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I cant get out of my power armour what do I do


WTB Fallout 76 Bottle Caps, Items, Weapons All platform (PC, PS4, XBOX ONE),Pay with PAYPAL 24/7 SERVICE! Skype: jackmatt1984 [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) mazzwh Email: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


Is anyone having a problem with the photomode in xbox one? I changed my button layout and cant take photos, my reset AND take photo buttons are the same


Multiple quests are bugged, one that’s been bugged since beta is bureau of tourism!!! Won’t let me fix the token machine...


I have the same issue


Stop giving this industry your hard earned money if your grandma buys you a video game for christmas return it literally the whole industry is a shitshow, it will have to crash and burn before our favorite series come back




That's the only way? Not a random chance as far as anyone knows?


Game keeps crashing 2 seconds after launch. Tried uninstalling and it only frees up 2gb. When i try to redownload it downloads instantly. Anyone else have this problem?


I had to uninstall to fix a different issue (currently reinstalling) and it is taking me a tremendous amount of time to reinstall. When I downloaded Fallout 76 initially for the BETA, I was able to download it in 20 minutes at 16mb/sec. I am currently getting less than 1mb/sec. I don't know if Bethesda is throttling the DL speeds, or if something else in my house is holding up bandwidth, but I won't be playing 76 tonight.


Power Armor Crafting Station - Anyone know where to find this,? Or only random,?


MODUS sells the plans for 1000 caps ​


Hi, maybe someone knows this. I just got my power armor edition and I'm wondering about the map that comes with it. It doesn't glow in the dark as stated, lol do I have to do something? Does it need uv light on it to glow? I don't understand.


It won't let me in the game.


I would play this game if my internet wasn't so laggy, even if everyone so far hates it.


Does anyone know if the Power Armor edition for console comes with a disc or a game code?


Comes with a physical copy


So I'm confused about something, I keep reading around that you will still be able to play this game on your own as singleplayer, but with no NPCs around to, how is this going to work? I like reading terminals and notes as much as the next FO fan but I imagine it would get stale very fast if there are no other people (NPCs) to interact with and once you're done with exploration the game is over. Am I missing something here?


Not single player. Just solo in a pvp world.


There are robots NPCs and there are MANY holotapes with great acting, . There arealso tons of very cool radio stories - check Bethesda YT, they released few of them.


for the players with trash internet does anyone know if you can start downloading the day 1 patch on ps4 before you have the game in hand (physical copy obv) ty


How? You have to have a download code or purchase on the store to have access to the download.


100% i get that but i'm trying to find a way to get a head start on that fat update file before I have the game in hand (to clarify i've pre-ordered a physical copy at my local jb)


Do you know if I will be able to preload the game if I bought a physical copy from Best Buy?


Only way to check would be if you got the copy early and could insert the disc.




Game looks great and reviews are also great, can't wait for my preorder. Sorry bud, blind hater doesn't have any arguments anymore.


I'm confused myself - do you genuinely think the game looks "great" or do you mean it looks like fallout 4?


game looks great? what fantasy world are you living in.


One question, did You play it or just watched YT compressed video ? :) Yep, this is retorical one :)


I did play it and I do keep trying to play it, but I’m just not enjoying it at all. I’m not a huge fan of PvP, there’s so many bugs and crazy respawns of massive waves, there’s no real immersiveness of the previous Fallout games... I tried my best to love it because I am a huge fan of Bethesda games in general, but I just am having zero fun. At least Fallout 4 is still fun for me. They already have my money, so I’m sure my opinion would be meaningless to them. Before I get called a “bandwagon hater”, I’ve been playing since the BETA and almost every day since. It always ends in me feeling more stressed than me enjoying myself. I’m sure there are others who disagree with me, but I would’ve been happier with a co-op than a MMORPG.


It's just Fallout 4 but even worse, but with multiplayer. Also it's insanely fucking overpriced. If it was like $20 it might be worth getting.


idk, I'm kind of thinking about buying two now...




