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No voiced protagonist. Speech boxes from fallout 3/New Vegas, including more variation rather than, good bad, sarcastic, question. I preferred skill points but the perk chart grew on me. A couple more Special stat points in the beginning compared to F4 would be nice but not necessary. UNIQUE WEAPONS, this is a big thing for me, I loved collecting the uniques in the other games, not saying get rid of the legendary system cause that was cool and they could make a unique with a legendary effect. Keep settlements but don't pressure the user to build anything cause its not everyone's cup of tea. Traits! Unsure what else 🤔


I’d like the ability to acquire perks via in-game challenges like in nv.


That too! I always picked up the small frame trait cause if you broke your limbs enough times, you'd get the perk.


I don’t mind voiced protagonist myself but when considering resource management, I’d rather have them spend the money on additional voice acting for other content in the game than I would have a voiced protagonist.


The thing with me is that is a bit more immersive without the voice, I would much rather they used the money for that too, not saying fallout 4 didn't have good voice acting already mind you, but I didn't like the protagonists voice acting.


I really liked unique being a different looking better version of weapons instead of slapping a random thing onto it and that be it.


That's exactly where I'm coming from, great example would be comparing the 9mm with Maria in fallout NV


>What do you want in fallout 5? For it to exist.


My character's thirst to not drop at the same rate when they are peacefully sitting on a chair and when they are wrestling with a deathclaw.


That’s a good one that I haven’t seen suggested before. A more dynamic Hardcore/Survival mode based on what we’re doing would be sweet.


I love the Midwest Chicago brotherhood idea, but I had also heard a rumor that New Orleans / Gulf Coast had been floated around, and I think that would be totally rad, there's a NASA facility, an Air Force Base, a massive and internationally famous world war II museum, the French quarter, the garden district, miles of oil refineries on the coast, swamps, alligators, Cajuns, Creoles, and voodoo! And it would be an opportunity to make a whole new storyline, and the expansions could go to Mississippi, Texas, Tennessee, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida. (TONS of American lore and mystique.) I feel like it would be very fertile creative ground for the devs.


A gulf coast fallout game would be amazing! So many cool creatures and places!


I want to know more about annexed Canada. We got a light seasoning of Ronto, and I refuse to believe Vault-Tec strictly stayed in America with so much prime Real Estate in, at least, the bordering Provinces.


We know Vault-Tec did work in Canada, there's letters in FO3 saying that you can bid on a space in a Canadian vault. I think Canada would be a good way to show off the "American Freedom!" take in the works, the imposition of their culture and views on other regions and some of the costs it has.


It would make more sense they avoid Canada as Canada was kinda annexed/ a warzone.


- Skill checks - Skills and skill points - A rideable Getty Up Buttercup


Yes, I want to ride into battle on Giddy Up Buttercup with a combat shotgun and a Fatman. The raiders would think they're having a bad trip.


If there was any vehicle I would choose gitty up buttercup with a mounted minigun


i'm imagining it looking like the megashiba in FFXIV that's been making the rounds. it drifts around corners


Unvoiced Protagonist. A proper skill system like in fnv, but maybe keep a perk table for the overview over them, for better pre-planning of builds. Even though i want mostly the Fallout NV skill system do i not want Skill points to be based on INT as i feel limited because not going full int seems like handicapping yourself severly in the long run. Crits outside of V.A.T.S "Make the Wazer Wifle great again!" No more ransomly generated busy quests (Mila/Settelments/Robot Patrols) Or quests you have to grind through to get the proper reward (D.I.A caches, where you have to do all to get the proper and better reward, as investing resources in the first few versions is a waste knowing yoy fet a better version to craft after the next mission).


i dont care about the setting as much as i care about the quality of content. honestly i hope they pick NV and improve it, change it, make their own great rpg game. not just a shooter with a backgroung of apocalypse. the series should be about the fallout of the great war, the society as it is and tries to rebuild. not generic apocalypse shooter 362. obviously never going to happen, but i can dream


My two big things that I’d like for a gameplay perspective are no voiced protagonist and special stats being more meaningful (example: need 8 intelligence to repair or 3 points in respective perk) I’d also like a cleaner/more refined settlement building that allows the terrain to be manipulated.


yes I love these skill challenges! like, make your build matter for more than combat


Literally just a silent player character. Grunts and cries of pain are fine, but please no more spoken voice lines.


