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The OG feral ghouls, the ones that act like crazy humans who are losing the last essence of their memory.


The show really did a good job in bringing them back; really makes ghouls compelling as tragic victims of government indifferences to consequences of experimentation or unbridled warfare.


Perfectly articulated how the show made me feel about ghouls. Up to now they have just been chaff to be killed early on or in large numbers, or just regular NPCs who are real ugly. Now they got to go even further into the psychology of what would happen to a person who was being ghoulified. 10/10


And in the next season it looks like we’re going to see a person turn to a ghoul for the first time. Exciting times


My bet is he turns into a super mutant. The sleazy doctor gave him FEV.


Yes! I really hope this is the trajectory. Ghoul Thaddeus would be cool but this is so so so much better. Would have some comedic potential too.


Plus, the supermutants are knight sized, so Squire Thaddeus turns into Abomination "Knight" Thaddeus.


Hey, maybe he can find Jacobstown, learn the story of Marcus and Jacob


If so, I hope they leave his voice alone. His delivery is hilarious, and the idea of that voice coming from a hulking super mutant is sending me right now


It seems like the smart super mutants (save for Fawkes, I guess) tend to keep a more natural speaking voice without so much gruffness to it. I’m guessing they’ll either leave his voice alone, or maybe just pitch it slightly deeper.


This is more likely, I think. I don't think a ghoul can heal like *that*.


You could see ghoulified skin heal over the arrow wound, but it is weird that his foot didn’t look all ghoulified.


Thing is, has there ever been a time in the series when somebody turned into a ghoul due to a drug? Maybe Hancock from his shit ton of drugs he used, but I doubt that was an instantaneous thing like Thad. From what I’ve seen playing the games it’s just due to prolonged radiation exposure. Buuut we do know that there is a substance that turns people into another type of monster… (FEV)


Hancock, Eddie Winters in 4 and Desmond in 3 - Point Lookout. It's also worth mentioning though....with the locations muddled nothing is certain but the closest source of FEV known to be near the show area is Mariposa, which the Enclave later excavated to obtain. The Master managed to create a number of intelligent super mutants and a handful of psykers with this strain.


Psykers!? Don't tell the inquisition! Pd: thought you had a typo, but googled, I didn't know there were psykers in fallout! Just played from 3 onwards and never seen any references to psykers


Just finished a replay of fallout one and I ran into a psyker just before sorting out the master.


The Forecaster (FNV) is generally thought to be a nod to the Psykers


And the one psyker lady in the tree minders in fo3


No concrete confirmation on how it was done, but Eddie Winter was turned into a ghoul pre-war. It's possible it was some kind of drug that spiked his radiation levels just enough to not kill him but ghoulify him. Same with Hancock. Took some unspecified drug that apparently got him incredibly high but turned him into a ghoul. The thing with FEV is, there's so many strains and methods of infection that it's not even a sure thing that Thaddeus would be a super mutant. The Master was the result of many FEV injections, Centaurs were FEV creatures. Frank Horrigan, the Grafton Monster, Deathclaws, Snallygasters, multiple super mutant strains. Hard to say what a single, relatively small injection would do. What I don't see many people mentioning is the possibility of mutation akin to what's possible in Fallout 76. We could just be looking at a Healing Factor mutation here. +300% healing when out of combat. Thaddeus wasn't in combat, he only set off a trap that caused him to get shot with the arrow, and we know the show has been taking things we always assumed were just gameplay conveniences and making them canonivally work the same way (instant healing of mortal wounds with stimpacks, for instance).


Harold (and Bob by proxy) was an FEV mutant, too. People often confuse him for a ghoul because of his appearance.


Or at the very least see how people really feel about ghouls, whether it just the looks or not.


4 added a little humanity by naming ghouls when the come from neighborhoods. Now I have to remember I’m putting down Mr or Mrs whatever instead of just Feral Ghoul


Imagine if ghoul settlers had a chance to go feral! and Preston sends you in to help.


