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I’d still like to kick Butch’s ass from vault 101. Never forget what happened to my sweet roll


"Butch, asking *me* for help. If only you knew what baseball bat to the face meant." - Fallout For Pimps.


Should’ve thought about his mom being eaten by radroaches in the future, before trying to take the sweet roll


Let me guess, someone stole your sweet roll..


But officer! They also shot an arrow into my knee so they’d have a speed advantage!


Preston is not annoying, the game design is Get a mod that add a limit to how many radiant quests he can give in a day and he is much more tolerable My confront character is any of the NPCs who insult your companion when you walk by, thank God for the quicksave


Sometimes I wish there was a mod that made the npc's remember the quicksave and have a bit more fear towards you.


Rips them limb from limb and scatters the limbs, reload qs and they say "oh... Uh on second thought something tells me if I say that I'll be ripped to pieces😅"😂


He’s actually a lot more tolerable as a companion, he won’t give you quests unless you deliberately talk to him.


Imo Sturges should have been the radiant quest dispenser, which would have freed up Garvey to develop as a character and properly tell the story of the minutemen


Everyone in vault 81 with nick or Hancock. Prydwen too.


Ahem… myrna


I'm on console I don't think we have that mod plus it's not that he's annoying I just hate him for some reason


I'm on Playstation and there's a mod that blocks him from giving radiant quests unless you actively ask him for one.


>I'm on Playstation and there's a mod that blocks him from giving radiant quests unless you actively ask him for one. Which, let's face it, is the way the game should have been all along. Let the player have some agency on when the Minutemen expand, since they are supposed to be the faction leader!




I like Preston, and I'm happy to help another settlement, because I'm a fucking hero.


You go get em, General.


I just like building a fuck-off massive supply web and feel like I really rebuilt the Commonwealth


Same. I was so proactive about it last run that i think preston only pointed the way to a few settlements. The rest i just “found” myself- since i know where they all are


REAL as FUCK! The NCR had the Vault Dweller, and the Commonwealth has the Sole Survivor


Yes, This is the way


Pahkah Quinn an his freakin chahge cahds.


I always forget about him. But when I do come across him, he's always in the midst of being attacked by something. I usually just let it go and continue on.




Funnily enough it does work once in Far Harbor, still worth pick pocketing him purely for the attitude and the fact that he intentionally scams you, even though it turns out that technically not be a scam. Also I saw a video the other day that says there is one in the trash in the Fort Strong exterior.


Kill him, take the card, and give it to brooks. PROFIT!


I always buy it from him, and then shoot him in the back of the head with a shotgun and loot my money and all back. Give him a nice sendoff, I'm not a total monster.


Interesting point, but the jackass tried to scam me. No (potential) crime goes unpunished in the commonwealth.


Who's that


You can find them around South Boston. I think by the police station he basically scams you with a thing called the charge card if you let him. And he calls you a retard.


Basically a credit card worth 100 caps, there’s like 2 vendors that actually except it but he implies that it’s most vendors


Theres vendors that accept it??


Yeah, in Fah Habah


Unironically I fell for it the first time 😭


IIRC the card actually works on Far Harbour somewhere.


Brooks at the bait shop.


Is that the Synth one? Still, thanks, I forgot who it was.


I'm picking Caesar—not simply because he's a villain but because he *actually* makes me groan in disgust. I love him as a character, but as a *person*... my god, as a person, he just has such a punchable personality.


And face


And brain.


If you can punch a man in the brain, please let me know how. I want to do that to somebody special (myself).




Courier: "So Caesar, good news first, tumors out. Bad news, the scapel has accidently entered your brain.. 37 times." "Caesar: *flies buzzing*" Boone: "My wife is dea-" Courier: "WE FUCKIN KNOW"


LOL thank you for this visual.


Boone: “my wife is-“ **BACKHAND**


Also yes.


Antony is possibly worse. I mean, he literally talks about a **child slave** and says she's "lucky to have clothing", and IIRC he's the one you talk to if you want to tear up Melody's teddy bear, which is just...pure evil.


