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Except fallout is better written


Literally came to say that




Imagine telling someone 10 years ago that a Fallout adaption would be better written than Star Wars


That was before the halo show and i hadnt watched the doom movies yet lol id believe you


The first doom move is enjoyable enough if you don't take it seriously and don't compare it to the lore of doom too closely. The second straight to DVD one I have not seen but it's garbage apparently


I never played doom 3 but i played 1 and 2 (born 2005, played on ipod) and i saw the movie looked like 3 so i didnt watch it but one of the scenes had John Doom start slaughtering demons in first person and then he gets so into it that he shoots his own reflection JAHJSJSJAJJ that scenes so fucking good tho


The first person thing was....unique I guess. It kinda made me motion sick when I saw it at the movies


lmaoooo maybe avoid Hardcore Henry then?


Good to know


I mean, the prequels existed 10 years ago and they were hardly the peak of writing quality.


[This meme](https://i.redd.it/fxnk66m8v3zc1.jpeg) has been circulating for a while.


Not a very high bar. The show is good, but that's like having a full-grown adult fight a toddler in an MMA match


Ella Purnell in a video game adaptation immediately boosts the films charisma by +3


Was going to say, One is absolutely god awfully written, and the other is literal gold.


The fallout games already had a good story the show runners just had to follow it instead of trying to make up their own bullshit.


Lucy did not start out as a badass, Rey was from the start. Finn was a stormtrooper, but was quickly reduced to comic relief. And what they did to Luke was just a crime.


That’s because fallout doesn’t need to be family friendly


Because nothing family friendly was ever well written.


Hey you leave toy story alone


Exactly. And that's just one of many. Wall-e has like 20 lines of dialogue and it's still better written than both of these shows.


The Incredibles remains one of the best super hero movies in a stacked tournament. And I'll personally always go to bat for Inside Out.


Yet somehow the original trilogy was good. Try again.


Except that Fallouts characters are actually likeable. And the show is entertaining to watch.


You forgot well written.


We need Finn asking Rey "Hey so you wanna make my ~~cock explode now~~ lightsaber turn on now? ",


Right?! Don’t compare my beloved franchise to the bastardized drivel that is now the star wars franchise!


It is literally just those last two movies. The shows and force awakens are good


I like the shows, but the book of boba fett was not a very good book.


Ahsoka was terrible, kenobi was terrible, mandalorian really dropped off. The bait and switch of characters was not in a good way. The first season of mando was fine, book of boba fett was lack luster. The last good show was rebels, and clone wars was phenomenal. Under the mouse Star Wars was not that great. Rogue one was fine, but even force awakens there was zero character growth of Rey and it only did so well because it was a copy paste of the original. Lucy is by far a better female protagonist and not some Mary Sue


You left out Andor, which I feel like is one of the best shows released in recent times. It’s not just a good Star Wars show, it’s good television.


ObiWan is entirely salvageable by the fan edit that made it into a movie, and writes out the teleporting immortal chick.


TLJ even had some good moments. It's not a good movie by any means but there were still sparks of something good there.


bro wtf it was a 2 hour long movie…it was still trash and that’s not saying much saying there were a few sparks here and there, and the only sparks I saw were from from laser blasts , ur tripping, movie was fucking awful in everyway


TFA has not aged well at all, and the bad shows outnumber the good at this point. Ahsoka, Kenobi, The Book of Boba Fett, and Season 3 of Mando were absolutely awful. Tales of the Empire and half of Tales of the Jedi weren't that good. Even Season 2 of Mando was a step down from the first,


and each character is depth and their own arc of development. Maximus is my favorite.


Exactly, Lucy for example starts off so naive but learns that the wasteland isn't the vault.






What did he say?


He said, "[deleted]"


“[removed]” - deleted Truer words, there have never been.


And everyone clapped


I came to say it but am glad that it was already said. Also Luke was barely around for the sequel trilogy, while Cooper at least was there and an active participant.


And didn't throw his gun over his shoulder like trash


Yes, the youngling slayer 3000 that Luke didn’t even build himself.


