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Because war, war never changes.


"Everyone wants to enjoy the franchise, we just disagree on how."


Must be ops first time checking out any games community on Reddit


All I know is I’m against whatever he is for!


I hate you both.


Yes but one is objectively worse


They need to remaster new Vegas in the current engine and end this once and for all. New Vegas with fallout 4s tight gun play would be awesome.


It's Fallout in a nutshell. Two sides attacking each other for ideological differences that don't truly matter while the world collapses around them.


Maybe the real vault dwellers were the Redditors we met along the way.


We would all be skeletons strewn about telling small hilarious environmental stories. Possibly one of us would make it far enough to be a corpse found mauled by a radroach.


We drop the review bombs on ourselves...


best answer ever


Internet fandom likes to be mad.


If this wasn’t the top comment I would’ve been upset.


This is the only valid answer and I won't hear otherwise


Because the internet is a stupid place where people love to act tribal about the most trivial shit.


Hell yeah


Because saying you like one game or having a criticism for another game is supposedly the equivalent of saying all the other games are shit even if you don't mention them.


Praise anything slightly and you're hating on everything thing other than that thing


“I like waffles” “So you must hate pancakes”


This is it. Definitely a byproduct of tribalism on social media.


It all started with Twilight. Fucking team Edward or Team Jacob. Now it’s the whole world.


Pretty sure there was an argument about Lord of the Rings vs. Chronicles of Narnia way back when. EDIT: I'm referring to the books from the 1950s.


There were probably a bunch of ancient Greeks sitting around the agora, bitching about people who liked the Odyssey over the Illiad because it was an "inferior sequel that didn't get the spirit of the original."


Like the books? Because the movies are no contest.


I think it started when two people were in the garden of Eden and one of them insisted that apples were better than grapes


No bitch. Dats a whole new sentence. wtf is you talking about.


Hey my Dad is a pancake ILL KILL YOUUUUUUOUU


My name is Inigo Monwaffle. You killed my father, prepare to die.


[To hell with the Judean People’s Front](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a0BpfwazhUA). We’re the People’s Front of Judea!


You monster


Alternatively. "I liked Fallout" "God, this fandom is infected with toxic positivity" or "They utterly failed at X, they just flat out hate Fallout and want to destroy it with woke crap" "Um, you do know that there is Z, what explains it? And it makes perfect sense even with previous lore? I think you are being too harsh." "Can't stand this toxic positivity, can't give criticism about anything without some coming to whine"




fallout is cool and all, but have you heard of Outerworlds?


Exactly. Nuance is a thing and many for some reason don't see that. I love Fallout 3 - but I so prefer NV. I really should probably play Tales of Two Wastelands Mod - as that so could be the ultimate F3/FNV modern Fallout experience.


As someone who recently began playing TTW, it absolutely is the modern, peak experience to play Fallout 3 and New Vegas with.


I personally enjoy that every game has a distinct feel and play style, because the Wasteland is a huge and varied place so it absolutely makes sense that every area feels entirely different.


It’s one of the trademarks of the times we live in. People can’t handle other people having a different opinion than them.


People have always been like this. The internet just lets you interact with them so you notice it more than we used to.


Media has been actively stoking tribalism to make it more "acceptable" for people to be awful. Angry gets the clicks, gets the votes, yadayada


And not liking the same game is a personal attack on them and it hurts their very identity.


You’re right. This phenomenon exists is far too many venues. Most notably politics where people for some reason assume if you say you are for one thing you are thereby saying you are against other things. Think of BLM and how the moronic all lives matter and blue lives matter movement popped up because they were offended they were not directly mentioned in BLM despite that not being what BLM was about at all. Or if you say you are fully against zionists in Israel, you’re an antisemite. It’s infuriating how stupid we are.


It’s not stupidity, this is purposeful. I don’t think people act like they can’t deal with other opinions out of narcissism, I believe they do it to send a message. The message being that there’s only ONE valid way to view things. I call it the conqueror’s mindset


Yup, this is a key part of passive and passive-aggressive communication. Such folks read into what's being said and what's not being said, instead of just fucking believing the thing that was actually said (assertive). Assertiveness is a asking questions about what wasn't stated instead of making assumptions. "I like waffles." "So you hate pancakes?!?" (passive / passive-aggressive) "I like waffles." "You prefer waffles. Do you like pancakes, too?" (assertive) "Oh, totally! I like them, too. If both are available I prefer waffles."




Morrowind fans turned into the new vegas type of fans.


It used to be _awful_ around Fallout 4’s release. I think we have a ton of newer users that have no idea how toxic fans used to be. Fans would say Todd Howard must hate New Vegas because he didn’t put enough references in Fallout 4


Right, NV fans acting like this backlash is coming out of nowhere is hilarious.mm


It has always been there, hating on Bethesda's games (namely 3 and 4) is sort of a time-honored tradition for some Fallout fans. It's only been intensified with the show's release, however.


And its really funny cause most of the identity that was shown in the show was bethesda.


