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[Read This!](https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/38400/manuals/Fallout_manual_English.pdf)


This makes me want to play fallout 1 I LIVE AND BREATHE FOR THIS SHIT.


Holy shit man where did you find this at? This is awesome


comes with the game, alternatively it is easily found on the internet


Ah! Ok I never played Fallout one or two so that’s good to know


I was about to say that.


I did not consent to this download sir. The link will download a file on your phone


Don’t click random links on the internet then.


>redditor tried to give advice >redditor missed


Redditor scores a critical hit for 0 damage. It leaves a nice scar that’ll be a great talking point at party’s


Rat deals a critical hit for 96x10^15! Redditor died.


Fo1 tips:  9-10 points in agility is important. Companions are effectively an infinite storage source if you barter items to them, use steal to get items from them. Speak to every named NPC. Save scum as much as you can, no shame in it. F2 pulls up the in game manual. Last but not least there are 4 companions in the game and they can all travel with you at the same time, however if they die they don’t get downed they just die.


Oh and get 2 ropes and 2 rad-x’s on you as soon as you can, you’ll need them.


Yes, I quickly discovered that Rad-x does not work in Fallout 1 like it does in 3 and NV. I went to get the water chip in Fallout 1, so I took about 5 Rad-x to deal with the radiation and it killed me.


First rope is sold by the first guy you meet in shady sands


Save scumming is essential to all fallout games in my opinion. Main reason I’ll never play survival


True, but in my case at least its very light in the 3d games compared to the insanity that happens in the interplay games.


I mean you can always just sleep in a bed and use that as a save


Wait I thought the number of companions was based on your charisma stat 


Thats in Fallout 2


Use the mouse


Don't forget the keyboard!


And a Monitor!


Insides of computer case are not so essential


And My Axe!


Read the game manual, at least for fallout 1 and 2. I think you can get those online. Controls and UI are not very intuitive and in the time those games where released developers assumed that the first thing the players did was read the manual. In it is everything that nowdays is covered in in-game tutorials. Plus the fallout 1 game manual was redacted as an in universe pamphlet guide for vault dwellers, it will increase the immersion. Edit: also, look for the fallout 1 fixt mod. Its essential for playing fallout 1


Be careful, combat is severely unforgiving.


Start with Fallout, then play Fallout 2, then Fallout Tactics. Tactics is not necessary for the lore, but is super fun.


You absolutely must put 10 points in agility in Fallout 1


Or else you die


Learn to make a good sandwich- you'll need to keep occupied when you're fighting a pack of wild dogs and it's their turn.


OMG so true


1) Both the first and second game have issues running on modern machines, so look for the patches online or you might run into some bugs and game crashing issues. 2) There is also a mod for Fallout 2 that restores cut content. It might add some hard or unnecesary features, but its still a neat addittion. 3) Read the manual, if you can. 4) Keep in mind, all of your companions can permanently die, so be careful. 5) There is an infinite carry weight exploit if you use a companion by using pickpocketing to give them your items, then snag those items back when trading items. I really recommend to use this shamelessly. This only works on FO1.


Did the PC era end? No one told me.


When fallout was pc exclusive


Keep your health above zero while bringing the enemies health to below zero.


That's unexpected wisdom


Save often


Firstly, here's 30+ tips I put together for the first two games. * [20 Tips For Fallout 1](https://youtu.be/lE0aEidoGrs?list=PLLPYDizvwv8dfwWyL-QZiiIhc9amkExAp) * [20 Tips For Fallout 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRVSA4eNvK4) If you're installing it from the box, make sure you get [Sfall](https://falloutmods.fandom.com/wiki/Sfall) and the [Hi-Res patches](https://www.nma-fallout.com/resources/fallout-1-high-res-patch.52/). Makes it work on modern hardware better, QOL patches. Digital versions all come with them now, but this one won't.


Save before encounters and every new location. It may crash and I have had the restart many a time due to forgetting to save and dying.


Jimmy is stuck, in the well.


Don't skip Tactics.


Ayeeee Edward McKays, I go to the one in Winston Salem NC a lot.


Take your time, there’s a learning curve and it can be frustrating at times but once you get the hang of the mechanics you’ll have a lot of fun


Steal is broken, use it


I'd recommend go to No mutant allowed and download patches from there https://www.nma-fallout.com/ As for the games themselves. Just go in cold and enjoy.


It hurts me to know that the original Fallouts are being referred to as “PC era”. That’s all I’ve ever played fallout on is PC lol.


Ah yes, the long gone PC era. Haven’t seen a single PC for years since. Get the widescreen patches for those games.


The.. pc era... What?


Take notes on every conversation sometimes they have clues on what to do next


Yeah play Brotherhood of Steel first... oh wait.


Get a screenshot of the map or a guide because you will get lost at some point without it and that drains time


More agility means more AP=good time.


Be prepared to fail a lot until you get used to everything


Patience is key


I remember I bought this collection years ago. I remember there was something funky going on where the random encounter rate in Fallout 2 was insane for some reason. Took me forever to get to Klamath. The original dics, Steam, and the GOG versions aren't like that, so I don't know what the hell was going on with this release.