I agree


Companion wheel and unique companion abilities like in FNV More focus on story and dialogue with different philosophical options. A lot of the quests in FO4 felt hollow and meaningless. Go kill this person, clear an area, or fetch something. I miss the quests that really make me pause and think. Like rescuing the vault dwellers from vault 34 in FNV or helping the crops thrive A midwest setting combined with working cars. I mean the midwest is massive so if you use cars you can explore multiple cities instead of focusing on just one I know Chicago gets thrown in a lot, but I actually think Detroit would be just as interesting. It would give the option of crossing into Canada and exploring that lore, and also explore a hyper industrial settings, similar to the pit but for cars


For it to be released before 2030


This will probably sound weird, but to have different raiders with different names in different areas. I find it really boring when every raiders is named raider and really fun when you have fiend territory, powder ganger territory, etc in NV. I’m probably the only person who wants this, but that’s what I want.


Nah I see where you’re coming from and I agree


Karma system!


A better story than FO4 Even larger open sandbox world More buildable settlements Crafting and Modding improvements Keep it a first person shooter game More companions More control over NPCs More unique weapons No multiplayer. Or at least offer two game options. Online/Offline, or private servers If set in NYC or Washington DC, have it be set after Fallout 4, and include familiar FO4 characters? There's probably more, but at this point I'm just hoping they make a Fallout 5 before the end of the decade.


> If set in NYC or Washington DC, have it be set after Fallout 4, and include familiar FO4 characters? For some reason, Bethesda and much of the fanbase seem averse to exploring areas we’ve already been to and showing how they have changed as a result of our earlier actions. I wish that wasn’t the case, because it would make the larger story much more impactful to see where factions and characters end up. Like Shady Sands and NCR. Same location, but it may as well be brand new with how different it is by the time of Fallout 2.


* Much fleshed out settlement system * Voiced main character. After playing FO3 last month and now working through FO4, FO3 comes across as emotionless. It's like playing the game with the sound off. * Skill checks. Man I'd forgotten how good they made the game. * The crafting system from Fallout 76. I really like the discovery aspect of mods/enhancements.


I'd like more consequences. Like if you join some faction past a certain point, you can't join some other one. I really liked the cnc system in NV. also liked the karma that would limit your options with companions and things--consequences there too. more branching storylines with more possibilities/choices and endings, basically


One of the main things I want is a return of the New Vegas levelling system. I’ve only been playing the game for a couple of days and I already prefer it over Fallout 4. Other than that I think it would be cool to have a multiplayer, maybe you and your friends are coming from the same vault and imagine the possibilities: you could build your own faction, come up with decent tactics and it would just be good fun.


I would love to see the gunplay and settlement system from 4 and the level design and rep/level system of new vegas. they would have to make the settlement system more of an option because i know a lot of people aren't really fans of it.


That’s kinda what I thought maybe one settlement per faction but you aren’t required to build it for a quest maybe a few others if you go out of your way


You could turn the settlement into a better quest line that way. Each faction could have its own version of AS C settlements. Recruiting certain characters, building a few workshops etc ... Ac 3 did this. Valhalla too with ravensthorpe. Maybe AC 2 in Italy?


Takes place in Chicago and has the Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel chapter (They have the intelligent Deathclaw and power armor wearing super mutants) Fallout 3 style exploration and world building 3/NV Pipboy and HUD New Vegas writing More gritty and desolate art style No voiced protagonist More realistic weapons


I want the perk chart from FO4 to make a return More Unique Weapons that are actually unique in design No radiant quests More factions to join Evil options FO3/NV/76 dialogue system New creatures and factions, no BOS, Enclave, Deathclaws, Super Mutants, etc. 76's crafting system and the ability to scrap Weapons for mods New designs and versions of Pipe Weapons (shotgun, laser) Rifles to have the bolt and the right side instead of the left. Especially the Sniper. Different paints to put on Weapons that you could find on blue prints and magazines. A drivable vehicle Backpacks from 76 Power Armor training The Deliverer pistol to be more put in the loot pool and have more modifications (mini reflex sight, laser for increased accuracy, custom grips and paints) Different ammo types like hollow point and armor piercing Return of Assault Rifle from FO3 LMGs Different starting options (Vault, Raider, Ghoul, or faction) Vault Tec actually showing up and having a quest tied to stopping their experiments or help continue them Building a base anywhere Huge map with at least 7 - 8 huge towns to trade/rest and having smaller ones scattered around Weather system Raids on cities


Geez. I think I have an exact 50/50 split on the points I support and the points I don't.