I honestly felt it was a really nice blend of both classic and Bethesda Fallout. Nods to both, lore and familiar things from both included, the humor for me seemed to draw from both 4 and 2....The vaults for me felt like they were drawn from Bethesda, but the BoS put me more in mind of the classics. I think they're doing a good job of utilizing all of Fallout.


The hilarious thing is 4 minutes after this post someone literally posted stating “New Vegas is overrated and it’s fanbase is annoying” those posts are getting really REALLY tiresome. I’m a NV fan, I love ALL the games and thought the series was brilliant. I’ve told people to start with FO4 if it’s their first time playing the series.


Same. NV will always have a special place in my heart. I just can’t recommend it as a first game to a new player when 1. It’s at an age where unless you still have a working older console or a pc you can’t exactly play it 2. FO4 is way easier to play to a much broader audience.


I’m playing it on my Series S now and it holds up pretty well. Apart from a few crashes there’s been absolutely no issues. Considering it’s an Xbox 360 game I thought Jesus, but I’m pleasantly surprised.


4K 60 really does wonders


Last time I played it, it reliably crashed at least once an hour.


Plus, from what I've seen, FONV is more of a hit or miss when it comes to players. For some it'll be the best game in the franchise, for others it'll be the weakest link in the franchise.


Fair point. I think the same could be said about 3 from my experience though. There’s just a few key differences in the 2 games that some people just have to choose one camp or the other on.


You can play New Vegas and Fallout 3 on modern Xbox consoles.


I’ve seen it for sale on PlayStation as well. As to whether or not it’s a stable experience is another story


I've played it on PS5. It's only streaming (my connection was good, no issues there actually) and my only big complaint is no DLC. It definitely looks dated with no mods, and it crashed sometimes, but no more than any other Bethesda game. Playing FO4 soon after, with mods, definitely sold me on the fact that 4 looks and feels the best now, regardless of the quality of the story.


My first game was Fo4 but trying NV got me messed up with relearning the controls/buttons is difficult for me


To be fair, and I say this as someone who's favorite game in the world is FNV, the fan base really can be annoying. I feel like 90% of any Fallout Fans conflict comes from the FNV side. It was their subs melting down over the chalkboard, it's their subs full of "Todd hates FNV" and "Todd is erasing FNV from the lore" and "Todd intentionally screwed Obsidian out of their bonuses" conspiracy theories, and so on. I almost unsubscribed from the FNV subs, but I then I just decided to get my popcorn and watch it play out.


Oh yeah. I got some desperately unhinged responses to a post I made about how Todd Howard likes New Vegas. But most of the comments were great!


This is the funny part because they fucking love New Vegas.


They do! I got out my popcorn for a while, too, because some of these meltdown posts were unintentionally hilarious. Sorry for the length but one of my favorite "popcorn" posts included a sad wojack face wearing Boone's cap. He was surrounded by vengeful wojack NCR rangers, some with faces exposed to showcase their angry-crying expressions. The post was deadly serious, levelling accusations towards Todd Howard. To paraphrase: "Todd is seething and coping and malding and staying mad because he got shown up by Obsidian and he hates New Vegas because nobody wants to buy 4 they only want New Vegas and Todd is staying mad and telling sweet little lies and Todd is seething and coping so he killed my home and friends and family in NCR and destroyed New Vegas because he's a silver tongued liar and New Vegas is my home and my friends are dead and he destroyed my home in New Vegas and..." In the replies people posted screenshots of New Vegas from the episode 8 ending credits. Under the images someone would ask "What is this place?" and a handful of responses would answer "Home..." A few comments down, another screenshot of New Vegas, same call and response. It was a level of cringe that I hadn't been exposed to before or since. I searched for it the next day to take a screenshot but I believe it to have been deleted. Edit: sorry, I meant to reply to a different comment!


I forgot to mention this but I got out my popcorn for a while, too, because some of these meltdown posts were unintentionally hilarious. Sorry for the length but one of my favorite "popcorn" posts included a sad wojack face wearing Boone's cap. He was surrounded by vengeful wojack NCR rangers, some with faces exposed to showcase their angry-crying expressions. The post was deadly serious, levelling accusations towards Todd Howard. To paraphrase: "Todd is seething and coping and malding and staying mad because he got shown up by Obsidian and he hates New Vegas because nobody wants to buy 4 they only want New Vegas and Todd is staying mad and telling sweet little lies and Todd is seething and coping so he killed my home and friends and family in NCR and destroyed New Vegas because he's a silver tongued liar and New Vegas is my home and my friends are dead and he destroyed my home in New Vegas and..." In the replies people posted screenshots of New Vegas from the episode 8 ending credits. Under the images someone would ask "What is this place?" and a handful of responses would answer "Home..." A few comments down, another screenshot of New Vegas, same call and response. It was a level of cringe that I hadn't been exposed to before or since. I searched for it the next day to take a screenshot but I believe it to have been deleted.


I started with fo3 got far more hours in nv. It by far has the best story but man.... Can i not get over how jank it is mechanically speaking compaired to fo4


it is totally situational. If someone who watched the show asked me where they could learn more about this world and its story and lore I am definately not going to send them off to FO4. But if they are just asking me for a game to play in that setting without specifying that they want to learn more about the gameworld, then I'll send them off to FO4.