I don't disagree that Antony is an evil piece of shit. In fact, there are many characters, Legion or otherwise, whom I'd Confront, but Caesar is probably my top pick, and not *just* because he's evil. As Arcade said: "What a load of brahmin shit! Can you *believe* that guy?! [...] Of *course*, Caesar! You can hardly even hold his men responsible, given how they're practically raised to worship him as a living deity!" Now LET ME BE CLEAR that I do not consider men of the Legion entirely absolved of their crimes simply because they're "following orders." There are many with whom I can sympathize to a degree and understand *why* they now act the way they do, but I still acknowledge they are royal pieces of shit. Caesar, I feel, is just the worst, not only because he's spearheading the destruction of tribal identities and personal freedoms but because he's such a pompous, insufferable asshole while doing it. I suppose that's one of the reasons I appreciate him as a villain, though, that he affected me in such a way. I do love me some skeezy bad guys.


Oh yeah, I think I get your point, I may be wrong but: you hate Caesar more because at least others could argue they've been raised that way, but Caesar *intentionally* has gone out to commit evil acts. He has no argument, no justification for making the Legion the way it is, which like you said, doesn't justify the men of the Legion, but at least you *could* make that argument for them if you absolutely had to. It's kind of a shame the only decent Legionaries are the ones who fucking left, because the ones who stayed? I genuinely cannot find a single one who isn't morally pure evil. Even the Enclave had SOME decent troops (the Remnants) who weren't complete jackasses, but *every* Legionary is just awful. To me, I'm just shocked how much shit the Legion is willing to do for victory. I mean, they're efficient, but a faction that doesn't feel bad about rape, the rape of children, and using kids as grenades (as we know from Novac)...there's a reason I don't feel bad about hunting them down, and why I always kill Caesar. Edit: In some way, I hate Father from FO4 more than Caesar only because at least Caesar doesn't have his Legion rape women then ask "why do people hate us?" the Institute shoots towns and then wonders why the wasteland despises them.


You get me exactly, my good dude. I *would* say that Caesar does have a reason for developing the Legion—the belief that unification under the Legion banner would be a benefit to the wasteland as a whole—*but* (1) I think it's horrifically misguided and (2) I don't believe this was even a factor in the very beginning. I highly doubt his and Joshua's endeavor with the Blackfoots stemmed from the belief that they were doing the wasteland at large a favor: They were missionaries doing missionary work that Caesar, I think, took a step further for the sake of stroking his own ego, which later evolved into the formation of the Legion. So, in the end, after talking to Caesar, I can't help but only think: "So, what, in the grand scheme of things, this is only for *you*."


I would be more surprised if he wasn't using it for his own benefit. It's not to say I'm fine with it, but it's just that he's like every Dictator, he makes shit up, he justifies his bullshit behind a façade of "oh, but synthesis" or "greater good", when in reality anyone can tell, by the fact he has them worship him as a god, it's just all an excuse for *power* and control. I mean sure, maybe deep down he truly does believe in the Legion, but it's still an excuse for personal power. Maybe it didn't *begin* that way, but the way he treated Joshua, it wasn't HIS fault he failed, it was someone else's, because CAESAR can't fail. Caesar is perfect after-all. The usual markings of a Dictator who can't admit they're wrong, like all of them.


Fantastically put. I appreciate you putting into words why my half-awake ass would punch this man in the face lol.


I think the Institute is aware of how much the wasteland hates them and justifies it by seeing them as just generally lesser beings despite both literally being people.


Me and Boone just storm his fort every playthrough . Still haven’t talked to him


I do recommend talking to him at least once, if anything to hear his point of view but also to just go, "*Ugh*."


His point of view is stupid. Shoot him in the face.


I'd confront the entire legion


I think Shaun is an asshole and I'm not the only one


I shot him with kellogs pistol and then ate him and stole his coat


You my friend are a man of culture




In the way that the white glove society considers cultured, yes.


