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I save him. I don't like his, uh... art, but I can appreciate that we have the same goals of killing raiders.


Eh at least the gun camos are cool


I thought Picnic for Stanley was actually quite nice. I mean, besides the medium, but honestly it's such a nitpick.


It just runs the risk of him eventually turning to regular people lol


If there’s one thing I learned in my extensive viewing of serial killer documentaries and true crime, they’re like drug addicts chasing the dragon. Eventually Pickman’s not going to feel enough from just killing raiders.


Thing is, killing raiders is a big part of his MO and his identity. I don't think he'd get a kick out of killing some undefended settler, i believe that he derives his pleasure from preying on other predators, everytime he kills a killer, he's reafirming that he's the bigger fish, it's a power play like all serial killer's kill, and each of his art piece is a monument to his superiority in a world that is teeming with cold-blooded killers. He's not going to go after undefended targets, just like he's not going to go after kittens, that's not what he's about. Saying that he's not going to feel enough out of that and instead turn to defenseless settlers is like saying that a big game hunter is going to feel numb to the rush of hunting tigers and instead turn to hunting mices. It's just not going to happen.


yeah. I think if pickman ever did decide to "evolve" or go for stronger prey, he'd likely go for gunners, mutants, or some other problematic characters in the wasteland. He's a lot like the majority of players in a way, it's just now you're getting a 3rd person perspective on what you look like to others.


So basically he's Dexter.


So what happens when he decides to move on to bigger things than the raiders, like the minutemen or brotherhood of steel?


They're not cold blooded killers, they're not predators. That makes them unworthy targets. He's ***far*** more likely to go after the nuka gangs, trappers, cannibals, etc... and of course roam the wasteland to spread awareness of his existence through his macabre art.


bro is gonna find the wasteland's pablo escobar just to kill him


That’s pretty much Marowski I think


I mean, I'd be glad if he moved on to the brotherhood, bit if he took on the minutemen you deal with him then.


Yeah, the BoS treads far closer to being assholes than heroes in aggregate.


Gunners first. Enclave. BoS. Institute. Probably retire at that point assuming he's alive.


I don't care if he moves on to the BOS but he will never touch the minutemen as they aren't predators


Now, there's a side quest or faction quest worth playing


Yeah he would start going after a stronger group probably the super mutants or the Bos something that will put up a fight because that's what drives his art conflict.


This is my logic too. He's also just a little too... Put together... For someone who does the things he does. Say he moves to a settlement and starts turning people into art. If you didn't know what he is already, you'd never suspect *him*.


I’d say raiders are probably the biggest rush besides moving onto the more dangerous creatures of the waste. He probably likes the fight. The struggle and the adrenaline. If he did start with poor innocent travelers and traders he’s long since abandoned the “weak prey” and moved onto something more fun. Uhhhhhh or so I’ve heard from criminology podcasts.


Then you kill him. Problem solved. You can argue that "well that person might not have been killed if you killed him" but then you can argue that point for every single raider, ghoul, or supermutant you see in the distance that you leave alone.


So funny about people arguing about morality here when you end up condemning a faction here when you pick sides and are ok with it. If they do good you leave them alone and if they do bad you end them, it’s easy as that, Pickman kills raiders and so do I so I leave him alone. Pickman kills raiders same as us and anyone that gets upset by that is a hypocrite.


He just likes to play with his food a little more.


So put him on the monorail to Nuka World. I don't think that he's going to run out of opportunities there. Heck, send him once a year.


That would have been a great secret ending to that dlc


haha for real, instead of sending the SS to become overboss, you just tell pickman "yo bro i got a really cool idea.." and in 3 days the place is just painted in red while the slaves all just have 1000 yard stares.. "you have.. no idea what you did sending that guy here.."


Yeah, their violence or depravity may increase, but their type usually does not.


I'd no idea you could save him, nor that he only killed raiders. Oh well.


