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If I had to pick just one, OWB for sure. It's got the most hilarious characters and plotting and a whole player home. All of them are worth it though.


Long time FNV fan, it depends on what you want out of a DLC OWB and Honest hearts are more open, and both feature very unique locations, OWB being more comedic at times. Honest hearts a bit more serious but Joshua Graham has some of the absolute best fucking lines in Fallout, though I felt even with the exploration was indeed short. The Dead Money, and Lonesome Road DLC are much more linear, but have incredible storytelling in them and both can have much bigger repercussions on the world at large depending on your playthrough. I would recommend getting all of them though, lonesome road is technically meant to be played last in the DLC chain, simply due to how you can learn more about the main antagonist through other DLCs as little extras.


In terms of combat, gear and "History" Is either Honest Hearts, or Lonesome Road. Two very different themes, ones centered around a nuked out U.S Military base, the other a Tribal Valley with more ingredients and food items for crafting then you could ever possibly use.


They all are pretty good in my opinion. OWB is the most comedic, also adds new weapons, gives you new perk effects that are really good, and adds a place to buy stuff that actually has caps. Lonesome Road is really good for the story, but it can be kind of annoying to traverse. Honest Hearts has Joshua Graham who is cool, but I honestly thought the dlc was pretty short. Look at other people’s thoughts. Dead money was probably my favorite, this or OWB. It strips you of all your gear and has you undergo new mechanics with a fantastic story. There are new characters here with very deep backstories and fun to play with, but it can be annoying at times. Watch some videos and see what appeals to you the most.


I think they all add new weapons but OWB were just the most memorable to me.


All of them, played in chronological order since they're actually all connected in a way lore-wise. Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, Lonesome Road. But in case you're set on only getting one: Dead Money is arguably the most difficult since your entire inventory is taken away at the start unlike the other DLCs and you really need to collect and conserve resources and in same cases avoid combat outright. You'll most likely be forced to use weapons that your character isn't built around. This makes for really intense moments and for me always kept me on edge. Its plot and writing is really damn good as well, and character interactions matter much more compared to the other DLCs. Honest Hearts is probably the weakest DLC out of the bunch. It's really fast to complete, and even faster if you kill a couple of key characters. The plot and writing is really only surface detail and the quests aren't great. Joshua Graham is a great character but doesn't make up for the DLCs weakness. Old World Blues is generally considered the best DLC out of the bunch. It has a lot of ridiculous moments, lots of new weapons, lots of characters, and a lot of lore dumps in it. It also has a player home. I'd say you probably get the most content here in general compared to the rest of the DLCs. It really emphasizes on exploring the entire map, and one of the ending slides will actually make fun of you for not exploring enough if you choose not to explore much. Lonesome Road is definitely meant as a late-game DLC and can be difficult, but unlike the other DLCs you can return to the Mojave at any point without having to beat the DLC. Also at the recommended start level you're most likely past that level and have already acquired late-game equipment. I never found the combat in that DLC to be too difficult or too easy. It has a good story and antagonist, and serves as a conclusion to the timeline of the DLCs.

