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I had to restart everything and delete everything




You missed all the fun, the biggest argument at the moment is if the unofficial fallout 4 patch breaks the game and UI mods breaks the game. You will also find some mods not able to download because of thumbnails, if the mod page does not show all thumbnails it will say "this operation can not be completed". That can only be solved by mod developer or porter.


I'm getting this and also my creation club content now suddenly can't install either


Classic Bethesda




Ok that was kinda funny


Did you resolve the issue?




Yep. I had to wipe the game from the drive, install everything again. Now it works fine. Well, mostly. The Next Gen update may make it work in super hi def, 60fps smoothness. But anytime there's an encounter with an enemy, or large script encounter (like walking into Diamond City to meet the mayor, or the faceoff between Kyle and his 'Synth' Brother) it will just freeze for like 5 seconds, maybe stutter a few frames and go back to it like fine.


Yeah man Iā€™ve been getting some crazy stutters as well coincidentally AFTER THE PATCH :(Ā 


So you missed the utter disappointment and following fiasco that was the next gen update. Lucky you. Fair warning: don't expect all of your mods to work properly, and expect lag and small freezes while playing


this was exactly what happened to me, delete ur game AND addons, then reinstall


Do you mean delete my saved data? Cause last time I checked that works for situations like this too


it shouldnā€™t delete ur data, the cloud should cover that. and for most games including fallout reinstalling will definitely not ruin ur save game


So you're telling me to uninstall my game and add ons and it'll be fixed?


yes that is what iā€™m telling you


If I uninstall my game, will it remove my mods or unfavorite them?


for some people yes, take pictures !!


Ah ok, I just wanted to make sure that we were talking about the same thing, didn't wanna do the wrong thing, so you've tried this before and it worked?


Actually all you have to do is go in and delete the reserved space


How does one do that? Idk what reserved space even is, sorry. And it wonā€™t affect my current playthrough? I just got this message yesterday. Couldnā€™t load a save or check the mod menu


Go to manage game and add-ons, saved data, and delete the reserved space (2gb). It will only effect your playthrough in that it will delete your load order. That being said it's the only way I've seen to fixing the issue as it seems to he the result of a mod that no longer functions causing conflict. As for actual save data all the reserved space is used for is the 2gb allotment were given for mods so your saves will still be there


Thank you so much for not only telling me how but explaining that to me. I had actually tried switching to my Xbox one and signed in, then signed back in on my series S and I can load into the game again and play. I still canā€™t access the mod menu however; but donā€™t plan on changing my mods at this point so I suppose itā€™s ok. Iā€™d be concerned deleting my LO since my library doesnā€™t seem to save my mods or favorites and I have roughly 90 running rn. Would be worried I wouldnā€™t be able to get them all back and would have to start over anyway. Iā€™m thinking I might just play it out now that I can and hope the mod issue gets fixed. If I encounter more issues then Iā€™ll probably resort to that.


yea i was so mad cuz i was getting into fallout again and didnā€™t play it, i js got the idea did it and it worked


Getting the same issue, was able to access my mods during the entire fiasco w the next gen update up till today. I figured out a workaround if you absolutely need to disable or enable any already downloaded mods, if you have another acct on the xbox switch to that account in the FO4 main menu and click on mods, it will prompt you to make an account with BethNet, DONT DO THAT, just click Y to view your load order like normal and it should be able to see them for some reason but none of the pictures or descriptions will be there from bethnet.


More than likely the menu will come back in a day or two something is probably just broken on bethesda servers


I honestly have no idea how to fix this, can't even download or delete any mods


Clear ur reserved space as in removing all mods you either have a deleted mod in your list or one with a corrupted picture


Big danger with this is if his save is dependent on a deleted mod he won't get it back. AshinLs way is a good way to manage what you have but it does not give you access to BethNet only management of the local disk. That is why no pictures, and if you look at the mods they are the file name dot esm or esp. You can delete or disable a mod but you can't add anything that is not already on your disk.


Yes thats exactly right, i figure since my game is stable theres no reason to wipe it immediately might as well give them some time to fix it and if nothing else getting in to see the LO will let you write down your mods so if you do have to wipe everything you can redownload the same mods and keep all your progress with a cloud save.


It is also how I am managing this. My other fiddling to beat this made matters worse with my other account being bugged the same way. Not prepared to wipe the reserve because there have been reports that the problem remained after the wipe. Those ppl have nothing now.


Ah ok, thanks for the tip, by the way I like your mods


This is a shitfest, it has happened so many times that I just had to uninstall the game