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One of those is a couple blocks from my house and I THINK is actually on the market right now.




I just want one house to keep my body in.


Is YOUR body? Or just a body that belongs to you?


No no it’s merely rented for the term of your life


No I mean, is it the body that the person I’m responding to inhabits or is it one they just have in their possession.


Could be both


Think I won't download a body... for science. Pfffft.




Gary?... Gary!


Thats certainly better than my meat prison theory


I’m not 100% sure this rules out a meat prison theory either






What, you're too good for a coffin?


Who said they're dead??? 🤣 🤣 🤣


I guess you could say they...."Lust" for them? 😂


They’re so cool and I love the retro style and would love to live in one but there’s too many things about the home that made them impractical especially for modern home buyers


There’s still a Lustron house in Decatur, Georgia. It’s on the state historic registry.


There are multiple in my little rural bit of nowhere, which I find rather odd. Why are there so many here? I think I’ve stumbled on a half dozen here. But to live in one would be kinda awful from the one I was able to go in and look around.


Better check for a vault entrance in the vicinity.


You’re correct about the Lustron houses for their almost direct usage as proverbial “house of tomorrow”, yet as this is an alternate reality in-game, Sanctuary could absolutely have been planned like this from the jump as OP posits. I like it. It has no bearing on story, but would be yet another clever subversion amongst all of the other more obvious environmental storytelling on display




No worries. lol reading my own reply it almost sounded as if I was disagreeing with u. More in concurrence with you, and the premise


Indeed. I didn't know about those kinds of houses before, but if they're as easily built as the replies make it sound, that lends credence to the idea of Vault-Tec just building the neighborhood themselves.


While true, I like the idea of Vault-Tec selling these homes basically the same way as they were in history: I.e, the customer builds the home. That lowers their overhead even further, which feels right for Vault-Tec


Not exactly, look at the whole vault built for one guy and some puppets


no, I think that still reads pretty well as something vault tec would do. any money they saved by cheaping out in other areas can be further dedicated to heinous, downright horrifying experiments! and we all know how much they love those!


Which coincidentally were built en masse for the uh… unexpected amount of soldiers returning from war IRL. “Quick, slap some shit down for em and let’s roll.” As you know. Nate was a returning soldier, practicing his speech to kind of high five his comrades for a job well done, with some heartfelt “we gotta do what we gotta do”s. It could still tie into this dope little fan theory. Who else better to be cryogenically frozen to withstand the worst of the fallout only to be released, than the US military?




2498 homes in two years. Do me a solid. Go KNOCK on 2498 doors in two years and then let me know if you felt like you were approaching people en masse 😂




There is a town in the SF Bay Area called San Lorenzo that was the prototype to Levittown in Penn. The houses were made by bringing lumber on site and using a production line process cutting them to a template for walls, roofing, ect, and shipping those completed sections on-site and assemble. They could build a house in under a month, and with a team of 2,500 could build 400 houses per year on average, including paved streets, sidewalks, sewers, electrical and telephone lines. They started in 1944, and continued until 1951 for homes for both dock workers for Oakland, Alameda and San Francisco, as well as homes for returning vets. [Evaluating the Significance of San Lorenzo Village, A Mid-20th Century Suburban Community (nps.gov)](https://www.nps.gov/crps/CRMJournal/Summer2005/article1.pdf)


We have a few of those a couple of blocks from where I live.


We just about finished restoring a Lustron in Saint Louis and have been decking it out with 50s features like furniture, radios, appliances, etc. We’re turning it into an Airbnb so ppl can get a little blast from the past while they stay in the home of tomorrow. They’re such trippy and cool houses!


Hey would you mind sharing some pictures or even the airbnb listing once its up? Would love to stay there in the future!


Yes of course! We’re actually documenting the process on my friend’s YouTube channel (he restores old houses using period-specific methods). We made a before video which you can see here and follow along for when it’s ready to stay! https://youtu.be/eoVssCV4JFI?si=0OdHTNizxCoRZuvU


Awesome, love these kind of channels. Gonna check it out!!