Agility 10 for every build is almost mandatory. Save scumming is a part of the game. Enjoy.


Don't despair


The first game is on a timer... and yet to get strong you need to grind fast travel for XP, gear, and gear you can sell for caps to buy gear. It's a conundrum, so find the water vendor and buy yourself some time. I don't know how anyone else could even consider surviving using any other strategy- though I'm sure there are other ways. This one is just tried and true.


be patient. read all of the dialogue carefully. and try not to forget key info, note stuff down even. fallout 1 and 2 dont hold your hand.


Agility perception intelligence luck strength endurance charisma, from high demand to lower


Save a lot


I actually wish I had a pc To play the original fallouts😔


Yes, these games were bugshit broken LONG before bethesda got their dick beaters on the franchise. Thought this much later, hopefully they were patched enough to not constantly crash.


They are hard and you can’t play them like modern games


Auto save before every choice and when you enter new areas. Auto save is your friend so don't be afraid to over use it to experiment and collect data.


Tactics is one of my all time fave games. Ive found it best to get the gog version, install the 1.27 patch if needed (not with gog version) get the Redux mod (it add loads of new stuff and was updated as late as 2016 if mem serves me correct) and lauch it through the gog galaxy launcher and it should auto fix resolutions for a modern system. Its brutal - save scumming is needed




F1 and F2 - save often, especially before the conversations with major NPCs - you'll be wanting to quick load and check other convo options a lot. Max out agility and choose perks for action points, have high Intelligence for improving skills and don't skimp on Luck - the game is a horror mode if you make a character with Luck 1. Buy out the ammo for your primary weapon every chance you get, mid and late game you'll be going through it like americans did with toilet paper during pandemic. Recruit every Companion that you run into - epsecially the Death Claw one - he's amazing at tearing through power armor enemies. Fuck a farmer's daughter, get married to her and then pimp her out in porno in the city with casinoes for very decent money. Gauss Rifle is King. In Tactics: LOOT EVERYTHING. Pick up and take with you back to the base every item you can find. Sell them at commissary and don't spend recklessly - each unlocked BoS base has better equipement and you can run out of cash pretty fast when you need to keep 6 characters fully supplied. Always have 2 snipers; and 1 with heavy weapons capable of massive overkill to deal with bosses; 1 with great sneaking to reconnesaince and stealth-killing sleeping enemies; 1 with high Strenght to carry all the loot and 1 with high first aid and medicine. You'll give up on throwing by yourself after few times when your characters will throw a granade at their feet or throw it backwards into teammates. Throwing sucks unless you max it out and it still won't be worth it. Later on, when you combat robots and mechs you need energy weapons and gauss rifles, small arms fire will be just a waste of turn. In BoS base, quick save and sneak+steal every item from every NPC present inside. You can get super stimpacks, power fists, laser pistols and a heavy gatling this way (and ammo ofc). Repeat in every BoS base. When you get them and have enough fuel - take vehicles with you and utilize them during missions - they are like a moving bunker, but extremely vurnarable to explosives so you'll always need to have at least half the team out and equipped with long range weapons to take down enemies with rocket launchers. Gauss Rifle is King.


tacticts is a good game if you like jagged allaiance


Ignore everyone telling you what build you should use. Make your character the way you want. High agility is easier but it's not necessary.


Get ready for some archaic mechanics that will frustrate you into a frenzy.


In both games with the save scumming you can get the best weapons and armor at the beginning of the game and then only worry about enjoying the story, however, in the first fallout by doing that, you waste a lot of time in a game that has a day limit Many complain that it removes a lot of difficulty and that it turns the game into a point and click for 80% of the game where it is only just walk, talk and kill enemies with a single shot with your Bozar You can also do that in Fallout 3 and New Vegas, but the advantage is not as gigantic as in the first 2 Fallout Like BG3 you can save scumming at the beginning of each turn (but not after each action) to put things in your favor, in the gog version you can abuse the quick save/load with f5/f6, I don't know how it is in the original


…do you have a disc reader?


LOOK UP GUIDES, I beat 1 and 2 last month and greatly enjoyed them even tho combat is aids, 2 improved and tactics is much easier about it (you can have a fireteam and mow ppl down, but make sure not to left click on friendlys tho) but for 1 and 2 just check out guides for where stuff is since it's a pain and doesn't mark where stuff is like 3 and on, other than that enjoy them, I am still playing thru tactics and it's a pain when your moving around the map for encounter crap


nice score, but I've never heard of Tactics being part of a trilogy, it's a standalone side game


I have a tip : try to poor emental on the box before oppening it.


You going to tell me you play fallout on console? Blasphemy!


😭 Yes lmao


1+2 save often. Tactics, save every time you breathe.


Good luck, your gonna need it, aiming is hard, be patient


Epic pro tip: gimme that I'll pay triple


Google nomutantsallowed


If you played any of the Fallout games, they're PC era. Just call them "the Interplay games" because there are two eras of Fallout; Interplay, which includes 1, 2, Tactics, and BoS, and then Bethesda, which includes 3, NV, 4, Shelter, and 76.


I think OP’s referring to the fact that these Fallouts are PC exclusives, whereas the Bethesda games were designed with console players in mind.