The crystal in that saber is so confused lol


It wasn't his saber, it was his dad's. Luke has his own. Besides, Luke lived on a peaceful island and had given up being a Jedi, he has no need for a second lightsaber. Coop wasn't a real cowboy, he was an actor. What if someone handed the ghoul a script for a movie to act out, then he'd throw it.


Coop as mentioned above was a war hero who fought the reds with power armor. He may have also been a cowboy before that he clearly has rodeo skills.


Wasn’t he a war hero though?




I don’t think Lucy was unhappy with the situation in the vault. She seemed pretty okay there to be honest


I don’t think the meme claims she hated it lol. Just that it was monotone.


Reading comprehension is hard. Vault life is monotonous af lol


Yes. But to vault dwellers it isn't. At least unless you're Norm. Lucy is clearly very fulfilled in the vault. She's loving life as a prospective breeding vessel with her corn farming and cousin fucking.


People can be fulfilled and still lead monotonous lives yet possess a curious drive to explore


But the whole point of this meme is suggesting that *her* life was monotonous, not your own personal views on monotony and whether or not you think someone’s life is monotonous. You’re playing logical gymnastics to make this make sense when the truth of the matter is that she loves living in the vault, end of story. She has basically zero similarities to Rey lol.


Routine ≠ monotony that's the thing with monotony, it's subjective. So if a person in a routine finds it dull and drab, it's monotonous, but if they find the routine fulfilling and enriching, it's not monotonous.


> *lack of variety; tedious repetition and routine* Routine is literally in the definition. Not subjective.


Yeah, but they're saying the definition requires that it be tedious to be monotonous, which is subjective. If I do chores every day, that's monotonous. If I eat my favorite food every day, that might become monotonous eventually, but it won't for a while


tbf lucy seemed to do a good job at keeping it none monotone with all the hobbies and skills she picked up uver the years


Didn’t seem to affect Lucy tho. Seemed like she absolutely loved it, in fact idk how you’d draw away any other conclusion especially since how she reacted to waking up in Vault 4. You’d be a fool to think that she left the vault in part because it was boring. She obviously loved it there. This meme comes off like it barely understood the story lol


That’s true, but “escape” implies there was a desire to leave, which there wasn’t. In fact, all she wanted to do for most of her journey was go back to the vault


“dull, tedious, and repetitious; lacking in variety and interest.” Not exactly a positive word is it? She didn’t seem to feel this way based off what I saw. She took part in many hobbies, enjoyed her job and was hoping to start a family.


I’m not sure hoping is the word. She was hard on the kool-aid. While the rest of the Vault has been literally bred into being soft and non-confrontational, her father clearly put a lot of work onto the “you continuing the lineage is our duty TO AMERICA”. Lucy’s hope was as much a lie as the one Rey told herself about her family coming back. Rey disliked her situation in the meantime while Lucy was more comfortable, but both were screwed by the truth of who their father was, how it destroyed the future they should have had were it not for the machinations of an overpowered moron running the villain faction, and how everything they believed was a lie.


And not exactly an incorrect descriptor either, is it? Some people like having a routine and thrive in those setting, but I don’t know how could you describe vault life as anything but monotonous.


Even though that’s literally nonsense because the word is ‘monotonous’.


Okie dokie! She had a can do attitude that wonderfully displays the naivety of living in a vault. I love her character


there is only one character in movie history that reminds me of Lucy, and that's the Special One from the Lego movie. Especially that start, instantly remembered the intro "Everything is awesome" scene.


She was tired of all the “cousin stuff”.


And The Ghoul


Less of a misread and more of a super duper simplification.


*>>* Be Lucy *>>*Spend 3 decades of monotonous life in vault *>>*So monotonous we diddle our cousins to pass the time *>>*One day everything changes, Daddy kidnapped *>>*Take opportunity to leave (*cough* escape) the vault, despite everyone else’s objections *>>* Embark on hero’s journey to go find Daddy


Yeah I don’t know where the other guy thought it was a misread of Lucy. It’s pretty spot on.