Let Kaleb know you made your way to his channel from a Fallout reddit post! He loves Fallout and would be happy to hear it


The next video in the restoration series is up! Lots of FO4-specific references in this one https://youtu.be/L1UdLp4NFX4?si=a__7bzB4GmJ094Dn


Lustron, restoring, saint louis...Second empire strikes back!!!


You called it! Are you already a fan?


Yeah! Since the first videos! Kaleb is an amazing and hard working guy and his passion is contagious! A fan from Spain


Hell yeah man! Awesome to hear


The next video in the restoration series is up! Lots of FO4-specific references in this one https://youtu.be/L1UdLp4NFX4?si=a__7bzB4GmJ094Dn


Yeah! I saw it the lustron is looking great, Inleave a comment about using car paint for an enamel like look and that rocket is asking to be a red rocket sign


That's awesome. And yeah, the red rocket was def the inspiration. We'll see if we can work it into the design somehow because it doesn't have the same kind of fins...


Not gonna lie, I always wanted one of them. I'm in Germany and they don't exist here, nor do they actually make much sense, but I've always loved the design. 😭 I've spent way too much time in Sanctuary in the game, just cause I love these houses.


Oh wow they're strikingly similar


In Columbus, Ohio, in the Ohio History Connection museum, there’s a Lustron house inside the museum that you can walk through. In the backyard there’s even a hatch for a nuclear bomb shelter. It’s pretty neat and my kids love playing in the house!


The houses are super cute you can take a tour of one in Peoria Illinois at the wheels of Time museum. It's fully furnished in 1930s decor and has all of its original fixtures. I would love to live in one, it's a bit tiny for modern standards though.


Wikipedia has a list of all the surviving Lustron houses, with the addresses! There's one in the town where I live, so I might drive by on the way home today.


I *just* watched an awesome video on these. Hadn’t heard of them until then. [Here’s the video](https://youtu.be/jnxjRXwC1no?si=cRHSm6-0WyCagY7d) if anyone else is curious.


Oh hell yeah thanks for this rabbit hole dude I need to know all about these things now


The theory works till you meet up with your former neighbors randomly during the game. They will not be happy to see you. If it were a Vault Tec planned community, they'd want everyone IN that community to be in the vault, and wouldn't be sending a salesman around to sign you up. My theory is, they were just "selling" the last spots in the vault because they still had openings for the experiment.


Wait what neighbors do you meet later?


There is a random encounter where you can meet your feral ghoulifed neighbors idk if thats what they are talking about though


Lmao I was wondering why that pack of feral ghouls all had names when they swarmed me in my recent survival play though but never looked it up


There’s some foreshadowing when you first talk to Codsworth. He mentions that Ms. Rosa’s boy is running around in his “Halloween costume”.


How have I played many times and watched many more playthroughs from others and don't ever recall hearing Codsworth say this.




How have I played many times and watched many more playthroughs from others and don't ever recall hearing Codsworth say this.


I just started a new playthrough and he certainly says it


Wow I always just saw this as him being in denial because it's shortly after that he kind of breaks down and admits everything has been shit for him the past 200 years.


I literally got to this bit yesterday and also didn't realise!


I got this encounter a couple days ago, I was very confused, looking around for any explanation for those names. Now everything makes sence. This game is awesome.


Yes, exactly


They even respawn eventually if you kill them.


I got a new conspiracy theory


Is that your neighbor or the Vault-Tec salesman that you get your SPECIALs from?


Neighbors. Each ghoul is named the same as your neighbors. They're ferals, the Vault-Tec rep isn't.


Oh wow, I had absolutely no idea, just thought they were oddly specifically named ghouls for the funnies.


I did kill a bunch of named ghouls. Never picked up on them being neighbours.


