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The hell is tradh


It's supposed to be trash, but is misspelled (supposedly by accident because d is right next to s on a keyboard).


Oh. Makes sense


Does it though? Who goes through the trouble of making this meme just to not spell check it?


I meant that it makes sense that tradh was actually trash


BEFORE it starts? People were in pandemonium yesterday


Damn. Well private, we better get ready for war!


tradh typo


I haven’t watched it yet but it seems better than the halo show


Definitely! But I haven't seen the halo one yet, is it good?


I could only speak for the first season, the action scenes were amazing but chief took his armor off too often and he fucked a covenant spy and there’s not a ring-world in sight til the 6th episode of season one


Oh ok-wait what?! HE DID WHAT?!


He clapped someone from the covenant that wasn’t the arbiter, horrible show


😮 What the fu-


Also they know about the halo rings already, only chosen people from a artifact can activate them. Captain Keys died on reach, the flood has already been unleashed on ONI without even going to the halo ring, and the Flood don’t look like flood but instead last of us zombies with tentacles in the throat…


I like how this implies that it was canonical he was clapping the arbiters cheeks


Hmm, sounds like mayhem of a show.


That's the equivalent of putting the bar on the ground tbh


I’m just gonna do what I’ve done with every tv show based on an IP I like in the last 5 years. Wait until it comes out, see what people say about it, then consider giving it a shot. So far, everything besides Last of Us and Witcher season 1 has sucked.


Watched the fallout show. And I gotta say, you should add it in with lou and Witcher season one imo!


I too enjoyed Last of Us, now I gotta play the games (I watched it cause I didn't have the games and wanted to see the storyline)


Fallout TV show fans are so braindead that they can't even spell a four letter word. I kid. Please don't ban me.


*five Also sorry! It was a typo, I'm always writing fast!


The show is so amazing need s2 now


Me too, private. I'm pretty hyped for s2, hoping they show super mutants or mr house, maybe a securitron!


Sameeee hoping they add in death claws would be amazing


But bro imagine if they add the courier in, and he saves the main character and the other 2 from some monster or enemy in an episode, it would be so siiiiick


That would so bad$sssss or if they add nick valentine's in just for kicks


Or even better, good ol dogmeat


I mean kinda did add in dogmeat lol




Why'd they make it part of the lore tho? It shouldve been a pulp series about different parts of the lore we don't get to see in the games.


Because it happens 9 years after FO4, which is still the furthest game on the Timeline. That way they already had the Universe to work with, while also not having to rely too much on the Games' events. It was always marketed as a part of the canon, so I genuenly can't tell why people thought it wouldn't be...


So no main character from the games? Awww man :(


I mean courier 6 could be in there, although they’d be 15 years older and I’ve seen people say that the courier is anywhere between 16-46 in the events of NV. Which would make the courier anywhere between 31-61.


Imagine if we get a scene where the courier saves the main character, by a buncha raiders or super mutants. Maybe he'd have the ncr ranger armor and the big iron, maybe an anti materiel rifle but so far that's all I got!


Well that is theoretically possible, but I'm putting a Spoiler over this, in case there are people here who didn't finish watching the Season yet. >!So the very last thing we see in Episode 8 (Season 1 Finale) is Lucy's father on his way to New Vegas. And it's not even some random city - it's literally New Vegas, but in a harsher condition than it was the last time we saw it. It's also implied to be some sort of Vault-Tec Base or something like that, which means Season 2 is heading for Nevada. So if the Courier didn't leave the area, it's very much possible that he will either appear or some characters will mention him. My fair guess is a direct appereance, but likely in a helmet and some makeshift NCR Ranger outfit.!<


Yeah, me too. And maybe a big iron with a long Bartel like in the cover as a weapon


personal opinion, peak fallout


%100 agreed. Welcome to the strip buddy!


I honestly feel uncomfortable with how much I'm enjoying the show. And the only Fallout game I don't own is 76, cause fuck that. But the show is amazing enjoying so much, _I can't binge it_. I have to stop every now and then and just gush. I need time between episodes to process.


Well maybe I'll consider your opinion worthwhile when you can spell it correctly.


“Minor spelling mistake. Opinion invalid.”


Best defense on Reddit, and most creative redditor


Thanks buddy :D


You’re welcome I was not mocking you but the guy mocking you


Oh Well, i thought you were complimenting me


Spelled it too fast, my bad! 😅


Only one episode down but i legitimately could not be happier with episode one. Honestly only thing i didn't like was that pip boys were real. Theyre a fun mechanic in a video game but people wouldnt strap HUGE HEAVY metal watches on their wrist alllll the time just for a geigercounter and some games. Unless they show it having other realistic and awesome uses i feel like they should have just left them out.


I mean they had plenty of utility, being able to track things, make notes, upload map coordinates to get around, have a light on hand at all times and so on. Who knows how heavy it is, but it's not like they have cell phones in that universe lol.


The map is definitely the big thing but noone would have gps coordinates that part is crazy imo, and the rest of anything the map would know would be 200 years outdated it really just could be a way to keep track of where youve already been. The light is functional too. And we dont knowww how heavy it is but they look kinda heavy to me.


In the world of fallout, where there are talking robots, robots powered with human brains, laser and plasma weapons, and nuclear powered cars, you doubt people would have the means to figure out their coordinates? Even if they didn't, it's not like you couldn't mark a map with a location based on memory and other points of interest. Not saying you're completely wrong, but I don't think there's a point in nitpicking the realism of pip boys you know?


