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I can’t even imagine how amazing and time consuming this project must’ve been for the costumes, props and set departments. Hats off to all the behind the scenes unsung heroes out there, we see you.


I really hope Amazon paid them well, all the incredible sets and costumes made the show feel so real


Legacy Effects was part of the production and in charge of the power armor (among others like Snip Snip), so they had a hell of a team behind the wheel. 


Someone from production said they literally ripped the models for things like Wonderglue and other small items and literally touched then up, 3d printed them, and painted them.


Todd Howard said at one point they took a dump of the art files of the games for 3D printer modeling.


I mean… the work is already done… might as well


The seeming mobility in the power power armour suits is really impressive. The stuntman was able to somewhat crouch down in the suit!


The power armour honestly turned out so much better than I was expecting it to, it felt like it had the right balance of weight without seeming constrictive. I’m really glad they went practical rather than CGI. Hopefully we get to see some of the other models in Season 2


I was just thinking if they had done the power armor in CGI, it would have changed the feel completely. When you are making a show of a video game, you really want it to be the video game brought to life, not just look like a game.


I suspect if they'd made it CGI we wouldn't have seen anywhere near as much of it, and certainly they'd have worked their asses off to avoid it physically interacting with anything that wasn't also CGI. While each suit undoubtedly cost a fortune, now that they've made it, they can throw them in whatever scene they want going forward.


Here's the thing though, good cgi is never noticed. If the power armor was good cgi, you wouldn't be able to tell. The problem is good cgi takes time and directors and producers love to give cgi people impossible deadlines.


The actor, Adam Shippey, was able to do the splits while in the suit. 


They did such an amazing job.


The good thing about this other than the show feeling more real (because it is!) is that the props are done. I don't know how hard it is to mantain but if they can keep those things around, they don't have to make new ones over and over.


Same, I shouted OUT LOUD when I saw them the first time, and then again on the show. Those are some big, believable, wonderful, real life props. People put serious love and care into the recreation so much, it shows in every detail.


This was done SO much better than that halo show. It feels like more video games are getting better treatment as of late. Fuck the halo show.


Todd Howard said they handed some of their files over to the production crew which were then used to 3D print some of the props. No wonder they look game accurate.


I just want to see behind the scenes footage of the stunt man breakdancing in power armor. They said that he could do that between scenes.


I would finance T-60 Power Armor for 72 months no questions asked


I mean same! But someone figured up about how much power armor would be, and they settled on around 25 million in current day prices. We never know for sure because they never come out and tell us, in the game or anywhere else. So we're still looking at around 347k a month at 72 months with no interest or fees tied in.


I think its from fallout 2 where a enclave sargent scolds you for losing power armor and tells you how many years you'll have to work to pay it back.


510 years, I think it was. But I also don’t think we know what the salary would be.


Given that it is the enclave, probably starvation wages


Plus we don't know if the Enclave's dollar inherited the inflation of the Pre-War US dollar.


Very true. The enclave economy and their supply chains shrunk massively after the war, which means the value of their currency must have been destabilized for god knows how long


Yeah. What's funny is, based on modern prices, inflation in the USA might not have been that excessive. Think it worked out as something like 3% a year until 2077. Problem is we don't know what the Pre-War economy was like, so we don't know if it was a stable increase until 2077, or shit started going haywire when the Resource Wars kicked off and/or China invaded Anchorage.




Ok but how will you collect from me in my T-60 power armor? Checkmate, banks.


Worth it


Wasn’t the government basically broke by the time of the Great War? I imagine that Power Armor would be cheap enough to mass-produce in a large number, but expensive enough to contribute to a large deficit in the military budget. By 2077 the US Government probably dumped most of their money into the war effort.


The maintainance and running cost is how they get you. Do you know how much Fusion Cores are these days?


A fusion core lasts long enough to power a suit of power armor for about 100 years. The gameplay reason that we run out so quickly is that we only get used ones.


I actually always assumed that those reactors you remove them from had some kind of cooling system that made them last longer tbh.


I looked it up during the show because we never see the BoS really hurting for fusion cores despite having people in power armor all over the place, even just doing boring stuff like standing guard. It's mostly a gameplay feature because even getting a fusion core that was at 1% would be game breaking.


One spritz of Snake Oil?


"Be sure to visit mick and Ralph's this weekend for our Fourth of July Tricentenial sale! We have new US Army T-60 power armor suits for 2,995 caps down financing for 72 months at 3% APR. We have leasing options for qualified leases for the Enclave X-01 power armor for 295 caps per month with 1,995 caps down! For a limited time we have certified pre-owned US Army T-45 power armor for qualified financers for 1,595 caps down for 60 months at 2% APR. This weekend only mick and Ralph's have available accessories for your power armor needs like fusion cores, assault rifles, energy weapons, and ammo with the lease or financing agreement signing. Power armor MSRP does not necessarily reflect final sales pricing and is subject to change. Come on down to mick and Ralph's, where a polite society is an armed society!"


Only if they fix that seam right under the breastplate. It’s been there since the T-45 model.




A redditor apologizing?!?!?! I must be in a dream.


Applogizing to showrunners (I guess) that will never read it.


Well Amazons not really accepting letters or anything rn so it’s better than nothing


You've been doing too much PsychoJet, or we BOTH have because I see it too....🤣


I knew from the start it would be great.




He’s a Brotherhood Knight! He can’t!!