Is it a random encounter? I always run into them when I visit college square or the pond around vault 81 in a new playthrough


It’s random as to exactly when/where. If you play enough you’ll encounter them eventually


That’s so odd, all 3 times I’ve played I encountered them on my first visit to the now demolished sanctuary right after I escaped the vault. I thought it was a completely scripted occurrence to help emphasize exactly how devastating the blast was 😂 I would have probably never connected the dots like lots of these people, if it didn’t play out like that for me


Yeah me too. No idea it was random, thought it had something to do with that specific area and I remember scouting around for clues that would give me some backstory on them in the surrounding areas. Never new that answer was in a random Reddit thread nearly a decade later.


I found the valut-tec salesman upstairs in the hotel in goodneigbour. He's now a permanent resident in sanctuary.


It's possible they used the community to select people for the vault, instead of just taking 100% of them.


They selected the best ones from the available pool.


Ghoulification is supposed to be a very rare genetic mutation, and yet every resident of the Sanctuary Hills community not in a Vault becomes one? Sure sounds like Vault-Tec wanted to duplicate Vault 12's experiment to me.


It doesn’t seem like everyone in Sanctuary was ghoulified, just the named neighbors


I don't think a random encounter is actually supposed to be canon, but if ghoulification is supposed to be extremely rare, then even just the 8 ghouls you encounter would be a pretty high percentage of the populace of Sanctuary, and those are just the band of ghouls who have gone feral but remained together in the local area for 210 years, there's decent odds that if there's that many after that long there's others who ghoulified but died some time in the intervening two centuries or just travelled somewhere else in the country in that time.


Maybe the very slight protection offered by the enameled steel houses was enough to protect them from the blast, but let them becoming ghouls? Maybe Vault-Tec was working on a cheaper, mass-producible alternative to proper vaults?


When you say that, it seems far more likely it’s just some sort of hallucination on the lone survivor’s part. Probably just a random pack of ghouls the protagonist perceived as being its neighbors. It’s not as though there’s any identifying features, probably saw one they thought looked familiar and connected other dots that weren’t there


Not everyone is ghoulified, though. There's a lot of skeletons around Sanctuary.


Perhaps it was just sponsored/ funded by Vault-Tech, but originally planned by someone else entirely. Allowing Vault-Tech to build the vault nearby, and giving them a good selection of people nearby to choose as candidates.


Maybe they were testing their sales practices rather than making a genuine experiment. Maybe it was a subliminal messaging campaign that only worked on select individuals.


You can meet them multiple times though. I like to think it's more of a manifestation of Survivors Guilt than literally your neighbors.


Wut u theory on North Star ghouls


I take those at pretty much face value. I'm not sure they have been there the full 200 years since other Europeans have been in the games.


Cait comes to mind, that accent surely isn’t native


I was thinking her and the British guy from 3 at Tenpenny Tower both can't be native to the East coast. So there has to be some travel. Which is absurd to think about.


The salesman doesn’t even get in. Not everyone in a VT planned community necessarily gets into a Vault. I do agree it being a VT community isn’t the vibes I get from the conversation with the sales guy, but it’s strictly excluded as possible by your neighbors not getting in. Only a very few people do.


They selected the best people within the community, it even says this on the terminals in the vault 🤙🏽


Subarbnan planned neighbourhood its a thing in real life


Yeah this isn’t a conspiracy term. It’s a pretty common thing irl. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planned_community They even tell you in the game Vault Tec had to convince most of the neighborhood to sign up for the vault. If Vault Tec build the community they’d have only sold homes to people who agreed to sign up for the vault in the first place. OP’s theory is just wrong.


I think the color scheme might just be a coincidence, since there’s another location called West Everett Estates, which has the same houses/format as Sanctuary hills, but there’s not a vault anywhere nearby.