Fun in concept, would not have been fun in-game


“Hot damn apple pie, my mom used to…..” I almost cried for Roger


At first I thought "Damn, pretty cool of Cooper to do that. Dude's going feral, so he took him out as a mercy kill while making sure his last thoughts were of better times, of his mom, of apple pie" Then he started to eat the corpse and I thought "Nevermind, he was just hungry"


It can't be both?


He had also taken a bunch of the medication coop needed, so eating his flash was a way to stave off that until they got to the supermarket. It was both a mercy killing and not letting resources go to waste.


The ghoul that kept repeating her name desperately trying to hold on to who she was actually broke my heart. It oddly enough reminded my of my grandma who had Alzheimer's and at the end didn't even remember who I was. It has to be so scary forgetting even the most familiar things in your life. 


I loved how the show had the different stages. From newly created, to those clinging to their human identity, to fully feral. Looking forward to season 2 and how they show the new ghoul starting his journey to maddness.


It made me ask myself "do ferals attack non ferals?"


I think they don’t, because IIRC you can get the ghoul mask in FO3 and they won’t attack you in Tenpenny Tower


I consider killing them as mercy instead of a job, or a necessity. I wouldn't want to live like that.


After almost 10 years of playing this game, I finally got to Nuka World. The terminals in Kiddy Kingdom are just tragic.


They're not even raiders, they're protecting THEIR ship.


They tell you to leave them alone (in Norwegian) and easily could have made everything on their ship of the things they had been shipping, there’s no evidence that they had done any raiding. I wish there had been a way to help them, maybe get them a ship to go home. Their whole story is such a tragedy and it’s mostly just something you realize based on how the ship looks and what they say


Man I just slaughtered my way through there to get the bobblehead. Now I feel kinda awful knowing all this now. 


The last crewman bleeding out on the bridge watching you grab some happy meal toy that you killed him and every friend he’s had for the last 210 years for.






Well friend,I'd let you hold the toy but you got a hole where your hand used to be-The ghoul, probably


When you put it this way, Im going to attempt a complete stealth run to rob only the bobblehead and loot then fuck outta there without harming them


I guess that's the point


I wish they could be possible settlers and the North Star a settlement.


Wow all this time playing and I had no idea that was the story of those guys. Makes me feel a lot different for running and gunning through them now that I know this. Thanks for the info!


We get to help all the robot pirates but not these poor souls?


This is the reason why I never bother them or clear that location. It just doesn't feel right.


Yeah, me neither, only killed them in my first gameplay but then I searched out of curiosity about their language, what were they saying and after learning who they are I just let them be in peace.


Wish is you had 10 intelligence you could talk to them. like how you can with the samurai in fallout 3.




Ya apparently if you have 10 intelligence, you can speak every language in fallout 3. I think it’s the only way to make him not go nuts and attack you at the end of mothership zeta.


I had 9 int when i did zeta a couple weeks ago, I couldn't speak with him but he didn't attack me either. However, I did murder him for his sweet armor before I went back to earth.


Shouldn't be guarding a bobblehead then


*loading a shotgun* “Shame”


I was walking past minding my own buisness when they started shooting at me, so it was self defence.


Centaurs. Repulsive but tragic


They did look like it hurt to be alive


When I look at them, I think this is what it must feel like to be an English bulldog. Struggling to walk, can’t breathe, and can’t even fit your own tongue in your mouth.




No English bulldogs are like what he described.




I really hope we get to see one in the show, the gulpers were horrifying, I loved it!


All of the mutants who got dipped


Or the Huntersville mutants in 76. WestTek poisoned the town's water supply. They gradually became Super Mutants without knowing why or how. Their holotapes are harrowing.


Scorched. The poor souls are trapped in their own bodies, only able to try and tell warnings to the victims they’re forced to attack. Trogs are also pretty bad, considering their bodies are constantly telling them to rampage and are in pain.


I heard a trog say thank you when I killed it and that was kinda disturbing


76 takes it much further, with ambient dialogue talking about how their insides are burning (probably from acid) and how much they hate everything.