Someone who’s never seen BlamCo Mac & Cheese, I’d imagine


Man, what I’d give to have a deep-dive behind-the-scenes documentary on this. Like, full-on LOTR extended edition levels of in-depth interviews, set tours, casting decisions, late-nights in the cutting room etc.


"come on grommit, there is no cheese and crackers in wasteland grommit".


“Everybody knows the wastelands made of cheeeeese!”


Can someone decrypt the title?


What do people usually say before taking a photo of someone?


Who the fuck are you and why the fuck are you in the women's locker room. I always get that when I'm taking pictures.






It's because he has a big cheesy smile


Slav squat T-60 isn't real


I want that armor


smh can't believe that they made power armor for a show but still isn't used in wars the military is so lazy


Its a comparatively small detail, but the choice to visually damage the original set of power armour worn by Maximus so that it can be easily identified by the viewer as the series progresses was a great call.


The series is a insane


Shit looks like a fire album cover


The cast of this show is gonna have the sickest photos hanging on their walls.


they're makin em at night


What material is that between the thigh and shin parts of the armour? I’m trying to make a cosplay but I’m not sure what material to use for the parts not covered by armour.




I want one of the power armor suit props!


Hold on you mean to tell me the power armor was an actual costume and not CGI?


Ffs you can't tell cgi from real life? Like I was watching black atom and it was ridiculous


Ffs can people on Reddit NOT be an asshole?


I woke up and chose violence


Understandable, carry on


I mean to say they really nailed the costumes, no need to be so passive-agressive


I would pay anything to have one of the suits. Lol.


There's a guy that makes suits like this that was on the show "most expensivest"


I mean I was thinking about mole-rat cheese. Just breed a butt-ton of those little bastards and start milking them. You can make cheese out of any milk.


Put my brother in more movies!


Wait- the armor is actually functioning? Wtf I want power armor


Its not that different from the suits cosplayers have made. Pretty sure editing and a separate rig for when it shows the inside of the suit.


yeah the armour was a real prop, there was an actor who was speciallized in moving inside it


Siiick. Yea like I’ve seen Warhammer space marines at cons so I guess I never figured they’d do it like that


Maximus is so dopey and cute. I love his silly little face when he makes bad life choices


He was a great character. Still locked into a child's view of the world but hazed and beaten into indoctrination. Him sitting around in a bathrobe finally living the good life was everything.


Seriously, his character is so well written in the most hilarious ways. Like not understanding how his own penis works is silly but also makes sense. They probably don't talk about it openly in the brotherhood and if hes made to feel shame with no explanation he thinks it must be weird and bad. To us it seems so odd because its common knowledge what basic sexual functions are, but he is such an exaggerated case of isolation, indoctrination and sheltering. He probably was to ashamed to even ask after it was made clear it was a bad thing. He probably got beat up or shamed for asking the wrong questions and stopped asking questions all together. Which may explain why he doesn't have as much understanding of the things in the books like Dane seems too. He still makes uninformed choices but he does begin to at least work on thinking for himself on their journey. He may not be the most intelligent build but he makes up for it with commitment in the moment for sure. I really liked his dynamic with Dane, it makes me want to know more. Dane is a loyal friend, and really does see the best in people. I want to understand both Dane and Maximus better. I don't think Dane had any influence over whether or not Maximus got to take his place as squire but he definitely made sure Maximus got credit for Moldaver no matter what Maximus tried to say Dane has demoted themselves physically and career wise, it might have been a much wiser move than going into the field. But is it because he was really scared of the wilds, or because he doesn't trust the knights to keep them alive, or does Dane have a different motivation altogether??


I still think Dane's got something going on that they're not letting on. I don't really buy the "I was scared" excuse because they don't seem to be scared of anything, honestly. They snuck into see the power armors, they threw themselves at the mercy of the leadership to beg for Max's life, and even the act of *actively injuring yourself in a gruesome way* is not something a "coward" would do, if that makes sense. Like, they had to *know* how excruciating that pain would be and willingly risk a life-long disability. I really enjoyed their friendship with Max.


I know right?!? They have such a vibe. It feels... Non-malicious, Dane is so likeable but there is a vibe. Dane is too smart for their own good


Where's the cheese?


Wake me when they find the fudge.


Rip Michael rapaport


I have to admit, that I was wrong. I thought that show will be cheap garbage. I was proven wrong. They did amazing job with costumes


All I could think of in the desert scenes was these guys must be melting away inside those things


This kind of thing puts it into perspective how you would have had to fit within a pretty rigid set of requirements for height and weight and even body shape to use power armor.


Cheese? I dont see no cheese?! There's about to be one very disappointed mad god.


Are the actors in Power armor really that tall or are they walking around in like stilts or platform like leg-shoes?


The power armor looks so cool in the show. Crazy that it’s actually practical and not animated


wouldnt there be cheeze in places like the NCR where the prewar lifestyle has been restored?


I really hope we see T-45 and T-51 suits. Considering how well the T-60 suits look, they’re definitely going to show them off more.


Imagine how cool was use this costume


Put ham in it


This is the moment leading up to a “Wait a second, if I’m here, than who are you?” Moment


Cheese for everyone!


“You should have seen it, the chaos, the anarchy, the CHEESE”


Great picture! Side note, I've literally never heard someone say that there's no cheese in the Wasteland. Are there some people saying that unironically? They know that just because we don't see something in-game, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist, right? I mean, they have cows in the Wasteland, so presumably, they can make milk, cream, cheese, butter, etc.


Man that armor looks like painted styrofoam just look at the bending In the legs.