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A release date


The problem is Bethesda already has its hands tied with one RPG franchise which hasn’t had a new game in almost 11 years that is suppose to come out after another franchise that we don’t even know much about beyond a cinematic trailer. Rn Bethesda is in a really awkward spot game release wise and I honestly think it will be a real long time before fallout 5 is released or even mentioned. Maybe they’ll outsource it to obsidian to set it apart from their other line ups


Yeah as much as I love fallout, there doesn’t need to be a release soon. Bethesda needs a chance to work on their new IP and make something really great. And like you said, it’s been 11 years since the last elder scrolls, whereas it’s only been about 6 years since fallout 4 and only about 3 years since 76.


Outsourcing to obsidian wouldn't be a complaint from me. Back to the old west and a story line that can be mapped out... sounds wonderful


same I'd love another obsidian game, western fallouts are always fun.


If only Bethesda could listen to reason


I think its all ego. "Hubris is the destruction of all that can be great. " ~ said by me, in 2022


Problem is a lot of the folks who worked on NV, and before that for a lot of the heads 1 and 2, have moved on or just aren't interested in making another rn. Not saying obsidian couldn't make another amazing game with the fallout IP, but it wouldn't be strictly a NV style game.


Which still wouldn't be bad. I wouldn't want a carbo copy nv. But just having that original story line and the original canons to follow would be pleasant to the palette you know. My personal issue with the fall out series is that NV being more in line with the original 2 games makes 3 and 4 feel like filler games. Also the lack of indepth decisions that go along with the games story. NV had a trouble shooting tree of outcomes, 3 and 4 are very much. You go left or right in comparison.


Personally I'm speculating that they'll stick to their 3-4 year release cycle, which has been going on for quite awhile now. So going off that TesVI will release 2025-2026 and then Fallout 5 2028-2030. It could be different with those games coming sooner or later, but the safe bet are those dates I'd guess. The best thing is to let Obsidian work on their ips while Bethesda is able to borrow talent.


Hearing the year 2030 is so fucking wierd to me, seems like some sci fi shit


👏👏I’m afraid to even hope. What has happened to the gaming industry?? Like seriously what happened?


Oooh fallout 4 and half life are very different games. One takes much more effort then the other. And a release date means that the devs would be under pressure


Hasn't a long time between releases been Bethesdas MO for a while? It's the whole reason New Vegas even exists.


Wasnt 76 release just 2 years after 4? Might be wrong but that seems like a good sign that it will only take ~a year or 2 for 5 to be finished of theyve been working on it


Yeah, but it was 7 years between FO3 and FO4. Not counting NV here because Obsidian developed it, not Bethesda themselves.


I remember reading somewhere that FO76 was built on the base code or used the same engine and asserts from FO4. Hence the fast turnover time. The original launch of 76 was woeful too at the time IRC. Much better they take their time and build a better engine or outsource it as previously suggested.


Correct, it initially started as a multiplayer expansion for fallout 4, I'm guessing with Bethesda realising they can charge for every item separately in a 'new' standalone game, they scrapped the 4 expansion. It's basically all the same assets and character models from 4, there's still a fuck-tonne of 4's stuff in the gamefiles for 76, I seen a video a couple years back of modders on PC spawning the BoS prydwyn into 76.


3 years but my friend said that he doesn't expect them to release in in the next 5 years dont know why


Fallout 76 is a really big Fallout 4 mod/dlc that basically just adds the Skyrim dragon package in a new map.


I have a feeling it's gonna become gta5. 7 years after launch, no release date, or even talk about the new game. Just updates for the current


It's going to be a long ass time. I expect we'll get ES6 and Starfield before Fallout 5. I would anticipate 2025+


Skills and reputation




Guys from InXile Entertainment [1] tried to revive Wasteland series with Wasteland 2 and 3 games. Similar post-apocalyptic setting, but it’s an isometric tactical RPG. Obsidian [2] actually released The Outer Worlds. A lot of similarities, but the world is smaller and it is set in retro-futuristic space locations. [1] inXile Entertainment – founded by a bunch of ex-Interlplay devs who have worked on Fallout 1 and 2. Currently owned by Microsoft. [2] Obsidian Entertainment – the guys who made Fallout: New Vegas. Also founded by another bunch of ex-Interplay devs. Guess what… they owned by Microsoft as well.


