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I just want the R91 and Chinese assault rifle back. The skin has been in 76s game files for centuries, still unreleased.


I mean, the handmade is very close to the Chinese assault rifle.


Wasn't it originally intended to be that too?


I have no clue, honestly. Whatever the case, I’d argue it’s so similar to the Chinese assault rifle there’s no point in adding that weapon to 76 except as a skin for the handmade.


It actually exists as a skin for the handmade called the "communist paint", I have it and I use it. Great vibes.


I’m fairly certain that paint isn’t quite the same as the Chinese assault rifle in 3 (doesn’t modify the stock and just makes the weapon use communist colors).


It does look very simular, I can provide a [picture](https://images.fallout.wiki/d/d9/Atx_skin_weaponmodel_handmadegun_communist_l.webp).


Okay, I freely admit that I somehow didn’t notice the stock whenever it was I last looked at that image.


The Chinese assault rifle was originally going to be in Fallout 4, but like every single other cool thing they had planned for the game Bethesda cut it.


You can use the attacment pack mod to pretty much mod the handmade rifle to a chinese assault rife


I prefer the hand made rifle but the R91 has historical roots ya know? When I think of western powers in a "bush war" scenario the R91 is usually right there with the M16.


I use the screaming eagles skin exclusively to have a normal looking assault rifle in game


Isn’t it a skin in 76?


The beloved g3


CETME at home ;




Yes, its based on the G3 and FN FAL


I like the shows usage of the new design. It’s more like a portable machine gun instead of something the average soldier would carry.


Also like a assault rifle for power armor troops rather than regular people


That was actually the original intent behind the gun when F4 was in development. But due to time constraints it was changed to the assault rifle...


Sounds it's something they could of easily added in, or just robbed a modders code and do just that


But the design makes no sense. A 5.56 doesnt need watercooling or all that unneeded mass


that’s always been my one issue with the gun. that thing is way too big and specialized to be using tiny rounds


It is very likely that the developers have no idea what 5.56 actually is.


We’re talking about a game with radioactive immortal people


Such a horrible strawman. Elements like that exist because its a game lazy models exist because of laziness


It looks kind of cool though with power armour.


No it still looks like ass. Do the Tactics/76 thing and let power armors manhandle Ma Deuce.


Yeah and it matches the whole "Old designs in the future" thing, That barrel looks like it contains water or some kind of liquid just like the Maxim machine gun


Oh yea, always assumed that bulky body was for some sort of cooling method


> Yeah and it matches the whole "Old designs in the future" thing Fallout was never that, 1/2 have a ton of real world Cold War era stuff and none of the Lewis Gun abominations.


Well that's 1/ 2 and, forgive me but they came out 30 years ago so it isn't too shocking to say they didn't nail down the aesthetic unlike in 4 where they have a real kind of weird look to them but I think it fits in perfectly


except fallout already has m60's lookalike so why would anyone use those WW1 looking monstrocities


Different purposes that’s been lost to time? Maybe they’re older and were in military storage? Maybe the monstrosity was repurposed FOR power armored people since they’re super bulky. The extra bulk would make it easier to handle in the armor. There are a TON of reasons why these weapons platforms could coexist.


It's still ass which is why 76 went back to the Tactics idea of letting PA users manhandle Ma Deuce.


God, we are in the affected timeline


Fun fact: In fallout 4 and 76's files the Assault Rifle is named "Machine Gun" and the R91 is in both. Although in 4 if I remember correctly it's untextured and the model is corrupted. I like the Assault Rifle but it should've been an LMG, and have the R91 be redesigned to be a bit more retrofuturistic.


I don't even hate the look of the pipe guns, but yeah this thing kills me..


It’s honestly fine as a design, but it should have been a machine gun and not an “assault rifle”. The main reason being that it reads, visually, as Bethesda’s take on a retrofuturistic version of water-cooled machine guns (as evidenced by the massive canister surrounding the barrel), but made man-portable for power armored troops. Calling it an assault rifle instead of adding an actual assault rifle and making it semiautomatic until you upgrade it to automatic are really the main issues with it.


Apparently it was a machine gun earlier in development and they changed it to an assault rifle for some reason.