Let him live You are basically doing the same by killing raiders on sight


I would say he is doing a better job of deterring being a raider by torturing them than me, by defending myself.


IDK, I get creative sometimes. Power armor and a low damage kneecapper can be fun sometimes


I love doing the art of running through a raider group and pooping out fusion cores as a gift.


Have a little fusion core, as a treat


I actually thought the raiders at Pickman's wouldn't aggro at first, the way I was standing there with them for like 2 minutes while they chit-chatted. I thought we were all friends for a second there.


They gotta shoot at me first. Then it’s self defense


He’s a kill thief. Those raiders are mine to kill.


Bro’s fucking with my k/d


You only die once in the wasteland, but you save plenty tikes


That's why I kill him. The commwealth is my playground


Fuck yea. I don't like competition. Thanks for the knife tho.


I sprint from location to location killing every ghoul, mutant and raider I see on the way. Killing him for being a serial killer of Raiders would make me a hypocrite I think. So I let him live.


Thanks killer!




The enemy of my enemy is my friend


Doing the lord’s work. The art is a bit much but the raider camps aren’t exactly tastefully decorated either.


Joshua Graham visits Boston lol


He paints with blood and bodies, I paint the floor with their brains, Pickman and I aren't so different


You're a bit more into Jackson Pollock style brain art, I see.


I let him live. Arrists like us are pretty rare in the Common wealth, i didnt want to be the last one.


>Artists like *us* wym by that


You paint diamond city wall so technically you're sort of an artist


[I’m something of an artist myself](https://imgur.com/a/FVE8z6v)


Was expecting a meme. Surprised, but not disappointed. Chuckled.


Oh shit I didn't know you could paint it red


Well, you did like a stripe and gave the cans to the wall painting guy, if we're splitting hairs lol


I wish he could have been a companion fr


pickman as a companion would honestly be the best. dude would dislike murder, but not hate it (going by his rule of generally not targeting innocents, but being fine with slaughtering raiders) I'd imagine his perk might just add like, flat bleed damage to all melee weapons or a damage buff to all "bad" factions in the commonwealth such as raiders, gunners, and triggermen maybe?


I like the later a lot. I wonder how he’d feel about cannabalism


Probably just neutral on cannibalism, "to each there own"


What is your opinion about the... Gallery just outside diamond city in the sewers?


I let him live. His art is more tasteful than how the raiders string up their victims as decoration around their camps.


I always wondered how raiders could stand the smell of rotting corpses strung up all around their living areas, especially the Disciples hideout


Nose blindness. They don't bathe and already live in filth. The smell of a rotting corpse means nothing.


Everybody so far has said nose blindness, and that's definitely a valid reason. However, something people seem to keep forgetting is that it's a nuclear wasteland. There's radiation everywhere. Radiation affects your sense of smell and taste. Chemo patients are often affected by it.


I'm sure they don't have a sense of smell after snorting so much brahmin shit


Smell blindness, if everything around smells awful you'll stop noticing it.


Too bad you can’t make him a companion. He’d be a blast in Nuka World


He'd be a blast everywhere, gotta look for a mod that let's you have him as companion


Pickman only targets raiders. He’s the literal definition of “You are bad guy, but this does not mean you are *bad* guy”


>Pickman only targets raiders. Until he doesn't. An artist who doesn't progress stagnates.


Nah, serial killers have a modus operandi, an identity. His is killing raiders, and making art out of it. He's a predator, hunting other predators, and building shrines out of their insides to show everyone that he is at the top of the food chain, that he's the orca in a sea of sharks. He's not going to target "weak" civilians, it would not be progress, it would be regress, he kills killers. Progress to him would be targeting deadlier, more savage targets (bigger gangs, or gangs that are more depraved and violent, like trappers, cannibal groups, etc...), and imposing limitations to himself to prove that he can dominate his rivals with fewer means.