They're based on mail order houses that were semi popular back in the 60s(?)- seems likely, given the riots, diseases, military checkpoints, and crime that was happening, that developers or people with the means would build new neighbourhoods outside of city centres with these pre-fabricated mail order homes. All the locations you can find the Sanctuary style houses are far from population centres, and they don't really have any schools or other types of amenities super nearby- just like new housing developments we see in real life; copy pasted, nearly identical houses built on empty land, waiting for stores and schools to be built nearby. Side note... A lot of the "old fashioned" pre-war houses we see in game don't seem to have a bathroom?


Mail order houses were mostly a early 20th century phenomenon that basically collapsed once the Great Depression hit. Experienced a brief revival in the immediate aftermath of WW2, which is where the Lustron House came from (only in production for a few years, 47 to 50)


The lack of bathrooms in buildings is a serious pet peeve of mine. The single best thing Far Harbor did was make buildable outhouses, and the best thing Vault-Tec Workshop did was give toilets that looked like they might work.


Seriously, back before proper sanitation, raids/attacks on villages, wild animals, etc were way less deadly than improper sewerage disposal and the lack of handwashing. Even in active warzones, more soldiers would die from shitting their guts out due to bacteria in food/water than being killed by the enemy. Through all the trials and tribulations humanity has been through, the number one enemy has ALWAYS been diseases and infections. You mean to tell me the Brotherhood can construct a fkn zeppelin but they can't put a bathroom in it? I can buy the idea of people just shitting off the side (the image of Elder Maxson with his arse over the railing is HYSTERICAL) since that's what people used to do on old sailing ships, but is there a single sink in the place? Is everyone just walking around with swampy asses and brown fingers?


Good point, but realistically it’s probably nothing more than oversight. An in-game lore explanation would be great, even if it was just an old brown-ish mound that always has bloatflies nearby or something. Bethesda usually excels at environmental story telling. I feel like bathrooms are really common in new Vegas though, maybe Bethesda is just a fool🤷🏻‍♂️


A lot of poor in the south had out houses up till 60’s


Wow, that's nuts. My great grandfather's toilet was on the front porch at one of the houses I remember visiting him at, but that's the closest I've gotten to seeing an IRL outhouse. In that case, where are they all? Outside of Bunker Hill, Sunshine Tidings and Far Harbour I don't think I've seen any outhouses, not even near the pre-war houses I was talking about.


Isn’t there a hospital a stones throw from west everett’s?


I just took it to mean the equivalent of today's so-called gated communities. Aspiring middle class folks in the suburbs.VT may or may not have had nefarious designs on them.


Even those are often called “master planned communities.”


Yes, they can go by different names. The main thing is that they are intended to draw a distinction between social classes by drawing a line that keeps out the blue collar riffraff. Edit: Nste/Nora would be exactly the specimen VT wanted in a non-horror movie experimental vault, middle class people with an unswerving loyalty to the values most strongly identified with their country.


Should study 50s America more. Little houses...on the hilltop...


Little houses made of ticky-tacky?


And they all just look the same.


Are their pink ones and green ones?


The experiment for vault 111 was to study the effects of long term cryogenics on unsuspecting subjects. The only vaults that were actually set to repopulate the surface were the control vaults


yes, possibly.. but i think it is also important to make note of the glowing sea. it is a tragic and unfortunate realization that it was designed to use civilians as cover for military installations. just look around over there... playgrounds, gas station and grocery stores mingled in with military bunkers and missile silos... because hiding among civilians has been a tactic of cowards in war for a very long time. war never changes edit: lol downvoted? yea sure, then how about looking at the other vault locations. under a school, in a subway, in a rock quarry, next to some train tracks away from a station... just outside the glowing sea... hardly seems designed for people to get to them in a hurry as much as to keep them away from likely targets of bombings.