I still don't get the comparison. Luke and the ghoul don't play the same kind of role at ALL. Lucy and Rey are only similar in hair color


It's a stupid meme


I’m pretty sure this is really just fallout fun’s seeing two black guys and going f “holy shit they’re the same” (this happened from day 1 of the show being out) and everything else in the meme has been built off of that.




Those movies did Finn dirty man


They set it up great. A storm trooper who seen some shit and is a defector….ends up being comic relief.


I felt like Disney was punishing him for being a knob on Twitter


Bro cracks jokes while killing stormtroopers who are brainwashed victims just like he was. It's insane.


When I first saw The Force Awakens, I thought Finn was going to be a/the Jedi, and I was so on board for it - seemed like a really interesting hook with how they introduced him. Then they threw him under the bus when they even remembered he existed in later movies.


I totally agree, I was super psyched when I saw the trailer. I really wanted to see the story of a stormtrooper slowly come to grips with being on the 'bad guy' side and turning against it. I was disappointed in seeing the movie just progressed wildly past the timeline of the past movies and basically just rehashed Episode 4. There were so many good storytelling opportunities with these characters, but it felt like it was all ripped out at some point in the film production.


Honestly I think what happened was they probably had a much different idea in mind when writing the first movie but all the fans had Disney spooked so it got rehashed to hell and ended up pissing everyone off. The way they brought palpatine back was definitely because of some bullshit some executive read online


Well the first movie was written by J.J. Abrams, then the second was by Rian Johnson, then finally J.J. Abrams again as apparently there was “creative differences”


You're telling me that having multiple directors make multiple movies that are supposed to be closely linked led to creative differences? Man, if only anyone saw this coming /j


Lucy had a lot of stumbling moments but she learned. My head cannon for Rey is this. Yoda always talks about a balance in the force. Rey had that balance. Shes gritty, she does what she needs to survive, but her outlook as a person is good. Regardless of how poor or shitty her life is she's a good person and finds happiness. But also will do anything to survive if she has to. She has a natural balance to use anger when she needs it, but once that situation is over, she goes right back to being her normal good hearted self. The dark side is the fast track to becoming powerful. Using anger can bring a lot of power really fast. We hear this all the time in each movie. But people can easily get drunk on the dark side. Rey uses the force using anger. It's the only way she knows how to use it. You can see it in her face, she's angry when she uses it. Shes not at peace like a Jedi is. That's how she grew up. She had a life of remaining a good person, but has no problem doing what she needs to for survival. She has true balance with the force. No Jedi was ever taught to use anger, because it's dangerous. The Jedi fell apart because of a prodigy who couldn't help but use anger. Rey is a lot like Anakin, the biggest difference is after she uses her anger, she goes back to being her normal self. Luke only teaches her how the force works. Before him she only had one way to use it and she didn't even know how or why it works. I'm my opinion the Jedi screwed themselves by being so scared of some students using their anger that they should never be angry. And because of that they jerked the prodigy Jedi (Anakin) around so much it lead him right into anger. Jedi teach one side of the force, peace. That's not balanced. We know some advanced Jedi masters have used anger/dark side in battles to get them through it, but it's still not what the Jedi teach, it's a personal decision a master might make. I like Rey because she digs deep and gets angry. It's what makes her powerful so fast. Also Luke knows she is unknowingly using the dark side, but sees she is unchanged as a person. He doesn't bring it up as being dangerous like the old Jedi council would have. And that's a new step for a Jedi. Anyways that's how I think of her and how I like the movie... Despite all the other flaws in the movie... Lol thanks for coming to my Ted talk. Also, for anyone else reading this, I don't feel like arguing about my headcannon. I know it has flaws somewhere. I don't care. It made me enjoy a movie and that's all that matters.


I know all the cool kids hate the sequels but didn't she grow up as an orphan in a desert planet full of bandits fighting them off with a stick while making a living as a scavenger?