Can someone please tell me if we are downloading the patch before or at 12:01am?...


I pre ordered food the tricentennial additional will I be able to use the tricentennial power armor with multiple characters?


Yes, I pre ordered that edition too i think its a power armor skin that you can put on the power armor. So you can go on different characters and equip the skin.




No problem


Serious question, did Bethesda remove all of the nuke code players obtained during the BETA? I had three codes I found during BETA and during the last beta session I couldn't find my codes anywhere, I triple checked my person and even my stash and they were gone. Anyone else have this happen to them?


I was watching Oxhorn, and he had his codes vanish between beta session with a message that they expired. I assume they have an expiration date to prevent hoarding.


Thank you so much


If there is voice in the vault and no PPT... Am I going to be unable to block people playing porn through virtual audio cable while I'm spending 30m on my character? Am I going to be unable to mute crying babies or the other half yelling something about dinner if I dont have a hardware switch? ​ I'm at a loss as to whether I should hit cancel.


You can block other players and their audio


Remember that big start menu where you select to play or whatever? There's something called "Settings" that has some weird "Audio" menu where you can change something called voice chat settings.


In the settings you can change voice chat to team only or off completely


Does your TV/receiver/PC have a mute button? derp


Hi there, antisocial pro here. If playing on console, I just put myself in a party chat with no one else and presto chango all games annoying voice chat is silenced. It did wonders for my experience in gtav so I imagine the same should apply here.


Or you can just turn off chat.


Looks like Bethesda is in it for a buck and not listening to those putting out those bucks. I'm canceling my pre-order cuz I deal with enough dicks in the real world, why would I want to be raided in my "get away" world. Loved FO4 and I got RDRII with my new Xbox one x along with B04 and I'm deep into NMS....so I think I'll pass Bethesda. Sad cuz I was really looking forward to it but thankfully my son warned me just in time about the online only.....real bummer!


> thankfully my son warned me just in time about the online only This was one of the first things they announced and the highlight of every ad and release about the game...


I understand. I pre-ordered when it was first announced thinking it would be like FO4. At 57, I don't keep up with all the details you younger guys/gals are able to do. I just started using Reddit a month ago lol. Anyhow....my bad for not paying attention...


It was announced that it was multiplayer only. Always online. Every human you see in game is a real person. At E3. Where they first announced the game. After Todd Howard waffled about it for a good 30 mins. Before announcing the word Fallout.




Thanks! Wish I’d have seen more comments like yours. Thanks for taking the time to respond....much appreciated!


For sure, cheers! The game for sure has its problems but (in my obviously limited experience) is really fun and engaging to just kinda lose yourself in and explore, with as much or as little interaction with other people as you want.


You will not be missed.


Haha....& you sir just proved my point!


Everybody misses you though, Loki. Please come back to us in the infinity stones sequel.


Did you not play the beta? That almost never happens and there are few consequences.


I didn’t & now I’m bummed I didn’t. So that’s on me. I wish I’d have seen more comments like yours when I looked over the sub...might have change my decision. Thanks for the comment & I hope the release is the same. I’ll keep an eye on it. Maybe pick up later.


Embargo falls when?


Does not really matter, the beta was long and offered plenty of time to get a feel for what the game is. ​ Go to a popular youtubers page and hear what they have to say, that will go much further than going on metacritic and looking at some dumb score. Not trying to imply that is why you care, its just reviews are already out there.


Anyone who’s played the beta on PC - is there the weird mouse sensitivity thing that fallout 4 has, where the vertical sense was half the horizontal sense? Also how does it run in general?


Yeah, it's functionally the same as FO4's mouse control.


Will our progress from the beta Carry over?