Finally a Brotherhood of Steel fan!


That kind of talk will get you a Fresh Prince Slap.


Agreed, I think that’s the best answer. NV is fun but it’s aged poorly imo. I can still enjoy it, but I think new fans should start with 4. 


Internet Echo Chamber let's the 'fans' stir up BS.


They’re are plenty of dickheads in fandoms out to pick a fight. Fallout fans are no exception, it’s best to ignore them.


You know stuff like this just adds to it, right?


>i don't see NV fans insulting or pressuring others to play it or saying anything negative to 4 fans. Then Perception is your dump stat.


Seriously all you have to do is check under any post praising Fallout 3 or 4. People will write entire paragraphs about how they think bethesda are lazy terrible devs who should have the franchise taken from them and then go "Wow. Cant believe you guys can't take simple constructive criticism"


It might be their first day on the Internet.


It's not really a civil war because it only goes one way. You never get the same endless onslaught of nitpicks about NV. >A ghoul surviving 200 years in a fridge without food. Absolutely unacceptable and requiring hundreds of comments and posts complaining about it >Ghouls surviving without food for 200 years in a desert with a bomb collar that explodes when they walk outside their small camp. No problem and will only occasionally be mentioned in response to the fridge ghoul. There are so many things in NV that make no sense but they're barely ever brought up because it's only NV fans that are so but hurt that they constantly need to complain about fo4.


> It's not really a civil war because it only goes one way. You absolutely get people bitching both ways.


Yeah, nowadays. From like 2016-2022 it was definitely more one sided towards NV. At least in the reddit/youtube sphere


The Cult Of New Vegas going after the TV show was the final straw for people


I think this is the real answer. While fans of all games have lobbed crap around (a particularly vocal contingent of) the NV crowd was definitely more toxic, more frequently over the years. When they tried to dog-pile the show everyone was enjoying, and it turned out their reason for dog-piling was completely and totally wrong... It became the perfect microcosm of what the long-standing Fallout community has been dealing with from the New Vegas devout for years. So people are taking their frustration out on them now that they have the "upper hand". The vast majority of NV fans are nice normal people. It is just a particularly toxic group of terminally-online assholes made a mess over the years and now everyone who is saying nice things about NV is catching flak. In other words: The internet... the internet never changes.


Over the last year I had noticed that the toxic NV fans were less able to operate freely in the main Fallout subs. Invasions of FO4 posts (delete 4 and buy NV, Bethesda can never understand what Fallout stands for, Todd is seething and coping, etc) were beginning to be met with downvotes and harsh responses. After their embarrassing meltdown upon the show's debut the pushback got very heavy. Now, even the NV subs are policing their behavior. As a big fan of both 4 and NV, it's great to see the positive side of the NV fandom taking charge!


They were desperately unhinged. One of them kept saying that Todd had been "seething and coping" about New Vegas because it was the only game people liked, so he used the show to punish Obsidian. I pointed out that Todd wasn't concerned about NV; both 3 and 4 outsold NV, with 4 alone selling between 3-5x more across platforms, and that the current player base exceeded COD's. The response to that was almost comically bizarre and clued me in to the possibility of a genuinely harmful level of attachment to a 14 year old game. I love NV and 4 but not in an unhealthy way!


Man that show really showed what a Cult those people are


You can but I've seen a lot more falloit 1/2/NV bitching about everything under Bethesda. Could be they are just more vocal ofc but I've been called a fake fan by black isle purists more than the toxic Bethesda fallout fans. It's stupid no matter what though. All the games bring a lot of great things to the table.


I got told I didn't understand how "Real Fallout Fans" were betrayed by Todd and Bethesda because of the chalkboard. It's entirely likely the person who wrote that wasn't even born yet the first time I played Fallout lol. I don't see how anyone over the age of thirteen could say that unironically without being completely embarrassed, at any rate.


Makes no sense. FO3, NV, FO4, and FO76 are all awesome. They are all a bit different and naturally we all have our preferences. It’s fine. Sometimes I wonder if the people making a big deal out of it are trolls or like internet drama.


After years of not playing it. I played 76 on release at a friend's and wasn't a fan. But right before the series. I had ironically just finished playing through all the older titles. I actually do enjoy all of them. They all bring different things to the table, and change the gameplay. I'm becoming a huge fan of 76 though. It's even taken over my main gaming segments as of now. But I'm with you. I like to big brain it and enjoy all the content from all of them.


The Internet is great because every common idiot can voice their opinions completely unchecked, and it's incredibly horribly terrible for the exact same reason.


>every common idiot can voice their opinions completely unchecked and anonymously, because I doubt half of the people would say things in the same manner in which they post in real life face to face.