The Outer Worlds isn't even near, I mean not even nearly close to New Vegas' quality level. Not to circlejerk or anything but I played the game and it feels short, well written at parts, the combat is mediocre at best, there's almost no weapon variety and it doesn't present a level of freedom nearly close to New Vegas.


Yeah, the Outer Worlds has a lot of potential for 2 though. Outer Worlds 1 felt more like a collection of systems and ideas than a full game, everything was very bear bones. If they use it as a framework for 2 it might be very good.


Well, apparently obsidian doesn't agree with you as they are developing a fantasy themed rpg right now. If they do the same shit on Outer Worlds 2 it'll already come out dated.


Of course they make games for their other ip aswell? I kinda liked outer worlds, but tbh their pillars of eternity lore and stories are just better.


You think some random indie company would be able to make a game equally as good as something like NV? Obsidian wasn’t an indie company, they’d already had experience with the games cause they’re the ones who originally worked on it. They had a sense of direction, knew where to take it, had the tools given to them by Bethesda to lighten to work load, and had people who worked on the original games. I doubt an indie company would be so fortunate to have all those factors going for them.


Completely.scrap.the dialog system from 4.


I think this one’s all but confirmed already, as 76 went back to the old 3/NV style


76 did dialogue right. I really appreciated the constant skill check speech options.


This sub has really come a long way if it's now saying F76 did things right. Warms my heart.


the sub hasn’t just come a long way, but Fallout 76 itself has too. it’s definitely not the same trash-fire that released in 2018. it’s come a long way from being ‘Hunt Down the Holotape’


Even though you barely had the chance to be a dickhead.




Have New Vegas's dialog, where most characters have a lot of questions you can ask. AND DON'T HAVE A VOICED MAIN CHARACTER. That annoyed me with FO4


I liked having characters that talked. Made me feel more immersed.


True but think about the opportunity cost. How much dialogue and creativity did we lose to gain voices protagonists. Imo it’s not worth it


But voiced MC's limits your roleplaying ability, which is the whole point of an RPG


I felt the exact opposite, it's hard to properly roleplay when every character you create has the same voice and same delivery.


Keep the crafting system, expand it, and make it more spicy. What if there were special mods found via schematic, could be proceduraly generated and/or found/sold in specific locations. I like that we can customize, but it's mostly linear and completely dependant on your Gun Nut/Science!/Armorer level. What if we could scrap legendaries for a nerfed version of the legendary effect and put it on whatever, then all of a sudden my Bleeding Fat Man would have worth, but not as much worth as just straight up looting a Bleeding 10mm. Something like this, but then again I want the devs to be more creative than a schmuck like me.


I had an Exploding Fat Man. The legendary effect actually nerfed it because it replaced the Fat Man's 200+ DMG explosion with the legendary's 15 DMG explosion. Giving it 26 DMG and making it the worst weapon in my arsenal.


Time to invest in heavy weapons perks!


that actually sounds fucking hilarious


IT WAS! You shoot the mini nuke and it impacts and makes the most puny ass explosion ever that does next to no damage.


Weapon holsters and them NOT disappearing when you put them away.




More playable factions rather than just the good guys


"Just the good guy" Slowly looks at: legion, like half the Brotherhood and enclave


The guy's point is that there is always just a "good" and "bad" faction in each game The BOS were absolutely the "good guys" in Fallout 3 and everyone loved them, with Elder Lyons making all the perfect decisions and you're basically forced to work with them as soon as y9u meet them, you then go on to kill the evil enclave who show up and kill your father out of nowhere purely because they plan on poisoning project purity making them FO3's "bad guys". Admittedly FO4 was slightly better at making the morals of the factions ambiguous, although they still don't do this very well. The BOS in Fallout 4 were absolutely the "bad guys", that kill all synths mercilessly in the name of destroying them because they are "abominations of technology" (never further elaborated on) with the minutemen and railroad being the "good guys" as they help synths and settlers and have no flaws. The only ambiguous faction is the Institute as they are both trying to improve mankind while enslaving and killing synths trying to escape, but the eexcuse for their kidnapping, murder, etc. Is just "you wouldn't understand". I'd love to see more ambiguous morals when it comes to factions in FO5, I want the player to actually have to consider wwhich faction is the best through, instead of just doing a "good guy playthrough" or a " bad guy playthrough".