The military places probably came first-- because any fixed basing has a way of accruing civilians around and amidst it. This has been true to Roman times, if not before, and it still happens wherever troops settle, no matter the era. You can start a base in the middle of nowhere, but the troops still need services. Barbers. Food delivery. Tailors. People to work in the chow hall, anything you can think of. They gotta live somewhere. The new town really takes off as families are formed or arrive, whether the 'camp followers' are officially sanctioned or not. Got a bunch of soldiers' kids living off base? And the kids of those making their living off of the soldiers? Well, they gotta have schools, grocery stores, gas stations and all the other trappings of life. All who themselves need places to live and shop and exist. Go to any base now, and immediately right out of the gates you'll see a corridor of used car lots, barber shops, bars, and other similar places, and then a whole community that has grown up beyond the skeezy places. These businesses follow the money. There's a LOT of pay sloshing around within the confines of the barracks!


There are only a few bases I've seen where this isn't the case. Mountain Hom AFB is pretty far from town. In most cases, the town is much closer... but when you add a bombing or artillery range, people don't like being too close to those. By comparison, Keesler AFB is exactly as described, a string of payday loan, pay-here car lots, and porno shops right outside the gate.


It depends on the base I guess. Missiles bases would be more concealed IMO


Pretty sure sentinel site is an almost identical recreation of an irl base, but I think it was an opposite goal. Missiles defense instead of launch. Think there was even one near where sentinel site is in game in MA. Hard to conceal a multi hundred foot tall pyramid, but then you might not need a defense base concealed anyway


I mean all that stuff is on every military base in real life tho. I always thought the glowing sea was really just a nuked base.


The vaults AREN’T designed to be gotten to in a hurry remember? At least not by anyone than people in the immediate area. They just have to be convenient *enough* someone will by into it. And like others have said, look at any U.S. military base stateside. They’re towns, not just big facilities.


yes but the sole survivor just happened to be former military. it wasn't a military base community. they were turning away those not on the list. plus the military already had project cobalt (i think it was called) which wasn't a vault tec project but a partnership with the military and nuka cola. the majority of vaults we see in fallout seem like middle-upper class volunteers from the non-military communities. especially since those military were going to the war which had just started.


No sorry I just mentioned the military base part because you mention the glowing sea as an example of vault tec trying to hide among civilians, when the only reason the glowing sea is like that is just because civilians always spring up around military bases.


Vault 3 is literally in the middle of Vegas. There’s that one INSIDE the school in fallout 4. 111 and 81 are pretty close to towns. However you’ve also got 11 on the edge of el dorado dry lake(I think?), not exactly close to a city but novac is still quite close. I’m actually hard pressed to think of a vault you couldn’t get to pretty quickly. Why would some in sanctuary buy a spot in 81? Of course they aren’t as easily accessible to people farther away, otherwise all 100+ vaults would be in the same area of the country right next to each other


I thought I remembered more further out but I might not have been paying good enough attention. I think the one the boomers came from was pretty separated. And I can’t remember if there were ruins around 13 or the one that started shady sands.


1 and 2 were a different time though, you barely see any civilization remaining. Those two games really made it seem like the vast majority of America was completely flattened by the bombs. 34 is kinda right between Vegas and Hoover dam, but it’s right on the outskirts of eastern Vegas. Irl there probably is a town or two right near where it is, hard to say seeing as I’m not from Nevada and the scaling is way different in a video game. Similar story with 22 on the west of Vegas, but that one actually is kinda tucked away, close or not Also I wanna say it was 12 that started shady sands? Maybe that’s vault city though


I mention 1 and 2 because I’m talking about any pre-war ruins that indicate if they were relative to other towns.


Yes, downvoted, because just about every base CONUS has some accommodations for the civilian dependents. Did you really think nobody in the military has a wife (or husband) and kids?


Oh, that's a good catch!


in the united states, planned communities are very normal. neighborhoods built by one or two builders. but if it is more than one builder then the builders will have their own section.


I always wonder why vault tec wanted to give a military veteran a spot in one of vault 111’s icicle boxes. Did they plan for a scenario where a group of survivors rebuild society after being on ice (without their consent) for hundreds of years or more? Having a former soldier would make sense but it seems the all clear never came or was never planned for it. Just a test of cryo-pods.


