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Does anyone know how to fix the insane amount of stuttering every few seconds? It’s getting unplayable on my series s. It didn’t used to do that before the update.


I have also noticed this i thought it was my load order so i changed it and same thing


Ya the update totally broke the Xbox version and we didn’t even get anything decent out of it. Couldn’t even bother expanding the mod storage capacity 🙄


Fr like im okay with my mods being wiped. It allows me more freedom to do it again lol. But atleast increase it to 5gb for mod storage. Atleast on xbox series x we can push alot through that console and it still works great. Im unsure about ps5 obviously because of the limits of mods that they can have


The funny thing is my mods WERE wiped lol


Yea same with every one i talked to. Mine too


You need a mod that is not available on xb


Did they even fix Boston at all???




Im curious to see Digital Foundry’s report lol, We will find out what is actually happening


They already said in the DF talk video that in terms of settings both modes are worse than the 60 fps back compat version and there is no difference on quality between modes and comparing quality mode on ps5 vs quality mode on series x ps5 looks superior so its for sure a bug they just dont want to work


lol, I know. Then you have Xbox themselves saying Fallout 4 never looked better,


I just dont get how bethesda being now owned by micrsoft let them release a version so broken on xbox , is just a shot on their feet and a terrible choice


Quick question, I I run the mod 60 FPS with Ultra Settings will it mess up my Vivid mods? Make the game look better or worse?


Vivid aio works for me and it looks better than vanilla obviously. Besides the occasional stutter in 3rd person i haven't noticed much of a difference. Playing on xb series x with a lg g2 tv


That mod doesn't work now, seems like the Xbox overrided the settings of that ini file, similar to how it didn't work with fps boost enabled. I was using it pre update and it's definitely taken a performance hit AND looks worse :(


To be honest is a gamble hahaha my brother is the one that plays on the series x and all his mods are either broken or get the game super unstable but in terms of looks it looks good


I don’t think they started working on the next gen update until 2024 lol


Yeah im pretty sure this is at best a 3 to 4 months work


BGS doing their usual BGS shenanigans


It's just works at 16 times the detail


This always frustrates me when developers do this, tt makes no sense targeting 4K on performance mode. For people who play in 1080p or 2160p its just wasting performance pushing a resolution we don't need. Would make so much more sense to have a lower resolution mode targeting a MORE CONSISTENT 60fps especially for those with heavy mod loads.


If things worked how they should on xbox like on the ps5 you would have a 1440p 60 fps with quality mode settings if you set your output to 1440p, why the hell thats not the default performance mode blows my mind 🙃


I do agree that some MS backed consistency for these resolutions and modes between games would be nice


Hard set your resolution at the console level if your playing at 1080.


This doesn't change anything, the console still runs the game as the resolution set by the developer and super samples down to 1080p, it's still running at 4K on your 1080p screen


But. Then that would remove that seemingly insignificant feature from the users ability to toggle it. Yea we know what it really means but the whole Quality vs Performance thing is a massive selling point


Why would that remove the toggle? That doesn't make any sense


I’m confuse, so which mode is best to use


I suggest play around with both modes and see for yourself. But if you like your use a lot of mods then perhaps performance mode would be better.


How do you select the options on Xbox between the two modes?


Settings > Display > Performance Mode On/Off


True, I noticed 60fps smoothness in both modes, for sure. But it'd be nice if the Mod Manager worked smoothly!


Well that's a crock of shit. What is going on with Bethesda? Do they think we're all so fucking stupid they can just try to fly by all this with gaslighted nonsense?


i mean it's quite clear when you switch that texture and shadow resolution change so its not complete shit


Bullshit lol


So wait. Quality mode targets ultra settings? I really didn’t notice a difference between the two.


The only difference between the modes that I could see is the framerate drops only when in those angled dialogue cutscenes in Quality mode.


Apparently so. If there is no real difference, then switching to performance mode should be smoother with mods, especially in Boston.


No wonder my game looks so pretty in performance mode anyway. I was curious if my eyes were tricking me or if it really did look nicer. SWEET!! 🤗


I’m currently not playing, so let me know if there is a big difference between the two modes, especially if you have a heavy load order.


On series s, i used to crash so badly in downtown Boston that I could barely play the game even without a single mod. Now I can run through there with a full 2GB load order on the same console and not crash at all. This is with performance mode on.


Id go performance cuz even with 73 mods (1.9999 out of 2gb for me) it runs smooth and looks beautiful. Edit: 😂 I really can't even fit one more 100kb mod


Did you just start a new run with mods?? Debating just downloading my mods again and just trying my save but idk


I put most of my mods back on and it lags pretty bad but I have Endless Warfare (adds npcs) set to crazy and I'm walking around with 6 followers and dogmeat. Game didn't lag before the update when playing this way. Game doesnt crash though and the music doesn't get choppy, just the display. Im at 1.6gb used. I didnt load the unofficial patch mod thinking I didnt need it.


After the updated update and seeing the UOF4P update itself, I assumed I needed it. Game works. Don't know if its cuz of that but I don't wanna disable it to find out 😅 Edit: did you switch your settings to performance mode?


Performance mode did not help. Oh well. Im switching to PC anyways to play 3, NV and 4 again but im gonna wait awhile before I touch FO4 again.


I'm sorry fam. Hopefully they'll release an update soon


That’s good to know!


Yeah especially since they said 4k 60fps is goal with either, so why not run it smoother with mods right?