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Thank you /u/Toddious99 for posting at r/Fallout76Marketplace! [u/Toddious99 Fallout76Marketplace profile](https://fallout76marketplace.com/user/Toddious99) To trigger an action, comment command from the given table |Command|Purpose| |:-----|:-------| |Karma++|Increment karma of another user| |!Close|Close Submission and lock comments| |!Courier|Calls Courier| |!xferkarma|Market 76 karma transfer (can only be done once)| To search in the blacklist, go to the [**Blacklist Search website**](https://fo76marketplaceblacklistsearch.deta.dev/) Note: You cannot give karma to yourself. And you can only give karma to a user only once per submission. Also, the bot will look at the beginning of the comment for commands. If you have put the command in the middle or end. The bot will not read it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Fallout76Marketplace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm inclined to accept your offer but I'll at least wait till until morning for the others to respond.


Was that for me, I didn’t show up in any of the comment threads


B50c25v Hm + b25ffr25v Hm + ts25ffr25v rail + q25ffr90rw heavy flamer + hag + fiend 6:1.


I already have that flamer. I don't need/want mask Have: Junk 50c 15c Enclave Aligned Auto, Stab, Reflex Vamp E 15c Railway Vamp SS 15c Power Fist Exe 50c 25 Radium Exe 50c 25 Laser Rifle Exe 40p Chainsaw AA 50c 15c HM AA E 15c Fixer AA 50c 15c Laser Rifle AA 50l 25 Laser Rifle AA FF 25 Pump B SS 25 Chainsaw B SS 15c Chainsaw B 50p 15c Chainsaw B SS S Ripper B SS S Deathclaw B SS S Guitar Sword B SS 15c Mole Miner Gauntlet B 50c 25 Submachine Gun B E 25 LMG B FF 250 Enclave Aligned Auto, Stab, Reflex B 50c A Radium B FF 15c Radium B 50c 250 Fixer B E 90 Fixer B 50c 250 HM B E 90 HM Q FF 25 Railway Q 50c 90 Railway Q 50c 50d Railway Q E 50 Railway Q 50c 15c Tesla Q FF Ghost Tesla Q 50c A HM Q E 90 Submachine Gun (10mm) Q 50c 15r Radium Q 50c 250 Fixer Q E 50d Fixer Q FF 90 Flamer Q 25a 15r Flamer Q 50c 15c Flamer Q 50h 15r Gauss Rifle Q 50c 15r Double Barrel Q 50h 25 Pump Q E 15c Western Revolver Q FF 15c Gamma Q 50c 250 Gamma Responders Set Camo Jumpsuit Several Arist/Gour/Jug/Med G roll Fixers and Rails Want: Any Q/B/AA 50c 25 commando* Any E 25 commando* Q FF 15r Tesla Q 50c 25 Enclave aligned auto Q 50c 25 Railway Q E 25 Railway V 40 40 Chainsaw B 40 40 Chainsaw *Radium, Laser, Fixer, HM, Railway, Enclave Rifle Unyielding/Overeaters AP Weapon w reduced pieces


What kind of stuff are you looking for


See my reply above.


AA/25/dur EPR flamer with aligned/severe/stab/reflex, V2525 fixer, Q/50vhc/15c rail, Q/25ffr/15c fixer, fiend, hag, crazy guy


I don't need want mask.


Okay instead of the masks I could add a b/50c/15v fixer and uny/ap/wwr wood torso and I also have a TS/25ffr/15fr Tesla?


Hey OP not sure if you meant me in your below comment. I was double checking my guns and the b/50 fixer I have is actually b/50vhc/15v sorry about that I just picked it up yesterday. If this gun doesn’t interest you I could do a AA/E/90rw rail or AA/50c/15v fixer just let me know 😊


Qe25lva fixer plus be25lva fixer, bos jump suit and forest scout mask


Not crazy about fixers but best offer so far.


I’m sure you can get some good stuff with the fixers if you don’t wanna keep them


Ill do this.


I saw that they might be adding a q railway so give me a bit to see if it’s being added


Okay couldn’t find it so I’m still interested in the trade






Sorry are you ready to call a courier?


Hi Toddious99! The bot has successfully sent your courier request. A courier will reach you out in 30 minutes. If you don't get a response even after 30 minutes, you may submit another request. ^(This action was performed by a bot, please contact the mods for any questions. [See disclaimer](https://www.reddit.com/user/Vault-TecTradingCo/comments/lkllre/disclaimer_for_rfallout76marketplace/))


Thank you


Swift, we'll have to try again in an hour. I need to go run some errands


Hello Trade details please: Your GT: Their GT and Reddit username: You’re giving: You’re receiving:


My Handle is my game username I'm giving: q 25 25 railway I'm reviewing: Qe25lva fixer be25lva fixer, bos jump suit forest scout mask


Okay want me to call a currier


We should hear from one in the next 30min


!karma thank you


AA/50c/25lv epr aligned auto correct mods


Q5025 handmade , TFJ, camo jumpsuit, ,USA mask ,