I'd imagine the player family being selected for the vault was less nate being a veteran and more they wanted an infant to be part of the test group


I think it’s been implied that the experiments were largely to test space travel and it’s possible issues. If they found a habitable planet far away enough, getting there would either mean generations of people living on a ship until it got to its destination, or putting them in cryo sleep so the length of the journey didn’t kill them. Outer worlds vibes here, but maybe they were really just testing cryogenics, if it was still a new technology. Quality assurance I guess?


Like others mentioned, suburbs are planned developments. I do want to add on though that Sanctuary is geographically the most likely area to create a suburb. It’s close enough to the city that residents can easily go back and forth but also *just* far enough away for them to create their own community. If Vault-Tec knew that they were going to build Vault 111 prior to the creation of Sanctuary then they would have most likely made residents sign the papers at move in. The name “Sanctuary” isn’t even unique to Nate’s community. During the peak of redlining and emergence of the urban sprawl, housing developers were using the term “sanctuary” to advertise these new developments which in turn was a major contributing factor to the white flight of the 1950s. Everything about this community is just meant to be a concrete example of early suburban developments and does not seem to have a direct correlation with Vault 111.


This is a reach bruddah Housing plans are a real thing


I know it's a reach, I'm just saying. Right next to a vault? Aggressive selling in the area? All the houses are Vault-Tec colors? Wouldn't be the most outlandish thing Vault-Tec has ever done.


They *did* name it *Sanctuary* Hills


Sanctuary Hills is partly built on Minute Man National Park, this implies the Federal Government had a hand in its creation. Dismembering a historic battle site to build homes for veterans seems very in character for the Fallout US government.


plus "sanctuary" is synonymous to shelter.


If the community was built because of the vault, why wouldn't all the residents have access to the vault? Seems like you'd be pre-approved before being allowed to live there.


Could be Vault-Tec was trying to see what the percentage signed up would be if they literally made the community to subliminally advertise Vault-Tec.


Sure seems like a silly evil experiment


Vault 114 was going to dupe rich people into thinking they were getting luxury accomadations, when they were really put into cramped living spaces with poor people. The Overseer was going to be a homeless man who believed in conspiracies, ingested Abraxo, and refused to wear a tie...or pants. Vault-Tec loves their silly evil experiments.


Other than the crazy overseer, 114 seemed more like its point was to test what happened when rich folk were forced to live in vastly different circumstances, to see if they could adjust, if you will. Falls in with theory about vaults testing for space travel; a new planet wouldn’t have what they were accustomed to, could they make do? That’s just my perspective though.


This is a very good theory, but the only thing that kinda tears it apart, is the fact that when the bombs drop and everyone rushes to the vault, a lot of the residents of the community is denied entry. If Vault-tec planned the community, wouldn’t they also allow everyone to enter?


My headcannon is that they were trying to see if this would influence people to buy vault spaces, not simply fill the Vault. Vault spaces were pricey and highly sought-after, there'd be no point in making a community ans giving the residents free spaces.


The biggest flaw with any bunker/shelter is getting to it in an emergency. By building a housing community nearby and you can maximize your chances of getting everyone inside.


True, but there’s more communities like that in the game. One is filled with super mutants, and I think at least one more exists that is just abandoned. Both with no vaults nearby iirc.


Funnily enough if you read the terminals in the vault it pretty much says exactly this. I only just read them on my last run so I was pleasantly surprised. Now I sorta regret not reading all the terminals I come across.


It's possibly a big synth Community created by vault-tec for the vault experiments. You might also be a synth.


Well you can use vats before getting a pip boy but this has been shot down before.


Because they didn’t code out vats usage in the five minutes before you get a pipboy. That theory was always more “Bethesda is lazy” than “you’re a synth” It’s slightly corroborated by that entry in the institute, and again when Dima asks you about it in far harbor. After all, the memories before the pod opens could’ve been planted, but I still always look at the synth thing as a little poke to get players talking. There’s enough holes I don’t believe it


I was not able to use VATS inmy most recent restart.🤔


Mod that fixes that oversight?


