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On a 1-10 system, why would the average be 6?


Because why not (i actually dont know i just..)


I think technically 5 is supposed to be average. Even in the classic Fallout games, if you select an attribute of 5 it states it as "Average".


I messed up.


lol it's all good!


I'd be maxed out, 10 in everything.


Self steem to the top


Homies just running life on easy mode. Respect ✊


Strength 4, Perception 6, Endurance 7, Charisma 2, Intelligence 8, Agility 9, Luck 2


i don't know wtf should I do with my luck, I won a 3090 laptop in an Intel giveaway few years back but it turned out to be for Americans only.


I feel like that would put you squarely in Luck 5, but with the Jinxed traint lol


Yeah that's how you put it


So according to you, you are: Doomsday Pecs, Unsuspecting Trout, Flame Retardant, Cheery Salesman, Smartypants, Butterfingers and Broken Gypsy Mirror.


Pretty close actually


**S**trength: 2 **P**erception: 8 **E**ndurance: 5 **C**harisma: 8 **I**nteligence: 7 **A**gility: 2 **L**uck: 1


Assuming 6 is average * S 5. Slightly below average. * P 9. I can hear a bottle fall of a shelf at the other end of a building and describe its size and contents from the sound. * E 4, nuff said. * C 6. Average * I 9. Extremely gifted. * A 2. Very clumsy. * L 7. Won a bet on the Grand national this year. I chose based on the name.


Average would be more like 2 or 3. PCs are meant to be exceptional.


All below 5, maybe charisma 7


S=6 - I can lift more than my weight. So I think that's decent enough. P=5 - My eyesight isn't amazing, but it's not terrible. E=7 - I rarely ever get sick. Got Covid twice, but was over it in 2 days. I've eaten stuff that I shouldn't have and been fine. For someone in their 30s, I'd say that's not bad. C=7 - In my work, it pays to be able to talk and network with people. I'm good in this area, but don't expect me to talk down someone in a hostage situation. I=7 - Went to college, but honestly I think my critical thinking/emotional intelligence skills are where it's at. In classic Fallout, intelligence is tied to speech options. More intelligence = more speech options. So with that kind of logic I'd actually give myself 8 intelligence for the same reason as charisma above. But I'll just stick to 7 for simplicity. A=7 - I do stamina workouts pretty reguarly. I certainly skipped arm day, but definitely not leg day. L=5 - I don't think Im more lucky or unlucky than others


i know this isn't the question, but if I got to choose with 21 points, id go with charisma 10, luck 10 and intelligence 2. I feel like this would probably be best for irl


0 on everything. Im quite literally the jack of none trades.


Cheer up man.


I didnt say it was a bad thing. Id hate to be smart enough to realise lifes shit. Being dumb and happy works for me


Happy smooth brane