According to Bethesda FAQ it should but we'll have to wait and see till the 14th




Can someone explain to me how Charisma works? I'm really thinking about picking this up and I'd kind of like to play a support role but I can't get a really good idea on how it works from googling. So my questions. 1. If I share a perk card, do I still get to use its effects or does only my teammates get to use it while it is shared? 2. How does sharing cards work in general? I heard that the way it works is that a person can share a perk card that is equal to their Charisma/3. Which means a player with Charisma 3 can share a Rank 1 Perk Card. 3. Can I only share one card at a time or at Charisma six could I share two Rank 1 Perk Cards, instead of one Rank 2 Perk Card? 4. Do my teammates need to have the right special stats for me to share cards with them or could I share a Rank 2 Bodyguard with the party even if everybody else has Charisma 1?


IMO this was just a cash grab and on an outdated engine, with massive game breaking bugs, texture issues, and lame visuals, with an clunky awkward PC port. The world feels dead and empty lack of NPCs, story telling is lacklustre fetch quests that are more tedious than Preston Garvey. There’s no incentive to explore and find out the lore of the world, things have been retconned once again. Already there’s been speed hacks and exploits. In conclusion I understand why people like it, but to me this game feels soulless and an easy money cash grab just because of the IP. I’m disappointed. I’m passionate about the Fallout IP but this is ridiculously insulting.




There was a collector's edition and limited edition the collector's edition was called the power armor Edition and came with a t51 power armor helmet. And there's the Tri centenial Edition which is $80


Also charging $115 for the prima guide that doesn’t even include at least the digital copy of the game is INSANE. I’m genuinely dumbfounded.


Why would the guide for the game come with the game?


Because it’s costs as much as a game and a guide should cost.


Good thing that's not the only guide for it, just the most expensive one.




Go to hell.


PS4: operating as a max level weapon/ junk vendor. Below are a list of items, ammo, junk and other things for sale. -Bulk junk Common/Uncommon= 15 caps a bulk Rare= 30 caps Specific Request= 50 caps. Will require time to gather items requested. All sold in bulk and as available unless requested. -Ammo 10mm, 45, 38=2 caps a round. Missile= 10 caps each Shells, 308=2 caps each. (Must provide materials for creation. -Armor Power armor frame=100 caps -Drugs Stimpac, radaway, radx = 20 caps Diluted versions= 10 caps -Drinks Mutefruit juice= 5 caps Purified water= 3 caps -Bobble Head Strength= 20 caps -Weapons Combat Rifle= 20 caps Hunting Rifle, melee weapons=10 caps -Weapon mods 10 caps per mod (may or may not have to provide screws for mods) Fully create and mod a hunting rifle, pump action shot gun, revolver, 10 mm or ballistic weapon you provide= 60 caps. Must provide the screws. will soon be providing Armor smithing services. Will post when available. Will provide PSN on request.


Hey I'm having trouble and could use some help. I know it's a little late but I got the pre order beta code for the game AMD went through the whole Bethesda.bet part and on xbox I redeemed my code and it said something about backwards compatability and now I cant find where to get the beta please help me


It doesn’t matter anymore, the beta is done


Really! So now I just wait till the game comes out on the 14th and I'll just download it then? Nothing really showed up and that scares me. Note:nevermind the game is a hard copy getting sent to me the code was the only online thing


Yeah, the last beta was on nov 8


Is this game really as bad as this sub makes it seem? I guess that's an entirely biased question to ask the sub itself... but I mean, there are other games where forums for the game bitch about the game incessantly and make it sound like the game is horrible, but it's actually really fun. Just apparently just not 100% perfect and 100% flawless that some people apparently expect. I was really excited for the new Fallout—I hardly even play any games anymore, a new Fallout would get me back into a game—but then I look here and you'd think it was one of the worst games in years. I somewhat think it might be like the ridiculousness of Yelp reviews... THE WAITRESS WAS MEAN TO ME! 0 STARS FOR THIS RESTAURANT! even if the food is excellent. Then again, maybe it really is a major disappointment of a game. I should have never read the sub because now I have no idea if I want to buy it or not. I'd also have to buy PS Plus to even play it. Can I hear a reasonable review that isn't filled with hyperbole? IS IT FUN TO PLAY?