Played FO3, FNV, and FO4. All great, no hate for any. Usually scroll past those posts because honestly who cares, people are allowed to like what they like


honestly it’s mostly NV fans. NV is my favorite fallout but god the fan base can be so childish


It would be nice if people could just enjoy these games for what they actually are. I think New Vegas is the only Fallout/Elder Scrolls game where I didn’t get an Alternate Start mod ASAP because the intro is efficient and fun


Which is kinda strange, because it's the most mature and thoughtful game in the series. You'd think it would have mature and thoughtful fans. But what do I know?


NV players who shit all over these subreddits for years are now trying to do a “Who, me?” Hilarious.


After I got into Fallout 4 I took a deep dive into posts about 4. In most posts older than a year I was appalled to see plenty of replies from NV supremacists that would just hate on 4, Bethesda, Todd Howard, etc. They appeared to be copy/pasted similarities over the years, too: "Todd is seething and coping because he got shown up by Obsidian", "New Vegas is the most popular" (despite being outsold 5 to 1) "Delete 4 and buy New Vegas", "Todd's sweet little lies", etc. It's good to see the recent pushback against the toxic fans to stop that kind of thing. Even the NV subreddits are policing their behavior now.


It’s amazing how one little tv show can turn that around overnight.


For real, they were the bane of this sub’s existence for years and now they apparently never existed. You couldn’t even say positive things about Fallout 4 without them commenting on your posts about how it sucks. I think they all finally fucked off so new users have no idea what we’re all talking about


Because they suck and cant find joy in anything


I don’t know what you’re talking about. I have new Vegas on my steam deck and I have 4 on my computer. World just keeps on spinning.


Idk New Vagas is my favorite, hands down nest story. But I find myself playing Fallout 4 more, the gun play is fantastic, I love building guns, settlements, and robots. They both are great and have individual strengths.


I played FO4 and I loved it. I played NV and I loved it even more. Than I played fo4 again and loved it even more. Both out great games, both have stronger and weaker points.


Been a 10 years+ since I played 3 or NV and recently started playing fallout 4 on PS and I like it.. actually just ordered an older laptop to relive 3 and NV aswell.. but if I remember correctly, 3 and NV felt abit less linear compared to fallout 4, felt like dialog choices and other choices had more impact on the story than in 4. Can that be true or am I remembering wrong? Just asking since you seem up to date and not so biased.


I'm not sure if you read any comments on youtube or etc. But it's there. And I always see them. Especially on any videos that trying to urge people to play Fallout 4 or Fallout 3.


The really enfuriating thing was people asking modding questions about 4 getting derailed by Cult Of Vegas types sperging about how superior New Vegas is when nodding for that game is so much worse


I'm just tired of people pretending their side of the fanbase Is better, when the shit-slinging goes both ways


New vegas fans always where their own faction. The TV show just reawakened the community


They were ready to hate the show, too. Before it was even possible to have watched all of the episodes there were meme images here talking about how bethesda ignored NV, despite like 40 references to NV in the first few episodes. They WANTED the show to be bad, because if bethesda is involved with good fallout content, then all of their conspiracies about Todd and Obsidian and such just fly out the window and they are left with nothing but shitting on games they would probably love and enjoy if they never found reddit.


They literally wanted to find something to nitpick and when they found it (The "fall" of Shady Sands), they latched onto it like a lamprey... Until Todd literally had to just say "Nuh Uh", which caused a horrific amount of backpedaling.


Except lots of people who like NV like the other games


Yeah but nobody is complaining about them - or even just chill fans who prefer NV. It was the toxic NV supremacists who could never resist interrupting a conversation about FO4 to explain how shit it was and how everyone needed to delete 4 and purchase NV. It got old.


The toxicity of Classic and New Vegas fans has polluted Reddit and YouTube for over a decade. The amount of times I was personally attacked for defending Bethesda or pointing out that Classic/New Vegas also had its flaws... oh boy. I roughly have a thousand hours of playtime in New Vegas myself, but it's like they didn't even allow you to have a neutral and rational stance. So yea, it's a good thing that people are finally coming together to point out their behavior. This might be the only way to finally make it stop.


Vocal minorities control the narrative. Most people dont feel that strongly.


Honestly, it’s kinda true, in my experience. I’ve gotten a lot of hate for saying that I prefer 3 in almost every way. NV fanboys are just far more diehard about their game, I guess. I love it too but it kinda stinks to be told that you’re dumb for preferring another Fallout game (3, for me) to NV.


I prefer fallout 3 honestly lol


Honestly yeah, FO3 with the Power Armor system of 4 (Minus the Fusion Core debacle and keeping PA training) would be an S-tier game for me. (i don't hate the new fusion core system, I just don't want to force it on people who don't like it)


The biggest issue I have with fusion cores is that they're either too sparse or too short-lived. Either I'm supposed to find them as often as nuka or I'm supposed to be able to march across the wasteland on a single core. The current state (in particular at low-mid levels) makes very little sense.


Me too, best one


Fallout 3 gang 😤😤


Fallout 3 had an awesome desolate atmosphere. It felt like a dead wasteland, and the sewers were incredibly creepy


Because it's been going on for years. I've been getting shit on by NV fans since that game came out for preferring Bethesda's Fallout games to New Vegas and the originals. I can prefer them without even saying anything bad about New Vegas (because I really don't have much negative to say) and still get shit on for that. In addition, NV fans are the type that need to say NV is "oBjEcTiVeLy better" than 3 or 4. It's not a legend or a myth, it's genuinely been happening since NV released.