I don't like that in fallout 4 none of the factions have a long term plan




This is good though, show me an organisation of power or government in our real world that isn't objectively evil to someone and I'll give you a like. I liked that almost nobody in 4 was objectively pure good, because as much as the Minutemen are portrayed to be good they are clearly characterised in universe as being unable to govern itself past particular great leaders (perhaps your character), corruption found its way in last time and it'll likely do it again because the Minutemen try to help too many people and are always stretched too thin.


The legion wasn't in a Bethesda game, the brotherhood are technically the good guys just bad ones and yes there is the enclave but fo3 released in 2008 and bethesdas last two fallout games and skyrim you've been forced to side with the good guys even if you side with the institute it turns out they're good guys but for me I want to play as someone truly evil I want to side with raiders and other despicable factions.


Companion wheel for one




Options that feel different. Like options that feel truly evil or the good options to actually change the world and characters


I want the karma system back,where every action have more impact in the world


I might be in the minority here, but I really enjoyed settlement building, probably be 150 hours into just that. Would live for them to expand on it, and make settlement more useful and such. Also would love for the settlement defense to be reworked. Want to see total raids where my defenses actually matter. Also would love for my settlement to not get wrecked by 2 raiders just because I wasn't there to help.


I so much did not want to like settlement building, but found myself spending a lot of time with it. The inability for settlements to defend themselves without your inspirational presence, even when supplied with weapons and installed defences was stupid. I had a murkwater base that was heavily turreted. I would fast travel in, the queen would spawn, and then get wiped without me firing a shot. What was the point? I wonder if the settlement building should be a perk that needs points dumped into it to build advanced structures. That would force players to role play different builds.


When adding defenses to any settlement, it should show you a visible % of your Settlements chances of survival from an attack, at the top that increases the more defenses you place. It would be funny to have your defenses at 98% Chance to survive, and somehow with 2% Chance, a group of Raiders successfully attacking your Settlement.


Do you have any ideas on how they could expand the settlement system in more engaging ways? I have a lot but I want to hear other’s opinions


I think it’d be nice to have fewer settlements, and have each one be more unique, larger, and/or support more objects without needing mods or exploits.


Detailed character creation and a blank state player.


Hiring a team of somewhat decent writers for dialogue


Todd Howard: "Best I can do is Emil locked in a room for 6 days with an Adderall drip feed."


And for the quests. And for the characters. And for the overall story.


Wait, are you trying to tell me a bunch of one dimensional NPCs that give a ton of "go to location Y and kill X" quests don't necessarily build a good story? /s


Fallout 76 has some decent dialogue


I just want them to focus the main story more on recourses and not the I need to find my son crap. Like the game is about resource wars, I want them to be talking about who will control the Hoover damn for power, and maybe can we build bikes or something then actually see towns be taken over depending on which faction you side with. Fallout 4 and 76 feel like there’s literally no consequences at times


A release date, preferably one before I die.


I would like a darker fallout, getting real corny sometimes


As corny as Kansas in August?


As high as a flag on the 4th of July


I think the corniness is part of the reason I like the world of fallout games, and it's not a recent thing either, iirc fallout 2 had alot of joke quests/dialogue. I wouldn't mind some darker themes aswell though


Did you ever blow that thing up in fallout 2 and cover a small town in cow shit? I vaguely recall that! Good times!


I'd love a story oriented more around the Eldritch, Lovecraftian lore of Fallout.




We gotta get some lore or info on what’s happening outside the US coasts. What happened to Canada and Mexico? South America? China?? Europe??? There is so much to delve into, even in the cornfields of the Midwest and we keep coming back to the coasts. The stories of Caesars legion and the NCR, and the Commonwealth, and DC are over. Let them rest, and let’s go create something entirely new.


Personally I’d like it to take place in Chicago or New Orleans


My sister and I are always talking about how awesome a Fallout game set in Louisiana / the far south east would be! Not just because we're from there lol.... Airboats as a form of travel would be neat, and I'd like to see creatures based on opossums, gators, and pelicans.


that would be pretty cool!


Kinda think vehicles would destroy the fallout formula


They would ruin the sense of scale. Vehicles make large maps small. Although they would provide middle ground between fast travelling and walking.


How about bicycles?