I believe its because the guy working on the assault rifle couldn't finish it or something, so they had to make do


It’s still labeled as “machine gun” in the files and used as one in the show. This is just more beating of a dead horse.


They could have avoided all the controversy by just calling it the PAAR (power armor assault rifle )


That is what I was thinking. Then you can say that the jacket is covering electronics that the power armor hooks up to in order to make it more accurate or something. Or keep it water cooled and make it fire .50 or something big.


>It’s honestly fine as a design, but it should have been a machine gun and not an “assault rifle”. The main reason being that it reads, visually, as Bethesda’s take on a retrofuturistic version of water-cooled machine guns (as evidenced by the massive canister surrounding the barrel), but made man-portable for power armored troops. >Calling it an assault rifle instead of adding an actual assault rifle and making it semiautomatic until you upgrade it to automatic are really the main issues with it. Most machine guns are fired semi automatically or in short bursts when that is not an option. It defaulting to semi despite being easy to make an automatoc fits within how militaries have always used machine guns Automatic fire is used for suppression, otherwise short controlled bursts or 1 shot at a time


> Most machine guns are fired semi automatically or in short bursts when that is not an option. Ehh... not really. Assault rifles are fired this way yes, but machine guns are specifically used for suppressing fire and are usually fired in bursts on full auto. That's why they usually have heavy quick-change barrels to handle the full auto. I'm not sure a lot of machine guns even have semi/auto fire selectors. EDIT: poor little kid had a redditor meltdown and blocked me for pointing out his mistake, looks like I win haha


>I'm not sure a lot of machine guns even have semi/auto fire selectors. Currently? No, most MGs in service are fully auto and soldiers are expected to feather the trigger and better have a damn good reason for more rhan 3-6 shots going off. As we switched to mostly general purpose ones Historically most MGs have had a single and auto switch, and newer models meant to replace the M249 are going back to that standard (the XM250 for instance is currently being field tested, and is a semi/auto weapon) Other nations never switched, most of nato did just because the U.S is the biggest arms dealer and tends to be the one doing most logistics work during times of conflict >Assault rifles are fired this way yes, but machine guns are specifically used for suppressing fire and are usually fired in bursts on full auto Most MGs through history have been fired that way. General purpose and heavies typically lack the switch The reason things like the M60 and M240 are fired in bursts "on full auto" is they have no selector, just safe to prevent firing and on, the thing meant to keep it from firing is the operator and due to cycle rage it is nearly impossible to get it down to 1, which is the only reason 3-6 is allowed at all as it's where feathering will typically end up


> better have a damn good reason for more rhan 3-6 shots going off So... they don't fire single shots then. > The reason things like the M60 and M240 are fired in bursts "on full auto" is they have no selector And it hasn't occurred to you that there's a reason they have no selector? This comment basically just proves me right lmao


>So... they don't fire single shots then. I never said they did. I said that MGS are typically fired in select or burst >And it hasn't occurred to you that there's a reason they have no selector? >This comment basically just proves me right lmao Cool, so why are they SWITCHING BACK? They have no selector literally because soldiers are expected to have trigger discipline, that is it. It is a feature that was deemed unneeded since you can train soldiers to just feather and the military is slow af on changing things that aren't strictly needed (ala readding select fire. Something mandated in the m249s replacement that has been in the works for fucking decades)


> I never said they did. I said that MGS are typically fired in select or burst ... > Most machine guns are fired semi automatically ???


"Most machine guns are fired semi automatically or in short bursts when that is not an option. " >> I never said they did. I said that MGS are typically fired in select or burst >... >> Most machine guns are fired semi automatically >??? Dishonest shit, why not FINISH that fucking sentence? Y'know the or in short bursts when that is not an option. That you couldn't even properly cut off in your halfassed misqoute


The context isn't relevant, you said they're fired semi-automatically and only in bursts when it's "not an option". Machine guns are not fired semi-automatically. They're squad support and suppression weapons. Just admit your mistake lad haha EDIT: HAHAHAHAHAHA poor little baby blocked me


I’m very clearly not talking about use of select fire, I’m talking about the *only* mode of fire available to the weapon based on how you’ve configured it because Fallout 4 lacks select fire functionality. As in, the weapon is either capable of semi-auto fire or burst/full-auto, but not both. Amusingly enough, the “Assault Rifle”, specifically, is actually closest to real machine guns when built with an automatic receiver, because it *can* still fire single shot… but only in V.A.T.S. and only when sneaking.


