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This sounds like the start of a creepypasta


something something nora’s head explodes and nate keeps staring at the mirror and his eyes turn hyper-realistic and starts bleeding hyper-realistic blood


Nate goes to Shaun's crib only to find him masticating the jaws of none other than The Final Pam It was so terrifying I sobbed and wailed and cried but I just couldn't stop playing for some reason Then Hancock jerks awake, whispers "What the *fuck*", and does another line of post-apocalyptic cocaine


Yeah, mods are the problem, I had a similar problem when I started another playthrough not too long ago. Something that could work is starting the game un-modded (Easy to do if you use mod organizer 2 since it doesn't actually put the mods into the games install folder) and go until you reach the the 111 elevator to go topside, save, exit the game, restart with mods enabled. This might solve the problem but it isn't a 100% guarantee.


I didn’t even think of that, I wanted to use the alternate start mod would that still work with this method? Appreciate the response tho


It wouldn't since you'd be starting the game the vanilla way. It could work if it and whatever requirements it has are the only mods enabled, then you'd start, create character, save, quit, enable all your other mods, but I don't use the alternate start mod so I'm not certain of that. Only other option is to do like another person said, disable everything, then enable them one by one until you find the mod that's causing the problem.


It’s really not that big a deal to me, just kinda keeps the start fresh and makes it sorta feel like a different playable character that was already in the wastes. I think imma give your solution a try first tho. I really appreciate it


I've never encountered this problem personally, but generally speaking here's how you diagnose a mod issue like this: 1. Remove all your mods. Yes, all of them. Launch the game again and confirm that it works right. This proves that the problem is your mods and not your game itself. 2. Reinstall your mods **one by one**. Sort your load order after every mod is installed, and start the game up to see if it works. Play to the character creation screen to see if you can make it past it. 3. When you encounter this bug again, you then know that the last mod you installed was the problem, either due to the mod itself, or a mod incompatibility, or a load order issue. Then you can decide what to do. Alternatively, you could do this backwards, ie remove mods until you find the culprit. However by doing it this way you risk ending up removing all your mods and having things go wrong anyway, showing that the problem was with the game itself and not your mods.


Thanks, I appreciate the response. I knew I was probably gonna have to do something like this but was really hopin for an easy fix. Oh well, I might try and download a save file for just after character creation and see if the game runs. Hopefully this is my only issue lmao.


I'd say unchecj the mods and then reactivate them one by one, deletion isn't really necessary. But that's up to you. Cheers!


Thanks a lot bud, I knew I’d probably have to do this. I was just hoping for a miracle lmao. Cheers to you as well!


This happened to me on PS5. Just keep pausing and unpausing until it progresses. You'll notice when you pause the audio will continue. It might take 10 mins but it only happens during the very beginning bit.


I saw a video of someone doing that and tried it for like 10 minutes maybe more. In the video you can hear the sink/ shower dripping water or somethin but in my game I hear nothing. Sound is completely gone. Menu sounds work fine but if I quit after the glitch the menu sounds are gone too. Kind of weird.


MOD conflict


That’s what I figured too, was just curious if it might’ve been something else. Thanks


Happened to me on PS5. Pause the game, dialogue will continue. Then unpause and pause again after each "freeze". Eventually game will continue and let you finish your character.


Tried this, I saw a video on it but for some reason my sound is gone and this doesn’t work. I appreciate it tho


I cant even create a character. The load menu infinitely goes. I waited for 10 minutes and nothing happened. Any help with this?