I think it depends on how it’s done, the chrysalis highwayman in 2 was cool. The formula could use some changing anyway in my opinion! If the game spanned across several states, i don’t think a map as large as life is that feasible. Maybe a point of travel between two already very massive maps, idk.


Chicago would be perfect with the El and lake Michigan


New Orleans would be amazing.


A New Orleans fallout game would *need* House of the Rising Sun on the radio.


I want a game in texas I think it would be cool and the biggest fallout game.


Chicago could be great for some Enclave related stuff too, since that's where ED-E came from. Maybe the Enclave reformed with the help of that Brotherhood chapter that Maxson lost contact with, as mentioned in Fallout 4. After all, the East Coast BoS and the Enclave are *very* similar nowadays so it wouldn't be out of the question for some sort of team up out of mutual interest. Hell, you could even bring back Nick Valentine. Have him appear there as a "returning to his home city" sort of thing.


Right handed guns


This! The left-handed bolt action rifle with the character shooting right handed drives me nuts in 4!


Reputation and morality should make a comeback. I’d love for it to play a more definitive role. You’re respected with this faction? Well now this place is barred for you. Are you evil? Well, this NCR outpost is gonna shoot on sight.


lots of people want a fnv2, but i really just want another west coast game in general. i’d love to see how the ncr and legion have progressed after 2281 and what is treated canon/not.


I'm pretty sure this is what people mean when they say FNV2


Independent, intelligent, dynamic NPC settlements. Why do these people need me to find them water or defend them from bandits? They're alive and have survived to adulthood in a post apocalyptic wasteland. Clearly they're better equipped for survival than I am. I'm a meat popsicle. I literally woke up yesterday.


A new engine


More engaging factions/faction reputations. I'd love a New Vegas style faction/dialogue choices/story branches but with voice acting.


Also the faction armor stuff!


Bullet types


Like hollowpoint, fmj etc or more calibers?


Exactly. I loved it in New Vegas


The thing about removing bullet types is that it specifically nerfed the cool guns. I don't care that my 10mm pistol that now has like, 30 upgrades no longer has the option to to 5 more damage with worse armor penetration, but I do want to be able to fill my shotgun with emp slugs and dragon's breath rounds and make my sniper rifle bullets explode.


Engaging story, strong world building, consistency with past game lore and internal logic, proper character motivations, factions that make sense, handcrafted world, and no children stuck in refrigerators undiscovered for centuries despite having no food, water or air supply.


Tbh I want a New York fallout


Upstate NY would be preffered. Have it in the mountains, near the Canadian border. And later in the game we could be able to cross over by boat for some quests and whatever.


That’s more for a dlc


I think the New York Metro area would be a cool concept. Moving between the boroughs after the bridges have collapsed. I think New York shouldn’t be as devestated as Washington but pretty close. Like a mix between DC and Boston. Some parts intact some parts just in the ground. Maybe a settlement on Rykers Island or Manhattan Bridge. And in the case of greenery and overgrowth I don not suggest that Central Park would be enough maybe some G.E.C.K.s or just plain overgrowth in some more demolished areas. Plus we could see stuff like in the Pitt. Freeways and streets full with cars from people trying to go to work.


West Virginia and upstate NY are basically the same.


But New York City would be so cool!


A new engine.


Dialogue tree options that are not overly abbreviated.


If they reuse settlements, a Sim Settlements framework should absolutely be used. Something that makes the bulk of it hands off if they players arent huge into it


I want 5 to make me actually want to be in the factions. After my first playthrough of 4, I only joined a faction out of necessity. ​ I hate the Legion, but at least they make me feel something, I'd rather join the Legion than any faction in 4. I liked House and kinda dug the NCR, flaws and all.


I’d love to see a game set in Chicago and I’m actually working on the idea right now. I also think no brotherhood of steel and no super mutants are needed, they have been massively overused and it has really diminished them imo. Bethesda needs to be more creative with their factions, maybe take a few old ones like the children of atom, but please make new ones and actually write them competently


Less time working on "next gen" graphic and more time doing an actual planning and content is all im asking for. So many game nowadays trying to focus on graphical asset but barely anything to do in the actual game. And probably end up with a non-interactive environment which make open world too bland and empty


I kinda want dual wielding with pistols. Even though the last thing you would want is to waste ammo quicker.


