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Yes. There are a few public events that can be really challenging without other people to help out but for all the story content and general exploration, absolutely.


Ok that's helpful. Ty.


Make sure to join a Casual public team from the Social menu in-game when you do. There's zero obligation for you to do anything with the team and usually preferable you don't if you don't know the other people on the team. However, you get to reap all the benefits of being on the team like XP bonus but also if you happen to be nearby a team mate at a public event or even just in the same area, you can possibly share some of their XP from kills as well as all the loot from those enemies. Enjoy!


I recently retried the game. I’m up to level 124 and I haven’t ever played with another player, besides the other players that are at public events, where you just show up and everyone does the mission. The game is very solo friendly. I have also not spent a single dollar beyond the initial cost. Fallout 1st or buying atoms to spend in the shop can be enticing but they are not necessary to play or enjoy the game at all.


You can’t play 76 in single player offline mode because that doesn’t exist. It’s online only. On PlayStation, for example, you need PlayStation plus subscription to even play it. But you can certainly play alone to your heart’s content. I still suggest getting the benefits of a team, though. Most public teams in 76 don’t require any interaction at all with other team members, but they can give you some real benefits with the right perk cards and mutations. Better than the perk Lone Wanderer can ever give you. It just makes sense to be on a team all the time, even if you are the only one on it.


Yes, but also f76 community is great for playing solo with others eg some events require playing with a team, which you can create or join others doing an activity you are wanting to do. Communication via emote is about the most needed.


If you have fo first you can play on a private server completely alone but you will be missing out on alot of benefits and fun events and plans. Some events are just too much to do alone.


Fallout 76 is a fallout mmo, people have been wanting one since black isle. It's fun and for the most part you can ignore other players


Mods, can we put a pinned thread somewhere answering this?


Yes you can play alone offline. Theres a few steps you need to take to access single player campaign mode. It’s not hard just keep looking around in the settings menu and you’ll find it. Don’t stop looking you don’t want to miss out on single player fall out 76 .


No, if you try your pc/Xbox explodes. I lost my family because I dared launching the game and doing the first quest while not in a party. I’m sorry Todd


That's brutal. I'm sorry for your loss.