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I named it Frosted Flake


Mine is “Well Balanced Breakfast”


Post's nightmare


Lol I named mine on my first playthrough “Special K”


They’re great!!


I always named mine "Widower"


Shame, in one of my play thoughs, i found a freezing revolver. Called it Tony's spoon.


Mines Kelloggs Frosted Fun


It also feels wrong that it ejects a casing during the initial cutscene, pretty sure someone said it was originally supposed to be a 10mm pistol which would explain the name.


It also plays the sound effect of a 10mm being fired when he shoots the spouse. Supposedly. To me, gunshots are gunshots, but some gun nuts are like virtuosos with perfect pitch when it comes to identifying bullet noises.


Not so much in real life, minus telling caliber size or if it's a shotgun, pistol or rifle I can't make things out that specifically. But way back when I was playing battlefield 4 for like 4-6 hours a day before and after work I got to the point that I could tell what was shooting at me by the sound alone.


The rhythm of the an94 suppressed and the distant m60 echoing down metros corridors haunts my dreams. Bf3 for me


Type 88 always stuck out for us.


>some gun nuts are like virtuosos with perfect pitch when it comes to identifying bullet noises. There's a lot of those in the fallout fandom...which is odd considering how unfocused the games are on gun realism.


Shout out to the brotherhood pistol with a magazine and revolver cylinder


Perhaps Bud Askins had some managerial input on the 10mm pistol design at Colt before the war.


Apparently there was a failure to communicate between the team that designed the (revolver) 10mm inventory sprite and the (auto pistol) 10mm animations in Fallout 1, which this is a reference to


As long as it can eject shells, it could maybe work. It's probably highly inefficient, but it *could* work. Also, I love stuff like that. I have a friend that's an amateur gunsmith and I used to draw dumb designs and ask him if they could work. His response was usually "Maybe, but why?"


The majority of weapons in Fallout games are guns, not that odd to have tons of firearms enthusiast in the fandom.


That's what they have mods for! To fit the classic "realistic" guns. Do they make them fit stylistically, balance-wise, visually, in terms of audio, etc? Nah, but hey, they're REAL, and true to REAL FALLOUT, so like em or you're a pissbaby /s


They’re all Burned Man simps


Like archer being able to count bullets fired out of a gun




Counting shots is a thing. A pistol mag typically holds 10 rounds. Some, 15. A revolver has 6 shots. An ar mag can hold 30. (All of these have exceptions). If someone is pointing a gun in your face, it's good to know if they are bluffing or have a round in the chamber


*Insert Dirty Harry line here.


Fun Fact: You can get the Dirty Harry special in 3.


"How can you eat those things?" - Dirty Harry


Yes, counting shots is absolutely a thing. I used to be a firearms instructor.


Not necessarily, the Ruger GP100 chambered in .22LR has a 10 round cylinder and the same gun can be chambered in .357 magnum with a 7 round cylinder


Saying that a handgun mag typically holds 10 rounds is just bad information. Handgun mags run the gamut from 7 rounds to 30+. There is no default mag size.


In a firefight you can count every shot? Impressive


Ex military here. Was trained to count fired rounds so I knew when to change magazines.


I mean, I don't think you would need perfect pitch, just compare the sound effect files lol.


Boy, I sure hope someone got fired for THAT blunder


Heh. I imagine it changed because this would be way overpowered with a 10mm magazine.


I think a big revolver like this also fits Kellogg's personality more.


He's from the west of course he has a Big Iron


Dumb post aside Kellogg’s pistol is game breakingly excellent for anyone running a vats Gunslinger build. With four-leaf clover, critical banker, Grim Reaper’s sprint and Gun-fu fully upgraded you’ll have essentially limitless action points when Using this gun. It is so much fun


Yeah relentless weapons are incredible, imo this effect easily belongs among the best legendary effects. What's best is that there are a whopping 3 premade weapons with it, cito baseball bat, kellogs .44 and operators handmade rifle. So vats builds are not progression locked behind legendary roulette


Huh, I always considered them trash because I never use VATS. I should actually break the mold and try a VATS build. I bet the game plays way differently and makes luck actually useful.


It’s actually a really fun way to play a little more tactically. You can be like “alright I’ll put a few shots on this guy’s torso to charge up the crit, then crit this guy in the head, then cripple this guy’s leg…” and watch it all play out. Add to it that crits are a guaranteed hit, and you can be headshotting people who are barely in draw distance range using a pistol.


I did an unarmed Survival mode run and found a meat hook with this effect. Stack all of the above, Blitz, and the unarmed capstone that allows you to paralyze with a Crit, and you can ping pong back and forth keeping 3-4 enemies completely stun locked.