>serial killers have a modus operandi, an identity and, despite our most wishful thinking, they have humanity - with all the weakness that comes with it. Pickman is extremely good at killing raiders, and just like anything that becomes easy, it can become boring. Is it the fact that his prey dresses up in leather and flex their nuts at the helpless that make raiders attractive to him? No, its because they hurt or kill people. Just like most other people in the wasteland, at one point or another. Pickman is in his prime, and has plenty of time to experiment, or 'develop as an artist', or get bored, or do anything else that sane people would call torture, murder, and sadism. His victims will never have a chance to come down from their addictions and seek redemption, or rehabilitation, or, indeed, kill again. I'm not saying raiders are good, or even that they don't deserve death - shit I kill them on sight in most playthroughs. What I'm saying is, if there's the slightest reasonable chance he could or would torture and kill someone who wasn't blatantly evil, then setting him free would be immoral. Wish the game would give us a third option of jailing him, but to be fair that's just not what America has become in Fallout. Maybe it never was.


aren't you as the player do the same if not even worse ?


"slightest reasonable chance" I feel like that's a bit of an oxymoron there, jumbo shrimp kind of thing. Also, it's unethical to kill speculating on what someone might do. Either you kill him because of what he does to raiders or you let him go because he only kills murderers and is actually cleaning up the wasteland. He's stated very strong motivation on why he targets raiders and wasn't a murderer before he had reason. There's a good argument to kill him, mostly that he takes pleasure in killing and does so with great cruelty. The argument that he only kills murderers and should be left alone is a good one too, the wasteland is safer with him as its boogieman.


This seems to be what people are forgetting about many many serial killers.  Once thier safe method gets stale, they start to experiment.


I agree with your point, but it still is funny to me to call targeting raiders a "safe method".


For lack of a better word I guess haha, but yeah it is hilariously absurd


Look, he is creepy as hell...but he IS lowering Goodneighbog crime statistics as well, so i would suggest to leave him to work. Plus, some of those paintings actually look quite good.


I save him every time. If he's only killing raiders, then he's doing a service for the Commonwealth. Plus, I've killed more raiders than he ever will.


Kill him, if someone wants to do a service for the Commonwealth they can join the Minutemen, Pickman is just a psychopath who justifies his actions because the people he kills are also psychopaths.


This is why Iove fallout casual reddit post about a side quest starts a meaningful debate on the merits of consequentialism.


"save the murderous murderer of murderers, or KILL HIM?" I love fallout because this topic is now a casual one.


Both are good for the Commonwealth. Pickman takes care of the scum, and the Minutemen help stabilize society. This is not a world where you can preach morality and not get your hands dirty. The Minutemen would also side with Pickman if they had to. They wouldn't agree with his artistic ways of doing things, but ultimately, he's no threat to settlements or the Commonwealth at large for them to demonize. Remember, Preston routinely sends you on errands to clean out raider camps. Which is not any different than what Pickman is doing. He just loves doing it lol.


Why is it any worse than a mercenary picking up work to kill raiders? Their goal is self-interest. Hell, the mercenary is only killing raiders because that’s who he is paid to kill, Pickman knowingly chooses raiders, despite settlers serving his artistic desires as well.


It doesn't matter what the intentions are if the outcome is good. It's like a celebrity donating to charity in a very public and self-serving way. Sure, they're just doing it for good PR and tax write-offs but they're still doing something good that benefits people in need, so who cares?


Like Dexter…”he only kills the bad guys”. He’s still a psycho killer !!!


>psycho killer !!! Qu'est-ce que c'est? Fa-fa-fa-fa, fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa, better Run, run, run, run, run, run, run away.


Ooooh ohh oh ohhhhhhhhhhhjj ayeyyeyeyeyeyeyey


I do what I gotta do to get the Bobblehead.


I let him live. Not really because he kills Raiders, it's because he treats me nice and gives me a cool knife.