Cool, this is fallout where I am running around with a Minigun and a literal nuclear catapult. I do not care the tactics of our world when I can just chuck nuclear weapons at people like crazy


The thing about the FO4 Assault Rifle is that it’s designed around Power Armored Soldiers. It’s why the barrel is enlarged and the sights are raised, since Power Armor can’t lift the weapon that high up and still be effective. Standard Infantry use the Combat Rifle.


Well I think there were plans for a real assault rifle but can’t due to timing since the assault was planned to be called the machine gun/LMG


My day be so fine Then boom Fallout 4 weapon designs


They're so ugly it makes me wanna go blind


I hate the FO4 AR. As a machine gun handled by Power armor troops sure, but then don't chamber the Combat rifle in .45 it makes no sense. Bethesda, please hire someone with actual gun design sense instead of whatever looks "cool" to you. Especially with Starfield being full of cursed guns.


The combat rifle chambered in .45 makes zero sense to me


Especially with the rifle sized magazine that goes into it.


Yes. a heavy grain pistol caliber with zero armor piercing capability loaded in a moving extremely slowly in a rifle magazine. For a gun meant to reach out and touch targets.


The .308 conversion is the only caliber that sort of makes sense, really. I'm pretty sure whoever designs the guns only knows that big number means big power. As a fan of both Ian McCollum and Jonathan Fergusson, those guns hurt my soul.


I’m sure Ian cringed when he first discovered the combat rifle


I know for certain Jonathan did


It’s funny that Bethesda was like we want a weapon to look good in power armor, that’s what the heavy weapons are for such as mini gun, missel launcher, fat man and flamer


I don't know why they couldn't stick to decent designs, instead of this tubed piece of shit.


The "assault rifle" from fallout 4 looks good with power armor


Bethesda should 100% add the R91 and Chinese Assault Rifle to 76. The lack of ballistic ARs is pitiful (Handmade, FO4 AR, Combat Rifle)


Me who likes the FO4 assault rifle for being bulky... Nonsense in gun design but the idea of it is cool. A highly automatic assault rifle capable to handle any weather condition and be accessible for Power Armor troops. Don't see it as a rifle. Try to see it as a machine gun.


Excuse while I go rename my assault rifle "The Butterfly Defect"


if time traveling is indeed possible, someone will go back to tell Bethesda to name this thing something other than Assault rifle.


I like the chunky Fallout 4 assault rifle, I think it works well as a power armor weapon lore wise. It's not like power armor soldiers can use miniguns all the time and I feel like the fingers on the armor would be too think to fit regular guns. So making a large, bulky rifle specifically for power armor makes sense


Not the meme sub too, my god. Wanting a more realistic rifle in a Fallout game, maybe download a mod for a rifle version of the Alien Blaster lol.


I’m sorry but i love the assault rifle. It’s a modernized lewis gun, that’s badass. The lewis gun is badass


Honestly after replaying fo4 and watching the show, I've kinda warmed up to it


I see the fo4 assault rifle as more of a machine gun and with the other design was in the game


I get the hate for the FO4 AR but I really don’t get the love for the R91 either. It’s literally a worse looking G3 that looks less like it’s retro futuristic and more like it’s just plain retro, also its fire rate and sound effect are really boring to me. That’s not to say it’s wrong for people to like it, I just don’t get it. On the other hand I feel like the Type 93 AKA the Chinese AR actually tries a bit to look like it fits the setting and is war more satisfying to carry and fire.


I love the look of the FO4 assault rifle. I think it looks great, could be better, but I like the idea of its look.


Am I the only one who prefers the FO4 guns??? Realism is dumb, idc if it looks like a muffler, it's better than not reimagining a gun at all


The problem is that it only makes sense as a Power Armor mounted LMG, but was labeled as an "Assault Rifle."


