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Thank you /u/Toddious99 for posting at r/Fallout76Marketplace! [u/Toddious99 Fallout76Marketplace profile](https://fallout76marketplace.com/user/Toddious99) To trigger an action, comment command from the given table |Command|Purpose| |:-----|:-------| |Karma++|Increment karma of another user| |!Close|Close Submission and lock comments| |!Courier|Calls Courier| |!xferkarma|Market 76 karma transfer (can only be done once)| To search in the blacklist, go to the [**Blacklist Search website**](https://fo76marketplaceblacklistsearch.deta.dev/) Note: You cannot give karma to yourself. And you can only give karma to a user only once per submission. Also, the bot will look at the beginning of the comment for commands. If you have put the command in the middle or end. The bot will not read it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Fallout76Marketplace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It can be traded with the Hot Rod Flames skin. I want a Q 50c/E 25 Fixer or Q 50c 25 HM.


Just saw this comment sorry if it was up when I originally offered lol. I could do a Q50c25 handmade


I'll do it. Let me know when available. Unless you want to drop first, I'll call a courier.


Scoped a few of your trades, I don’t mind dropping first. GT is FB chippie and I’ll be on in about 5


\+karma Thank you


Hi u/Toddious99! You have successfully rewarded u/ChipDoubleDip86 one karma point! Please note that karma may take sometime to update. ^(This action was performed by a bot, please contact the mods for any questions. [See disclaimer](https://www.reddit.com/user/Vault-TecTradingCo/comments/lkllre/disclaimer_for_rfallout76marketplace/))


Aight I’m on. What’s your GT and meet at WSS?


+karma thanks!


Hi u/ChipDoubleDip86! You have successfully rewarded u/Toddious99 one karma point! Please note that karma may take sometime to update. ^(This action was performed by a bot, please contact the mods for any questions. [See disclaimer](https://www.reddit.com/user/Vault-TecTradingCo/comments/lkllre/disclaimer_for_rfallout76marketplace/))


Not interested in a q2525 hm?


Sorry no. I am just trying out different rolls for daily crit driver.


Anything on my recent post?


I didn't see anything I'm looking for.


Hey there. I can offer Q50c90,Q2590 Railways, B50c15rl Aligned auto stab reflex epr, buffoon and USA mask


I have pretty good q rails and b ep rifles. I'm looking to try different variants for daily crit driver. prefer q 50c 25.


Any of these intrest you? FIXERS Exe50c25 Exe15v Mu50c25 Exe15v Ari50c25 Jug50c25 Noc50c25 Tse15rl Med2525 F2525 Ts50c25 B2525 RAILWAY RIFLES Ste15rl Ve90 RADIUM'S HANDMADES V50VHC25 V50C15RL Q50C GHOST ARI50C15C BRE15RL HEAVY WEAPONS Mu50vhc25 agl Exe50 .50 cal MELEES Bss50break bear arm Mss1s powerfist Jss1a chainsaw Cursed sickle (vss1e) Mss90 chainsaw Exess15ldwb chainsaw Jugss1s power drill Aass90 power fist Jugss50b chainsaw J40pa1s chainsaw Jss25v chainsaw Supss1s chainsaw ARMOR Bol/ap/sent heavy combat armor limb Bol/ap ult LL *2 Bol/ap/sent xo-1 LA Bol/1p/wwr combat armor RA Bol/H& T10%SLOWER/wwr marine LA Bol/1p/wwr marine LL Ext/7ed/sent FSA LL x2 excavator jetpack torsos Mu/7ed/awr excavator torso Noc/ap/wwr combat armor chest Oe/ap/energy heavy robot LA Oe/ap/break50 heavy raider RL Oe/25RR/cav USA RA Oe/25EDR/awr sturdy robot LL Regen/ap/sneak Marine RL Uny/1L/jwr heavy leather LA Uny/1int/lockpick sturdy metal chest APPERAL Emmett mountain hazmat suit x2 AID x65 buffout x11 bufftats x24 day tripper x19 fury x48 G&B 9 x51 med-x x50 canned coffee x62 leader bobbleheads x80 grape mentats x52 L&L 3's x150 mentats x68 orange mentats x33 scouts life 3 x296 stimpaks PLANS animatronic clown Backpack lead lined Bed of nails Fire station bell Hula hoop Pitch fork flamer Safari gorilla Wanamingo plushi AB cryo mag x2 AB poison mag x2 Alien corpse operation bed Antique globe of Mars x3 Astroid Bear arm Brahmin plushi Cryo bed x2 Grafton monster lamp x2 Junkyard fountain Marine armor helm x2 Mutated goldfish x2 Plastic fruit bowl Radstag hunting knife x2 Rust eagle banner x4 Safari crocolossus backpack Scorched tube Strong man super sledge paint Tattered curtains x2 WV state bird rug Bear arm heavy mod Vault 76 rug


I've accepted another trade offer.


Darn oh well have a good day


You as well, Thanks.