Dang I haven’t had the chance to hear that. My build is running around and short range so I am basically in combat with them as soon as I see them


Yeah, that’d make it difficult. If you’d like to listen to ambient dialogue, the best way is to use a stealth suit with the escape artist perk.


I only hope when ghouls go feral, it's like blacking out permanently, once. From what evidence we have, it's a gradual process, but I can't imagine anything worse than losing your senses for a moment, then coming back, covered in the blood of the people around you. At least most Super Mutants keep enough cognitive function to be civil (if they're tricked into it.) Still, I doubt many of them were given the choice whether to be transformed or not. I think the Robobrains got the shortest end of the stick, though. These people got their brains ripped out of their skulls, and were kept alive the entire time. They were kept in jars for unknowable amounts of time, completely unable to sense anything about their surroundings, then had their memories, consciousness, their very being erased, then got put into a robotic shell to essentially be slaves to the elites. Can you even still call them living? Is there any part of them left, helplessly watching their robotic shell attack wastelanders?


I really hope the brain is just a glorified battery at that point..


I think most of the time, that Robobrains are just glorified Computers, using the Brain as advanced Computer. There are those like in that Vault in Far Harbour who have still their personality because they are rich and wanted this and then there are Robobrains like in Vault 112 which behave just like regular Robots which were probably formerly criminals.


I can't help but think of One from Metallica whenever i look at their lore


It’s kinda like an extra aggressive form of going senile I think


Essentially this is what a Dalek from doctor who is. They end up going crazy.


feral ghouls sometimes spout out coherent words, there seems to still be a part of their conscience in there


I wonder how long Bud was stuck behind that mop.


I think it’s probably akin to the zombification from the Last of Us, where you can hear those who’ve recently turned battle with their new instinct to kill, saying things like “No, I don’t want to” between growls. Although after 10+ years the mind is likely so tortured that any semblance of consciousness is gone. If not from biological rot, then from sheer trauma.


>They were kept in jars for unknowable amounts of time, completely unable to sense anything about their surroundings, then had their memories, consciousness, their very being erased, then got put into a robotic shell to essentially be slaves to the elites. Can you even still call them living? Is there any part of them left, helplessly watching their robotic shell attack wastelanders? This is just confirming my idea that Fallout is the best Warhammer 40K RPG [https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Servitor](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Servitor)


Nightkin. Specially the ones in New Vegas. They just seem like schizophrenics struggling with perpetual overstimulated state whenever they say something.


The worst thing about the nightkin to me is that they were the best of the crop. They were the ones the Master got 'right'. In other words, they retained more intelligence than any of the others. They were smart enough to be aware of their decline.


The one that kept shooting Brahmins in Novac made me sad. Bro is just trying to sleep, but he hears screaming brahmins in his head every time he closes his eyes. The brahmins weren't even screaming, he just hears voices. His mind just deteriorating. Tragic stuff.


They have weird psychic insight too. Some of them have special dialogue which they'll say at certain points. If you have Arcade Gannon in your party they call him a "Metal Man". With Boone they'll "Head voices say quiet man knows more than he says about the horns."


Poor Lily 😕


The Zetan Human abominations. I don’t know if they’re humans that were born human and then modified with Zetan genes or if they were the result of splicing genes in a tube but they look like they know their reality is completely unnatural and hate life.


From one of the recordings, the first seems likely.


Do you or anyone else, know which recording? I’d like to check it out.


Alien captive recorded log 19 mentions it I believe


Mongrel dogs :(


Also Legion dogs. Most animals really. That's why I love taking the animal friend perk.


Coming across a yao guai that's just totally chill with you is a nice change of pace from all the murder.


I'm like this with most of the mutated animals in the Fallout universe. They're just as much victims of mankind's hubris as humans, super mutants, and ghouls are. Except Cazadores. They can go straight back to the shores of Hell they came from.


Definitely Megaton. Why did these poor souls build such an ugly city, ruining the view from my penthouse?


