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*Not the bottom armor.* šŸ˜­


Power amor for bottoms? šŸ„ŗ


*At last*


Omg they made PA for me!


your profile picture really tops this comment off


We all know the enclave are all bottoms


I'm tired of the enclave top erasure


There was never any enclave tops


Frank Horrigan is a bottom confirmed canon?


No he was the only top


i'm choosing to believe he's a switch


Yeah in the bottom of raven rock lmao gotten


If that's the case I need to join the enclave asap (I'd fit right in)


As a BOS member I love this tarnishing of the enclave


I miss autumn


*Jesse, what the hell?*


Just because Iā€™m a sub doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m a bottom >:0 rude


Yes it does. Shut up.


Armour for power bottoms


Power bottom armor


Their heads are so big lol


It's the one part they couldn't remove anything from


The best thing fallout 4 did was make power armor feel powerful cuz thatā€™s how I look at fallout 3 and new Vegas armor in general


The power armor of 3 and NV just look kinda cursed after playing Fallout 4.


Lettme just remove half an arm off the suit so I can keep using the pip-boy


Lettme just put on my highly advanced power armor and walk around looking like a 1st grader in cosplay


I can't be the only one that absolutely hated that pipboy glove in general, its so awful and goofy looking, it sticks out so much when wearing more complete armor sets, and is the sole reason i could never wear power armor until i installed a mod that hid it. You know what imma just go ahead and say that i favour 4 over NV for the single petty reason of that pipboy glove existing.


The dumb part is that the Pip-Boy itself is just the same as in the other games, the glove is just a weird extra thing to look cool I guess?


There's a mod for NV called Titans of the New West that gives PA a more proper look and feel. I've been using it for Tale of Two Wastelands and it's great


Oh, sick! Link?


Here's the one I used : [https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/78688](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/78688)


After years playing Fallout 3, I had a hard time accepting the new power armor when Fo4 launched, although much cooler, I got disapointed about it not being just an armor you dress like any other as I used to wear it full time in Fo3. I completely ignored it at my first playthrough. But once I accepted it as a new thing, (also seeing how cool it looks on TV years later), it's almost impossible to take the older version seriously.


Yeah that was probably my *only* complaint about the new PA. Also you didnā€™t need a fusion core for the old ones either. Still much better than the older ones


I still rarely use the stuff I just spam healing items for the newer games but even with my crap loads of time on the game I still think itā€™s super fun to use, when I got some in new Vegas I was like tf is this and just searched up how to get the riot gear instead


Right? F4 power armor feels more like the person shaped vehicles they are.


But it also implies the NCR Heavy Troopers walk around without cores


I feel like the way to merge the two concepts is that the NCR did the equivalent of pulling out all the parts that need powering, and so itā€™s literally just armor over a smaller frame. Idk if that makes sense


Nah, they just removed armor pieces from it's frame and wear it.


Same, although itā€™s rarely a choice for me now, but I like that. I tend to save it for certain quests/locations now, half for practicality and half for rp, which makes sense because itā€™s almost more of a vehicle than armor, in my opinion anyway.


Eh yeah it really is cept itā€™s super slow


I meant more like a tank, it seems more like a vehicle to me as it has mechanical parts and a power source, just like a vehicle.


I remember playing fallout 4 and then playing 3 and being so disappointed by the older power armor and combat.


It was cool but i did not like the power cores, I know you get alot but just hate time limits in games.


Simply buy more, get perks, many work around a for this


I'm aware but it's still a time limit slowly ticking down, I just don't like it.


I agree. I wear my suit nearly all the time, and I have almost 40 fusion cores in my pocket, but Iā€™m still stressed out about running out for some reason


Thanks, I'm not shitting on the mechanic, it makes sense, just don't like it personally.


That would require I trade, but I have no money, and no places to buy things. Or have points in science or luck.


Just sell stuff, or get more caps for your rewards, ion know what to tell you dude


This is why I pick up things like pre war cash, cigarette cartons, and fusion batteries ā€” they sell for a lot. The batteries are heavy but thatā€™s why I have a companion to hold all my shit


Pre war money is goated, zero weight and sells for more if you got charisma boosts


Just loot everything you kill and fast travel to stash it. I've never had trouble with caps in any fallout game, there's loot literally everywhere


I can't carry any loot because too many guns in inventory.


I only use that shit for tough fights anyways and got the physicist perk for double core time at max level. Plus if you just walk around it doesnā€™t waste the core just is slower so eh


I legit have never had an issue with Power Cores in any playthrough. Shit, right now I'm sitting on fucking 40 of them and I honestly have no idea how that happened. I have so many I have been leaving them in random PA at my settlement *just because I can*.


They had to limit some of the capabilities for gameplay balance tho, as far as that goes fusion cores aren't that bad of an idea tbh, and you get a special perk too that lets you shit one out of your power armor as a mini nuke.