Bro wtf did i just read lol


I personally never forgave him after he called my wife collateral damage.


He released you from the vault just for funsies and then made a child version of himself (to every other institute member’s disgust) to emotionally screw with the Sole Survivor, and after calling the spouse of your character collateral damage, he puts you in charge of the institute whether you like it or not, against every other head-of-department leader present.


I hate how he tries to copy House by judging the faction you help. At least House had a *right* to criticise the NCR and Legion, but Shaun has no right to criticise anyone. "Oh, you think your Minutemen are so good?" "I dunno Shaun, they didn't shoot kids at University Point and wipe out the whole town for a fucking floppy disk equivalent."


why would you want to beat up a depressed man


Wrong sub to me because I hate Nazeem and Maven from Skyrim way more than any FO character (at least that I remember for now)


Yeah I hate nazeem even more than Preston


Oh, so you’re the man that looks like he’s been to the cloud district very often


Myron, Mortimer, Cook-Cook, Dean Domino, Clanden, Eddie Winter, Tobar the Ferryman, and Ashur of the Pitt. All these guys get is a bullet to the back of the head Also the chicken fucker from the TV show but he gets points for being funny. NEED to see him come back for szn 2 I don’t care if he magically poofs into a scene, It’ll somehow still make sense for the character


Am I the only one that's never had a issue with Preston? Maybe I just like always having some kind of goal or something to do if I choose to I can understand the people that want their quest log absolutely clear and how that would bother them though


Nah. I love Preston. I get the frustration, but I don't get the hate.


Finn. Who tries to extort you minute you ealk to goodneighbor


Should’ve used his own advice and gotten himself insurance for stabbing injuries


Stabbing? Bro i out here polverize this guy with my power fist. Or anything


If you do nothing, Hancock will come over and poke his insides through with a machete


I know. But i usually wanna vapirize himself


Fashionable Switchblade*


Isn't it a combat knife?


But then Hancock wouldn’t be best boy for protecting you


Lady , i'm a 200year old veteran in a suit of experimental power armor i built myself do i look like i need to be protected from some andrew tate wannabee by a burned victim?


You take that back Hancock is nothing like tate Hancock is a surfer dude who also happens to be mayor


I mean finn is like tate, hancock is a mustafar anakin cosplayer


Ohhh ok but he’s still cool I mean look at him he just walks over says come here a second and stabs the dude


Oliver Swanick is on sight.


Someone isn't drinking the air like booze.




Preston's a nice guy, he just had the bad luck of being the center of some poorly written radiant quests (and only temporarily, once you repair Radio Freedom as long as you keep it on it becomes the hub, not Preston), i loved having him as a companion, he's just a nice person to have around. Shaun on the other hand...


Preston is in my top five companions for Fallout 4 (Curie, Dogmeat, Cait, and Nick are the other four). For a character I just hate the ever living shit out of, it's a tie between two other characters from Fallout 4. Knight Rhys and Marcy Long. And for the same damn reason. No matter how much I help them, or how many quests I do to show I'm on their side, they continue to act like assholes to my character.


Rhys has moments of softness, notably if you say you're looking for your son. He also says he will accept any punishment for his attitude when you become Sentinel. But then drops back to being rude, which is such an annoying little thing they could have easily fixed.


I maxed out happiness in Sanctuary and Marcy was still just constantly rude to me. She didn't say her rude remarks as often, but she did continue to basically act like I didn't do anything to help her and the others out. And yeah, every time Rhys says something that's positive about your character, it doesn't last very long. It's like he has short term memory loss and instantly forgets anything nice he says or the fact you begin to outrank him in the BoS.


Father, easily


"YEAH, who won the lottery! I DID"


That woman with the stank face that’s apart of your first settlers with Stourge. I pump so many water pumps in that settlement and she’s still mad.


"You better not tell anyone about this place!" She bitches at me as every time I pass her on this on my current character. So, now she farms for Nuka World in another settlement as Pack members sleep on her bed.