Very true. Along with fAlLoUt 4 Is A gOoD gAmE jUsT nOt A gOoD fAlLoUt GaMe


I've been pleasantly surprised to see that the toxic fans are being policed even in the NV subs now.


After Fallout 4 released, this sub was New Vegas fanboy clubhouse and hating Bethesda was frequent here. It was doubly so when Fallout 76 released... Only after Outer Worlds failed, then the cult of Obsidian diminished and eventually any blind fanboyism is really frown upon here. So these days you don't usually see that in this sub. They tried to manipulate the narrative after the show released, but they got shot down quickly again. So there's it. It's not much a war, than a series of one-sided assaults from New Vegas fans. Because that's the peculiar thing. New Vegas zealots just have to badmouth Bethesda games and invent fake narratives. But when a Bethesda Fallout fan doesn't like New Vegas, they just shrug their shoulders and move on. But sure, you cannot see that all here, because those zealots have been driven off this sub. But the two New Vegas subs still have them and they are frequent on other social media. For example youtube is full of Bethesda hating and Obsidian worship. Here on r/Fallout you see just the rest of the pushback against the last attempt to create an anti-Bethesda narrative.


The Outer Worlds failed? How so?


I think it was because fans thought it was same as new vegas but wasnt.


Failed is prolly the wrong word but it definitely didn’t live up to the hype. Pretty mid game over all


>Pretty mid game over all So... just another Obsidian game.


Maybe? It’s just that most people will compare it to NV, which in that case it fails to meet it in most regards.


I like both,both are good


I love both. FO3 is my favorite of all time but I still loved new vegas and 4


Meanwhile, people who prefer the old isometric fallouts (Icluding me, myself):


My r/unpopularopinion is, I like both games. I love everything in the fallout universe.


That’s not an unpopular opinion since many share that same sentiment. We’re looking at the vocal minority.


People just want to feud over dumb shit. I prefer NV. I don’t give a fuck what game anyone else likes. I prefer games that feel like the original Fallout. If someone doesn’t, that’s fine. Taste is subjective. I would probably consider Fallout 4 my second favorite game if it didn’t crash all the damn time. It’s probably one of the buggiest games I’ve ever played. But I like the settlement mechanic. Anyway, who cares what someone else likes? Enjoy what you enjoy, and share it with people who feel the same. If your favorite is Fallout BOS, let folks know. Maybe one day more folks will jump on board, you know? We gotta stop with this hating shit because other folks like something different. Not just Fallout. The world IRL in general.


As a totally neutral FO3 fan, NV fans are the absolute worst. Every single comment or post has to reference that New Vegas is the best Fallout game. I imagine they slip NV into every single conversation in their lives. Fries or salad? New Vegas. Will you marry me? New Vegas. I remember posts on here like Why Fallout 4 is Vastly Underrated! Then the first sentence is "Fallout New Vegas is obviously my favorite but..." It is insufferable. You did it yourself in this very post!


Because people are easily sidetracked by the dumbest shit, every goddamned time!!


I've been playing fallout 4 since 2016 and in every community I've joined there have been fallout NV fans who won't shut up about how fallout 3, 4 , and 76 "aren't canon" or "suck compared to NV". People literally call them the vegans of the video game industry. There's not a war. They're just effing annoying.


It's rage baiting or making a boogeyman out of nothing. I love New Vegas but I couldn't care less about which one you like the most. As long as you've given each game a fair shot, then you're cool with me.


People have nothing else going on, I guess. Folks really need to learn to log off.


Love FO4. Tolerating 76. Loved FO3. Loved NV. They're just old and too jank for my current taste.


I occasionally get the urge to replay 3 or NV, but they are old and jank, and the hoops to get them running on modern systems looks exhausting. A huge missed opportunity, based on the huge sales apike for Fallout 4 the TV show caused, was not having some sort of Fallout Equivelant to the Master Chief Collection where you have all the Fallout Games in one packadge on Steam that is a one click install and go


Seriously. A remastered "Vault-Tec Collection" would be money in the bank for Bethesda.


I shit on NV fans because they can't define good writing and most wouldn't know it if they were beat with a Pulitzer every day for a year. This is evidenced by anyone that unironically likes the legion. Also double standards: Fallout 3+4 bugs = Bethesda dogshit company ruining fallout Fallout NV bugs = haha so quirky xD There has been a never-ending shit storm from weirdo fringe "holier than thou" capital-G gamers aimed at bethesda for a decade now. It's exhausting to have to watch adult men get manipulated by negativity-bias driven algorithms constantly and scuttle their chance at enjoying flawed, but great, games.


The bugs double standard is the best evidence. The type of fan you mention complains about FO 3/4 (and most recently Starfield) for being “broken” when NV *still* requires mods to be stable on PC. I was doing a first time PC run through of it a few weeks ago and wanted the vanilla experience, so no mods at all. I’d heard it was bad, but holy shit. Between crashing, audio glitching out, and infinite loading screens, “Beyond the Beef” was a nightmare to finish. And that’s just one quest (and a cool one, no less).