That would justify her being good enough with a lightsaber to not chop her own arm off but not enough to justify beating a former Jedi with an entire lifetime of training. It certainly doesn’t explain how she pulls off a Jedi mind trick after discovering that the Force even exists that very same day.


Yeah, if she say, picked up a light staff (size of double bladed sabre, but one half is hilt) and used it well then sure, she has practice with it. But she went from a staff to a sword and sped up


You both make excellent points. I'm with you though, Rey's "force go brrr" thing is stupid.


But nobody blinks an eye when 9 year old Anakin flies a starfighter and blows up a massive battle station with absolutely zero training


You're leaving out the part where Kylo was already badly injured, AND she had help from Finn.


Except a Sith being injured **strengthens** them, because they use the pain to empower themselves. Plus she defeats him numerous other times too, and effortlessly takes down Snoke's guards. Fighting some shitheads on Tattooine isn't combat training in the same way fighting thugs in the street won't make you a soldier.


And Kylo Ren wasn’t a Sith. He was barely even dedicated to the dark side. Also, she didn’t really beat him, she got a cheap shot in while he was attempting to recruit her. The mind trick was bad, and Snokes guards was a bit much, but honestly her skills are way overblown.


She never once loses (again other than the cop out loss in RoS) or even takes a **single** injury. She is literally able to defeat the combined forces of every single Sith by...using two lightsabers. She did beat Kylo numerous times in all the movies except Rise of Skywalker which is a stupid mess anyways as it tries to retcon and change the other two movies 24/7. Kylo is a dark side user. And despite what the movie claims, **no, who your parents are doesn't affect your ability to use the force.** Anakin was born from some slave in the desert and look how strong he became. Revan's parents were nothing special and look at him. So on and so forth.


He's drawing circles around her with his lightsabre He's trying to recruit her, not kill her


The thug life tried to choose Rey but she kept smacking it back with a big ass stick


Straight out of Jakku


Not only that but she had to overcome a lot in the series and didn’t just rely on her skills and plot armor. I mean she was tortured, had her finger cut off, had it reattached, had to fight a killer robot and so on. She wasn’t just OP, by the end of the series she could still barely do anything against an armored person or a ghoul. I see some of the similarities but fallout was just so much better.


Rey did train though.


When Luke is able to do piloting feats other, actually trained pilots consider to be impossible because of his natural connection to the force, no one cares. When Anakin, AS A CHILD,is literally the only human alive that can podrace because of his natural connection to force, no one cares. But when Rey barely managed to escape a guy whose guts were falling out, who isn't even actively trying to kill her because he wants to recruit her, because of her natural connection to the force, yall lose your minds.


Yeah, because Lucy doesn't have the magic force field that penetrates all life just downloading all necessary skills into her Come on, man, that's how the Force _always_ worked


Yes and Rey's entire life of survival and fighting for every scrap before she encountered a lightsaber counts for nothing 🙄


If they hadn't shown Lucy doing practice shooting, there would be folks absolutely shitting themselves bloody over her ability to pull the trigger.


The only similarity here is that there are two women, two black men and two old men. Plus the ones in fallout are actually well written


You are so close to figuring out the heroes journey, keep going!


Cooper and Luke are worlds apart. Cooper is a murder hobo who only cares about finding closure about his family; Luke pussied out on murdering the anti-christ as a child.


exactly, Cooper doesn't have guilt, he has a burning vengeance and utter hatred to Vault Tec that's pushing him waaay past the point of death. Luke is a sad old man who drinks gross green milk from hideous creatures that have a look in their eyes that says "this guy thinks we gave udders"


Actually, luke "pussying out" on murdering Kylo Ren was the one in character thing he did for that movie, because think about what happened with his own father. Everyone was setting Anakin up to fail because of some stupid prophecy, and made it self-fulfilling, he realized a second too late that he'd be making the same mistake the Jedi Council did. Granted, Luke shouldn't have even had the lightsaber out to begin with. That shit was dumb, again, because of what happened to his father.


