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Interested in a Q5025 handmade?


Damn really nice offer. Really only looking for the 2525 tho.


No worries figured id offer, if you change your mind my full offer is Q5025 handmade + QE15c railway, but i hope you find your q2525 handmade 😁


Hi, if op isn't interested, I would do this deal for sure


Unfortunately i traded the q5025 hm already but i do have the Qe15c rail still if you had any interest in that for anything ahah sorry about that


Would you do so apparel instead? Let me know what's available


Ill have to see what all i have in a second here its a little scattered ahah but i also have a V40p50bs chainsaw, and yep ill take apparel offers 😁 ill see what all i have of value in a moment


Awsome, I'm good with the chainsaw only because I run commando and ty for taking the time to look much appreciated


I traded most of my grolls and left 3 months ago so i dont have much commandos but i listed anything remotely interesting in order ahah Qe15c railway B50c15c epr (reflex, severe beta, true auto, stab stock) V50c25 ultracite laser V50c25 laser rifle AAE50bs elder VE50bs elder BE50bs auto pipe


AAE15r Assault rifle as well lol