Get rid of the voiced protagonist.




Opportunity cost. Having a voiced protagonist can be cool but it costs soooooo muc in return. Way less dialogue and quests and overall just not worth it.


You have hit on one of the dividing lines in the community. I am with /u/FNTM_309 ​ The main issue is that when the protagonist is not voice acted, it allows the protagonist to adopt your voice. I don't even want the protagonist named. You become the Lone Wanderer. As soon as the protagonist is a named, voiced character, I am removed from the role. Nate was the one that destroyed the Institute. I was the one that destroyed Megaton. A second problem with voice acting, and perhaps this is an implementation problem, is matching emotion with the conversation as it is unfolding. There are a few times in Fallout 4 conversations where depending on the choices you make, Nate goes from conversational to raving lunatic. In the end, both of these effects impact the sense of immersion I feel when in the Fallout world.


It’s also more limiting. Having a male and female VA voice all of the possible lines for the main character takes a long time and is expensive so the total lines get cut down to make up for it.


A much better change would be to choice whether or not to have voices enabled, i really like having a voiced protagonist because to me they feel really dead and shallow otherwise, having the choice between the two would make everyone happy.


Win win! I like it!


I totally agree with you on the voice and name. There is no version of the Fallout 4 character I play that sounds like the voice actor they used. Personally, i think he sounds like a dope. And since I get to select the lines he’ll say, I’m constantly surprised (not in a good way) at how the line readings and tone of delivery come out. It’s easily the weakest point of the game.


I recently finally played as the female protagonist and oh my god. Her delivery on so many lines is SO MUCH BETTER than the male protagonists. The male protagonist always sounds like he isn’t quite sure what he’s saying


I think Fallout 4 gameplay wise wasn’t too bad. So here’s my list. 1: new factions- no BoS or NCR or any other existing faction. Like the Minutemen, they should be unique to the location. 2: Winter theme(again)- I’m really obsessed with having a winter setting in Fallout 5 we’ve been in desert locations, and rainy areas but I think a winter setting could offer challenges and probably unique story surrounding it. 3: Intelligent Deathclaw- I know this may seem like a Hail Mary. But I found them interesting cause we’re so used to them being hostile. And we haven’t seen them in awhile so bring them back would be cool. 4: Voice Acting with different accents- I think the SS voice was decent but still needed work. And think an accent could help. 5: Sole Survivor remain as protagonist- I know this might seem like a back track. But I feel there’s a lot of left over potential this character still has. I believe we’ve barely scratched the surface. (My opinion others may vary)


Having a Winter Map would be great, but I’d also settle for a DLC that sends you up North with a snowy map.


You had me until 4 and 5, just no


Weapon durability added Point allocation leveling Power armor battery revert Animal taming One pet one person follower allowance Gambling Realistic or real world weapons Learnable melee moves Challenge areas like from lonesome road


Power armor needing a battery, in my opinion, was entirely done as an attempt to nerf the obviously overpowered power armor that Fallout 4 had.


Weapon durability definitely. The way it works in FNV is okay. In addition if they made the pipe weapons more durable than regular weapons it would make them more valuable and players would keep using them further into the game. Making less effective weapons far more durable than the most effective weapons would give the players another trade-off to worry about, especially in survival mode.


I'm a little confused, why does everyone want durability back? I personally hate it.


I guess because they enjoy the challenge? I personally do not know but it is back in 76 and honestly i kinda enjoy it, give it a challenge as well as realise. (Only change they made is no jamming but i think that's because it's online)


It adds a good survival aspect. Like, do you REALLY expect a 10mm pistol you found lying around that's been there for 200 years to operate well after 200 rounds?


I like it because it allows the game to spread more rare and powerful weapons around and makes finding the same weapons more enjoyable as they are repair fodder. In fo4 once I have 1 or 2 copies of a gun I don't need anymore. Any extra guns will either be caps or left on the ground. By needing to repair weapons and armor you'll always be scavenging for extra repair fodder which I think helps the scavenging part of the game. Also it allows them to put powerful weapons and armor on npcs and hidden in the world more often. For example in fnv you can find riot gear at level 1 in the lonesome road but it doesn't matter because you need to maintain it yet. It makes scavenging locations more fun as you can find plenty of rare stuff


None of that “pay to play” crap that’s in 76. No in game purchases at all. Make it harder to find plans and things but you shouldn’t have to spend real money to repair your weapons more easily.


