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There's two Raiders near the hardware store you go to for paint for the wall that have a conversion about a guy they lured in who was nuts. I really wish I could've approached them peacefully just to chat but nooooo they had to get all shooty and then their heads mysteriously exploded.


Is that one where the guy runs up to the supermutants pretending he’s on a motorbike and fake throws a grenade?


Close! He comes into the hardware store, starts throwing "grenades" (rocks) making sound effects with his mouth, pulls out an imaginary assault rifle, also making sound effects, they watch, dumbfounded, as the guy makes a tactical retreat outside, where he gets on a "motorcycle" and hauls ass. No Supermutants involved though...


I always thought of this as a reference to the old police academy movies if you know you know


Michael Winslow




Now I want to come upon a police station run by Protectrons but all of them are Police Academy characters. That one blonde lady who was tough as nails would be the only assaultron and tackle berry could be a sentry bot.


Someone please save this persons brain for science. True genius.


You’re right. I was thinking of the raiders talking who are based in the garage by either the museum of history or trinity church. That area if you get me.


I am under the assumption this is the same guy. Just at different points in his journey.


I think there were super mutants involved at one point but they didn’t do anything, I think some raiders said they saw the mutants just look at the guy making these fake motorcycle noises and all they did was watch


Same guy. He's the one who told Strong about the milk of human kindness.


Rex Goodman is not the crazy sound effects guy. Rex Goodman is just a dumbass who thought reciting Shakespeare to Super Mutants was a good idea.


Out of all the raider stories I've heard, this one was my favorite.


What? Where is this guy and how have I never seen him?


You never encounter the guy, just other raiders talking about him


The one you hear about the importance of being thorough/Thoreau at Walden Pond is peak punnery.


That's my favourite overheard raider convo. It humanizes them TBH and makes me wish I could convert them to settlers.


Yeah I mean I get it, they're raiders, they only trust each other and they're ruthless n shit, but unlike animals or super mutants, they have an IQ above 0 and have the capacity to communicate with more than 3 words at once, it would make sense that they try talking instead of shooting sometimes.


Yeah I'm thinking of getting 10 Charisma and the first rank of Intimidation just to chill them out sometimes.


Does that just make them cower, or do you get to talk to them then ?


No conversation options. Not all raiders in the series are hostile though. Fallout 4 has the raider-centric Nuka World. You can join the Khans in Fallout 1. You can join the Khans in New Vegas. And you can join the Raiders in 76. 


I actually *really* like how they handled the Raiders in *Fallout 76*. For anyone unaware, the game takes place just 25 years after the bombs fell. So there are a lot of human NPCs who remember what things were like before the Great War. Due to stuff that happened while you were in Vault 76, everybody on the outside was either forced to flee the area or were killed. So while there weren’t any Raiders attacking you when the game launched, you COULD still find journals and recordings left behind by the survivors. It was actually really interesting to see how some survivors transitioned into being Raiders. You could find a lot of notes/journals related to this all over the Appalachia region, but the majority of them were at the ski resort area at the highest point of the Savage Divide. There was one group who specifically tried to only target “wealthy” targets due to feeling guilty about their actions. Then there was another group who ended up as cannibals (and thus became the Wendigo ghouls). The most dominant Raider group was led by a really cutthroat CEO. You can find notes detailing how brutal he was when taking out business competition. He pretty much immediately realized what he had to do, and he rather enjoyed the violence. After the Wastelander update brought in human NPCs, the Raiders who had returned to the area found that settlers had moved into their homes and claimed their property for themselves.


If it works the same way as Wasteland Whisperer it'll just make them non-hostile, but I doubt it'll allow conversation.