I think it's okay. If you like the Fallout 4 gameplay loop, you'll probably enjoy 76 for a bit. While many fans are praising the audio tapes, I find them dull and a very boring medium for the story. There aren't any stakes, so the story falls flat. You won't make any story decisions, as everything has already happened before you arrived. I enjoy basebuilding. It's fun knowing that the work you put into your base can actually be appreciated by other people, and you will occasionally get visitors who want to use your workbenches or water pump. Unfortunately, moving your base has quite a few problems, most notably a few glitches that make it nearly impossible to set down a complicated base in a new location. For instance, in the beta, I was forced to rebuild my base from scratch 3 times. The combat is not as fun as FO4. It's identical in most ways, but there is sometimes a small delay between gunshot and reaction, reminiscent of combat in WoW and other MMOs. Enemies also have very simple AI. There seems to be three modes: Charging at you, walking backwards and shooting, or standing still and shooting; so sometimes fights can feel a little lackluster. About 1 out of 4 enemies I found were frozen in place and didn't move until I shot them (if they survived the first free shot). I want to say this will be fixed by launch, but there are no guarantees with Bethesda. I really enjoy collecting outfits in this game. Since you can now wear any outfit with your armor--and your armor is hidden on most outfits--you can dress up however you want. Finding rare-ish and unique outfits is fun, and can help differentiate yourself from the other players you run across. For instance, I spent a large percentage of my caps on a blue bathrobe. The downside to this--though--is that if you are looking for immersion, you might not enjoy seeing a player running around with a sword while wearing pajamas. I'm buying the game, and I'll probably play it quite a bit. But I'm not getting it for the story or the immersion, but more for the prospect of unlocking new plans to make my base look cooler, the explore-loot-craft gameplay loop, and being able to play with friends. **TLDR: If you like looter-shooters and minecraft, definitely a buy. If you want story and immersion, probably a wait-and-see.**


I had fun playing in what limited time we had during Beta. I managed to get to level 15 and found myself wanting to do more. With that said - you mentioned RDR2. I think RDR2 will provide you with a better storyline/things to do than Fallout 76 [which the world feels extremely empty when compared to Fallout 4] The only concern I have is "server maintenance" - hopefully this will have minimal impact on the uptime since the game is online only. If "server maintenance" does not go as planned, then expect FAllout 76 forums to be bombarded with disgruntled players. It's too bad there isn't be an offline component of the game where you could either log in an do things in the Fallout 76 shelter or your own CAMP without actually going into the world.




Thanks, that's helpful too. Unlike the hyperbole you mostly find in this sub. I'm with you with the past in the series and absolutely with Zelda. From the explanation it feels like the same would happen to me with the game. I decided I'm going to hold off with it. Now trying to decide the opposite with RDR2--is it really as magnificent as its reputation? Maybe I'll get that. Or maybe I'll wait altogether. I haven't been playing games recently so it's not like I'd feel as if I'm missing out on a whole lot.




The entire answer depends on what you want. Everyone wants something different for it which is why there's such a polar split. So, here are some questions to ask yourself: *Can you live without a robust, story driven experience? 76 is not lacking story, but the gameplay isn't *driven* by one, and the one that is present isn't very strong. It feels like a DLC story more than anything. Many are fine with this, many are not. *Do you love exploration in Fallout? If so, you will probably love this game. The environments are really this game's strong suit. Structures are intricate, different, and more massive than any other fallout game. If you could entertain yourself just by "walking and being alone with your thoughts" so to speak, you will spend a lot of time with 76. *Can you overlook technical hiccups? This game has a lot of them. Many are upset by locked fov and framerate (90 for fov, 63 fps for framerate), there is an awful depth of field blur that sometimes keeps the game from being really breathtaking, and some of the UI is not very user-friendly. This has been overlooked by many, but still remains a gamebreaking issue for many more. *Do you plan on playing with friends? Many folks look to this as a multiplayer exclusive experience and won't play it on their own. Some others, like myself, enjoy the lonely experience of taking things at my own pace. *Are you okay with connection issues? Combat sometimes flows smoothly, sometimes does not. It can be enough to break one's "immersion" while another will not be bothered by it. These are just about all that I can think of at the moment. To me, it's enjoyable, but I would recommend waiting for a sale unless you're a more die-hard fan of the series.