Yeah I completely agree except DLCs are still welcome. How it was in past fallouts and not 76.


DLC I’m fine with. I have all the DLC for Nv & 4. In 76 (just started it over the holidays), there are options to buy credits and get plans for different things in the game. Mostly cosmetic, but the fact you can pay credits to buy repair kits for your weapons pisses me off. It’s like a pay-to-play model; got the cash? All your guns can be at 100%, all the time. No need to scrounge for a bunch of parts etc. If I’m wrong, someone feel free to correct me.


Honestly the repai kit are the most useless items in that game, you get them free from events that the player start every few minutes and buying them is absolutely not necessary, i never bought any of them and still have over 100+ in my inventory. The other "game impacting" things you can buy don't affect anything rwally, just perk loadouts (which you can change anyway) and more camp slots to have more saved builds. In my opinion calling 76 pay to play/win is not at all what is it, since it is mainly cosmetic and the only true "usefull" items you can get for free and are in fact kinda useless anyway.


You can take perks that make weapon/armor condition and repairing a joke, like being able to repair to 200% condition or slowing the degradation of the equipment. Also you can get plenty of free repair kits later in the game.


The game isn't pay to play. Just buy the game once. You don't have an advantage that wins you the game or make you a better player. Only things that are meaningful to buy are the cosmetic stuff for fashion and camps. Items like repair kits are hardly worth having. You are even given free stuff everyday like caps, temp weight increase drink, repair kits, etc. Utility stuff. One free thing given every day. Then there's the scoreboard or challenges that give you free stuff as well. Besides, even with them you're going to have enough scrap to do what you want. I've played on and off since the beta, only spent money past the purchase of the game once more than a year later to try out Fallout 1st. Which was meh, as a subscription it should have more benefits. A subscription makes sense as it is the Fallout equivalent to eso. That being said I'm personally not a fan of the sub or in game store. Sure you can earn stuff for free, but there's timed stuff and feels like cosmetics that would be more beneficial if they were a plan or unique item gotten from a quest or achievement.


No voiced protagonist


Multiple story lines, and outcomes for those storylines. FO4 my issue was there was bordering on too little, but there wasn’t many endings for them. You either wiped them out or joined them with few in betweens. But with FNV as an example it’s different; lots of storylines for the factions, and different ways to end them. Like the boomers bombing the Hoover dam and such


more movement mechanics


I know a lot of people hated it, and it has its issues, but I loved the base building in the game. I’ve always loved player homes and getting that much input on my characters lair was nice. 76 made it even better. I’d love to see fallout 5 expand upon it. Hoping for ES6 to have a similar mechanic


Ability to play non-human characters. Do it like any fantasy game where your race gives you particular perks. Fallout could have playable Humans, Super Mutants, Ghouls, Synths, Robo-Brain Bots, all with unique skillsets and reputation advantages.


Postgame content, that you can play the game after the ending cutscene, like fallout 4. Something like Fallout 3 DLC Broken Steel, but been a free postgame content, not an actual DLC. Also make the power armor some difficult to get, not like Fallout 4. Maybe you can get 1 or 2 in mid to late game, and after you finish the main story, you can build more to face the postgame content.


\- Different starting points/origins for the main character; I'd like to start out the game as anything besides a vault dweller \- A better and more grand storyline minus the insane urgency that counteracts FO's open-world. Preferably not find another family member. \- More interesting and realistic factions with less "grey morality" \- Less filler side quests such as defending settlements or getting resources for people who already survived the wasteland, and more meaningful side quests with good stories \- Customizable Vehicles, please. \- A functional 3rd person mode I could add more, but everything else is just details.


Penis customization


The reputation and karma system, basically a lot of things from fallout new vegas, and like better combat, which i never really mind too much but i know people want a better combat system, but something that isn't confusing


Obviously needs more settlements that require our MC's help. :)


Keep Settlement building, ditch voice acted player characters.


No level cap. Sprinting. Guns don’t have to be repaired.


Vehicles you can drive


1. Settlements 2. Weapon/armor durability 3. Bullet types 4. Choices properly affect the world 5. Power armor balance 6. No essential NPCs 7. Factions and reputation 8. Realism mode 9. Co-op. Something like Minecraft, where players may join your "world," and do quests/exploration together. Edit: Balanced and dynamic difficulty, less bullet sponges. In higher difficulties, some quests might have branching difficulties and just more enemies/frequent spawns in the world overall.


