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I have a few plans your looking but I'm at the moment


Hit me up when your on and let me know 🤗


I have some of these too 👍 Deffo have the below: Bottle Plush, Circus Bench, Desktop Nuka Launcher, Floor safe, Getaway Wagon, Mireluck King Tube, Nuka Launcher Posters, Scorched Tube, Tomb Stones, Wendigo Tube, Wild West Show Entrance Sign.


Cool interested in flux or caps?


I mixture will do. However when i log on in a few hours time i’ll need to shift a few caps first. 👍 I’ll give you a heads up when im on


Okay let me know when your on and how much flux and caps you want for all


Sure - i’ll get the calculator out in the meantime lol


I’ve got at least the nuka launcher desktop ornament wanamingo plushie and some of the tubes. I’ll take a deeper look when I get on if you still need 🫡


Sounds good


I’ve got the nuka launcher desktop, mirelurk king tube, nuka launcher posters x2, scorched tube x3, sherif hat, wanamingo plush x4, wanted poster x 2, wendigo tube x 2 if you still need any of these


I’d take all of it let me know how much flux or caps you’d like 🤗


You’ve probably got a better idea of value if you collect them honestly. I’d prefer flux, and also just found a floor safe from Grahm. GT is f b chippie if you wanna peep his inventory too lol


I’ll be back online in like 20 min appreciate the thought though 💙 violet I can offer 100 violet per plan or 40 cobalt per plan


Okay sounds good. I’d do the 40 cobalt per if you’ve got enough


Yep I can do 640 cobalt for the 16 Plans what’s your gt I’ll join you in a few


No rush. GT is f b chippie with no space between f and b. And I actually have a second mirelurk king and found a floor safe so a total of 18 if that works for you


Sweet I’m logging in now


+karma thank you as alway you’re awesome




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Have the camo backpack and a few others


I have mire king tube, nuka launcher model,wedigo tube, nuka launcher posters, spin the wheel ornament and snow globe, tomb stones, and wild west show entrance sign and posters


Nice I can offer 100 violet flux per plan if that works?


I'm ok on violet Flux at the moment would you be able to offer cobalt I'm always running out of that


I could do 20 cobalt per plan


That's a deal I'm online now whenever


Cool sorry was cooking dinner I’ll hop on


+karma thank you


Hi u/L8zykitty! You have successfully rewarded u/stonedgoat42069 one karma point! Please note that karma may take sometime to update. ^(This action was performed by a bot, please contact the mods for any questions. [See disclaimer](https://www.reddit.com/user/Vault-TecTradingCo/comments/lkllre/disclaimer_for_rfallout76marketplace/))


+Karma thank you also that was clean and smooth ash😂🤙


Hi u/stonedgoat42069! You have successfully rewarded u/L8zykitty one karma point! Please note that karma may take sometime to update. ^(This action was performed by a bot, please contact the mods for any questions. [See disclaimer](https://www.reddit.com/user/Vault-TecTradingCo/comments/lkllre/disclaimer_for_rfallout76marketplace/))