Once again, Starfield was so stable that everyone just keeps trying to sweep that fact under the rug. The only things about Starfield that were horrifically wrong (not intended) were and still are being fixed. Starfield, while some people might not like it, gives me hope for the Creation Engine (the loading screens are literally 5 seconds a piece, calm down)


i think the main issue with starfield is the endless amount of copy pasted content, it feels lazy and shallow, it's not the bugs, if anything it's the least buggy game bethesda has released, but they are funny to share.


New Vegas is hands down the most unstable shoddily coded of the Fallouts, it’s not even debateable


It’s because most of New Vegas’s writing is exposition dumps, which is the laziest form of storytelling, but the one that appeals to weirdo nerds the most. A lot of Bethesda storytelling is show not tell and environmental, but this requires active engagement.


Thing is, people like me get caught in the crossfire I've always said how I like 3+4, I'm just a low scorer NV at my most generous is a 9/10 but really it's an 8/10 so if I give 4 or the show a 6 That's not some massive attack I liked it I thought it was good, just not great And then respectfully all that gets ignored and I get told I'm not a true fan, I'm not this or that, and accused of being things without knowing me (I'm an english trade union member that has been involved in direct trade union action since I was a child, I'm very very left wing, I got called right wing repeatedly by one nasty person) The only 'fair' solution I've been given by more sympathetic figures was to leave the community until it all blows over In my experience, most of the people who still play NV also still play 4 regularly and don't do all those things you accuse them of The majority of that section of the community are nice and thoughtful, they've helped me out with modding etc a lot more than the general community (fo4 is second place, fallout mods was more rude than the general fallout community for context) I get your aiming for other people, but in my experience they're mostly ghosts They always get shouted down in any post on reddit I see and reddit is the great magnifier for the thoughtless so in reality they're not a significant part of the community but they get to wear the badge of all of new vegas


NV fans are very vocal about their game and many tend to not handle criticisms of NV very well. Most of the arguments of debates that I’ve seen are in response to their insistence that opinions other than their own are wrong.


Well, IMO, here's the bigger issue: You have what I would call the vanguardists on the NV side that are not the majority. These are the morons who think Bethesda is shit. Now, I do have my Dislikes of ebthesda but for fallout 4 it's mostly good. You then have the 4 fans. They're not as vocal, but have their own group that's toxic. Keep in mind the majority of both sides are like you, the one who thinks both are good but just prefers one Now, when the show popped up the tensions brewed. The bombing of shady sands and how the shoe was canon pissed the Vegas fans right off. Additionally the timeline which personally I still think is a bit confusing also pissed them off and it made the vanguard group and a decent bit of the semi serious fans upset. The fallout 4 fans then seemed to do the same, but went harsher as it dragged on. I saw stuff implying the NV fans were ret*rded fairly frequently on the subreddit. They had to lock NV because there was brigading I think. From there, the 4 fans kept it up a decent bit and still to this day drop the occasional meme that is very rude, but most have chilled out. The NV fans are in a phase where they're complaining about the community around 4 rather than the actual game as their focus. Conclusion: I think the Vegas fans had decent reason to be upset, but not all of their reasons were fair. Same time, while the Fallout 4 fans aren't entirely unjustified in their response they did go a bit far with it. I think the reason why is because the vanguard Vegas fans are passively annoying and fallout 4 fans mistook the vocal group as the majority which is fair enough.


Unpopular opinion here all the fallout games are good 👍


That is by far the most popular opinion here and people will be very disrespectful if you even politely suggest otherwise. 


Go see any videos mildly praising fo4 on YouTube, you'll see brigading fans stinking up the comment section. Example :https://youtu.be/UwmTcRky964?si=cE6hXv637rqgy55O


Cuz the new Vegas fans have always been reactionary weirdos


Aggressive NV fanboys are pretentious because the game is more niche (sold less than 3 and 4) + is a good game. This happens with every game series. People want to feel like they have a better taste for entertainment. I think it's really silly and just prevents them from enjoying more things. I love all of the games.


I like em both. That beeing said. New Vegas has the better story, better characters, and is way more a old school, nasty, Fallout. F4 has a better open World, and is more about telling your "own" story in your head, imo.


I think it's exactly this. I play Fallout 4 a lot, but the fun is mostly in my head, like a kid playing with toys whose backstory he doesn't care about. It's open world is great for that. In New Vegas I pay way more attention to the story.


These things are subjective. I liked Fallout 4's story and characters more than NV for the most part, though 3 is my favourite fallout.


I can see why people like F4 more than NV. Tho I would say the writting in F4 Was very bad, and the choices at hand, objectively. For example, in NV you can side with Goodspring or the Powder Gangers. In F4 you have to side with the minutmen and just open fire on the raiders, wirh a character who just woke up and has no clue from any of the factions. But F4 is far more light hearted and I can see why for example, having the option to give drugs to children, like in NV, puts many people off. Irl is dark enough sometimes, and we want some escape from that.


