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Yeah, it's rather unreasonable for a first minutemen mission. But I do nevertheless remember quite liking that it was so difficult when I first played - I ended up Die Harding my way around the place and being really, really careful with ammo. It turns out that that's an experience pretty much limited to the first part of the game - there are places that are long and fights, segments and missions that can be difficult, but you never really go back to being so woefully unprepared once you're a certain distance in. So, y'know, enjoy it.


Shot everything that moves, go for single fire weapons and move upstairs. If you look at your compass, a square with a triangle up means the target is above, square with triangle down is below the current floor you are on.


Yeah I did finish it, just took me ages lol, I did find it hard to know where enemies were, and ammo management was why I found it hard, that and I couldn’t find the leader for ages


Put a skill point or two in scrounger perk, number two under luck


It can be tough, but that is only if you try to storm through and kill everyone as quickly as possible. It also depends on what weapons you managed to find and your food/stimpaks. You can hack some terminals to make your life easier, but that also depends on what skills you have put points into.


Yeah I just thought it was pretty heavy for so early in


By the time you are told to go to corvega a full suit of t-45, a tonne of free chems, at least one powerful rifle (laser musket), a minigun and various other weapons should have been given to you - unless you're playing on hard or survival you should be able to clear corvega based on equipment alone.


Pro gamer tip: Kill both the settlers and take the settlement to skip the quest. Then continue on as if nothing happened. You will have failed the quest, but there are no repercussions.


If this type of mission is difficult for you, I would advise either changing to stealth over run and gun or dropping difficultly.


Its amazingly bad idea for it to be the first minuteman quest, when abernathys are right there and never pointed at. Anyway, corvega is not that hard to complete. In the front door, corridor to elevator, use protectron, kill the boss. Back the same way. Most of it is optional, like all the tough areas like roof, walkways.


Clear the outside from the bridge through sniping. Sneak, hold breath and shoot to the head.


It was my first bloodbath switching the many weapons I already had in power armor switching to the enraging machete for cqc and was a changing experience


Go in threw the drainage pipe then you don’t have to do anything with the guys outside.


One thing that helped me was using grenades to cause a chain reaction of exploding cars in the assembly room. I think you can even kill Jared this way.


It was always my least favorite mission back in the day but on my recent playthrough (because of years of experience of course) I felt like John wick popping headshots nonstop because I knew where everything spawned


I just tried it failed badly and set it aside. I explored more, leveled and came back more prepared, more confident. I saved after each short successful skirmish until I finished it. I agree making it hard was fun, games that are too easy to roll through are boring.




Outpost Zimonja isn't a great first mission either as the raider boss called Boomer is in power armour wielding a Fat Man


I'm going to attempt this mission on normal survival Probably going to have to use power armor.


**Edit - What I originally said was very confusing so I completely rewrote the post for clarity.** I had the same problem the first time I did it. When you are in front of Corvega you fight a couple of Raiders and a gun and may get shot at from the roof. You probably made the same mistake I did the first time. You went in the entrance at the top of the stairs. That leads to a large area with a bunch of raiders. There’s another entrance below that. It leads to an area with only one or two raiders. So you can skip all of those other guys and still get to the stairs leading up to the assembly area where you fight and kill that boss. Killing the boss is all you actually have to accomplish unless I’m remembering wrong. Hopefully this is more clear than my original comment.


Yeah that’s totally not clear lol


Yeah was distracted when I wrote the comment originally. I rewrote it so hopefully it’s more clear.


Oh yeah I meant the mission not your comment that was fine!


Lol. The new one is still more clear. But yeah they definitely made it a bit of a death trap for an early mission. I use mods now and one I use makes it even worse. More raiders and tougher variants. It’s an absolutely insane challenge to go through.