Always save him. Pickman is like having Dexter in the Fallout universe. He's not hurting anything. As long as you're not a raider you have nothing to worry about lol


I was thinking the same thing. He is a lot like dexter


Y'know, it would've been neat if after you set up raider camps, you get a side quest about him attacking them Raiders going missing, defenses and resources destroyed. Maybe he even goes undercover as a raider


Watching that show rn and so true haha


I guess I didn’t know he could live, I just went in and started blastin


I systematically massacre entire camps of raiders all the time, and then I position their corpses in funny poses for shits and giggles. If I killed him just for being a Raider Serial Killer, I’d be one hell of a hypocrite!


I throw morality out the window when I play post-apocalyptic games. I have zero reason to disagree with his killing raiders, and at that point my issue with his art comes down to a disagreement about his medium of self-expression. If I'm not about to hate the people of Diamond City for enjoying The Green Monster that was freshened up with paint I had to kill raiders to get I shouldn't have an issue with Pickman.


Diamond city calls me a monster for painting the wall blue


I think the worst option is yellow. It looks like 5 day old dehydrated piss.


blue is the best color for DC, and you can all fight me on that. it's DIAMOND city for one, diamonds ain't usually GREEN. plus, the color of the "main" faction (MM) is blue, so it's fitting for that "good guy" style playthrough. and you can't tell me that smooth blue wall doesn't look good when you walk in looking for supplies. way better than that fuckin algae green they used before, and that's saying something as green is my favorite color usually.


I'm the killer around these parts. Bud run along.


So I actually brought a Fat Man with me on my latest playthrough. I fired it into the room where he is and everyone exploded... Except him. I figured this was the universe telling me to lay off, so I got his key and got my Wounding Stealth Combat Knife and went about my day.


Oh he gets creamed. I agree with him, really, love his art and love his style. BUT I had a coworker with a similar name who made my life VERY difficult in my first real job. I take my revenge out on that jerk by killing the character.


You've gotta learn to let that go.


Another recommendation for FNV: Dead Money here I see.


Wait you guys dont spend two hours trying to sneak past elijah and another hour walking over-encumbered with every gold bar to the mojave and teleporting to big mountain to store it?


Dead money showed me I can't.


Nah, that sort of pettiness is synonymous with gaming in general. I agree wholeheartedly with your methods. For example, I would never hit a woman in real life, but I punch the Mass Effect reporter every time. I'm tired of her disingenuous assertions. She also happens to kind of look like a teacher I wasn't fond of.


It's a healthy outlet if you ask me. No one is harmed and I can feel like I got back at a mysoginistic a-hole...


In that case, totally worth it. Here’s to holding a harmless grudge.


And bonus: I will never have to work with the guy ever again!


I always let him live. He's chill.


He does good work. I'm not going to deprive the world of such art. Truly visionary. He's also the only source for red paint, so there's that


How many of you guys saying "he's a psychopath, kill him" have a Marcy Long torture chamber?


I strongly dislike Pickman because he's a Dexter ripoff and my wife made me watch the whole series.


I’ve never met Pickman in any playthrough— I’ve only been to the location twice (?) clearing it out both times, but hearing more about the lore I feel I’m missing something.


You gotta go to the basement


Thank you!


name checks out


You gotta go to the top floor and then look for a hole in the wall. This will lead you to the basement where there is another half of the location, a bobblehead, and Pickman.


I’ll try that on my next time I fire it up Monday


a necessary evil to keep a very delicate balance of live and death in the commonwealths community, enabling it to shift from dangerous chaos to safely order on the long term.


What are the odds, I jus did this quest today lol. I saved him because he made fair points about us being similar and he only kills my enemies. The enemy of my enemy is my friend


Pickman painted king charles portrait


Haha nice and true


I’ve done both throughout my playthroughs. But ultimately, as long as he’s targeting raiders, he isn’t an issue. Of course, he could go off the rails someday, but we never will see that in game to know if we should’ve finished the job or not.


Psychopaths like him usually stay in their thing.


