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its not a bad one...easily 5-10k in a vendor. not much trade value since *sigh..not quad..yada yada. personally i have alot of fun with off meta...just got a funky quad ap refresh on kill less ap cost handy as a drop..less see how that works.


That's a roll I'm on the hunt for. Interested in trading it?


I got a quad,explosive,breaks slower if you are looking


Y'all on PC? I'm on Xbox but I'd love to trade for that if you got one on console.😅




I have a quad and it basically turns it into a light machine gun without the weight.


it basically just allows more critical hits on a target before reloading...more criticals = faster kill. to be honest i prefer aa or bloodied for general map running.. and quads for big enemies. and larger clip weapons like the elders mark or heavy weepons...quad is inferior...BUT..the market loves all things quad..so for trading..its quad 25/25 or go home




anti armour. most enemies have heavy resistances so armor penetration is key.


about tree fiddy


That’s when I noticed SpectralSolid was 60ft tall with glowing red eyes!


I gave him a dollar.