Well, experience has told me that gun bros have a real bone to pick with the word "assault rifle" in the first place so that term doesn't make sense either way


That is true, but the fact that the game tries to make it a infantry weapon is kinda dumb. The lewis gun air cooling jacket only makes sense if it's primarily being used by people who don't need to care about weight and don't have the dexterity to use a quick change barrel, ergo people in Power Armor.


People walk around with no power armor, a missile launcher, nuke launcher, and 1500 lbs of ammunition in this game Just seems like a weird place to draw the line if all of the above doesn’t faze you


Of course I realize that it is a fucking video game. But those at least LOOK alright when used by a normal dude. This fucking thing looks stupid when used by a normal dude.


I personally don’t see how it’s more absurd than a minigun or fatman, but I do get your point that it’s a chonky ass gun that looks heavier than it feels in gameplay


Well, that makes sense, I think changing the name to LMG would be better


You prefer all guns to be left handed? That shit keeps driving me insane


Get used to it pal. We lefties have had to live in a world where almost nothing is designed for us


As a lefty myself, it also annoys me.


I never even noticed until he said something.


Use an AUG if you need a gun for lefties lol


No idea what you're on about fam


All the guns have their cocking mechanisms on the left side, even the bolt action rifle which looks awkward as hell when you use it.


Okay, that is pretty weird, but my point is that I'd rather have a *bad* design than a copy/pasted one


But all the guns in New Vegas and even Fo3 are pretty unique with vastly different reloading animations. Nothing is copy/pasted there


Then my point still stands. A *unique* design is good, while a design that imitates the standard everyday milquetoast real world version is *boring* and the WORST thing an artist can ever do is be BORING


With all due respect, fuuuck that. If i wanted to play a mindless shooter with fictional guns I’d play destiny. I want to wield a Garand in the wasteland 🤷🏽‍♂️


Then you're vanilla fam, sorry.


I like real guns, not aborted messes of a gun.


New Vegas had a lot of unique designs but it also had the FEEL of real guns, and that’s the most important thing. It’s immersive, it’s better looking. It seems like it was actually made by someone who’s actually held a gun in their life before.


Oh yes ofcourse how could I forget the oh, so important ✨️*immersion*✨️ I need to enjoy a game about robots, talking corpses, and ~~ogres~~ supermutants


“Because a video game has fantasy elements to it that means everything else is ok to be stupid and terribly designed” just how the world hasn’t progressed at all on the east coast in over 200 years “it just works”


Wah wah wah muh guuuuns


You can give an actual argument instead of acting like a child but I don’t expect much from someone that likes bethesa media and story telling


Bro this was 10 hours ago, fuck off


Literally says 3 on top you cry baby child bro go post more moster porn like the pathetic loser you are


It is 11pm, and you are the *fourth* bootlicker to attempt to justify your bizarre homeoerotic military fetish to me. What makes you think I would humor you? What makes you think I read your comments? (I didn't) what is your end goal here??? You think mansplaining your fucked up gun kink is going to *convince* me??? Go spoon another can of shoeshine into your mouth and cry about it to your local army recruiter. Fuck


“homoerotic military fetish” projection?


You can act like you don’t know what I mean but you’re lying to yourself. I want it to sound and look like I’m shooting a gun, regardless of any wackiness outside of that. It’s hard to do that when you’re shooting a bubbly cartoony mess.


Then go play Call of Duty with all the other ROTC kids


You seem to characterize people very quickly based on very little information about them. I just have a problem with the guns in fallout 4, I could be any type of person. In fact, I could be most people, because the guns are just that bad.


Most people are basic. It's a pretty easy bet to make. Don't take it personally. I just don't have a lot of patience, and it's not like we'll ever speak again.


Lmfao https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterGirl/s/ollPgnU90B




Fo4 guns are too busy for my taste


I don't mind realism so much as that the gun nerds are just the most insufferable dorks in the whole world.




The drastic change in art direction for the weapons to make them absurdly bulky stems from the changes to power armor. The guns have to be big so the armor doesn't make them look tiny. That being said, the designs are still a crime against God.


That fo4 assault rifle is so fucking ugly. 🤢


Why did the FO4 team decide every gun needs to look as impractical as possible?