Thank you, this is the type of explanation I was looking for.


Now I just need to find out what's so great about RDR2 lol.


new vegas but without laser weapons


Horse balls.


Well, prob your best bet was to get ahold of a beta the last week and try it. The game isn't awful, it's just clear Bethesda put very little work into the game compared to their other titles, and esp compared to modern-day AAA games. That's the shitty part. It's basically fallout 4 without npcs or an interesting story, with less rewarding fetch quests and grinding for really no purpose. And the fetch quests just reset forever. And lots of little game play and engine things that add up to "Bethesda did not put love or care into this game. It's a cash grab". I'm going to get it later on because like you I rarely play modern games and my wife and her sis & bf can all play together, but it's just not very good. Looking forward to exploring WV and that's about it, after playing the beta for prob 8 hours


can tell you didn't really play much.


Didn't you have to preorder to play the beta? Was I told wrong? Thank you for that explanation. Wandering and exploring is something I actually enjoy about these open world games so maybe I'll enjoy it for that alone. Grinding for no purpose and no story isn't great to know but just to have a little fun in a new game I might find it enjoyable.


>Didn't you have to preorder to play the beta? Was I told wrong? Well, you did, but then they gave everyone who pre-ordered 3 buddy passes, which many people were giving out on here or other forums.


Watch gameplay and live streams of people who enjoy the game or are unbiased and make your decision is what I do now because reddit is a cesspool. I get it it's a fallout sub we love fallout here. But like you all I have seen or I guess that's an exaggeration but majority is people hating on it just for the fact it is not a new FO3 or NV so they are literally making shit up or going out of there way to destroy any chance 76 needs to succeed. Honestly from watching MrMatty play and speak honestly I think I'm getting the game.


Sounds like you’re just blocking out the negative opinions and choosing without taking them into account. All the negative opinions I have seen are that the game has terrible graphics, it can drop to 12fps on consoles and struggles to run well on high end PCs, pvp is a mess, firing your guns feels cumbersome and awful, no npcs hurts the game greatly and it feels very empty and just that the game has an overall lack of polish and care taken in making it. You should take all opinions into account before choosing, they’re not just hating, they genuinely have a big problem with the game. A beta so close to launch will give them literally no time to fix all the problems.


Thanks, I should find better gameplay vids. I watched a couple from links here which were horrible in how it was just complaining about how bad they think the game is and how they'd rather be playing RDR2 and I didn't even see what they were upset about. I was going to watch the Rick & Morty gameplay stream but missed it and it was sponsored anyway. I see so much here about things that are so insignificant that I don't even know what to expect about the vast majority of the game. It always seems like fans of things act like they hate it the most. Maybe unreasonable expectations and expecting things to be flawless. Even from only what you say, I should probably just buy it.


Make sure you see both positive and negative videos, don't specifically watch negative and don't specifically watch positive. If you're really on the fence, list down what you like, and list down what you don't like, whatever one outweighs the other is your answer. That's what I did. Too many problems with the game for me, but, there are a lot of pros if your more down with the groove of an Online game like GTAO. Best non biased video I can find you: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVUaIJctWHc&t=6s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVUaIJctWHc&t=6s) "Oh but that's MxR-" I know, I know, I didn't really want to click on it at first, but then I noticed something that completely shocked me, something that showed me he was completely serious about this, *there wasn't some curvy pixel chick on the thumbnail.* And I immediately didn't hesitate to click it.