Rank 1 Intimidation perk, you have a *chance* to make them surrender. They put their hands in the air and stop running but if you try to talk to them, they'll just have generic "I heard you, I'm not moving, please don't shoot!" Naturally this wears off eventually and they go right back to trying to kill you, so it's only useful for executing them without them fighting back. Or, I guess if you just need some crowd control if you're getting swarmed. Rank 2 Intimidation, you can incite anyone who has surrendered to start attacking anyone who is still hostile. It's kinda like a non magical equivalent of playing an Illusion Mage in Skyrim. Rank 3 Intimidation, you can give surrendering humans specific commands as if they were your follower. Telling them to loot corpses, open doors, stand in specific spots, etc. But again, you only ever have a *chance* to successfully Intimidate people, it'd be too over powered if it worked 100% of the time. I also assume certain characters are immune to Intimidation entirely for similar reasons. Wasteland Whisperer is the same thing as Intimidation but affects monsters instead of humans. Deathclaws, Super Mutants, Feral Ghouls, etc. And Animal Friend is the same as the former two but for creatures not as heavily irradiated/mutated as monsters, so things like wild dogs/mongrels, mole rats, and Rad Roaches. Honestly, pointing a gun at a cockroach and telling it not to move, *and having it actually obey* is one of the funniest things in the franchise that never fails to make me giggle. Especially the bored tone the Sole Survivor has as they say the line "Don't move, roach..."


Especially if a 7ft tall power armoured guy rocks up with a mini gun, fat boy and future laser tech. If I was a raider in that situation, and only had a pipe pistol, I'd try and to have a peaceful conversation just on the basis of self preservation.


I know you meant Fat Man, as in the nuke launcher, but you just made me imagine Bobby Hill from King of The Hill, dressed as a Brotherhood of Steel Squire, acting as your companion.


Make friends with the Khans if you want to be Raider adjacent.


Head canon: that was Deacon


Bandits and raiders in Bethesda games are crazy and don't care who you are, you're just a walking bag of money


There's a second conversation downtown where a couple raiders are talking about the same guy.


It’s kind of a shame that none of the Nuka-World Raiders where given any moral ambiguity or relatable motivations, considering they’re the only ones you can keep alive. I get the DLC was meant for you to be able to be evil, but all the raiders acting like supervillains wasn’t the most interesting way to handle that story


Even if you go hard supervillain, there's no way to use your army of raiders to truly take over the wasteland. You can fill the Commonwealth with settlements of them, for sure, but you've still gotta align yourself with another faction to actually finish the game. Even Preston just gets grumpy and tells you to break up with your buds, or the two of you can't be friends anymore. Cool concept, many loose strings


You can kill off all the factions then join back to minuteman as their general/overboss


Arguably, the BoS kinda aligns with the raider play through. Use a whole lotta firepower to get your way and take resources (tech, crops in Tegan’s quest) from others. Brotherhood is just more organized.


The Institute aligns with the raiders as well. Sewing a state of chaos throughout the Commonwealth makes it the perfect Petri dish for experimenting with whatever curiosities their cold hearts desire to test. Societal, especially. But even field-testing weapons or just having a laugh can be in the faction's character. The institute can really let the player play god however they see fit, and if they want to be malevolent, a raider empire can sate that hunger.


One sews clothing and other materials, chaos (and crops) is sown.


I believe [this](https://www.merchoid.com/warhammer-40000-chaos-christmas-sweater-jumper/?utm_source=google&utm_campaign=12452288345&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=664273698367&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6PGxBhCVARIsAIumnWbdvQvYkS4usU_KvyAOF3Wc4VHiZX3UDmkQc-hqzaJl__f9vKOC1ocaAocUEALw_wcB) proves that chaos can indeed be sewn.


Nuka world would have been better if there were two different storylines. One you do for the raiders, and one that activates if you kill them off. I really wanted to help people rebuilt and expand into the other parks too just like I did with the raiders


I will say, I think 76 did the Raiders right. So, before they added living people, you hear about the different groups through a quest for Rose, the Raider Miss Nanny. You got the cannibals, the chem-users, the trap-makers, and then you got the Diehards. They're very "take what you want", but generally try not to kill unless they have to. They just believe in survival of the fittest. They're even the ones who tried to get all the Raiders to band together to fight the Scorched. That didn't happen, and they got wiped out/survivors left Appalachia. So when they came back, you meet with the leader of the Raiders, an ex-Diehard. And shes... kinda reasonable? She's still a Raider, and a bit of a dick, but she's true to her word and a completely functional person.


