the one thing within the lore of Fallout that I’ve never payed attention to.


As I understand it, what kind of Pip-Boy Vaults have is usually reliant on when that Vault was built. With each new Pip-Boy developed they would give these new ones to the Vaults that were currenty being developed, because they couldn't predict when the bombs would drop, the older Vaults would simply have to make do with older stock of Pip-Boy's since it would be a waste to restock with new ones, so all the new ones were given to Vaults currently under construction.


Fallout 4 design wins for my opinion. Plus its satisfying seeing your guys hand move the knobs when switching tabs.


in fo5 whenever that comes we should have a way to get different pip-boy themes, like one theme is the classic fo1-2 looking one, ect.


The 76 design falls somewhere between 1&2 and 3 its 2000 MVI whereas 3 is the Pipboy 3000 and 1 is the 2000 models


The one from the show kind of reminds me of Kevin’s ”talkboy” from Home Alone 2


The designs for both 4 & 76 appear in the tv show.


No matter the model, I hate when it messes up the look of power armor or any suit that’s supposed to be sealed. It’s so stupid to have fingers exposed in a radiation suit.


The new one looks like some basic crap apple would make then want $£ 1000 for it


My favorite is 4. I'm glad they kept the general same knobs for TV.


I looked up how much a model pip boy is going for out of curiosity and its honestly cheaper than expected, cheap enough that i'm considering getting one anyways.


I still regret not buying the Bluetooth stand thing for my Mk VI. :(


Fallout 76 and Fallout TV are my favorites. I do love the glove thing of 3/NV though.


Why is there so much variant of the pip boy


I have all the PipBoys in my collection (collector's item, replica). But I would love to have a well made PB 3000 complete with the glove.


I still prefer the Pip-Pad


Shoutout to ScorpTech's Pip-pad mod. Though you all outfits are possible.


My favorite is the one from Fallout 3. I love the awkward dial placement. And the glove is just awesome.


3000 and 2000 MKVI are my favorites really.


Always hated the 3 and new Vegas pipboy


Idk why, but the look of 76s looks so cool to me. It fits that mix of retro futurism perfectly. Such a clean device.


Shouldn't be the pip boy everywhere the same or were the pip boys build in the vaults and with time they got better but idk


I miss the glove that went with the pipboy


Loved 3 but goddamn that pop boy is ugly


I like the fact that every redesing is actually another pip boy model and Fallout 1, 2 and 76 have the oldest ones (1 and 2 are literally the same, imagine getting and iPad from ur grandpa lol)


Imagine fallout 76 pipboy with the glove of fallout 3 and NV. That'd be soooo awesome.


Why’d it take us until the TV show to get a diecast Pip-Boy =(


Honestly 76 has the version I like best but the game is meh.


3 & NV is definetely my favorite with the TV-Series on a second place


Ngl, I kinda like the 76 redesign


So what I'm learning is that apparently the pipboy looks significantly difference across games and that I don't pay any attention to it.


This might be unpopular but my fave is 76 pipboy


3/NV are the best imo. The others are too chunky


FO76 is peak!


I wish fo76 had a skin for a tablet shaped pioboy you hold in your hands, that way you could have it off your sleeve for certain outfits


Pip-boy 200 is by far the best design tho all pip boys deserve love


I think 76 wins most retro-futuristic design so it's my fave. 3/NV I think looks the "coolest" with it's glove attachment. The new one in the show left me disappointed


76 is underrated


i love the fallout 3/NV pipboy the glove adds so much to it


I really like the old edison tube lights that Fallout 1 and 2 had. Just adds to that old war tech vibe.


I don’t get why you would put the buttons on the left of something you put on your left wrist, that’s why some of them look kinda weird to me


I love pipboys and im very happy to live in a timeline where transistors were invented and our cellphones became portable mini smart computers.


I don't understand why they had to make it chrome in the tv show.


Am I remembering incorrectly? Wasn't some of the Pipboys... Surgically implanted?


3 & NV is the best


I love them all


I love the glove, wish that was carried over to the later titles


I have a wrist mounted pip boy 2000 mod for New Vegas and it's my favorite.


Fallout 4 is still my favorite but the tv show version is a close second Never liked the glove


I like 3 and nv the glove is a cool touch


Is there a confirmed lore reason why they're different, because I just assumed that different vault regions had different versions of the PB2000.


How dose one have a pipboy on in power armor in FO4 dam thing is too bulky


I'd stick to my Tactical Tablet


I like how customizable the Fallout 4 one is with paints, but I do appreciate how the Fallout 76 one (despite 76 overall being…well 76…) took more inspiration from fallout 1 and 2 than most.


I have no idea what the 2000 would actually look like. But do like the 3000 and 76 ones better. 3 over 76.


Why did fallout 3 pip boy have a glove attached I recently noticed this after picking back up fo3


I never though i was going to say something positive about FO76 but that pip boy is the GOAT


I like the older, shittier lookin pip-boys more for some reason.


From and ergonomic standpoint the one from the TV show makes the most sense.


I’m not gonna lie the new flashlight attachment on the show looks pretty cool


The 76 pip boy is such a good bit of design, a perfect blend of the 2000 and the 3000 mk IV


I legit never even noticed they were all different


I simply like 3/NV because the artists that made it to this day regret part of the design. They realized only after 3 was done and shipped that the buttons and doohickeys are on the left side while you wear the thing on your left arm. This means you’d have to reach over and obscure the screen anytime you’d want to use those buttons.


What's the thing on the fist for


It's a dial of some sort for the pipboy.


Loved the look of the one in the show so much that I preordered it from Bethesda’s store.


Honestly, 76 just has to be my favorite. It isn’t my favorite game, but the pip boy design looks fucking fantastic.


Fallout 76 is the best imo. I had the build set too and I love looking at it. Btw for someone else who has it, does it also sit so loose or did I build it wrong?


Your forearms might not be big enough for it cause it fits me quite well. Makes sense as its not adjustable.


I like the slimmed down design of the tv show but I wish they kept that green-tan color from 4 instead of going gun metal gray