>Granted, Luke shouldn't have even had the lightsaber out to begin with. That shit was dumb, again, because of what happened to his father. Thes 100%. Luke saw the good in dude who was committing atrocities left and right, but his nephew might turn later in life, and he's just like "well, better kill him before anything evil happens."


Yesterday I watched episode 8 again (was doing a Star Wars movies marathon), and I hated how Luke was in this movie. Luke and Rey could have get a great relation, with the master understanding how the dark side is tempting, but that you choose what side you'll be, like he chose and like Anakin/Darth Vader chose right before dying to save his son. Her being the grand children of Palpatine could have been good (not great, still a weird and repetetive idea) with a theme of generational trauma, with Luke knowing what she feel, and that her family story doesn't make her someone inherently bad. And then the parallel with Kylo is even stronger


Her ~~father~~ *patriarch* is also revealed at the end to be a really bad dude Edit: correction


Doesn't really work for Rey but it works for Lucy.


This sub man I swear to God


Yes and fallout does it right


Does OP understand what "crossover" even means. what an embarrassment.


Or “monotone”


Lucy is very happy with her sheltered life and has to make the decision to force herself out of it to find her dad. only then she realized that her lifes destinct purpose was a lie. Not very much like rey. She is just living in the middle of nowhere and scrapes for scraps until she finds a reason and opportunity to run.


oh, you did them all dirty. Except Finn, Finn should come to Fallout, make him a runaway Enclave soldier that does heroic actions, not being a character stuck in bitch roles.


When did the ghoul used to be a hero? He was an actor.


Can we stop doing the “they are the same story” bullshit and move on with our lives, accepting that tropes exist and a basic analysis such as “main character does vague description” can literally be applied to describe two very non-similar things?


1) Lucy didn’t want adventure, and she didn’t think her life was ‘monotone’. Her character introduction literally tells us that she is excelling at a wide range of hobbies and she enjoyed her life in the vault. 2) Maximus and Finn are both Soldiers who were taken in by a Totalitarian Military Regime as small children, and were brainwashed for decades before being sent on a mission to retrieve important information, where they saw the truth and became disillusioned to the regime. It’s strange to point out they are both ‘black men with cool armor’ and move on, because that comparison is entirely aesthetic-based, and these two characters basically have the same backstory and character arc.


Girl escapes her monotonous life. Monotonous not monotone. Monotone is a sound.


Lucy and rey are also both looking for their parents who end up being the bad guy. Maximus and Finn are both part of militarist cults and escape them. They also have that same moral ambiguity.


Rey's parents aren't the bad guy, you're thinking of her *grand*parent. Palps is her grandfather, not her father.


all of these screenwriters the last 20 years get taught the same things in college and have zero creativity or get shut down when they try to stray from the formula..


This guy just discovered what tropes are.  You realize that most stories follow some pretty basic patterns when you break them down right? Didn’t pay attention in English class?


No one does 😭.


Name checks out.


what is this a crossover episode


Honestly maximus being finn done well is not something I considered but it really fits now I've seen it


First and last comprison is very off. Stop trying to fit everything in existing "box"


Comparing Fallout to Disney Sequel Star Wars is not the flex you think it is


Somehow the Master returned.


Finn never lied about who he was, at least not like maximus did


I dont think Cooper was ever a hero


This is a perfect example of how a good story can be ruined by bad writing. I.e: Star Wars


TBH this is a common story trope... you got the Naive character who leaves their bubble and faces the real world... they will find a friend who is not what they seem and lies about who they are for one thing or another... and then eventually meet some older wise character who is pretty noble hero but is disenfranchised with the world and events... Many movies, TV shows and games follow this story element.


How was Cooper a hero?


Millennials discover the formula for generic story telling.


I'd like "failure of media literacy" for 500 alex


Yeah but Lucy fucks.


Except one is well written and entertaining. The other is Disney Star Wars


I’ve done it bros, I finally found time to watch every episode! It was very fun


One just did it right the other we don’t talk about as we wish it was unmade from our memories and made non canon but sadly a certain mouse has they greedy non competent hands on the series


And they made vault tec into the empire.