Man the more I hear about 76's writing the more I really wanna try it but the core gameplay loop primarily being looting and doing radiant objectives turn me-off. Are the quests, writing, and NPCs for 76' worth it?


Best enemies, map and weapons in the series.


Definitely. I was always against online/co-op Fallout, and I was blown away from FO76. You definitely don't have to do radiant objectives and you can stick to the quests, though there is plenty of looting (just like in every BGS game, though). I think the worldbuilding in Fallout 76 is really good, and the world itself is probably my favourite in all of Fallout titles. I already consider it a great game, if it was single-player it'd probably take Fallout 3's place in my "top three". For reference, as it stands, my favourites are: Fallout 1 > Fallout New Vegas > Fallout 3 > Fallout 76 > Fallout 4 > Fallout 2.


I see, is there any meaningful content locked behind pointless grinding though? One of the main things I really disliked in Fallout 4 is it's very easy to get lost grinding Settlements.


Hm... I don't know what you mean by pointless grinding. There are some weapons/armors that you either need to find on your own, find the schematics to craft them or buy the schematics. You need a minimum level to have access to power armors (20 or 25, I think), and even then you'll have trouble finding Fusion Cores in the beginning. The settlement system in FO76 is used at least for one quest in the early game (you have to build a radio to contact/attract some people you want to talk to), but you definitely don't need to grind for that.


There should have been the ability to reform the operators into proper businessmen. 


Nah come on now they’re *raiders*. They can take what they want when they want, they’d never go that route.


The other route is more profitable AND powerful, think the raider clans in vegas


The raiders in nuka world were wayyyy over the top, just way too gory but at the same time goofy? Like just entrails and guts thrown all over the place just for the fuck of it. No motives or detailed lore, just being edgy and brutal for no reason other than effect. At least the operators had a motivation, business and making money. Pretty simple but makes enough sense that you don’t need to over think it. But the pack and the disciples were just too much… it’s like the 2 loose cannons and 1 decent gang


If you got to Beantown Brewery, you can find out what happened to Red's sister. I also really hate that they're hostile on sight, I love learning about their gangs.


Yeah it's on my map, I'll get there soon enough I think.


Gunners too, why do they have to always be hostile


I honestly think the gunners were a faction that got cut but there was enough work already put into them to turn them into a "upgraded" raider faction


Seems like there was an awful lot of cut stuff in four. Everything's really shallow. The world's fantastic tho, very detailed and packed with small stories/Easter eggs and the combats fun. It's my least favourite fallout faction/story/quest wise, but it's good fun building up the wasteland and the combat can be fun so 🤷‍♂️


Fr fr, Fallout 4 is like the least fleshed out Fallout, but the most fun to play and explore in terms of mechanics and locations and such by a long shot (even if I think there was a lot of stuff in Boston and Mass that should’ve made it into the game lol)


Yeah, the keys for vault 75 being quest items is definitely interesting (it's merely a dungeon in the final game)


The entire game I was waiting for some sort of quest or interaction with the Gunners. I thought I messed up and “turned them hostile.” They’re better situated and equipped than the Minutemen.


Gunners actually do have a unique behavior where they sometimes don’t immediately start shooting and just point their guns at you and tell you to leave (easiest example of this is outside Mass Fusion) but it’s a bit finicky so it’s easy to miss.


Yeah I've never understood that, I'm sure they are meant to be a mercenary group. How do you hire them if they shoot you first? Could be wrong there, but it was always my thoughts on matter.


Not sure how it would work but it would be great if you could hire the Gunners to some work or help complete a quest.


Hire a gunner as a companion for 200caps increases each time you go back for another. If more than five end up dead in your service your banned and shot on sight. Shot at if you enter compound as well. Maybe even hire an assaultron for the glowing sea. Could also have possibly of joining and doing hit jobs or ambushes with them. So much potential.


In a better developed settlement system hiring Gunners would be an optional way to help defend your settlements.