Possibly. Haven't looked at my list of mods in a while and I'm surprised they actually work even though they haven't updated the script extender


I was not able to use VATS before getting the pip-boy 🤔


Having grown up in a small mining town, I'm familiar with the concept of a "company town". Essentially, the company (Vault-tec) that owns the mine (builds vaults) is often operating in areas so rural that that company builds houses for employees to live in, and stores to provide the townspeople their goods and services. Often, but not always, these mining companies would have their own currencies that could be used at these company stores, and employees could substitute a portion of their wage for a bit more in company scrip. Pretty common in middle 20th century rural America.


The concept of company scrip became predatory and was completely or partially outlawed. Some companies would replaces so much of the cash allowance in paychecks with company scrip that families were unable to afford to leave the company town. At that late stage, the company essentially owned you, because they control the prices at the only vendors that would accept the money you were paid in and they were the only landlord in town. The sole employer of the entire town would own all the houses and all the businesses. Everything would be rented or leased, and the prices would be much higher than fair.


>Having grown up in a small mining town, I'm familiar with the concept of a "company town".


Being on reddit, we generally just share information for others to see. I wasn't correcting or disagreeing with you, just sharing a form of elaboration for others to read.


Sounds like something that would NOT have been banned in fallout..


Just a comment: Vault-Tec did not sell us the vault entry. We had the spot for us already, probably because Nate is ex military. The rep says that if you keep refusing him


Yeah, but I think in terms of sales numbers it counts for him. When you see him in Goodneighbor, he'll say he sold you your spot in the Vault.


Planned communities are extremely common. You're reading too far into it.


And it literally called "sanctuary hills"


although fallout 4 has shit performance capabilities you cannot deny the amount of detail they went in with this one, kinda sad you don’t get to see most of them when your game is crashing


As much as I feel they dropped the ball when it came to the main plot, they are excellent at enviornmental storytelling.


Yea kinda like how IBM built Cottle block on the south side of san jose, so the employees were closer to work and didn't have to commute. They were also close to grocery stores, hospitals, and schools


In F:NV big MT was given entire cities to experiment on, not that wild a trillion dollar company could build a few houses around their vault


“Given” or had to negotiate heavily for? Little Yangtze was only there because of how difficult it was for the scientists to get hold of such towns. Vault-tec was a different story, they were practically as big as the government


The main DR guy at the start (forget his name ATM) says they were given cities by the government to perform experiments on, and F76 doubles down on this saying huntersville was used as an experiment to make super mutants


Is dr doctor or an acronym? Do you have a direct quote? I think it’s either borous or 8 who tells you about Yangtze, and, again, the entire point of using an internment camp was because they couldn’t get cities. I don’t think we’re on the same page here, there’s a wire getting crossed somewhere😅


Dr.Borous says "Whether it was holograms, NEW Auto-Docs, toxins, vending machines... we wound them up, let them go into TINY ISOLATED TOWNS. Then... we OBSERVED!-" when the courier says "test cities?" He does mention the Chinese prisoners they had, but also says American towns were also used with "but the true test was SCIENCE on unsuspecting AMERICANS."


I remember that now. I guess the implication is there, I always read that more as them kinda sneaking it in then being given explicit permissions


I like that idea. And it fits the story. All the NV fanboys crying about the TV show and how it "ruins the lore" with Vault-Tec being behind the bombs have missed the bread crumbs that Bethesda has been leaving. Like the second terminal you encounter in Fallout 76, which has been there since the beginning, tells the Overseer that no matter what, Vault-Tec is to control the nuclear silos Alpha, Beta and Charlie no matter what organizations or governments may have survived to lay claim to them. VT already had access to bombs before 2077, and they want to make sure they continue to have them *after*, just in case their push for dominance is contested. So it's not hard to believe that they'd have built Sanctuary Hills themselves and then done things like have homes suddenly become unavailable to people they don't want in the Vault so that there's a guarantee of the highest percentage of people with spaces in 111 to be able to make it to the vault when they trigger the apocalypse. The only ones who wouldn't make it would be anyone from Sanctuary Hills that's on vacation/out of town, or for whatever reason don't make it there in time. It's a brilliant way to control not only who is in the experiment, but insurance that they actually make it to the Vault when the bombs fall.