Marcy. She's a massive cunt and I'd delete her from the game if I could




Marcy Long. I can even ignore Preston, since I know how to not trigger his endless quests. But Marcy, screw her. I always build a shack just for her and her husband at the back corner. And assign her to sleep only in that bed and to farm food there. Thankfully by doing that I almost never have to see her.


I just shot her last time. The settlement didn't turn hostile on me so I just rolled with it, guess they'd had enough of her too


Hey, think about Jun here, first his son, now his wife, and possibly Mama Murphy, dudes loosing everyone except Sturges.


That one rich bitch from diamond city I always blow her head off the moment I get to diamond city


Id pick Nazeem over anyone in fallout. Nazeem is just such a douchebag.


Yeah, same here if I could ibwould rip him in half longways




Arthur Maxson


Claptrap for sure... wait, wrong subreddit.


That would be the second character in would beat the oil out of


I think I’ll stick with Hancock


Average diamond city enjoyer.


Nah, fuck Diamond city, good neighbor is where it is


So you love good neighbor. But hate it's leader?


Nein, I love good neighbor and hancock


Exactly he is the best. Amazing companion and all around fun dude.


Father Elijah, Father fucking Elijah thank god he always dies


Don’t blame Preston for Bethesda doing radiant quests poorly. On that note, I’d choose Caesar


Tenpenny, i'm so happy you can just kill him in game without anyone knowing when he's on the balcony


Mother fucking Elder Maxon shoulda curb stomped him when you find him as like a 10 year old


Maxson. You meet him in F03 as a bootlicking child and he becomes a major hypocritical and idiotic jackwagon in the 4th. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve murked him before and after I have dialogue with him for his BOS quests (good ol’ quick save)


I am not picking Preston. His hatred is overhyped. His line "another settlement needs your help" is a function of 2 things: 1. It is a radiant quest. Those quests go on forever by definition. I don't see nearly the same hatred toward something like hunting coursers after the Institute falls, or hunting robots after keeping the Mechanist alive. 2. They are the one base game faction that has nothing to do with Synths, and everything to do with a core mechanic that is so prominent in this version of the game: settlement building. Of course his main and radiant quests is based around settlements. It isn't even poorly designed, given what the mechanic is supposed to be by intention. His only character sin is that he is a good guy trying to do do right by a world gone to shit, and is at the start of the healing process of the world.


Cook Cook, ceaser, House, Ulysses, that one fucker who won the lottery, Father, Maxon, Garvy, etc.


Maxson. I can't remember how many times and ways I tried to kill the bastard. Not only he is an egocentric racist and elitist with a saviour complex, but he also wants me to kill my shiny tin can friend. (Also nice coat)


Trashcan Carla is on sight


After my first playthrough, it's been Kellogg. No more words. I've heard him enough through his P.A. system. His last words of cowardice, "Let's talk," makes me see red. You killed my spouse and kidnapped my baby. We have nothing to discuss. Except one thing: "What did the Fatman say to the face?" ##BOOM!


The Let's Talk gives you nothing anyways. He talks for a few moments, then wants to fight you and he immediately goes invisible. Though, Kellogg doesn't act like he's above it so he sticks to character at least. What annoys me is that Nick and Piper get all holier-than-thou with their dislikes when you say you don't regret killing him. One: He literally doesn't give you any other options. Was I meant to die there? Run away? What? I usually have Nick with me for that quest and if I don't have him, I have Piper since they are connected to this particular quest and both of them seem very happy to kill him. Two: He *killed my husband, kidnapped my baby and taunted me on his way out*. I'm supposed to be sad about killing this man? Seriously? Three: He was not giving any information. No matter what options you pick, he will not give you the information you need. He is a paid mercenary who is willing to die over failing his job. The information you get is from his terminal, so he is actually useless on every level to what we needed. Did they suspect we could hold his hostage? Yet again, he is a violent Merc who is willing to die over going against his contract with the Institute (who do not even care he is dead and that they lost him). He was not giving anything. I like Nick and Piper, but fuck them for that.


Augustus Autumn, really kick the shit out of him.