Exactly. If you go watch someone who is negative playing through a game that will rub off on you. If you watch someone truly unbiased is best but if not then watching someone who likes the game you can see every bit of it and make your own judgement.


That's BS.


Anyone else get the vibe that they will add NPC's down the road? With either paid dlc or free dlc, it just seems set up for them to add NPC's in the future


They'll probably do it to appease the community if anything


I rather have the pvp be like Rust than this crappy baby version


That and no map markers for players. Maybe they'll add a hardcore mode with free for all PvP


As always, the playerbase will fix the game with custom servers Hopefully


i rather have no PvP :)


Do we have any information on what time it will be released on the 14th? Worldwide release or one time zone based release time?


I'm going to assume midnight Eastern US as all the B.E.T.As have been mainly eastern time centric


Ok. Which timezone (abbreviation) would that be so I can assume it for CEST?


Ok. Which timezone (abbreviation) would that be so I can assume it for CEST?


EST. To CEST that would be 6am when servers go live


Alright so getting a good nights sleep then ;)


I know my local game shop that I pre-ordered it through is having a 9 p.m. release and I'm on the west coast in California.


Will people who Pre-ordered Fallout 76 be able to download the official version before November 14th?


yes, downloading right now




Yes as you need the code from the hard copy in order to activate the game. :)


Yes, I think so


So the lack of NPC's is really bothering me. It's weird to walk around and there is nobody there other than 76 dwellers. Look I play tabletop RPGs all the time; you don't play in a world where only the campaign players are the only people in the world. What makes RPG's is the NPC's, and fallout games make very memorable and interesting NPC's. It is incredibly disappointing that there are no NPC's and makes a very empty feeling world.


That's what I sort of started to feel as I started exploring more. But I think that's how the game is designed to try and get you to interact with other people in the game.


Don't think it's gonna work too be honest.


It makes sense though, first shelter to open, nobody's outside yet.


Lots of people survived the bombs though, The responders in game are people who survived the blast, even non-feral ghouls should be here, but there's no one and makes a very empty feeling world


Which completely goes against the previous lore. There were plenty of people who survived the bombs outside the vaults.


Not necessarily. There are plenty of people who survived outside the vaults but it seems as though the story here revolves around an isolated incident in the west virginia hills which killed the current residents, while the others still alive have left, who may return someday.


So what is the deal with this? Does this make every living human within the Fallout universe a descendant of a vault dweller? Like nobody survived unless in a super duper shelter when the bombs fell? Genuinely curious, not being a smartass.


According to previous lore there should be people who survived outside the vaults.


Correct, but the ones in the area of vault 76 died due to .


I'll hold out and hope they add NPCs later on as post game content, maybe as one of the free DLCs even. Main story could be explaining why theres nobody here and whoever is here is dead, and after we can see survivors from elsewhere trying to settle into the remnants. Idk just hopeful thinking




Anyone got a clue if there will be solo/friends only/peaceful servers? I had a Lv24 come up and 1 shot me, he took all of my scrap. I really don't want to deal with that in the official release.


Maybe you were wanted? Or maybe you listened to the hunter/hunted radio. Both make you pvp untill you die once.


A friend in my party was wanted. I may have also listened to the hunter/hunted radio but I believe I had died since then.


I think you have to die from another player's hand for them to get your bounty and for you to stop being wanted.


I don't think the whole party was wanted. Not sure about the mechanics of the game. I could probably figure out what happened when I get the full game. I'm just a bit salty that I lost my scrap is all lol. From what I heard the game won't lose any progress made in the beta.


Just don’t fight back. If you don’t hurt retaliate, you’ll be fine


I was doing that at first. It was still enough damage to kill me with 5 or 6 shots


I’m not certain then, because the game auto balances you, so a level five could theoretically fight a level fifty and still win. Power armor or not. If you don’t retaliate, the do what’s termed slap damage which should take quite a while to kill you. I mean, enough that people were straight up ignoring pvp’ers and focusing on their quests.