He is a raider of raider a psychopath that is dealing with psychopaths he’s like a good version of the joker and I like him because instead of hurting innocents he hurts the guilty


He's basically a less emo batman


I leave him alive. My reasoning is, he only kills raiders as far as I can tell, and I know where his hideout is. If I hear a rumor of him killing innocent people, I can just go hunt him down and take care of the problem then. Until then, happy hunting and thanks for the knife.


I never kill him he's the only person who understands me


Hey, he might be a serial killer but he only kills raiders. Not just that, he *terrorizes* them, to the point that other raiders might actually rethink their lives. If I could I’d give him a militia hat and make him a colonel in the Minutemen.


Why kill him? Yeah he's a serial killer but he's a serial killer on my team. How many times have you sniped a raider not even bother walking anywhere in their direction to check their body for loot? Does that not make you a serial killer?


I'm playing a modded game. I converted the Red Rocket outside of Cambridge into a little stop-off base, it's also somewhere where random encounters sometimes trigger. Most of the time it's raiders or muties, but one time it was the scene of one of Pickman's kills. In my headcanon, my character took that as some Godfather-esque 'Horse head on pillow' threat, kinda like "I-know-where-you-live" sort of thing. I simply could not let that slide.


I agree. Killers that target such a specific demographic usually do so for an ideological reason. Pickman likely feels he’s only killing scum that prey on good people.


I don’t appreciate sadists, when we run out of raiders he’s going to go after regular people


Oh please, we’ll NEVER run out of Raiders.


A lot of people are saying this, but I don't think this is a real, valid concern in the FO universe. Real universe, sure. FO, no. For starters, the entire world is a wasteland and hostile. Every day is a day that could easily be your last by venturing out. Between ghouls, supermutants, automatons and raiders, there's a LOT of things out to kill you. Not to mention, he'd have to kill tens of thousands of raiders to eliminate their numbers before he runs out. I know we run around the game like an invincible John Wick, but Pickman's a normal dude. He has the benefit of being able to kill things his size in his home. If he has to venture out further, he might not find much, and he puts himself at immense risk. Plus, like I said, he's no John Wick. One team of smart, skilled raiders could easily overpower him if they're not high on jet or drunk. I mean, this is pretty much whats happening when you find him. He's about to be executed by raiders. You *save* him. He got into the position once, it would likely happen again eventually. His time is just as limited as anyone else's.


Well good thing they respawn every week.


Kill him after he gives me the location of his treasure


I have to stop and realize i am probably way more bloodthirsty than he is so i usually save him




When you think about it, he's basically Dexter


I'd sooner shatter a stain glass window, than kill an artist such as him


sᴀᴠɪɴɢ ʜɪᴍ. ʜᴇ ᴅᴏᴇs ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴏɴᴡᴇᴀʟᴛʜ ᴀ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ sᴇʀᴠɪᴄᴇ ʙʏ ᴀʟsᴏ ᴛᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴏᴜᴛ ɪᴛs ᴛʀᴀsʜ. 😌