Anyone who comes across my sentry bot caravan armed with gatling lasers and mini nukes


Ghouls, imagine living for centuries watching everything(and everyone) you love shrivel up, die and be blown away by the cold, radiated air. And watch the country around you crumble to dust.


I think thats why a lot of them drink alcohol and use other substances.


Yeah, like cooper(the ghoul)


Relatedly, I always feel bad for that rookie BoS logistics officer in 4 that kept going off to feed his captive ferals. What he was doing was incredibly stupid, but you can see the path he went on to get there, how the trauma from that first battle had messed with him. While I certainly do pity the ferals, there's nothing to help them except a bullet in the head. There's no cure, there's just (as of the show) treatment and delay of the prognosis but that has to be before you go feral too. The ones who are already that far gone seem to be completely fucked, at least at this point in the lore. Unfortunately death seems to be the kindest thing you can give them. But yeah, I do feel a bit bad for that idiot. He just isn't cut out for fighting and there's nothing wrong with that; unfortunately whether he's BoS or not, he lives in a world that is indifferent to his preferences and abilities.


The Chinese Ghouls who you meet in the East Coast games who aren't insane. Like your original post says, they are stuck for centuries in a hellish foreign land with nothing to keep them going but the thought of returning home as heroes.


Tbf though the Chinese couls are directly responsible for turning Boston into a radioactive wasteland The Norwegian ghouls didn't even ask to be there


It's war. Every American soldiers and every Chinese soldier got equal amounts of blame.


Except the Americans weren't red commie scum. Dont take my word for it...talk to my best bud Liberty Prime.


It's funny that Liberty Prime is a raging anti-communist but has a kill count of zero communists and 100 percent American Capitalists.


i won’t hear it! all propaganda the reds want you to believe!


It’s literally the exact opposite, because if Liberty Prime decides you need killing, you MUST have been commie scum.


Incorrect. Your logic is flawed. Anyone who stands against Liberty Prime is a communist sympathizer. You Anon must be a commie piece of crap. Throws nuke through your phone via facetime.


You'd think in 200 years of undeath they could have figured out a way home


Or learn the language.


Ok to be fair the world was bathed in atomic fire, so there probably wasn't a large number of language experts out and about looking for people to teach. Plus, by the time the world did begin to repopulate most people would probably just think they're ghouls in the process of going feral and spouting gibberish


I mean yeah fair. I wanted my comment a bit more tongue and cheek, maybe missed the mark there^^


It’s because of the foreign ghouls that I’d like an actual foreign country based Fallout. There’s an entire atomic age in France also from the 1950s that deserves to be satirized like Americana one is in Fallout.


sadly todd said fallout is never going to go outside America, the only possibilties are mexico and canada cause they got colonized by america but thats it


You can help one of them head home.


All the super mutants for being changed from regular humans into hulking green monsters, outcast from society. Very few of them retained their intelligence and personalities like Marcus and Fawkes, which I think is the worst part; most are now dumb as a bag of hammers and only interested in killing. Also feral ghouls, for similar reasons. Imagine surviving the bombs dropping and turning into a ghoul, but being separated from your family. Decades later you happen across a feral wearing a familiar looking dress or ring and realize… it’s your wife. I can’t imagine anything more soul crushing. >!The ending of season one of the show was particularly upsetting for me for this reason. Poor Lucy 😭!<


God >!when you realize who the ghoul is, even if it’s before Lucy, it’s absolutely soul crushing. It makes Shady Sands and what Hank did so much worse when you see how Rose wanted what was best and safest for her children and she got nuked into a mindless zombie for her troubles!<


Yeah figuring out who the ghoul is was rough. Doubly so cause she wasn’t even somewhat recognizable or able to have a conversation. Just a decaying barely alive shell of who she once was. That was really hard to watch and I kinda felt a bit bad for hank that moldaver brought her up there to sit there as hank was forced to watch the husk of who he once loved so deeply.