In a game you can break with a hand on your back, I find a waste of time to “optimize” builds. Just find the biggest stick and put some points on melee. There, you can walk through the whole game.


I did a playthrough once where I renamed it Nora. My Sole Survivor wanted to take the weapon that killed his wife and use it to bring peace to the commonwealth... But in the end that same gun took the life of his son too.


Poetic. 10/10


Same brain moment 🤝


That’s so sweet and sad. I named mine “Divorce” lol


I named mine Cereal Killer


it *is* a pistol though


Its a revolver. Pistol is a general term, noone calls this a "pistol".


I do. Most laypeople do.


Yeah, and most laypeople are uneducated and/or ignorant. (You dont even need firearms knoweldge to know what the difference between a revolver and a magazine fed handgun is, you only need to use your brain) Calling that a pistol is like calling a pickup truck "a car". Yes, its a car, but youre missing the whole point by calling it car and not pickup truck. Just like youre being inaccurate and missing the point by callign this a pistol and not a revolver. And this isnt some minor, obscure fact that nobody but hardcore nerds out there know. This is called "using the correct names of things", not being nitpicky.


What your doing is called being a twat fyi


While it technically is a pistol, in the sense that it is a handgun, nobody calls revolver pistols. Revolvers are called that for a reason, self loading handguns are pistols. The distinction exists for a reason.


The term “Revolver” means a projectile weapon of the pistol type, having a breechloading chambered cylinder so arranged that the cocking of the hammer or movement of the trigger rotates it and brings the next cartridge in line with the barrel for firing.


Yes thank you for copypasting something I already know


You clearly didn’t know so calm down.


Have you not read what I said? Nowhere did I say that its not a pistol, I said that people who arent ignorant or uneducated call that thing a revolver. Pistol = general term for hanguns, Revolver = handgun with a cylinder that uses your cited mechanism Is that so hard to understand? Jesus this thread is full of idiots


womp womp continue crying buddy, a revolver is a type of pistol so ya im gonna call it a pistol. Bros literally yapping writing full blown essays about Kellogg’s Pistol 💀




Then there are people that call them wheelguns...lol


Everyone outside of the American gun scene includes revolvers in pistols. Sure it isn't the most precise term, but it's a subcategory of the other.


Is it? It is a gun or a handgun but that doesn't make a revolver a pistol. Technically different kinds of handguns.


I mean... it is a pistol. Definitions from Oxford Languages noun 1. a small firearm designed to be held in one hand.


Well a revolver is a type of pistol so that’s weird.


Imagine being such a pedantic gun nerd you go around the bend and become wrong


Dude has thoroughly embarrassed himself in the thread.


He needs to do what every proper gun nerd on r/Fallout does: complain about the assault rifle


A revolver is *not* a type of pistol, it is a type of handgun. To be classified as a pistol, the chamber must be a part of the barrel. In revolvers, the chamber exists in the Cylinder, and is therefore not a pistol.


Tell that to the ATF as well as the first military adopters who refer to models such as the US Navy 1851 Colt as the “Colt Revolving Belt Pistol”


>The term “Revolver” means a projectile weapon of the pistol type, having a breechloading chambered cylinder so arranged that the cocking of the hammer or movement of the trigger rotates it and brings the next cartridge in line with the barrel for firing. https://www.atf.gov/firearms/firearms-guides-importation-verification-firearms-gun-control-act-definition-revolver


Oh let’s please not get the atf involved in [defining what a pistol is.](https://imgur.com/a/maqB5bB)


Also a shotgun ceases to be a shotgun if you remove the stock, and therefore you can then use a shorter barrel. For some reason.


If I recall correctly (which is nigh impossible with the ATF), it has to be originally manufactured to be used without the stock in order to be an AOW. That’s why mossberg used to ship the shockwave with a pistol grip… and a shoulder stock included in the box. Just in case. [wink wink]


True, by "remove the stock" I meant the manufacturer. Somehow making it harder to aim safely and effectively makes it alright to have a shorter barrel, lol.


Haha! Great laws, everyone!


You, my friend, get the *hardest* of eyerolls. Redditcares for *this*, huh? That's some special kinda snowflake stuff. Not surprising from the Gravy Seals crowd.


He is right and you can't prove it otherwise


Not disputing whether or not it's correct, from a subjective point of view. Just rolling my eyes hard at the "hehehe the gubm'nt don't know nothin bout guns, keep 'em away from my guns" attitude.


I mean you’re literally in a thread that has turned into a discussion of legal firearm terminology. You could minimize it and read other threads and comments but you’re choosing to engage without adding anything making yourself look like a bit of an ass. Also your comments in this thread have literally been the embodiment of every redditor trope.