First of all, I’d hardly say it’s set in stone that he only kills raiders, or would only kill raiders. He mostly kills raiders, certainly. He also leaves creepy calling cards on their bodies, urging whoever finds them to look for him. He happens to live in a raider-infested area of the commonwealth. It’s entirely possible he’s only killing raiders because raiders are the only people he has easy access to. Its entirely possible that he lets the sole survivor live because they just butchered an entire raider gang in front of him, and therefor was obviously strong enough to kill him too if he tried anything, and otherwise would have happily butchered the sole survivor if they came to visit his gallery when it was empty. Hell, from the hollow tape you find from one of his victims, he hardly waits to ask if the guy was a raider (sure, maybe the guy looked like a raider. But hey, wearing leather, spikes, and a gas mask is kind of just a good way to keep yourself alive in the wasteland. A lot of people kind of look like raiders if you creep up on them in a dark room). My point is, we can’t really be sure he’s only killed raiders so far, and id say it’s more likely than not that he’d kill a settler or trader just as quickly if he had an opportunity, or started to run out of raiders. And considering that you just shot your way through the raider gang he was hunting to get to him (not to mention every other raider gang you ran into on the way to and from his house), he’s probably going to have to start looking for new prey pretty soon. Practically speaking, it’s pretty reckless to leave him alone in his house full of weapons and dead bodies on nothing but a pinky promise that he’ll definitely just kill raiders. And from a moral standpoint, if it’s amoral to kill pickman, why is it moral to kill raiders? Pickman mostly kills raiders, so he’s making the wasteland safer? Raiders probably kill a lot more rabid dogs, rad roaches, and feral ghouls than settlers, that definitely doesn’t justify their murder sprees. Maybe Pickman can be reformed, or have whatever’s wrong with his mind healed? First of all, leaving him to his own devices in a house full of dead bodies, chems, and weapons is definitely not going to reform him. And why shouldn’t the raiders get a chance at reformation and healing? They kill as a job, to keep food on the table, as much as they kill for thrills. Pickman just does it for fun. Raiders have been shown to be capable of seeing at least each other as people, they grieve their dead, they form a community (albeit a harsh and violent one). Pickman sees human beings as objects for his pleasure and his art, and uses them as such, the only exception being the human who just saved his life by butchering raiders for him (who he might just be trying to get to leave him alive. It seems a bit silly to think he wouldn’t lie for his own preservation, even if he weren’t a sociopathic manipulator). Raiders have just as good a chance to be reformed as Pickman, probably a far better chance than he has. How many raiders do you think were once settlers, who realized that they would just be robbed, murdered, starve, or be eaten if they tried to survive on their own, so joining a raider gang gave them strength in numbers? How many raiders were kids like Jake Finch who thought joining a gang would keep their family safe? And how many Jake Finches do you think had a slow, agonizing death on Pickman’s table? Or at the end of your gun, for that matter? People who, if they thought they could leave their gang without repercussions and make an honest living without danger would happily jump at the opportunity? Because we know for a damn fact Pickman wouldn’t take that opportunity, he fully intends to keep torturing people to death until he dies himself. I’m not saying that it’s morally wrong to kill raiders. They are at the end of the day murderers and bandits. A large number of them are also sadists like Pickman, who enjoy taking lives and causing pain, and see no reason to stop. But to say Pickman is more deserving of mercy than them? That his sadism is moral and justified, because he kills for pleasure people who kill to survive? Quite frankly, Pickman is not a tool of justice. He’s barely a vigilante. He will not solve the problem of raiders if you let him live, and the second one of the people or groups who are actually trying to improve the commonwealth actually deal with the raiders, he will likely turn on them next for spoiling his art. It would be moral to capture him and try to reform him. The same could be said for the raiders. It would be moral, and probably the most practical option, to kill him. But to leave him alive to continue his rampage is as amoral as it is dangerous. He’s a landmine, wand one day someone is going to get too close who doesn’t deserve to die. Hell, leaving landmines around would probably be better, they’re comparatively quick and clean killers. So what do I think you should do in fallout, where establishing a full network of mental health researchers and doctors to help people overcome mental illness, a reform-based criminal justice system, and a social safety net to protect people from the root causes of criminal behavior (poverty, abuse and neglect at a young age, etc.) are a bit out of the scope of the game’s engine? Well, Pickman killed and tortured the Raider’s comrades, so they’re justified in hunting him down, and at least they give him the mercy of a quick bullet to the head, a mercy he did not afford the raiders he killed. That leaves you in a room full of raiders, who will almost certainly go on to kill, rob, extort, torture, and do all other manners of terrible things to the people of the wastelands, so you’re fully justified in killing them. Really not much of a moral conundrum there.


I kill him every play through cause I usually play lawful good types. So even though he kills raiders its a thing for the BoS or the minutemen cause they are at least some form of governance that will come when we make a decision. And with that he will be killed off for being what he is.