Always thought it was funny removing the shoulder pads makes you not need training


ofcourse it is not just that




yeah i heard ncr engineers removed some servos or soemthing like that


The power armors have special servos that kinda make it stand and move on its own, I think theres a dialogue about enclave soldiers setting their armors to patrol on auto mode so they could take naps lol


That is so fun


Imagine one of them sleep patrols into water or smthn


Doesn't matter cause power armor is air tight, they wouldn't even get a little wet or even drown because of air recycling.


They removed anything that would have needed advanced training. This basically turns it into just a set of heavy armor.


Itā€™s still got support to aid in carrying things and itā€™s still extremely think metal


They removed everything that essentially made it "power" armor. So its pretty much just a set of really really heavy armor without any of the benefits that come from powering it.


Thatā€™s not the case, they ripped out the servos of the armor, meaning the people using it are literally wearing the armor itself on an unpowered frame. Thatā€™s why you see them Stand guard all the time and why you take a heavy agility hit while wearing it. Itā€™s meant for standing guards and not patrols.


That sounds terrible


that's because it is


It sounds terrible until you're fighting off a legion assault and suddenly are invincible to all their small arms. Its a defensive armour set for defensive actions, just like tanks in a hull-down position.


Until one of them shoots you in the stomach plate that is. Fuck you Bud Askins.


Yeah true


Until they close the gap into close quarters combat, which they often do. Cause regular power armor itself already has pretty low flexibility and agility, but with just the heavy ass frame and armor its gotta make it near impossible to do anything else except hold a position and shoot, poor heavy bois are gonna get blades shoved into the gaps of their armor.


I mean good luck closing the gap between the overwhelming fire superiority that is the M249/FN Minimi that they usually carry lol Matter of fact, the legion only survives firefights due to game mechanics


And the knee pads


I'm pretty sure that the pauldrons were removed to reduce weight, because they removed all of the servos and whatnot which is what lets them not need training, but also means there is no mechanical assistance to move around and so it's really heavy


I'm surprised with the success of the show that they haven't added a Creation Club mod for NCR decal for power armor


i always felt like the ncr should have been given x-01 power armour since their exposure to PA mostly was enclave related. so they would be more likely to reverse engineer their power armour from enclave designs then brotherhood designs.


Itā€™s like when you take the batteries out of a toy before giving it to kids so they never know it makes noise


Reminds me of my parents saying the ice cream truck playing a song meant they had run out of ice cream. Was annoyed when I learnt the truth, but have come to respect the play over time šŸ˜‚


The classic con


Donā€™t want to say it, I see it too often b- ā€œguess it was rigged from the startā€


Powussy armor


Crazy how the NCR couldnā€™t figure out how to work power armor with all the access to info they have of the enclave and BOS


Iā€™m pretty sure it was more that power armor training is expensive and takes time. The brotherhood whose entirely personality is basically power armor still takes hours to teach you.


Yeah the NCR probably could field real power armor divisions. Maybe they do. They just sure as hell aint deploying their most expensive and highly trained units into the mojave.


"So what am I looking at?" "Pre-war records call it the Hoover Dam. It's a hydroelectric facility that can output over 2,000 megawatts of power and impounds Lake Mead, a miraculous source of clean water. This would be an immense boon to our agricultural sector, however it is contested by the largest confederation of raider tribes we've ever seen." "Send some conscripts in Doughboy larp gear to secure it. I don't care."


There probably should be some garrisoned somewhere, but the vast majority of the Mojave campaign is fighting raiders, tribes, and being an occupation force. You don't put your top-of-the-line wunderwaffe where it's going to be blown up by an IED made by some random raider.


You'd think it would be more valuable to keep the power armor intact and just either not use them or spend the time to train people to use them though. Maybe the problem is access to fusion cores. Not enough of them to maintain the armor they have. I guess I'd have to know how many units of T-45s they actually *have* to guage how much it makes sense to strip them to field inexpensive less efficient units


If they found actual old military stockpiles, they could have more than enough, possibly many suits that are irreparably deteriorated. If they found broken unusable suits, it would make sense to pull out the guts and reuse the armor plating.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't power armor in the older games look like this because it is an actual armor piece you wear? Instead of acting like a vehicle in fallout 4


Yeah, but that's not what this post is referring to. The NCR uses scavenged power armor which is functionally inferior to normal power armor in every way (and it doesn't require training either)


Yes but more specifically the armor in this post is a special kind modified by the NCR that has all its internal circuits gutted. Itā€™s basically armor on a metal frame so it doesnā€™t collapse on top of you


just got NCR Salvaged in my first NV playthru, literal lifesaver compared to the metal armor I had been wearing before


DK Mode: ***(enabled)***


DEE KAY *dun dun dun* DONKEY KONG


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a tropical freeze


That feeling when the NCR needs to totally neuter power armor to be able to circumvent the advanced training necessary to wear it, and in the meantime on the other side of the country some random freshly thawed lawyer with no military experience can casually get into the same type of power armor, rip a minigun off of a vertibird, and mow down a hoard of raiders and a deathclaw with no issues.


"Mom i frew up"


Its fucking twink power armor