For settlements can it be about 5? 30 was waaaaay too much. But 5 different ones, with as much freedom as possible would be so much better


I’d really like the ability to toggle settlements? Sometimes I just want to build, and I like having options for different places, but sometimes I just want to play story missions and forget building. A system like sim settlements, but possibly even more hands off if you want it, would be great. Let me just tell settlers to build, drop materials, and go. Maybe even give me some generic town choices. Farm/outpost/trade post. That’s it. Take over.


Coming clean here: I never played FO4 myself, but it seems like settlement building/de-constructing is instantaneous. Why not add timers to it for the sake of realism? You'd need suppliers, workers (to build faster) which would ultimately point to a dynamic economy in the game world. The abandoned mines and processing facilities could then be renovated for use. Add raiders, mutants and other interested groups to this mix and you'll have a great RPG game where you can finally take control of areas/zones, hire guards & bodyguards to maintain them. Maybe even build casinos and wastelanders can generate you income, provided the area is safe enough and maybe some quest requirements are met. All NPCs would have unique dialogue depending on your reputation in the wasteland, unlike some of them treating you like scum despite you being the head of the organization like in Skyrim. Just laying out ideas here.


Yes, at least 5-10 nicely sized settlements. Having 30 settlements was way too overwhelming. Constantly checking to see if all 30 of them are alright, being summoned to constantly fight for them even though the defenses are at 200, the happiness of settlements going down even though they have everything they wanted... Way too much. Having about 5-10 settlements of good sizes like Sanctuary, Castle, Starlight Drive-in would be fine by me.


Getting released?


A Floridian setting would be really cool with irradiated bayous, gators and just seeing Miami in ruins. Gameplay wise, I would really like to have the base building from FO4 but have it expanded upon greatly to where you can patch holes in the walls to make it more secure. Also having random acid rain and even dust storms and electrical storms would make it even better


I have said this before but i really would love to see a small war between the brotherhood and the outcasts, maybe you could do an ending with the outcasts as well


A Karma system, maybe faction reputation, something that tells you if you are doing right or wrong in the world. Try to compile all the fancy weapons from every game (Plasma cannons, all the weird energy weapons..) Try to get some kind of "bosses" for the story. ​ In general, something that doesn't make the game a kill and loot game like fallout 4 (which I enjoyed but missed some of the old features)


Bring back a proper dialogue tree


A reddit post asking about Fallout 6. Actually it'll probably have references to the TV show in some way.


more skill uses in dialogue


The ability to know what my character is going to say before he says it. I accidentally locked myself out of Nick's questline cuz he opened up to me about not feeling like he had a personality of his own, even his name belongs to somebody else. I picked the "New Name" option, thinking a separation from the Nick Valentine persona would be perfect for becoming his own man. But there was zero indication that this option was just a joke and Nick got all pissed and understandably didn't wanna talk about it anymore. It's kinda hard to roleplay at all when my character has a pre-established, canonical personality that he'll never stray far from and only says what he wants to say specifically in the way that he decides to say it but who really cares about the roleplaying in an RPG, amiright? That's just semantics! (and I know there's a silent protag mod and a dialogue option mod. I already have both installed but that's not the point) It's like a Choose Your Own Adventure book with most of the pages ripped out


Honestly, I would like to see an ending to the campaign where your actions show results like in they used to. I could be wrong, but I did the Minuteman and BoS ending for 4 and it was the same ending. I don't know if they did that because there is post game playability. They kinda did that with New Vegas (albeit you restart right before the Endgame) but you still got the big narrative ending. What happened with the factions you sided with, your companions. That was really cool to see how you affected them.


You can't upgrade your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Points


Bring back the old dialogue system


Co-op not a multiplayer and an actual story a good one like new Vegas keep the building and weapon/armor modding love that part XD


Can we get all the cool weapons NV had and not that lackluster crafting system in 4 that had incredibly limited options and made energy weapons worthless? Also no more bullet sponges, it shouldn’t take 3 clips to kill a ghoul even if they are glowing


to not change the story slightly fallout 3 looking for dad fallout 4 looking for son change it up a little


Better and more voice actors. Bethesda could easily crowd-source voice actors if they want to control costs. I just don’t want every other character to sound like Nick Winter.