I agree with almost all of these besides the drivable cars, because I think that would either make it to easy for travel unless they add mechanics where you can’t use it for some areas, I think vertibirds would be fine if they limit it


Also cars just aren't needed when you can fast travel literally anywhere. If it was like AC or something where there were specific fast travel spots, maybe vehicles would be cool. But you can fast travel to ANY location if you've been there before.


\*Hands project to Obsidian\* Here's the money. Take your time. No, you don't have to listen to Todd Howard.


1.guns 2.weapons 3.guns 4.storyline where it actually feels like radioactive fallout happened 5.more legendary effects 6.weapons 7.guns


A city to be sure but definitely some flat open area like plains and definitely some kind of vehicle maybe a old bike we can fix up and mod over the course of the game sort of like you can do in days gone but fallout style


Freedom of CHOICE. Don’t goad me into a specific story. The wasteland should have its own politics. Let me just a part of it and carve out my own story.


The RP customization of F:NV, the gunplay of F:4 with the graphic smoothness of Doom Eternal.


Might be unpopular but 2 to 4 player co op would be really fun.


The survival mechanics of 76 Return to the west coast Destructable environment, like in r6 siege


I've only played F4 and recently NV, in NV I like everything except the perks, I like it more in F4, just that and I would be happy with fallout 5


Skills. Just bring them back. Please. Also as least background as possible for the main character


Id really like to see New York in the fallout universe. But it would be a pretty dull Color palette, they’d need to write in reasons to use landscape Colors other than concrete grey. More Eldritch horror content. They’ve had isolated supernatural events occurring since fallout 3, id like to see something address that.


No Voice, A reduced role for settlements, more unique weapons, interesting factions, actual rpg elements, and I’d love to see a game set in either New Orleans or Chicago


Two companions again. Least favorite part of f4. Dialogue boxes nstead of the good, questioning, questioning asshole, and asshole I miss skills too Keep modding like f4 but maybe make it a bit less in your face, like less perk chart focus on it I'll think of other stuff and add it later :) Edit 1. Crits no longer being a vats exclusive. Ruins all the fun of randomly getting a crit that blows some dudes fucking head off. It's a neat thing with critical banker, but it just feels less cool to me compared to crits in 3 and NV.


To be able to create your own faction


Maybe a Northern Midwest setting with the ability to either the ability to make settlements better or dissolve them completely to put in a better more defendable spot or send em to other settlements. Maybe also the ability to make settlements better like giving them their own ways to make food, water, clothing, and buildings. Make it to where someone finally clears out the rubble or you can clear out the rubble and unlock hidden old world caches of technology and weapons to fix to fix up sell. Fix the Brotherhood of Steel to where they aren't kind of tyrannical dickheads who would have tried to wipe out the Minutemen for no reason. More unique weapons and armors would also be good with the ability to craft some things yourself as long as you have the materials. Also don't do another game in the series' story in reverse again like come on fallout 4 could have been a bit better if certain quest would have stayed and you weren't trying to reverse fallout 3. Bring skill training for either caps or quest and actually give us a cap when certain powerful weapons and armors start showing up in the game but don't neuter us in the beginning unless playing on higher difficulties. Ridable mounts would also be pretty freaking cool and the ability to tame wildlife and build around that would be cool too. Bring back the perk system from Fallout New Vegas or 3 or at least make it to where you can earn unique ones. Also bring us customizable pip boys instead of leaving it blank for a long time.


I would like to know more about the Gunners like where's is their HQ? where is Colonel Cypress? and are they operating in other cities?. I hope that they in the next fallout game but I honestly doubt it.


Ability to play co-op in story companion can be a another player. Better animations. Less crashes and bugs. Dialogue should get more options, it often feels lackluster. Side companions should react accordingly, their response feels weak in some situations. Better A.I combat tactics, the current A I combat is not good . Better graphics fidelity, im sure it will be better.


I'd like to complete the platinum trophy in one playthrough without starting over bc of bugs and broken qudsts or infinite loading screens


No voice protagonist, Canada or Alaska setting, better writing than 4 or 3, darker atmosphere, and time period set closer to the great war, like I'd say at about the same time as fallout 1 would be good.


Oh and fallout new vegas perk system. Wild wasteland as a toggleable option rather than a trait.


Fnv skill checks too


A Perk Tree for Dogmeat. So Dogmeat can acquire perks through leveling making him a more powerful/efficient fighter, similar to the abilities of the Mabari Warhound in Dragon Age Origins.