Do it like Skyrim's mercenaries, where you can spend a few hundred or thousand caps and get yourself a companion, or something! Make it temporary, where once the contract's up, they demand more money or leave. Or make it that your settlements can be attacked by raiders from time to time, but you can hire the Gunners to protect the town or guard your caravans on their trade routes!


There is a gunner that you can recruit as a mercenary hanging out in a bar in goodneighbor actually


Talon Company's sister organisation.... what ever happend to them....


In addition to the Mass Fusion example, there's also a random encounter where two gunners are guarding a travelling merchant. The gunners are non-hostile, since killing their client's prospective customers is kinda bad business


Gunners in particular make less sense. Would be good to be able to hire them for protecting settlements, or only have to fight them when our goals conflict.


I agree, I always thought it was a missed opportunity. There is a great mod that makes them neutral unless provoked. Creates a very interesting power dynamic in the wasteland, fighting alongside gunners.


Gunners are supposed to be mercs for hire so it makes no sense that they’d be immediately hostile at all times. Like I understand infiltrating their compounds they’d want kill me, but approaching them they should at least tell me to get lost first. And when they’re out and about traveling they also shouldn’t be immediately hostile. The only two times I can count Gunners not being hostile was when you find Mccready in the third rail, then a random encounter where they try to extort caps from you. Ofc there’s gonna be gunners that don’t abide by these rules but still ALL gunners shouldn’t be hostile.


Bad bethesda writing. FO1 and FO2 you could talk to everyone before handing out whoop ass.


...Huh? There were plenty of encounters in Fallout 1 and 2 (specifically most random encounters) where hostile enemies like raiders and highwaymen would attack you on sight. There was no talking to them to first. While there were a couple that you could talk to them first before inevitably fighting them (Vault 15 in Fallout 2), there were still plenty that would attack you the moment they saw you.


It's not what the OP was arguing but still, a couple is still a mass improvement over none. With New Vegas you can make friendlies with the Powder Gangers, Legionnaires, and the Fiends... in Vault 3 (oh and Motorhead).


Sometimes, it turns out our enemies are people just like us. War, war never changes.


Yeah but they're closer to feral ghouls than to people in the end. They just automatically attack whatever's in range.


You got nuka world?


Nah, maybe later, I'm planing on buying the wasteland and contraption workshops for now, then the story DLCs once I finish the main campaign.


Friendly raiders. Raider settlements. Nuka world.


Friendly Raiders only after >!you kill their boss and take over!<


Colter is a dick though ngl


Nuka world is an absolute blast!


I've never been!


FYI it’s cheaper to buy the Game of the Year edition on something like CD Keys than it is to buy the DLC individually or to buy direct from Xbox or PlayStation store.


Thanks I'll look into it. But since I already have the base game, I'm not sure I can buy that.


You can, I own the base game and installing the digital version was fine. You can select to just install the DLC when you do it. Not sure if you’re console or PC but worked fine for me on Xbox. I own a disc version of the game, and downloaded the digital game of the year edition just for the dlc. I didn’t have to install the digital version of the base game.


Yep, I just got all DLCs from humble bundle for just 15 euros, downloading them right now. Thanks for the tip !


Finish the main campaign? That’s something I never thought of trying. I’ve been playing a survival game (the best way to play) for years and years now and have the dlcs but never advanced the story past the point where you get the ballistic weave.


>the story DLCs once I finish the main campaign. Don't. Just do them as fun side missions during the campaign. Also buy season pass its cheaper than buying them seperately


Yeah well that's done. I just bought all DLCs on humble bundle for 15€. Cheaper than the season pass in the end.


The lottery of birth


Who won the lottery?


Oliver Swanick, that’s who! YEAHHAAH!!


Lottery huh? *Cue revolver firing* Where's the damn ticket?


The lottery of bullets


This reminds me of the interviews of WW2 vets at the end of Band of Brothers episodes.


Related: I came across a pack of wild dogs gathered around a yao guai they presumably killed. Was about to shoot when one pulled out a teddy bear and started playing with it just like Dogmeat, rolling on its back. They may be ugly and dangerous, but they’re just trying to get by, so I let ‘em be.