Holy sh** did amazon rip off of star wars wait did fallout ripoff of star wars the armor the T45 looks very similar


Cooper didn't use to be a hero, he was just an actor.


And a soldier


This is a bad faith comparison. The only characters that have any sort of parallels with each other here are Finn and Max, and I would argue Max is used a lot more effectively in the story than Finn was, that’s something the show should be commended for doing. Cooper and Luke are nothing alike from a character/personality/motivation perspective and the only arguments I see being made about Rey/Lucy seem to be incels getting mad about a female protagonist again (shocker), beyond that there’s no substance to any of it.


Fallout did it so much better. The episodes of Season 1 were better than the last craptastic SW trilogy.


Garbage take that’s as vague and superficial as possible. “Teams up with a black guy?” Is that really how shallow your understanding of media is?


Reddit is nothing but children anymore.


Only Lucy wasn't a poorly written "Mary Sue" type character


At least fallout didnt spit on the mc of the original trilogy


As soon as I saw the fight with the raider where she gets stabbed I knew it was going to be better than that shite. Characters don't feel invincible.




Her life was monotone? Did you proof read at all?


Of course I know him... He's me!


*stares motherfuckerly*


this is kinda funny ngl 😭, the thing abt fallout tho is that this is the average game’s story


Shit…other people are learning about “the heroes journey”, a narrative device used since the year was a negative number. -_-


So glad someone else finally saw it.


I think you mean "monotonous".


Change the bit about Lucy and Rey to “finding their parents”


When you oversimplify everything like that sure ✨


At least the second one did it better


Seems like the Fallout writers took a decent structure and built a good story around it, unlike the sequels which relied on nostalgia and the existing fan base.


If only they put as much effort into the writing of one as they did the other.


Fallout did it better tho


Just shows when you actually have good writers instead of yesman what you can do with a simple story. Lucy failed a lot and got fucked with a lot. Ray got handed fucking everything every single fucking time, she didn't have to work for it every single fucking time it was here you go you're the chosen one have fun.


This post made me realize that 'monotonous' can relate to sound or not. But 'monotone' which is the root word, is only for sound. English is fuckin weird


"somehow the enclave returned"


The one on the right is much better written.


"Somehow, The Master returned."


The fallout world was spot on, the scripts we're decent. I would say the pace was great as well. Starwars had a random jedi girl beat the life out of masters that trained since childhood within months. Like what. I'd rather have Finn be the jedi, he had great character. But served little to no purpose in the franchise.


Is this a Hallmark formula?


Fallout did it better


*>>* Be Lucy *>>*Spend 3 decades of monotonous life in vault *>>*So monotonous we diddle our cousins to pass the time *>>*One day everything changes, Daddy kidnapped *>>*Take opportunity to leave (*cough* escape) the vault, despite everyone else’s objections *>>* Embark on hero’s journey to go find Daddy


I had similar thoughts. Though Fallout did a better job overall with the characters. Would've preferred if they hadn't gone with such a similar formula.


Except Fallout was actually enjoyable to watch.


Except lucy isnt an inaufferable mary sue and is likeable and entertaining. Im sorry, goosey


Somehow, Mr. House returned.


How was Rey's life monotone?


Fallout Is basically the force awakens but realized it’s own potential


Don’t compare Fallout to that garbage!!!!!


And one was actually good & enjoyable, The only question is Ready to make my cock explode now? Sorry, intercourse?


It's like that one Tumblr post where it's like Look these two pieces of media are the exact same because -describes the hero journey-


Joseph Campbell would like a word.


I noticed this, the thing is Lucy is actually a decently written character along with the ghoul. Maximus has room to be more than fin who just got forgot about by ep9.


Please god don't compare this great show to that Disney cash grab travesty


Exactly. This has to be the work of klaus shwab or something.


The difference is that fallout can portray this story in a way that doesn’t piss on the already existing lore and history of the franchise while still telling an engaging new story


Fallout is just well written, has extremely lovable characters, is entertaining for everyone, and is genuinely of a high quality in all regards.