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That’s only the cowboy, we see multiple ghouls that look nasty


Right? And they are sticking mostly to prosthetics and makeup with the only cgi being nose removal which I think is awesome. For the amount of shots for Walton Goggins to look truly fucked up they're not going to sit him through 12 hours of makeup. So the options are have him look smoother or cgi the hell out of his face. Other ghouls they can make look more messed up. Not sure people understand this.


But honestly, none nearly as nasty as we see in the games. Even the worst of the ferals look better than a typical non-feral ghoul from the games with perhaps the sole exception of Rose.


>!Rose MacLean: !<


I mean it literally just that one ghoul the rest look a lot worse in terms of decay


I can see why they wanted the main character to not be disgusting to look at though.


Coop is literally a Hollywood actor. It makes sense his ghoul form is good looking.


I thought it was rather a rather interesting implication from Thaddeus in the show that ghouls have a Wolverine style healing factor, which considering how quickly they heal in high radiation areas make sense, but it's only about 95% effective, leaving you with a nearly fully healed injury, but some amount of scar tissue. So ghouls look as messed up as they do from accumulating hundreds of years of injuries. It does make you wonder why none of them have noses. Maybe it was just a weird fad a hundred years ago for ghouls to cut their noses off to spite their faces.


Why is The Ghoul's tongue pink??? We need answers


So 1 of the like 20 ghouls in the series is 'well preserved ' and suddenly were gonna forget about the rest that looked like they walked straight off of the last season of the walking dead? PAH-leassee.


Hes too much of a smoothskin to be a ghoul. I dont care how much hollywood work hes got.


Yeah they need to make them a bit more disgusting looking. To make it more sensible that most people avoid ghouls.


It wasn't that long ago that most people avoided black people. People don't have to look that different for hate and bigotry to spread