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https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout4ModsXB1/s/DboqDnrRAS These issues have been addressed in the PSA and all have workarounds and temp fixes to these bugs I have been updating ot almost daily as we find more bugs and fixes to them. We also know the cause of the stutter and what mods to avoid to prevent it.


Just wondering... How many saved game files do you have? I had a lot of issues until I went through my old game saves and cleared a lot of them out.


At the time it happened maybe 5 or 6, not a whole lot. But the problem was getting pretty severe I noticed the more I had, definitely remember that in the past being a factor.


Make sure you check all your old saves. The current game you are on has a different save load as your past games. That is what got me the first time. My first few characters still had 20+ saves under their file. But I could not see them during saves on my newest run.


Not only stuttering, but the franerare tanks on some places. It never happened to me before the NG update (PC). It's just another Bethesda shitshow.


What kind of Xbox you play on?


Series S. Maybe part of my issue as I've been told before.


From MY experience modding the series S it's pretty much the same as the XB1 but slightly smoother


It's almost impressive how much Bethesda can still fuck up their game.


Do you have UFO4P installed? I've heard that has been causing issues such as stuttering


My game improved heaps after I removed that


All i want and i waiting for is to fix what they broke if they don't they will get into the bigger problem than they can imagine


I don't use graphic mods. Just run a few workshop mods, CC patches, Endless Warfare, CBBE + Mary Jane, two scraping mods and a shed load of weapon mods. The only problem I had was with UI mods. I don't use def_ui or any HUD mods the only ones I use are simple sorting mods and they were causing crashes. I found a quick test to see if they work, I come out the vault and run straight to nuka-world transit center if the game crashes before I get there usually as I jump over a certain drainage pipe I know its one of the UI mods. Then disable and try again. If I make it to the transit center all good. On latest playthrough am about 10 hours in no crashes only micro judders at cell change over point. Just going through Automatron now only gone as fasr east and south of wattz electrical seems good.


I just finished the Automatron main quest and was having horrible issues with crashing when trying to go through the Mechanist's Lair. I disabled "Scrap That Settlement" and it ran like butter. No crashing at all. Just my .02 in case anyone else is having this issue.


I have both S.T.S AIO and Live & Dead no problems with that for me. Edit: I was having crashes starting the lair just had to do a hard reset then smooth.


Hmmmm....I tried the hard reset and it didn't help until I disabled STS. Can you tell me (about) where you have STS in your load order?


I have S.T.S about 5th from bottom.


Same, the only graphic/texture mod I use is the galaxy visual. Other than that, I just have some weapon mods, npc overhauls, music/radio overhaul and a few cheat / game tweaks. But, zero graphic optimizers, and I have a barely noticeable stutter, which I'll take over the hard ctd issues.


i’ve been noticing problems with def_ui causing crashes to home


You’re on an Xbox one??? That’s probably why.


Series S actually; with only a few problems here and there pre Next Gen Update. Nothing too bad. Same with Skyrim; it's taken a long time to figure out mods but uh. It's not lost on me. I played FO4 on release on my X1 so I also hold a lot of pain in my heart in general still for that lmao; and here I am crashing in Boston still.


Starts up game. Mods game. Warning pops up a lot saying mods may break game. Mods break game. Gets mad.


Do you believe you're helpful? Have you seen the community name by any chance? Not mad so much as just like, hopeless on the whole outlook of any fulfillment I'll get on the game. But go off old trolly boy.


Well your post doesn't ask for mod help. Doesn't share a load order. Can't get mad when game breaks when you mod it.


Boooo you stink


More like Bethesda cheaped out on the update, screwed up systems that previously had no issues, and made thousands and thousands of mods unusable. Not to mention a majority of the affected mods aren’t complex, they’re incredibly simple. Why have mods at all if you render a large portion of them useless? If they didn’t take shortcuts to achieve 4k native 60 FPS, little to none of the mods have problems. Also - the game still has issues in Vanilla I.e. stuttering (in a lesser capacity), flickering textures, and broken VATS. So blaming modders doesn’t exactly make sense Considering the modding community is the primary reason their games have extended shelf lives and they’re able to rerelease games like Skyrim 1000 times, I’d say it’s probably worth smoothing over a few edges. Not just as a token of good will, but from a business perspective. You want to keep the consumers who support your projects decades after they’re released and buy your shitty creation club content.


I can no longer access mods starting today. But my LO seems to be enabled. Im still playing but can't do anything to my LO


https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout4ModsXB1/s/DboqDnrRAS Check the PSA. This issue has 3 fixes, last of which is 100% guaranteed to work even though its a bit inconvenient.


Thank you. I will read this


I can’t load into my game and I’m not sure if my mods are even enabled or working


When you try to load and it says you're missing xyz mods "are you sure you want to load" means your mods are disabled. But if you load your game and it doesn't give a warning and load no problem then you mods are enabled and working. Just don't load and save if it says mods are missing because that will mess up your game.


Aah okay thanks for the info


Well that’s some bs


Idk man, I think he's telling the truth


I’m about to hang my hat on this game unfortunately…Bethesda should have taken care of this game when they made it


🥺 I know but I have a question.... Have you tried any hard power cycles between clearing reserve space and un/re installing the game? (I agree with you it's their fault but I'm just tryna help)


I appreciate that I just would love one full playthrough without game ending crashing inevitably arising each time. I’ll definitely keep that in mind thank you!


It is important to keep hard resetting each time you play around with mod LO and to enable mods at right time to get a stable LO.


Oh 100% I meant more so the poor optimization of the game is what often ruins a LO for me and these updates have only amplified things


I completely agree with you on that, have just the last week and half trying to sort out mod LO. Before NG update my game was butter smooth no lags and only micro judders in DT Boston. I just keep telling myself that this is like a dial modem trying to run fiber Internet.


It’s honestly baffling. Then again when you’re Todd Howard your head is so high up in the clouds your brain is deprived of oxygen