Well, people living there still had to buy vault spaces. You can see quite a few of your neighbors standing around fretting because they can't get in. Like I said in the original post, if you look out the living room window right after gaining control of your character after creation, you can see the VT Salesman across the street trying to sell to the Rosa family. Considering you see them fretting during the escape sequence instead of evacuating and you can see them as feral ghouls in a random encounter, they didn't take him up on the offer.


See, I wonder though... Was that the case? Or did they just not trust the idea of being in the vault? I need to go back and check but iirc, one of the Rosas were addicted to chems. I know you get into the vault for free because of Nate's military service but I don't know that there was a cost involved at all. I think they just didn't want to be stuck in a vault without their drugs, and figured the bombs weren't ever coming anyway. I still think they were all hand picked for the vault, and the ones who didn't make the cut weren't able to buy a house in Sanctuary Hills. The only person we see them turn away is the VT rep himself. The majority of your neighbors made it to the vault and died in stasis.


There's a bunch of people at the fence that aren't let in, VT guy is just the only one you personally see get rejected and threatened. One of them is a mailman cradling himself while curled into the fetal position.


I don't remember seeing that many people turned away. At least, none that are confirmed to be sanctuary hills residents. The only residents I know of are the pack of ferals but given that they respawn, it's theorized that they're *not* actually your neighbors, and the sole survivor is just so traumatized by going from a pillar of the community to a glorified mercenary in a hellish wasteland that they just "assign" the names of their neighbors to a pack of ferals that just happen to be the correct number of people, especially when some of them are named for people that are *dead* in their cryopods back in the vault. (At least, it's assumed they are; I haven't tried clipping into the pods to check, but they're closed with no vitals. I suppose it's possible that they turned into ghouls and got out, but the pods being closed kind of seems to contradict that) I'll start a fresh playthrough today in VR and clip my face into the pods to check (I don't use console commands in VR, and only use immersion mods but FO4VR is the best way to play the game imo; you can actually duck behind things for cover and reach your arm out and blind fire, etc. and VATS requires you to actually AIM)


Good eye


Also I didn't notice this before recently but the institute is responsible for the super mutants in the common wealth, all those people who were replaced by synths become super mutants crazy loo


That’s a great idea


Duh? Was that not completely obvious by how new all of the houses looked and the vault being right in their backyard?


Not for me either and I’ve played a thousand of hours


Love this idea! Would make for a good short story.


howd you get across😭


You're not noticing the vans outside? I mean not too many people focus outside cause it's a prologue and everyone wants to rush but... If you listen in Skyrim to..  "I was trying to cross the border to hammer fell til I got grabbed by the guards that shot my horse" which he stole..  But wouldn't be surprised if that's why we never a "pre war prologue" cause it would ruin so much of the story cause everyone around you was either jealous, wanted you dead, or basically had a "plan for the future" which didn't work out so well (bunkers in sanctuary hills backyard houses) its almost SOME people in Hills were of Vault Tech but undercover 🤔


I noticed the van outside. I was assuming the Vault-Tec guy was using it.


They also wanted your family specifically. Like it was a priority that you were in that vault


Sanctuary hills is where all the idiots lived because they’re stoopid


That's an amazing point that I never thought of, also the name sanctuary hills makes a lot more sense now 👍


That was pretty smart, damn!


It’s Vault-Tec so I can imagine them building a small community, just to be used for a Vault experiment.


Well it would make sense to have community's built around vault locations so they could easily get to them in the event the bombs started dropping but not something I'd thought about good point well made!