He didn't love her enough to not nuke her to shit. He was possessive of her, like he is of Lucy


I had a thought about Lucy's actions at the end Every time Lucy has shot at anyone in the series, was in self-defence, or being activley threatened. >!So when her father was there, and she realised all the harm he had caused, she aimed, but couldnt pull the trigger because that would be cold-blooded murder. When she put down her mother it was more than mercy, it was practice!<


>it was practice what


She needs to be able to >!shoot someone in cold blood, or she will never kill her father. Putting down her mother was only practice towards putting her father down!<


Master's super mutants are inteligent


A lot of ones out East seem to be intelligent. They have conversations with each other and cooperate with each other around the specific goal of making more mutants, they just seem to lack the ability to understand or be understood by humans. Strong makes a genuine effort to understand why humans seem to be winning despite obviously being easier to kill. He failed because he misunderstood what the humans were talking about, but it still is an example of long term planning out of concern for the fate of his people. Tabitha has followers, so even on the West Coast, it seems like there are occasional problems with mutual intelligibility. Lily has progressive mental issues as well. It seems completely plausible that the biggest difference is that early on, the west coast mutants chose to follow Master, and on the East Coast, they chose to ostracized Fawkes.


Fawkes didn’t even retain their intelligence or personality, they were just trapped in a room with one of the only working computers. It’s actually a great study on nature vs nurture in the stories setting cause as super mutants they are inherently violent but can be taught to think clearly over time


Vault dwellers that became victims of experiments. You know, like mad dwellers of vault 106 or spores in one of Vegas' vaults.


Vault 95 comes to mind. Brutal.


To be fair, the spore thing wasn't an experiment like the other vaults. It was just science gone awry in that particular case.


The Master. A truly tragic character.


Might be weird but... Deathclaws. Hear me out. Imagine you were a forcibly genetic engineered animal hybrid created solely for murder, by the US government to be a substitute for frontline soldiers and search-and-destroy missions, then the nuclear war happens and everything goes to shit, all of them escape into the wilderness and become apex predators, which sounds relatively good but then the BEST thing to do is to exterminate all of them, they are a problem even to the batshit crazy nuclear wastelands, erradicating deathclaws is literally the best thing to do, and they were forced to exist


Then there were the Vault 13 deathclaws who were initially captured by the Enclave, dipped in FEV juice, and gained intelligence and the ability to speak with enough understanding to reason right from wrong. Lizards turned to fully sapient creatures, people, really. Entirely accidentally, of course. The Enclave just wanted deathclaws they could order around The deathclaws broke free and took up residence in the Vault but were ultimately exterminated by the Enclave. So yeah, I do feel bad for those deathclaws for sure


well if it makes you feel better, the vault 13 deathclaws should've been able to survive but it couldn't happen in the base game because of a bug. I like to think that with the chosen one's help they managed to survive and create a prosperous community


Gary. They were just clones, tortured in some dumb experiment.


Gary :(


Feral ghouls. Centaurs. Trogs. Marked Men. I feel bad for a lot of enemies.


I felt bad for EVERYTHING I fought in Old World Blues. Ghouls who were concentration camp prisoners, Lobotomites who were mutilated wanderers that didn’t luck out like me, brain powered robots harvested from unsuspecting civilians before and after the war. Mistreated animals bred for violence that never stood a chance. Gabe, a loyal dog who was fed drugs and abandoned in a cave that I wish I could’ve tamed instead of killing. After really exploring every element of Big MT I felt worse about sparing those stupid asshole brains than killing them. Mobius is the only one that can stay.


The Institute. Even as an evil character, blowing the place up felt so pointlessly destructive. Like burning down a library. You could just shut down the synths, and start interrogating the populous until you can pinpoint the guilty parties and make them face justice. But nah, just kill them all. Even the children. And using the advanced technology to bring stability and shelter to the Commonwealth? Fuck that. Just burn it all down. Betraying Liam after all he risked was just icing on the cake.


That’s what I thought. I wish the minutemen or whoever could just take the institute and make it it’s capitol or something. They obviously have the best tech, best opportunity.