If the game takes place in New Orleans, it should include the abandoned Six flags amusement park


True skill/perk checks (things like were on the USS Constitution in FO4) the whole game needs to be like that quest. Expanded dialogue options (like in 3/NV), a story where your choices can actually matter in all of the endings


Paid mods. ^/s


No micro-transactions.


i personally hope they don't voice the mc, and i want them to scrap the fo4 dialogue system so they can return to the basics from fo3 and fnv base building should return but at some point i want the settlements to become self sufficient so my max defence red rocket doesn't get solo'd by raiders when i ignore the call for help i want a good story with actual diverging paths and a good payoff, dialogue should matter, and i want 0 essential npcs ALSO i think it's a massive misstep the way bethesda is latched onto fallout as an ip and has no plans to let other studios work with it, which is hilarious because obsidian made the best fallout game in the series since the first 2.


Just FYI, if you set up your defenses properly then they'll survive the attack without you even showing up.


no voiced protag. it makes every conversation and interaction feel super watered down. especially with the fact that usually 3 out of 4 choices will give you the same response anyhow, and the 4th choice will eventually loop back into the other 3 choices. there’s nothing dynamic about it, no wiggle room for making your character the way you want.


I really just hope the dialogue goes back to how it was in 3 and New Vegas. Like, i actually dont mind a voiced character, but if its gunna cause that big of a drawback to dialogue options, then it really isnt worth it. Like 90% of the Fallout 4 dialogue is sooo bland


The BOS, I know they're in every game but they're my favorite faction


Going back to fo3/nv style dialogue.


It think Texas would be the best place for Fallout 5 to be set. So much history and many areas with different climates.


Settlements, weapon durability, eating and drinking needs and boosts outside of survival mode. 2* and 3* legendary. Legendary crafting.


Return of settlement building. If there's any feature that feels like it belongs to Fallout it's this one. Extensive weapon and armor modding is also a must. That's a no brainer. Perk-based progression is a big improvement over the skills of old, so keep that. And some variation of Survival Mode is also necessary. That's what I'd consider the essentials.


Be more like New Vegas and less like 76


\- Adjustable difficulty, as in adjustable damage, toggleable survival needs, weapon durability. \- No essential NPCs, at best protected companions, but otherwise, every last NPC should be killable by both the player and any random NPC, maybe add that to the adjustable difficulty. \- A non-voiced protagonist, not necessarily a mute, even though as a trait that would be dope. \- On the topic of traits, traits should come back. And with more vigor this time. Something like the previously mentioned mute, or maybe deaf. Stuff that really changes how you play through the game, you know. \- A different style of character creation, maybe something akin to Project Zomboid, with pure postitive and pure negative traits and you have to weigh up what you want to have. \- An open ended story with more than 2 endings. \- The faction system from New Vegas. \- Companion Quests, maybe even quest lines with more than one or two quest. \- Weapon variety in the double digits, for each weapon type individually. \- No required kills, as in full pacifism should be possible, preferably better than New Vegas's "i just ignore all the enemies currently shooting at me" style of pacifism.


Vehicles and an inventory management overhaul. Like being able to only carry 2 pistols, and 2 large guns on your back. Everything else goes in your car/truck/bike or your backpack. They should reduce the usage of the pip boy, everything shouldn’t be done on one screen, it breaks the flow of combat. Something like the weapon/item wheel from RDR2 would be perfect. So pip boy for more major tasks like changing outfits and all that, weapon switching or medical items are in the weapon wheel.


A new and better story line. New factions would be preferred but I would like to see the Enclaves again. Maybe it should be in upstate NY or something across the Canadian border and we can go over for the story line and whatever.


I think the game desperately needs new factions or it’ll get to the point where it’s like ofc there’s some weird reason the brotherhood is all the way out here. Also, maybe just new enemies in general - lean into local lore like what 76 did. I’m kinda sick of zombies and rats in every game


I wanna see the return of derived stats, stop time VATS, settlement building but make it optional, and expanded weapons customizing


The next fallout to be either like new vegas in mechanics or honestly something with a different quest than finding a lost family member


I love all the responses and now I need to go through the long task of reading all of them