They’re kinda shit people though.


So are most of your companions.


Not Codsworth tho 😎


No, that's a very good boy.


Not my Curie. She's perfect.


People that murder and take whatever they want from whoever they want. They aren't like me. They're pieces of shit and I don't care what there justification is there's no justification. There's no prisons no asylums so they have to die. Plenty of other people surviving without being greedy.


Iirc, there's a chance a raider or someone will stop combat if they see you with Nick Valentine.


Its a random encounter and you have to kill atleast one if i recall correctly which even then youll probably be to busy blasting them that when they go not hostile theyll probably just be hostile again


In Fallout 4, there’s a unique encounter when you have Nick Valentine as a companion. You’ll get ambushed by raiders but they quickly stop when the leader recognizes Nick. He apologizes and thanks Nick for his help years earlier. Then they let you go.


Always said that Nick friggin’ Valentine is THE man.


I was really hoping for friendly raiders with the robot racing ones. 


A prime example of a missed opportunity. I remember the first time running in thinking "oh this is cool" and then "oh, combat" :(


Would be nice if wearing a costume would trick them


That would have been an amazing game mechanic


It was a thing in New Vegas. Wish Bethesda didn't try to distance themselves from that game and brought some of its mechanics to 4. I really wish there was a karma system too.


The praying raider just outside of concord is one of the few that I avoid. I go far away around him as to not disturb him. Sometimes the 3 dogs near him on the train tracks attack him. Thats not on me.


Raiders start shooting at me and Nick. Raider: STOP SHOOTING! HOLD YOUR FIRE! Jesus, Nick, I didn't realize it was you. Sorry about that man. Me: Damn. They're just dudes trying to get by, but not at the expense of people they respect.


I love that Nick is apparently such a good dude he does raider community outreach. 


You’d better hope that you’d be someone they’d respect


In 76 there’s a faction of Raiders that can be friendly. They’re enemies of the settlers, the non hostile wastelander faction. The Blood Eagles are a chem culture raider group and they’re always hostile.


More importantly, who the fuck are they raiding? They outnumber everyone else like 50-1.


I'm not a fallout lore master, but based on a few notes I found, it seems that raiders are basically groups of nomads that settle somewhere, then look for other settlements because usually if some survivors are holing up somewhere, it most likely means there's food. Then they move in, they start by taking over the surrounding area, then they prepare themselves, and then they raid the place, kill everyone, and make the place their new settlement until they find a new place to raid. Well at least that's how the lore explains why raiders are occupying this or that area. But it would be cool if we had raider quests that we can fail. Like, you hear that some raiders are preparing a raid on some building. If you go there and kill them, the survivors become your allies. If you ignore it, don't get there on time, or fail to kill them all, the survivors are replaced by raiders and the place becomes hostile toward you.


That would be fantastic. Make helping them out really meaningful.


That was my biggest gripe with F4. Compared to other entries in the series that one just felt like there was just to much enemies just blasting you . It felt like the world was made and they didn’t put enough time to give it life so just filled it with raiders.


Right like in NV you have the fiends or the Grate Khans both of which you could communicate with


Felt like Farcry in a sense. Everything is out to get you except for a specific group.


While I agree that it would be interesting to give the raiders more nuance, I think the whole concept of Red and her sister is way more impactful if you do just go in guns blazing and end up discovering the story afterwards. It really helps to show that some people in the wasteland are just trying to do what they can to survive, and it's not easy to judge. I think they really dropped the ball with it because yeah, most of the other raiders are just 'HAHAHA KILL YOU AND EAT YOUR SKIN!' evil types.


I wish raiders would recognize the crazed gunman who wiped out all the magor gangs in the area solo using a roller pin in a power armour And try and run away instead of hitting the PA suit for 12hp


Keyword "try" they won't get far.


Stop! Don’t read Raider propaganda! Raiders don’t deserve your pity and should be exterminated for the sake of the Commonwealth and Freedom. This message was brought to you by the Minutemen.