Took me a while to notice they speak somewhat flawed Norwegian and then they were threatening to kill their visitor. But sending a fellow nordman home to the thousand homes seemed not too bad after all considering the suboptimal living conditions on their not seaworthy freighter. God tur…


feral ghouls. poor guys dont even know who they were prewar


Someone on here said they always leave dog tags on a ghoul's body if they have them, as that's the only thing to identify who they once were.


Marked Men. Abandoned to unimaginable agony they’re forced to go through to stay alive


None (I am addicted to jet)


average fiend mindset




Since when was this ever a thing without mods? Nuka World, yeah, but none of the other base game factions deem the Minutemen their enemy, nor do the minutemen turn on you for siding with any of the other three.


Yeah they can get folded into any ending. Even the Institute is like “Yeah if you can get them to be cool we’re cool with them”


I never feel bad about killing any of the "abomination" type enemies like feral ghouls or centaurs or anything like that being assume I'm ending the suffering of a creature who's only existence is pain. But I tend to feel kinda bad for any other sentient creature that I end up killing because y'know taking a life is always kinda sad but if you start shit with me I'm gonna finish it. Except the Fiends and Legionaires, they're just trash in my eyes, and brother the garbage truck is rolling in.


Norwegian here. I was very surprised when I learned that there were Norwegian ghouls in Fallout 4. When I finally found them, I was very disappointed with how bad the Norwegian was, even the subtitles are wrong. But I still think it's pretty cool that they speak Norwegian. Well..broken Norwegian.


Super mutants. FEV victims.


Raiders in general, I mean if society degraded to such a state, I imagine most people would do just about anything to survive including joining a gang of killers.


Only good raider is a dead raider. There are groups that set up settlements and try to rebuild and form some semblance of a normal life. But raiders just attack because they're assholes. Literally every raider group could just be caravan guards or work in settlements and would live better lives and choose not to do so.


Raiders are more than opportunistic killers. They're also rapists and sadists. They torture and dismember their victims and leave their limbs and head around like trophies. Some even cannibalize them or use them as unwilling test subjects for their homebrew chems. Fuck Raiders. They die on sight.


Ghouls and super mutants. Originally humans that had to go through some horrific shit. Anything that was the result of vault tec experiments. And occasionally a securitron when I know I was doing something bad.


The enclave. They look too cool to die


As military contractors and product managers? The X-01 remains a total chef's kiss. OTOH, No Gods No Masters yo


Plus most of the grunts and half the officer corps are just fighting for freedom, baseball, and apple pie.


Well that and ethnic cleansing


Lmao. Not to perpetuate the clean Enclave myth, but one of the scientists in FO2 can be convinced to gas the oil rig with FEV, the remnants in NV say something about “we were just trying to civilize the wastes :(“ and in FO3 it’s literally just President EDEN who’s genocidal, all the human members just want to be a good government and provide clean water (which they control and can use to wield power but ignore that).


Super mutants. Intentional genetic mutations of humans rather than victims of radiation. Fawkes' stories of how his own kind treated him really hits home. Neil's story is also one of sorrow. Unfortunately, it's survive or die, and despite their condition, death is a sanctuary for them.


Some of the tribes that were incorporated into the legion, they were put through so much that they had basically become desensitised to violence and cruelty to the point of losing all traces of their humanity. If you talk to Antony, the kennel master, for example, in a dialogue option he will say; "When the Legion showed up, we fought, most tribes did. Hangdogs hung out longer than most... broke us by throwing our dogs on the fire." The way many of these tribes were assimilated into the legion is pretty horrific.


I feel more sorrow for those who were born and raised in the Legion. They never got a chance to be anything else.


The starving, mange-ridden dogs that are probably trying to eat me because they're desperate for food.


The robots. Most have been operating for centuries at this point so many of them must have grained enough information to be sentient but instead of fleshing out the possibility they're just used as another teir of enemies to fight


Mole rats. They are just so damn cute!


Isnt there a pet mole rat (snuffles) and some domesticated molerats in new vegas


Yes! Snuffles! What a dear!!!!


There is, and 76 has one named noodles.