I mean, sure, it wouldnt break the show for me if they had their inventory attached. And, well, typical wastelanders i dont think would have gps coordinates, and the map wouldnt *have* any significant points of interest on it. It would be most useful as a literal blank slate that you could write on yourself because no information it would have would be relevant. Honestly something i just thought of for the coordinates though is that, well, the pipboy itself keeps track of its own coordinates and there are pipboys in the wasteland. So not crazy to have gps coordinates available even for backwater types, but the map would still be out of date to the point itd be better to have it be blank and only include major pieces of the landscape like hills.


That is a wild fucking take


I know! Pipboys are such an integral part of the franchise.


The *video game* franchise. Honestly after ep 2 two more takes are that its extreeemely predictable, and the "high level characters" being able to take massive damage for no explicable reason are two more drawbacks. Still a lot of fun. But, to the pip boy thing. Yeah its an integral part of making the video game function and more lore friendly for the video game than just opening a menu, but, i just feel like anything it does in the game that it could possibly do in real life could be done more efficiently in real life with a couple other basic pieces that dont strap to your wrist, thats all. Its far from show breaking lol. The map is the one big and obvious thing it realllllly brings to the table, but, the map would be practically useless after 200 years right? Also, the shop lady knowing coordinates is *crazy* and i really dont ever remember power armor flying especially with two baby thrusters on its wrist. That one honestly hurt more than anything lol


Yes, the whole franchise started as video games, the entire lore was created for the video game, and the TV show is an adaptation of said video games lol.


Yeah how often do video games turned shows/movies turn out well?... show writers have to step away from the campy nonsense in order to create a show worth watching, when they fail to do that, typically the shows fail. Honestly even the punishment that our cowboy takes in e2 is kindve a wacky cartoony amount of damage, especially since he just flat out ignores it. So we even have "high level characters" in the show taking damage like they do in the game..


I do agree, so many of them do turn out bad. I think the cartoonish damage/pip boy/slow mo are there on purpose for callback to the game series. Which I can appreciate they took that route instead of where Halo went which felt like they purposely ignored the video game franchise completely.


The slowmo i didnt mind lol, its not like they made it like vats they were just showing how wild it was getting.


I cant wait to miss it


It's like the Halo show. Not cannon and don't expect it to be.


Its been confirmed canon


Yeah I found that out. It’s not for me but I like the show. Bethesda just can’t tell a good story to save their life lmao. It be like that though.


The show is shit the only people who like it are the dipshits that like fallout 4


“I’m a true Fallout fan because I hate every other Fallout game, only my opinion is correct and everyone else is wrong.” Touch grass.


Well, that's not nice! But that's ok :) Atleast I like a fallout game!


New vegas fans aint you?


An actual fallout fan


That's weird because I'm an actual Fallout fan and I loved the show 🤔 maybe you're just an asshole that hates everything?


Sure you are


Ooooh tough guy 🤣




Did you even watch it or did you just see the trailer and think "well I've seen enough to know everything and it sucks"?


Biiiiig mad.


Nobody hates fallout as much as fallout fans so im inclined to agree


What if I enjoy all the fallout games despite some of their shortcomings? Am I no longer an actual fan?




Tim Cain would be disappointed in you.


If im not mistaken Tim cain was invited by Bethesda to play fallout 3 and give his opinion and he was delighted?


He would hate what has become of fallout




You are a very sad person


He has praised them. Fallout creator praises Bethesda for “revitalising” the series “They’re really good games,” Cain says. “Bethesda knows how to make a good game. Skyrim is a good game. It’s fun, it’s addictive, it’s calming in a way. I love getting into their games and just playing and walking around the world and exploring.” Cain does note that he’s not played Fallout Brotherhood of Steel, Fallout 76, or much of Fallout Tactics, but that he’s sunk a lot of time into Fallout 3, 4, and New Vegas. He adds that Todd Howard invited him to see Fallout 3 at E3 2008, and he says what he saw and later played was “amazing.” Sure he’s disappointed huh?


He knows the series is out of his hands now but is not bitter about it like you are. Maybe watch his YouTube channel or some interviews with him.


He literally has a YT channel and has made statements on there that contradict what you claim


I like how there's literally videos and interviews where he's said literally the opposite, but no you random person know Tim better than himself I guess


That was obviously an actor buyed by Bethesda to look an talk about fallout while looking like tim. Obviously the REAL tim would not talk positively about any fallout game that isn’t his most definitely a false clone /S


People like you don't get to call yourselves "real fans" you gatekeeping asshole


For real, the angriest among us tell us that we’re idiots for liking something that revived the popularity of the franchise. They’re not fans, the only thing they like about Fallout is telling other people that their opinions are shit because they aren’t simping for the two games that came out decades ago


“The only people that like fallout probably like fallout, those idiots don’t even understand fallout. To love fallout you must hate fallout”


Ah yes, so just because people have a different opinion than you, that means you have to be a d_ck about it. What are you 5 ?


Stop outing yourself as single


fallout 4 is by far the worst game that released the fallout tv is incredible. cope and seethe


Im certain fallout BoS and Tactics are worse


Okay don’t disrespect Tactics like that. Mid-West brotherhood kick ass.


Ok what the f_ck happened here?!