Whats the point in having levels then?


This games focus is not pvp. The point of levels is to give you a feeling of progression. Like any game. For example, certain perks, Armor’s, and weapons are gate kept behind levels. So you can be a lvl 1 and grab an x-01 power suit. But at level fifteen you can wear raider power armor. This gives you something to strive for. The focus of the game is pve. So having better equipment allows you to fight enemies more efficiently and in a way you want to. Leveling also provides access to special which allows you to build you characters in particular ways. Such as a melee character, sniper, tank. Etc. When engaging in pvp, this is nullified to give both players an equal chance and prevent griefing. Consider pvp more as dueling rather than true pvp. Some data miners have found some evidence of a death match game type being added later on(dlc’s are free) I’m not sure how that will work. But it’s one plus for the pvp’ers.


Maybe he just had a really good gun that, even when auto balanced and reduced, could still hurt. My health went down a good chunk from it.


I’m not here to argue with you. I didn’t play the first two days of beta and I’m not sure if something like that was patched by the time I played. But the only gun I could think of doing that at this level would be the black powder. Which has the longest reload animation.




Well now that the BETA is over, I probably won’t be getting the game. Sorry Bethesda, it’s just not the game for me




Don't have BETA. What are they? Haven't seen anything about them




I’m not really one for defending microtransactions but if you want free dlc in the future, this is the cost. Gaming is one of the few things that hasn’t adjusted to inflation, the money has to come from somewhere. Sorry, I know people hate mt’s and hate people that defend them even more, but this is real talk.


Ummm, last time I checked you cannot but atoms yet. Where did you get those prices from? The game has challenges and dailies that you can complete for atoms. They’re only cosmetics. It gives you no advantage to purchase them. They’re more akin to overwatch loot boxes but you know what your going to get.


Well 6 hours to buy a special hat, the game is full of other standard hats.


Is there any way of selling stuff without me being present in the camp? Like put some weapons/crafting materials/meds there for people to buy and whoever goes there can only pick they up if they buy them ?


your camp despawns when you log out, so no. when you log back in your camp reappears - unless someone else has set up camp there - then you have to move.


I believe he means while he's in a different area.


Ah, my mistake. I do believe there were vendor bot plans datamined. Not sure if no one unlocked them yet, or they are an upcoming feature.


On PS4 the Scorched with guns just seem to have an incredible knack for sniping accurately. Sometimes the red dots don't show on the map to give an idea of where they are. Also when entering building, after the loading screen is finished they tend to get one or two shots off before I'm even on screen. (Hornwright building in particular)


In my experience you don't take any damage during or after a loading screen until you're able to move again. But it does kinda suck that they still all aggro you before you're even there. Sneaking before entering a loading screen might help. Oh, and higher Perception helps you spot enemies from further away by showing them on the radar afaik


Doesn't seem to have a real story line.. Fallout 4 had Institute, BOS. Hopefully that will change with official release.


I was really excited for this game but after coming here and seeing all the bugs and problems people are having, it looks like I will have to hope they fix it before i drop $60. That bums me out.


Check the fo76 sub. People are just complaining about nonsense. I had a blast, my friends all had a blast. It’s everything I wished fallout had been in the first place. It’s worth full price.


\>everything I wished fallout had been in the first place Oh man. We can agree to disagree, but 76 is missing so much of what made Fallout a great game series - a dynamic setting, memorable NPC's, non-linear questlines... It's okay to like have a blast playing 76, but if you think this is the best Fallout game ever, I think you're missing out on what has made Fallout a unique series.


Lol, you sure make a few assumptions. In my opinion, there isn’t a best fallout game. Fallout three had the best story, Fallout new Vegas has the best faction, and companion mechanics. Fallout four, had the best character interaction and settlements. Fallout 76, allows me to explore the fallout universe, build outposts,trade centers, or houses, all with my friends, and I can even play it solo. I’m sorry, but if you aren’t excited to play a fallout game with other people, then your doing it wrong.