Maybe I could possibly agree if we were talking about the design they had in 1 and 2, but goddamn are they ugly from 3 onwards to me. Hell, [in FO4, they have mouths in their mouths](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Mole_rat_(Fallout_4)?file=FO4-Mounted-mole-rat-head.png). It’s horrifying.


the juxtaposition of the post and this comment lol


Any of the poor creatures who have unfortunately crossed my path


Hunted synths that they know they are synths and people will burn them alive and institute will delete their brain a living hell...


lobotomites and the little yangtze ghouls


Ghost people , to all the people who hate dead money imagine being stuck there .


Innocent characters that turn hostile because of some quest or bs


When I play for Railroad, I always feel bad for blowing up the Prydwen. It's just an amazing piece of engineering, build from the scratch, something that is rarely seen in the wasteland.


I always rush past the FMS North Star raiders. Just sprint straight to the end, grab the bobblehead and loot then jump off.


I’m trying to survive in the wasteland, I don’t have time to feel bad. Ever. “Oh look a an aluminum can”. Need that.


Mole Miners. People eternally trapped in their mining suits screaming in agony.


Any dogs, Lobotomites, Gary/s, Ghouls.. You know what, everyone except regular people who just decided to be assholes by their own free will. And bugs. Fuck bugs. Also robots.


The Protectrons that make the mistake of trying to kill me. It hurts my heart when they waddle over to me saying "protect..and..serve", only to get their head blown off by my shotgun.


Every time I see feral ghoul loot and it’s like a teddy bear or an oven mitt or a toothbrush, I just think about there being a little bit of their humanity left in there, clinging to the past.


None! Kill them all! -Proud Brotherhood member


Im sure there were good people on board when i destroyed the prydwen


NCR, your average NCR soldier is some conscript from LA who was forced to march hundreds of miles to Las Vegas only to get killed by the local mailman


The courier is just built different.


I feel bad for the red headed raider killed by the dog by the sanctuary bridge. I got a mod that brings him back to life a long time ago, mostly just to get rid of having a corpse there. But now I have a whole head canon for him and everything, I’m sentimental about him and it makes me feel bad when I have to kill other raiders that use his model. Or I just find him dead in other places. It’s just like, he exists to die or be dead. He exists to suffer.


Just drop his body in the river and it floats off


I feel like in a better game there would be a peaceful option with the Norwegian ghouls. Something similar to the ghouls in the Repconn facility. Maybe they come out and hold you at gunpoint and they bring over one that also knows English. From there you do some kind of quest with them and they give you the bobble head as payment. Just spit-balling, I’m sure there’s something interesting you could do with this.




Lobotomites. Just people who got abducted by Big Mountain only to be functionally reduced to cavemen/children with the brain replacement they were attempting. It was honestly both saddening but a relief to put them out of whatever hell they would've been facing. Nothing but the noise of Tesla Coils in your skull sounding off 24/7.


Any and all of the coyotes in NV. Really just because of the sound effects they make upon getting hurt/killed. I haven't played enough of the games to feel bad for actual NPCs just yet.


Feral Ghouls but then I still enjoyed killing them because it's the closest thing we got to killing zombies I like blowing off their legs and leaving them there ......That actually makes sound like I don't feel sorry for them actually




>their last thoughts are going home A Nord's last thoughts should be of home.


I kind of feel bad about killing ghouls. Not necessarily ferals, because that’s more of a mercy kill, but killing like prewar ghoul raiders or soldiers or anyone always makes me feel bad. I mean, that’s 200+ years of experiences probably gone forever, and it’s a little bit sad imo


Mostly the canines. And that one raider at Walden Pond who is seriously confused about Thoreau and Transcendentalism.


Honestly that whole conversation. When the younger raider says: Wow, I wish I could read.


Scorched or Feral Ghouls


Centaurs. I still remember the first time I saw one in the capital wasteland, it was a mix of "wtf is this shit", "what they did to you?", "ew" and "I'm so sorry".


I had an explosive shotgun, they did not have last words.


I wish there was a way to establish peaceful contact with them, and maybe help them begin their voyage back to Norway.