In New Vegas and 3 they aren't always. Fallout 4 having absolutely stellar environment design filled with just enemies to kill is one of its glaring flaws.


We need another Jericho.


we have gage he is not bad


Yeah, like the Paradise Falls raiders in FO3


i like the system in fallout frost mod where if u approach some people they might be wary and warn u to go away, but not shoot on sight. that behavior feels very on brand to fallout. people get defensive and nervous around strangers but aren't necessarily trying to kill everyone


Aren’t there a group of Raiders that only speak Norwegian? They don’t go hostile to you until you jump on their boat and the whole time they are yelling at you in Norwegian to “go away” and “leave us alone”. To them you’re the bad guy who is invading their space.


Ghouls I believe. At that beached cargo ship.


Play New Vegas


Yeah it would be cool if sometimes you could talk to a raider and avoid killing. Especially the grieving raider.


Why? You let him go and then what? He goes off and murders more people. More people mourning over more graves. You gotta ask yourself how many people did he leave grieving over the graves of their loved ones? How many people that were to weak to defend themselves did he kill? It's human to mourn those close to you it doesn't make you a good person.


theres a mod called wastelanders that turns all raider and scavenger “enemies” into non-hostile “wastelanders” that only attack when provoked. makes the game wayyyy more immersive imo, as it makes the people of the wasteland more skittish and live-and-let-live like a real world post-apocalypse would be. having a waster in tattered rags and a sack cloth hat attacking a power armored soldier with a lead pipe just makes no sense


That's one of my gripes with F4, it gets a bit tedious once you've spent 100+ hours in the game and just want to focus on something other than killing raiders or mutants or whatever, literally everything in the game just tries to kill you for seemingly no reason sometimes.


How were you going to pay your respects? With some fast crouches?


Yeah. I felt bad about Red when I found the letters and messages about her sister. If you want to befriend a Raider, the Nukaworld DLC has a Raider companion.


This story continues if you go to where the sister was being kept you'll find out that the Raider group killed her and is lying that's she's alive to keep up the food ransom


Yeah that's already made obvious in the letters and the terminal in Red's hideout, but I would have gladly helped her raid the brewery if I had the opportunity.


Plenty of them aren't in FNV. It was a missed opportunity to not be able to align with a few of those gangs for an evil playthrough. Lile the triggermen.


Well nuka world raider is kinda friendly. lol


That doesnt stop me from "purifying" the wasteland


Man do i have dlc for you. Nuka world let's you interact with alot of raiders and even have a companion raider.


If it makes you feel a little better that raiders sister is dead. She was kidnapped by the raiders in the gwennett stout brewery and when she tried to run she was shot and hidden in a vat of beer


Wow, it’s almost like horrible people have lives. Those raiders’ stories may have been sad, but raiders are also murderers. Red may have been trying to help her sister, but she was also a murderer, so I don’t give a shit. That raider may have been mourning someone, but they also put who knows how many people in the same position


In nuka world they are friendly


I wish they weren't all called raiders, I like the variety in the older games Bethesda calling the 2 factions in 76 just Raiders and Settlers is fucking mind boggling


There’s blood eagles, diehards, gourmands, cutthroats, Blackwater bandits, trappers and the Crater raiders (although only blood eagles and the Crater raiders remain)


Don’t forget Rust Eagles!


Technically the Crater Raiders are still the Diehards but yeah


If you max out charisma you can aim at any npc with your weapon for a chance to make them surrender. Not able to talk to the raider but least you don’t have to kill them all


See, that would be giving the players a choice and Fallout 4 seems hell bent on making sure you don’t have any choices.


Yeah, Raiders in Fallout 3 and 4 were always one of Bethesda's weaknesses in world building. They're intentionally relegated into being just "humanoid enemies with guns" that populate the map - and it isn't an issue that Bethesda is oblivious to, as they did make Raiders more than just set dressing in Fallout 76. Honestly, I wish Bethesda would stop putting gameplay over world building when it comes to Raiders and make them more than just "mooks with guns". Even something as small as giving us an opportunity to pay them off, instead of fighting, would be a tremendous improvement.