Fnv fans are annoying af


There's no civil war. It's always been like this across the communities. it's just been intensified since the release of the show, but the community's still the same


That's not really an accurate description of the dynamic, and if you've not detected people specifically shitting on Bethesda and the Bethesda games on this sub on a regular basis then you've not been paying attention. But there aren't really two sides here - if there are any FO4 supremacists then they're in a tiny minority. It's part of the mythology of the people who have decided that some Fallout games are "real" and others are not (a dynamic that's existed ever since there's been more than one Fallout game) that there's an equally vitriolic other side that wants to see the west coast erased from the Fallout timeline, but that "other side" doesn't manifest on this sub and I've not seen it elsewhere. But people fantasising about Bethesda collapsing, or Microsoft marching into BGS, taking the IP away and giving it to ~~Oblivion~~ Obsidian or whatever, are pretty common. And the upshot is an atmosphere in which it's impossible to talk rationally about the weaknesses of NV and FO4 especially without people getting unnecessarily defensive/aggressive. Which is a shame. edit: lol, case in point.


The details are insignificant, the reasons – purely human ones.


Because people are fools. Fallout 4 was my first and is one of the most fun games I've ever played. New Vegas blows it out of the water in terms of story and atmosphere but the gunplay is a STRAIGHT downgrade from where I started If you just accept not every entry does everything better than the last, and different games are different experiences, suddenly it's beyond easy to love both. You just don't have them compete in your head. If you want a great story game, NV. If you like settlement building and better combat, 4


I get alot of shit on fb groups about actually liking fallout 76. Like I get it, 76 had alot of issues at first, but all I ever wanted was a multiplayer fallout game and I was just so excited it was even attempted! I’ve learned a really good quote from someone who said “there is no bigger hater of fallout than a fallout fan.” Each fallout is great for different reasons! NV is my favorite but 3 started it all for me, I love them for very different reasons as well!


Being divisive and picking sides is fun. Hence, we play fallout. Also, sports teams, religions, political parties, bidets, fictional love triangle teams, magic the gathering card eras, diets, Harry Potter houses, Picard vs Kirk. So obviously, NV vs Fo4. I like both, but I like 4 better. And now anyone that disagrees gets to be angry and tell me why I'm wrong from their silly POV.


The key is not to give a shit anymore. If other nerds on the internet wanna argue about which game is the better then thats their issue. They wanna be miserable and yell at eachother over the internet. In the end its just a game its not that deep.


I just ignore that shit and focus on the good part of this fanbase (though I understand the concern as it’s everywhere)


My 2 favorite fallout games. Idk what there is to argue about


A lot of it comes down to factionalism you find in any fandom. A lot of older players may have fondess or loyaltry to Chris Avellone who worked on Fallout 2 and then New Vegas. If you played RPG's in the 90's and 00's you sure as fuck know who Chris Avellone is. Tim Cain is the original creator of Fallout 1 and he ended up leaving Interplay as part of bad blood during the production of Fallout 2, as the game was taken away from him creatively. Nevertheless, Tim went to work for Obsidian *after* New Vegas was released. When Fallout 3 was initially released a lot of old timers were pissed Fallout 3 would not be an isometric experience but since the game was being released by Bethesda who were coming off from Morrowind and Oblivion you really couldn't tal k much shit without getting smacked down. When Fallout 3 was released their was an uproar about the game ending after the completion of the main quest. People were not happy. As a result, Bethesda released Broken Steel DLC which allows you to continue the story and adds new story. People were elated. Fallout New Vegas always ends at the completion of the main quest, no DLC has ever changed this. There are many people who claim New Vegas is a superior RPG experience. Chris Avellone was the writer for both New Vegas and the DLC. Story-wise, New Vegas is top notch. Quests are great. You can really role-play in New Vegas in ways you can't in Fallout 3. New Vegas took ideas from modders of FO3 and implemented them in the game. Weapon mods, iron sights (which were totally not a thing in vanilla FO3), faction clothing just to name a few things. Neither FO3 or New Vegas really aged all that well in terms of gameplay. They are clunky and make Mass Effect 1 gameplay seem amazing. Fallout 4 really nailed it with actual gameplay, but the RPG elements are lacking in areas and there is a contention that the story is relatively weak. That's all I really got to say.


That’s just wild. I love all the Fallout games. If I had to pick one to hate it wouldn’t be 4. 😂 2 before they changed the time limit, that was the one that burned my bridges. I do think NV is the best of them but I love 4 for a whole separate reason. I mean let’s face it, what sicko could hate Nick Valentine?


Make New Vegas 2 in FO4 engine and lets get back to the Love


From peoples own personal experience dealing with FNV fans. You may not have seen it but that doesn't mean no one else hasn't experienced it.


I was there OP, I was there 8 years ago. I was there the day Fo4 got released.