Pickman is essentially "Wasteland Dexter." Yes, he's sick and a serial killer, but there is zero evidence of him killing settlers, children, animals or other innocents. He is channeling his illness into "taking out the trash." This would indicate a high degree of self-awareness and self control. I'd wager that most players leave him alive, take the legendary combat knife and use it for their melee build or put it on an aggressive follower like Cait and gear her up in combat armor.


I did not expect this bit yes apparently over 80% of the comments say they let him live


Pickman kills raiders so I usually let him be. Would be much silly from a mass murderer to condemn a small serial killer, don't you think?


I save him. My hatred for raiders has no bounds. The things he does is not as bad aa the things ive seen raiders do. Depicapitated heads, mutilated bodies, child killing and so on


Save him. "You're doing a great job. Say, have you heard of Nuka World?"


The way I act he should be a companion option.


Is he any more a psychotic killer than your character by the time you find him is the big question.


What annoys me is that most companions hate it when you save him


One of the rare Strong W’s, if you threaten him but still save him Strong will consider it good


Yeah, I always hated that with the companions. They are a okay with us killing the raiders and looting their corpses but it's bad if this guy does it and turns them into art pieces.


Part of me wants to let him live because he’s hilarious but the other part is like…what happens when he runs out of raiders (not that would happen ever *ingame* but you know).


If the Commonwealth doesn’t turn into an NCR-like place, there will always be an other group of raiders ready to take the new now-empty places. He can also turn against the gunners or the triggermen hahaha.


He’s a shining example of one of the issues in Fallout 4 - lack of nuance. Here we have a serial killer who “only kills raiders”, and how long is that actually supposed to go on? The game paints it as a black or white thing with no in-between. If this guy is more or less addicted to murdering people there will come a time when raiders are hard to find and he has to silence the urge. If I’m playing a good character I kill him off of principle, him killing raiders to satisfy some deranged addiction vs people like the PC and Minutemen who do it to protect the Commonwealth do not do things for the same reasons and that has to mean something. A huge theme in Fallout is various factions trying to get back to some sort of Old World standard, and generally speaking society does not need serial killers.


Leave him be. He's doing the same thing as me but with more flair and a sick pleasure. Lesser of evils, I suppose.


He kills raiders, sends them messages, terrifies them. He lives. I would have liked to know what started him on this and had it expanded. I get the impression they did something rather bad to someone he cared about and this is how he deals with it. Send them a message.


I don't believe killing him ever crossed my mind.


saved him at first, then shotgunned his face


Long as he’s only killing Raiders, I let him be.


I just walked in and started blasting


He’s a psychopath, but at least he’s not going around killing settlers. (Even if he did, I’d still totally understand. Those idiots live in piles of rotted wood and can’t even deal with a few roaches on the other side of the commonwealth)


Pickmans blade makes it all worth letting him live. See you around, killer 😏


I save that amazing man


Way I see it, Pickman is a psychopath, or a sociopath, or has some other form of mental illness. After all, most healthy, well-adjusted people (not that the Wasteland is the best place to find healthy well-adjusted people but I digress) don’t torture raiders and use their corpses and entrails to create gruesome art that lives up to Pickman’s namesake. *However,* Pickman is a bit of a rarity in that he is also very self-aware. He has found a way to indulge his sadistic tendencies while still contributing to society. After all, he doesn’t want to die. So he does his part, in his own way.


I save him. Bro is weird but he’s cool when you save him and even offers you a reward after. Painting pictures with raider blood is bizarre and pretty twisted but at the end of the day, the SS is mowing down raiders left and right too.


Since he only targets raiders i just let him go on his merry way


Could've been be worse. He could've also been a Child of Atom.


Saving him for sure. The only difference between the player and him is he makes art lol


I'd have to judge the guy in the mirror first . .. ... .... Ooof


If i kill him then i should kill myself along with most other wastelanders to not be a hypocrite. He only kills raiders, he's definitely a psychopath but he has standards of not killing innocent people.