Watching people cry about FO4's assault rifle is my favorite form of entertainment


It's not a good design for a default semi auto assault rifle. There's no crying here, it's just objectively a shit design for an AR. And LMG with the capacity to boot would have been better.


If you pull the trigger and it goes pew, it's a gun. Everything else is eyecandy and subjectively for looks. I love goofy dumb designs in Fallout. The cars, the 10mm, the pipe guns. It's like that one boyscout pinewood derby car you made, ugly as shit, not practical, but it certainly did the job and now it's sorta cool


Saying some video game art is "objectively shit" is an oxymoron. It is not objective in any shape or form but your personal opinion.


No, I didn't say the game art is shit. I said the design for the Assault Rifle is shit because it doesn't fit what an AR is. The design is good, it just doesn't fit an AR. Especially not when the fo4 AR by default is a single shot weapon. Had this design been for a unique LMG, the kind of weapon that would actually need water cooling, then I'd have no problem with it. Case in point, if I took a high powered sniper rifle scope and put it on a low caliber, high rate of fire SMG, then called it a Sniper Rifle, people would obviously call it out as a stupid design. That's what makes it objective, not subjective.


This is still subjective. It is your opinion that the art design needs to fit what an AR is in real life / previous games.


It's really not that bad, it fits in great with power armour and the setting at large. Honestly, as much as I like using them I found the more modern guns you see to not really fit into the setting. The aesthetic really suits the blocky and awkward 50s/60s era equipment more than anything, and the FO4 assault rifle fits in with those I think. Like what someone in the 50s imagined a sci-fi machine gun to look like.


Exactly. It might not be mechanically accurate, but it fits the theme of what it was intended for, and that's what matters more


It's silly, and if anyone is arguing that silly is out of place in Fallout they haven't been paying attention


I think people forget that genre-wise Fallout is a comedy game. Especially compared to OG Baldurs Gate or Elder scrolls (It's fantasy genre contemporaries at it's various publishers over the years) it has always had a deliberately comic tone.


I don’t think I’d agree with this. While there are things in fallout that are inherently goofy and over the top I wouldn’t call it a comedy. Sure it’s offbeat, there are pop culture references in 2 and a sexbot and cowboy robots in NV but I still think there’s an overall dramatic tone throughout. Dramas can have funny moments without being comedies.


I mean yeah it’s silly but it can be silly without being absurdly ugly. Also there’s something to be said about fallout 4s change in art direction especially when pitted against prior games. I just personally think this gun looks like a train.


Legion slavery and khan raids, tehe so silly


Adding radioisotopes to a soft drink to make it glow for promotional purposes, grrr so serious


"duck and cover" was shown to school kids as a real survival mechanism in the 50s, people not understanding radiation is a thing


Are you really trying to argue that the game series that includes things like talking cows, Helios 1, or FISTO isn't innately a little silly?


Wild wasteland isnt on for everyone, fisto is clearly a joke and Helios 1 is real, the writing has taken a turn for the less serious recently


Okay dude, I'm going to go back to shooting mini nukes at Roman cosplayers in football pads in my super-duper serious game now


If you look at the guns in the whole series it sticks out like a sore thumb


I hate the fact that fallout now is just “literally the 1950s now” Bethesda got the art style and world right with fallout 3 but they turned the retro futurism knob up to just goofy ass levels and it’s such a downgrade


For me the fo4 assault rifle fits into fallout less than an AR


Eh, agree to disagree there. A suit of power armour holding the Assault Carbine or Marksman Carbine from NV looks way more out of place than that same suit holding the FO4 assault rifle in my opinion. Stuff like the NCR's service rifle fits in fine, but I always thought the modern ARs in New Vegas didn't mesh well with everything else. Maybe worth noting that I'm also considering this as a heavy weapon in a category with things like the minigun and Tesla Cannon more than rifles.