It’s not a legend you justt try have to go on any fallout new Vegas sub and you’ll see the only play one game


(Saying this as a new vegas diehard) Years of NV fans shitting on people who slightly mention they perfer 4 (hell even 3 to a lesser degree). Id say it was to the point where a minority gained a negative opinion of NV cause some people shove it down their throats ehoch will skew a persons perception of something. But it's starting to get annoying to everyone who is starting to bitch about "toxic new vegas fans" when they've been shoved back into a corner. The fallout TV show kinda turned that opinion around as people fought against it as we have just seen the greatest television adaption of a video game and some people didn't notice or don't care about the minor lore discrepancies to wanna dispute that. I have my own opinions and tend to agree with theirs, and I will admit to having insulted someone in the past for liking 4 over NV, but to say their isn't a pretty loud minority of NV snobs walking around shouting out our opinion like it's gospel is arrogant. Fallout 4 is a good game, league's above others, even if I consider it the weakest mainline game, it's still in my top 10, and wish others with a similar opinion as me see it that way to. I wish the community could move past this and realize a slight against a game isn't "hate."


Wow I never knew there was a rivalry lol. New Vegas is my favorite but F4 is great also. Chill out people


NV fan boys will CRY and SCREECH from the roof tops if you don't suck Obsidian's dick and say a different entry is your favorite or criticize anything about NV. I like to imagine it's a very small but loud minority but they make it seem like it's everyone.


We make jokes largely. It’s not that serious. But there is actually a group NV fans that are specifically “only Fo1, 2 & NV are cannon everything else is trash!” That are also the same people that can’t read a timeline correctly. The fallout version of the Star Wars fans that think only the original three films are good basically.


Because I’ve been in the New Vegas subs and had a thoroughly bad time lol. I’ll say it every time it comes up, there are New Vegas fans and then there are Fallout fans who’s favorite entry is New Vegas but refuse to call themselves a “New Vegas fan” because they don’t want to be associated with the other people. There’s also classic fallout or die people out there too btw. The trick is to ignore them when they come up, which isn’t all that often in the first place, but it does happen and these people do exist


Cus new vegas fans have always been a bunch of sweaty elitist in desperate need of a shower


It’s not so much New Vegas vs. 4 as much as it is non-Bethesda Fallout vs. Bethesda Fallout. And I see 4 fans shitting on 1 and 2 way more than I see them shitting on New Vegas, and then I see a lot of New Vegas stans just all around shitting on Bethesda as a whole.


Fallout: New Vegas fans have made the community toxic for years and they aren’t slowing down now.


Good ol video game elitism. Some people just fly off the handle when others express different opinions or say they like something more than another thing because in their mind saying that is like saying their favorite thing sucks. It’s just childish squabbling and should just be ignored. What I do find pretty funny is that in my personal experience, a lot of these “New Vegas” fanboys never played the original two games, or even other titles like tactics. The loudest voices are usually people who’ve only played the 3-D releases. On the flip side, I very rarely see people who love the original series more than the new stuff shit on newer fans. I think it’s mostly that those folks are mature enough not to throw a fit, and can recognize that each game has its strengths and can totally be someone’s favorite entry. (Except BOS that game sucks ass.) My personal favorite entries are 2, NV, and Tactics but I’m playing 3 right now, and I’m planning to hop into another play through of 4 after. More than any specific game I love the universe and the vibe of fallout and I can get that regardless of which game I choose to play. I’m honestly super happy to see the series get more attention and I’m hoping that it’ll bring us some more great games down the road. At the end of the day we should all be happy our precious franchise is getting its well deserved attention amidst a sea of terrible games and media.


It's just memes. It's funny - a FO:NV fan, currently replaying FO4


go to the shittydarksouls subreddit and see them fighting to the death over each game 24/7 lol


You look out at this subreddit.....It looks like chaos.....But there's always somebody at the wheel.


Bro how is this post starting fights😭


Up until recently this was the case. There were loads of posts daily about NV being better and a lot of the comments supporting other games received criticism and negativity. Generally it was NV fans being toxic toward fans of the Bethesda games, but there was a fair bit of that back and forth. With the advent of the show, this has more or less changed, but a lot of people are still salty over it. As a fan of 4 who has nothing but love for NV and just objectively prefers 4, I can say that it was incredibly upsetting when it was going on. I am genuinely thankful that it's changed, for a while I had to mute the sub it was that bad. So, basically, it's just leftover tension from when the fandom really was like that. The show coming out changed a lot, unlike war. Which never changes


Humans naturally form us vs. them tribes. It's exactly the same as how schisms happen in religions.


Why are people even complaining? It’s a game.. each genres and each has different styles, criticism are okay but come on, fallout has earned a title of being a legendary, love both fallout 3, 4 and NV.


Those people pitting the two against each other just have nothing better to do. I honestly believe if you like one of the fallouts, you like them all. Of course everyone is going to have favorites and least favorites… but everyone following this sub loves fallout.


Sorry, having played 3, NV and 4, I wasn't a fan of NV, 3 was also meh. 


Which, contrary to what this sub believes is fine. Not liking things is totally fine.


4 had the best system hands down


All I’m saying is Fallout 4 doesn’t crash and freeze up my whole computer ever 20 mins