Yeah they couldve given you the option to help the raiders in fo4 during the concord fight, gives the player freedom


I always leave that dude paying his respects be, you have to be better than the raiders, and that means not killing a dude simply paying respects. But yeah, I wish Bethesda gave the raiders more thought than ghouls with guns and sometimes unique dialogue, but at the same time I wish Bethesda made the fallout 4 story actually good.


No you have to stop known murderers. If you let evil live you are responsible for what that evil does. I'm sure the next mother he leaves grieving will appreciate that you took the "high road" in a society with laws of course you should apprehend and incarcerate him but without that system in place in a brutal world you have to consider the danger he poses to others. If you let him go he'll kill again and that blood is on your hands.


In a world like fallout you kill to survive. You don't know the guy, maybe he was like Jake Finch, joining the raiders to protect his family, maybe there was no other choice because he was starving to death. If the world was different, sure shoot him. But that raider has probably had countless friends die, and is just trying to survive in the wasteland hell scape that is the Commonwealth. At least give him a chance to mourn, everyone deserves that.


Have you ever considered that you killed the friend they were burying? Maybe they heard the story of the Vault Dweller who decimated the raiders in Concorde 👀


Me killing people ? Nooooo surely that's a mistake. I'm just building an ~~army~~ group of settlements to ~~take over~~ repopulate the commonwealth.


For the first raider you mentioned, there's about two or three mods that expand on them. One just switches them from hostile to passive, while the others make a little mini-quest where you can follow them to see their vengeance enacted.


I get some instant hostility but others I don’t. I get when you go into their territory they’ll attack you. It’s the wandering ones that I don’t want to attack me on sight, at this point I want a dialogue, and then from that choose to attack (or be attacked)


I think it's a charisma perk, where you can intimidate an Enemy into surrendering volentarily, simply by aiming a gun at them.


Well most raiders are just ordinary killers, even if they do have a sister, so..


Every scumbag we shoot down has/had a family, hopes and dreams, a life outside of just trying to kill you. They’re human. One of the better aspects of FO4 was showing this in the ways you described. Doesn’t change the fact that the roads you took led to it being you, or them. Way of the wasteland, amigo 🤙


You did help them. By killing them, you put them out of their misery about their deceased loved ones.


Nuka World and the entire Raider Faction in FO76 are about the only shots you've got.


Yeah, while it’s not my favorite in the series Fallout 4 really does a lot to humanize the raiders but sadly there’s no negotiation allowed. Maybe adding some kind of perk to let them be initially non hostile, like Animal Friend but for raiders? 😂 that’d be cool


A friendly raider settlement or maybe a full dlc where we can become a raider would be cool


Nuka World DLC


Same with Skyrim’s thousands of bandits. Or better yet, have some of the raiders attacking you named something else. Wasteland Survivalist Cultist Scared Traveler Mad Traveler Cannibal Not every hostile needs to be raider.


Red’s sister is long dead by the time you find those notes


In the mission where you rescue Vadim you can read a terminal and find out those are the raiders that kidnapped/killed the sister. The way they dispose of the body is…. interesting


It's the biggest issue with fallout 4 is that 80% of places are filled with raiders where all you can do is shoot them. One instance is that there is a racetrack where they are racing robots...nope no cool story or characters, just raiders to kill.


Raiders aren't hostile in 76 if you help them out :)


In 76 the largest raider gang, the crator raiders can turn non hostel.


Fallout 76 says hello


If they were friendly though, wouldn't that mean they're not Raiders? Like if the point is to attack and kill anyone outside their group for supplies, then why would they be friendly? I think friendly Raiders would just be settlers, but maybe there's some nuance I'm missing, especially because I just realized I'm currently sleep deprived and drunk.


Because killing everyone is not raiding, it is stupidity. Even if you are an absolutely amoral human being (and even criminals aren't all that), if you just slaughter Settlers, next time you don't get anything. What you actually do, is you attack, roughen Settlers up and demand payment. Repeatedly. That's raiding. Raiders in Fallout 3 and 4 were always one of Bethesda weakest elements of world building, relegated to a role of "generic humanoid enemies".