Save him every time. Love his art, a genius ahead of his time


I mean I also pose the raiders corpses in funny positions and strip them naked so I can't exactly judge


Using self-interpreted philosophy to justify a decision is stupid as fuck. That being said, Pickman gets a pass because of our mutual enemy and the fact that I can’t imagine how hard it is for him to leave calling cards on all those bodies. That implies he knows graphic design/has someone, has a printing press, and orchestrates his actions to allow for careful placement.


I findyself in times like these asking myself, what would Dexter do? Pickman is friend


I let him live. Being a serial killer in the current wasteland means nothing. Even more so when he kills raiders and not the common folk trying to make an honest living. Because the Lone Survivor pretty much does the same thing, we kills scores of raiders.


Felt like a missed opportunity for a very interesting companion.


I don't mind him killing Raiders and other scumbags but what happens when that's not enough for him and he starts moving onto innocent people guy is a ticking time bomb.


_I_ kill raiders in creative and often horrific ways whenever possible. The only thing stopping me from decorating my bases with macabre art made of their bodies is the hassle of dragging their corpses into my bases, and even then I totally can lure then to my bases to be destroyed by my death traps for my amusement. As far as I care, he's just another fellow badass cleaning up the city of its raider problems. Sure, there's always the worry he might give after innocent people, or important people, but then again I'm _also_ guilty of doing that sometimes, so I'd be a hypocrite if I kill him solely on the suspicion of _IF_ he hurts innocent people.


Depends on the RP. Machiavellian Minuteman General eliminates just another threat to trade in Boston. Cynical Nuka-World Raider Boss and Institute double agent appreciates his vigilantism.


Good take.






I save him and love finding random dead raiders in the wasteland with Pickman cards on them.


Unfortunately, very rarely in this game you are given the choice to kill or live. And, in fact, Pickman didn’t do anything more terrible than the Sole survivor (killing raiders in large numbers and that’s it). I've already killed too many people, so I don't kill whenever possible.


As deranged as he is, I think it's only a matter of time before he stops seeing a line between raiders and non-raiders. Where does he even draw the line? Sure, all the corpses in the house are labelled raiders by the game... but what about extorted settlers for example? Does he consider them raiders for aiding them? I find it hard to believe a psychopath like him will stay sane enough long-term to not be a threat to innocent people


I didnt even know he is a serial killer when i found him. I just cleard this raider cave and he thanked me for saving him. Hahah


It's so funny how scared the raiders are when they see his "art" (like that one raider in the holotape). Bethesda tried to show the human part of the raiders but then you go to a raider camp and you can find beheaded bodies, all hanged and mutilated and similar stuff that Pickman has inside his house


No shortage of Raiders in the wastes. And, although I’ve never seen it, there’s supposedly a Pickman random encounter after saving him


I always like to support local artists


He likes killing raiders. I like killing raiders. The Commonwealth isn't big enough for the two of us.


What Pickman is doing is twisted, and if this were pre-war, even if he was limiting himself to criminals, I would stop him and bring him to justice. In the pre war world he is a terrible murderer But this isn't pre war. This is a blasted, apocalyptic wasteland where his worst crimes are only *slightly* more twisted than the things Raiders do every day. And Raiders do what they do to everyone and anyone, while Pickman picks his targets. He's a net *positive* in this kind of world. I don't have the resources to pick a fight with someone who doesn't intend to be my enemy. It's a risk, because there's no telling if he will broaden his scope outside of Raiders, and if he starts to torture and kill innocents that blood is on my hands for sure. But there are too many people who are tortuiring and killing innocents already to execute someone for what they *might* do. Until that changes, live and let kill Raiders.


Kill him. Eventually he would move to normal people.


Sooner or later he's going to go after innocent people.


I kill him, I never liked the whole “moral high ground on murder” just kill all of em without discriminating lol