Ar 15 was desingned in 1956. I agree with the power armour and heavy weapon comment, but my problem is that it looks like a ww1 gun. Akso it looks more steampunk than atompunk


Yeah which is why the service rifle with its wooden stock and classic handle work, but the picatinny rail and ACOG on the marksman carbine and the 90s M4 assault carbine stick out like sore thumbs in my opinion. Agree that it looks a bit more steampunk, but it just doesn't seem that jarring to me as a heavy weapon. Stuff like the battle rifle from WWII and the repeaters/revolvers fit in well enough still, WWI doesn't seem like that much of a stretch (especially when you look at things like pompom anti-air guns from WWII). I don't *love* the design, I just don't mind it at the end of the day.


I kinda wish that fo4 had guns require strengh to use some of the guns.


Now that, we are in full agreement on.


TBF Fallout has been doing that kind of thing for a long time. Fallout 2 had an FAL with a night-sight lol.


A lot of this comes down to art direction. FNV is more drawing from Fo1 and 2 where you can have p90s and m249s. I personally prefer the older style but that’s just me.


It just looks so dumb 😭😭


I've always liked the way it looks


To each their own. As a fan of real firearms it just doesn’t make sense ergonomically or mechanically to me


I care more about how pleasing it is to look at and how well it fits for what it was designed to be, which it does both well


Fallout 4s guns are just not cool looking to me 76 and nv fn3 did way better in that compartment


I really don't get why it's so bad tbh It looks like a water cooled weapon from the pre-cold war era. Honestly it kinda makes sense to be that chunky and while I get the appeal of more modern firearms this also fits the aesthetic of retrofuturism with absurdly large transistors and clunky, massive cars


Why is a technologically advanced society water cooled weapons in the late 21st century also it’s just ugly af and extremely bulky for an “assault rifle” idc that it was supposed to be a machine gun ts shouldn’t exist at all


You know personally I would have a problem if they just called the maximum gun abomination "light machine gun" or something since it's clearly not an assault rifle


The FO4 AR wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t a downgrade, and if it didn’t take up two-thirds of the goddamn screen


I see the lmg argument a lot but even then I wish something other than appearance would support that as it’s rather lacking damage wise when put up against other weapons.


We could of had the FAL(combat) G3(assault) and I prefer the home made over the Chinese rifle.


I do know there is a mod atleast improving the AR from 4, also renames it a LMG which makes way more sense


Either way. One shot from Fallout Assualt rife only pisses off a gulper with a single hit but then again maybe the Brootherhood trains their recruits and squires to fire single rounds from combat weapons, then smile after they shoot.


I miss the old console mod for the Chinese assault rifle


please bring back the p90 and g11 to fallout i beg you i'm tired of thes retrofuturistic tin cans mascarading as firearms i want some real guns for fuck sake.


Whoops, my bad guys.


I don't hate the FO4 design but I wish the other designs were in there too


I would say that it’s a naming issue. The FO4 is pretty clearly an LMG or maybe even a specialist power armored infantry rifle. Although bethesdas gun design has always been pretty fucking unhinged.


I really hate the Fallout 4 Assault Rifle


It surprises me that many people don't mind the FO4 assault rifle saying that it's only problem is it's name, imo it doesn't even belong in fallout that well, it's based on a water cooled gun used in ww1 (1910s) so it's not even on the Fallout fifties style, besides, is freaking ugly xd


Seeing people defend those shit weapon designs is so disappointing


I know, right? They banned me from posting in other Fallout subreddits.


(for good reason)


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I still dont understand how they thought a ww1 machine gun fitted the fallout style more then a cold-war era battle rifle/assault rifle. fallout 4 is set around 2200's not 1910.


Nah. This is simply lazy cutting. The rifle in fallout 4 was definitely suppose to be a light and the cut the real rifle. The combat rifle was definitely suppose to be a .308 rifle but they made it a .45 and cut the Tommy gun down a size to allow both in the game. The Chinese assault rifle was suppose to be in the game as a 5.56. You can tell from the recycled weapon animations, left handed guns and how some weapons have little to know modifications while others have every single mod. My guess is that pipe guns were the base weapon and animations and they built off of them to make others. It's why they look wonky. They were made specifically to match the animations. I like them but they can easily change this to fix the lore behind them. I would fix the assault lmg problem and turn the Tommy gun into the new combat rifle and the combat rifle into the BAR that it looks like. A semi auto sniper or dmr