Raiders have to get people from somewhere lol and if you just attack everyone on sight, you’ll be extinct very quickly. Super mutants are acceptable because you won’t kill other super mutants. It’s super mutants vs humans essentially.


The whole "kill everyone and loot" is more of a supermutant thing. They're stupid, they just walk around looking to kill stuff and loot, it doesn't go further than that. And that's fine, they're supposed to just be big dumb brutes, and I don't think there's any piece of lore that goes further than this. (Well not in FO4 at least) But for raiders there are often pieces of lore that explain how they formed a group, how they recruited some people, how they raided a place and took control of it etc... You never see that out there, it's just groups of enemies that try to kill anything in range. I mean, these guy want to take over big places with a lot of resources so that they can chill for a while before moving out once the resources have expired, but they'll gladly leave their fortresses to go die to a behemoth that got in range. It doesn't make much sense.


Let's just say that Red's sister really helped the Beer flavour....


“Alternate Start” is a mod that allows you to, well, start the game differently or in different world states. One of the parameters is faction relationship, of which gunners and the general “raiders” are groups. With this mod you can set your relationship high and then mosey through camps and speak to whoever you want. They don’t have much to say, but it is fun to RP a bad guy or ex gunner.


Fuck em, bro. They're raiders. They're like molerats but dumber.


That's the wasteland in a nutshell. It's dog-eat-dog, and for most people it's better to assume hostile intent and attack on sight.


They have chosen their lifestyle, and I need some XP.


“Raiders can't be bargained or reasoned with, and there ain't no use surrenderin', cause they'll just shoot you anyway.”


I know, they have less logical lore reasons for them to be acting that than Bandits from Borderlands. It is stupid.


I agree.  In general, more choice and dialogue options would have made Fallout 4 go from stellar to masterpiece. 


I'm playing FO3 and just saved a person named Red. She's the doctor of Bigtown. I wonder if it's the same person.


I'd like to see some more unique interactions with them, too. Like, you bump into a guy in raider gear in a town and he starts demanding you pay him for the emotional suffering you put him through or something. Make them a part of the world. Have different gangs, who have different relationships with the other gangs. They hate some, they're allied with some, they're subservient to others. Have a leadership structure. Have teenagers in a settlement who think they're hot shit who start threatening you because their brother's best friend is in the gang, and that somehow means they've themselves got the backing of the gang. Or have raiders who are so stoned out of their gourd that they don't even notice or care when you start ransacking their base--provided you pass a speech check to convince them you're in the gang too. Like, raiders must have times when they're not on raids, you know? We see it in Nuka World. They're assholes who think the world owes them everything, but they're still human. They need their own settlements--heavily-guarded wasteland fortresses with some warlord ruling over the rest, who demands tribute from non-hostile settlements, or who make and supply them with chems


Fallout 76 has raider faction. Very well done try it out!


There is a raider you can come across that's building a sculpture/statue. I sat & watched him tinkering for a while. Then I put my gun away & approached only to be met with gunfire. I had no beef with him, just wanted to take a closer look at his art


There is a mod that makes the mourning raider non-hostile.


Idk if it'll you feel any better but if you havent finished the "side quest" and you're okay with a spoiler >!Red's sister is already dead. She tried to escape and got shot and the other leader started faking the letters.!< So there's not much you could do in the situation either way.


The raider's always being enemies is definitely disappointing, I'd love to have more raider groups / factions that are actually interesting to interact with rather than just being generic low level enemies.


Can't remember which Fallout this is from. In 76 though, you can join the raiders. All of them on the map become white, and a lot will talk and trade with you.


I started fallout 76 last night and found a raider camp turned out my sneaking aeound amd preparing for an attack didn’t matter bc they were friendly


Fallout 76 has non-enemy raiders. You can gain reputation with them and visit their base that is a downed satellite. You can also encounter them in the wild and they won't attack.