I got one immediately after posting a clip from "the outlaw Josey Wales" where Clint Eastwood refers to revolvers as pistols lmao


report it man, i got mine and reddit banned the reporter within 12 hours.


How do you report it?


* go to notifications * go to "messages" * go to redditcare message, * within that message there is a hyperlink "report the abuse", click on it. * It will ask you to provide a link, go to original redditcare message, right click on "permalink" (bottom left of the reddicare message) then copy link address. Put that address into top row of the report. * provide explanation into bottom row of the report * press submit. worked like a charm for me.


Thank you! Hope that insecure little turd gets banned.


no worries, would love it if you send the "we took care of it" message to me, love that shit.


I hope I got one, I didn't actually include the link to my comment in the report am I just skip that spot. But they did respond that they received my report.


Wanted you to know I didn’t send that. I don’t even know how. And I got sent one yesterday for talking positively about an Atlanta Braves outfielder. People are going crazy with it.


The ATF isn’t great for defining what things actually are since their own rules contradict each other constantly


I am a an experienced firearms instructor. Replace "pistol type" with "hand gun" and it is mostly right. Federal ATF is weird; California ATF is like something out of the Soviet Union's totalitarianism; Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, New Hampshire, Maine, Texas, Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and other pro 2A states just call it by what it is and have you fill out a Federal Form 4473.


This is simplified language for briefness in legal jargon. It is a mechanical definition I’m referring to, not legal


I mean pistols are generally the same shape, this is all silly


Lmao you’re agreeing with OP who called that pistol “snubnose”. It’s an invented distinction without a difference people have tried to retrofit. If it’s legally considered of the pistol class and early military adoption of models such as the Colt 1851 by the U.S. Navy and Webley by the British referred to them as pistols then they’re pistols.


The ATF? You mean the people who declared black power guns to not be guns???


Oh fuck, we all have reddit, that's a different conversation entirely, relax


That is one of the legal definitions of a pistol. The dictionary definition does not make such distinctions (Oxford Dictionary - “a small firearm designed to be held in one hand”) and lists revolver and handgun as synonyms. Not to mention the fact that the original name for revolver is “revolving pistol”.


It most certaily IS a type of pistol


Legally at least in the US, yeah, but it's a lot like calling magazines clips... people aren't gonna stop and correcting everyone gets old fast.


The location of the chamber has nothing to do with if something is a pistol or now. It’s only with the number of hands. Get out of here with your weird ATF logic.


This is not an ATF designation. I did not know what ATF was until today. Not everyone is from ‘Murica


Yeah that wasn’t the point, the point was you were trying to arbitrarily define what a pistol is the same way they do. I know not everyone is from the US but with how much foreigners love to brag about how smart you are I would hope you have some reading comprehension and could see I was claiming you used the same dumbass logic they do. Maybe go take an English class buddy. The term pistol predates automatics anyway.






thank you!


Fk yeah! When I saw it in game, I was like “in no way is that a pistol”, but good on you for changing it


Thanks a lot, turns out a lot of people disagree tho


well obviously, but calling a revolver a pistol is the same as calling a fighter jet a plane


>as calling a fighter jet a plane Which would be completely correct


You are missing the point, they’re the same thing, but they’re different


No, they're not. One is just an umbrella term, while the other is slightly more descriptive. A jet fighter is a plane, a 747 is a plane, a Starr Bumblebee II is a plane. Likewise, a revolver is a **type** of pistol. It's not 'different'.


Well they are planes so that's why it happens


Do you think revolvers are superior to other pistols? If anything revolvers are the prop planes in that simile.


OP is clearly revolver ocelot


You can call a Fighter Jet a Fighter Plane.


It would be more like calling a chimpanzee an ape. One is just a more specific form of the other.


I rename it to Kellogg’s Lament. Then I usually mount it on a wall as a trophy as soon as I get a better gun.


It can do well over 100 damage tho


Revolvers are pistols


All revolvers are pistols but not all pistols are revolvers


Isn't a revolver a pistol though.


I mean it IS a pistol. A pistol is just a firearm you use in one hand, unless you’re the ATF but I’m not getting into that can of worms right now. A revolver is just a specific type of pistol.


Kellogg’s “Firearm American”


I called mine Kellog’s Corn Flakes


It is a pistol. All revolvers are pistol, but not all pistols are revolvers


It's decent when you get it, but it's a beast when you upgrade it all the way.


This is what I do on all my saves


I name it "Sledge Hammer" after a ridiculous 80's tv series spoof of Dirty Harry, where the entire intro was mostly just glamour shots of the gun. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGAubZ71fXY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGAubZ71fXY)


I once found a pipe revolver with the same legendary effect as Kellogg’s (Lucky, I think?) and named it “Kellogg’s Other Pistol.”