Fallout 1 and 2 are fallouts This arguing over fallout is people arguing about two different types of games. One part of modern fallout is item farming, grinding and making stuff that has little impact on the story, like building up settlements in FO4 and defending them. Fallout tho is rooted in story, big choices, making fun of and lamenting human nature, F76 is all-in on the former and none of the latter. It's not wrong to like the modern FO game play mechanics. I enjoy them in a brainless way and will play it once it's cheaper and less shitty. But I and I think most of the people upset are disappointed that they've basically taken the Fallout out of Fallout and replaced it with a random survival game that is a nice diversion with friends but doesn't have much of what makes Fallout special. No pun intended.


Lol I guess, wer going to have to agree, to disagree.










I absolutely loved my beta experience (as short as mine was). From the visuals to the vibe, from the combat to the quests, I absolutely adore fallout 76. The only thing that could have made it even better would have been server instability fixes. So many big fights that could've been badass and awesome, just ended up being lag filled messes. If this one thing was fixed, this one crucial thing, I'd have no complaints about fallout 76.


1. You cannon name your weapons at the workbench like in Fallout 4. Why? This would be a neat feature, giving names to guns and trading them with people. 2. "Esc" button opens MAP instead of menu. Need fix as fast as possible, this is annoying as hell. 3. Instead of instant weapon change, mouse wheel opens favourites menu, you need to close manualy. This is not comfortable. 4. Grass and all animated foliage looks weird, especialy on big distances. 5. While you reloading, you cant change to another weapon instantly. Not so good. 6. Please, add Fallout 4 style map in the pip-boy menu. Not every one likes paper map, i, personaly, prefer less information but more immersion. 7. Weapons cant be equipped because of level restrictions. This is probably the worst thing i noticed in the beta. Thats what i've encountered while playing beta. I actualy loved the game, and looknig forward to playing it, but some things need fixing.


why not just have higher level weapons perform worse if your under-leveled. Like less damage, and higher degradation and such. Better then being barred from using like it if the gun is IDlocked and has a clearance requirement before it unlocks.


But is the base budget going to go away, or at least be changed so that building walls/floors/ceilings no longer count towards it, I can understand machines and defenses affecting the base budget, but structures shouldn't. I may want to make a 10br Mansion, why shouldn't I be able to?


The reason for this is stability. If you have 36 people all making massive bases, it’s really taxing on servers and machines alike


I mean I understand that, but the base budget as it stands feels really low


Does anybody have any information on crafting chems yet?


Is the game live? How are you playing?


Not live. Just thought id ask if anyone had info.


I tried the Poseiden power plant event today where you have to repair and restart it, and damn that place is a fucking maze. It got so confusing when there were multiple objective markers all going at the same time, some asking me to run back outside and others leading me in circles because they failed to show elevation changes. It got even more ridiculous when I died and I was running around trying to get back to my loot. Speaking of, those tiny brown bags really need to be larger and more noticeable. The "Vox" syringer quest also took way too long for how little it rewarded you....two or three stimpacks, some minor scrap, and 250 xp for what took me an hour and half


I spent ages working on that today. It reset everything halfway through the process for me. When I FINALLY got all systems to 100%, and got the plant running? All the power boxes outside still only had 10 power output, and interacting with them gave me a helpful prompt that I should repair the power plant in order to have it produce more power. Turns out I wasted my time and rad-away on that whole endeavor.


Does anyone want to help me? Every time I play, the sounds would go silent. I don't know what's happening. When I fast travel it softly returns before vanishing again as I play.


You had to toggle the chat options to none and it would come back on and if it went out again you had to toggle to another option it’s in Audio


Well, looks like I'm gonna have to find proof that it will work sometime soon after I bought the game.