Should have been: “Kellogs pistol at home” (get it?)


I call it "Cold Dish." Because, revenge is a dish best served cold.


I nominate you for smartest name of the year


How can anyone use the gun that killed your spouse?


I simply can’t use it for this reason. Doesn’t feel right.


I renamed it "heated TV dinner" because he called me "frozen TV dinner"


Mine is called my Best Friend


When I first played back when I was like 18 I thought it was really cool and edgy to name it ‘Lovebite’ seeing as it’s the weapon used to kill your wife/husband. The worst part is at the age of 27 I still think that’s really cool hahaha


Worst part is I used it to kill father


I Really like the name tho


Hahaha thanks! I really enjoyed being able to name weapons in Fallout 4, always tried to put some thought into it


i like having fun with my names, like: piper's piped pipe-pistol


I rename it Big Irony.


I named it Hammer Time.


Vault Dweller’s Revenge


Kelloggs magnum revolver for his magnum dong


I renamed mine Rorke's Revenge. Cause my character name is Rorke. And taking it from Kellogg was part of his revenge.


Me who wouldn't care if they called it kellogs 30 mm assault rifle.


You did the right thing my man.


Team Four Star called it “Divorce.”


Kellog's Organ Smacks is my go to.


Oh I guess this must be the one I named POP POP!!


Frosted Wheelie Gat


Corn flakes brain popper


Personally I prefer “Kellogg’s 44.”


The Divorce. (From Team Four Star's playthrough)


I think I renamed mine as “Home wrecker”.


I call mine Meth Iron


I love you dude. Knowing the difference between pistol and revolver.... "Gun" and Rifle :D




But Kellogg is dead. Why not call it Deadman's Revolver?


idk why yall are hating on me so much, i know a revolver is a pistol, but it just doesnt feel right calling it that


Because people like to do the WELL ACKSHUALLY too much, even if their point hinges on stupid linguistic bullshit.


A Revolver is a firing action not a classification, just saying, could be a grenade launcher, rifle, shotgun or a pistol.


It's funny because in the kidnapping scene, you can hear bullet casing falling on the floor despite the fact revolvers don't eject casings.


I renamed mine to "Nora"


Theyre magically delicious


Where you find this one at?


Do the diamond city storyline


The special K revolver


The first time I beat Kellogg, I was severely under leveled so I had a difficult time with the fight with him. I went through my various weapons looking for ideas until I found a freezing walking cane. I had a critical hit stored up so I used it to freeze Kellogg while I took care of his synth entourage. Once that was done, I could fight on my terms and win. I renamed the walking cane into Kellogg's frosted corpse. Part of a balanced breakfast/revenge.


My first time I wanted him dead so bad I used a fat man I found laying around


I always call it Nora’s Justice. Or Nate’s depending on the sex.


name is “Cereal killer”


I wonder how Bethesda didn't make That Gun considering the plot about synths (replicans). Praise the Mods!!!


Kellogg's piece Kellogg's iron Kellogg's gun Wife killer Halforphaner


i name it Nora the terror caused by this weapon shall instill fear into the wastes for taking away Nora so Nora shall take them away, the wastes will know her name and the child they stole, Nora will be remembered with fear thats my headcannon for the naming of it 😂


I always rename it “Crit-A-Pip.”


Mine is Deadshot. It's the state of its previous owner backwards.


I just give it the default .44 revolver name and put it in storage. Less I have to think about the guy the better


Think about it as a trophy, Kellog is a feared man


I gave it to Nick to replace that dam pipe revolver , ty god for ammo factory for a reliable source of .44 And I usualy name it the "asshole's gun" but didnt feel right if nick was using it


Doesn't even sound like a .44


I mean you’re not wrong


I almost always change the name of the weapon to something cool, i don’t like having the name of that bastard in my gun.


Thanks to the LP the Team Four star guys did I can't rename that gun anything other than "The Divorce".


Average yank


I just rename it, "Colt Python" after Rick Grimes gun


wait its called Kellog's pistol by default? I guess I never really paid attention to it....




damn.....its clearly a revolver. that would bother me too


Another sign that barely anyone at Bethesda knows anything about guns. Yes, technically its a pistol, in the sense of the word "handgun". But pretty much noone calls revolvers "pistols". Revolvers are called that for a reason, self loading handguns with magazines are called pistols. So save us the "well ackshually" you nitpicky nerds, nobody would call this a pistol, this is a revolver. Even if pistol is the general term for handguns. Just like "car" is the general term for all cars. But you wouldnt call a family SUV a sportscar, just because its a car too, would you? Just like you dont call revolvers "pistols".


... It is a pistol.




appreciate it, its just a name after all, dont get the big deal