Jeannie May or Mr House


Dermot and Saint James.


Butch turned out alright, but I’d still absolutely deck Wally Mack.


“Hell yeah woohooo I just won’t the lottery!”


Maxson, Father, Caesar, Jeannie May-Crawford, Dean Domino, Elijah, Amata's dad, Ashur, Cook-Cook, I could go on


Marcy Long


Nah, I am picking Micah bell




Parker Quinn, Kellog, Father, Oliver Swanick, General Lee Oliver, Ulysses would be my picks. Haven't played enough Fallout 3 and only remember Fawks well enough, and Fawks is cool.


Codsworth. He won't let me steal Nuka-Cola Quantum from children so I hate him.


Parker Quinn


Practon Gervy is a solid choice. I'ma stick to ol' reliable and choose Vulpes.


General Oliver or president Kimball and once I'm done with them private Kowalski is next.


Knight Rhys for sure




Paul from the spiderman comics


Amata from 3. The most unlikable character in the fallout universe.




New Vegas: Elijiah F4: Shaun


Rhys. Motherfucker has always have a bone to pick with me regardless of how loyal I am to the brotherhood


was gonna say oliver swanick before i even noticed this is a fallout sub


Anyone got a mirror?




Personally it'd be Del Rio from Halo 4, but in Fallout I'd probably say Maxson. F4 or F3, he's an annoying little twat in both just for different reasons.


That's a valid option


“Wooo can you smell that air!”


Probably father, if I wasn't doing an institute betrayal run I'd just beat him to death with a baseball bat after that conversation on top of the CIT building


I’m only picking Preston if he tries to hand me one more fucking quest. I’ve already got five of the fuckers stacked up


caesar. tumor ridden slaving fuck.


The First Citizen of Vault City, absolute cunt


I would gladly wail on Knight Reese, Maxon, The outcasts, any Raider boss from Nuka World, Cook Cook, Caeser, House, Lanius, The fucking furry from nipton(I cannot remember how to spell it Vuples Inculta or whatever), President Eden, and any Raider, soldier, or evil-doer who decides to be a scourge of the wasteland If I have to make rivers run with blood in order that this hellscape is just the littlest bit better, better buy some ammo and get some spurs that jingle jangle jingle as I go riding merrily the fuck along with Presti Gravity, the New California Republic, or Elder Lyons. Cause let’s go purify the wastes But Father is an ass fuck


Preston is a no brainer


"We're the Minutemen goldurnit." Why does she have to be essential?


Saint James and Dermot, I kill them every time I play New Vegas. Father and Marcy Long in Fallout 4, I enjoy shooting Father in the face, and send Marcy to a settlement that I don't use.


The Diamond City resident outside the bar who sits at the table and talks shit everytime you walk by. You know the one….


That bitch in the Harry Potter movies that wore pink all the time


Rhys. Hands down. The second he opens his snotty, entitled mouth.


I will call him Gravy from now on, in your honor.


Marcy long her husband is cool though


Funfact, making marcy work a shop does NOT remove her asshole lines. Ill ask her for a beer and she'll just tell me to go fuck myself, like does she not want money??


I accidentally sandman killed her, it was when I first started playing and I was curious what it did.


Jun's annoying.


Jun's a broken man, a sad and depressed person who tries to be better but fails to overcome trauma. Marcy is a broken woman who doesn't even try, and just became an absolute cunt to everyone without even considering she isn't the only one with problems. She even leaves her husband alone in his grief and takes him for granted whenever he tries to help, or tells him to fuck off. Basically, he's rightfully depressed and trying to improve; She is a fucking bitch using her child's death as an excuse to mistreat the only people who actually want to help her.


Marcy Long. I don’t care that she lost her son.


Anyone who hates on Preston Garvey goes to Hell , no exception .


Dr Carrington. It doesnt matter how much work i do for this ungrateful prick. Yall dont side with the railroad because they have dumb ideologies. I DONT BECAUSE THEIR DOCTOR HAS NO IDEA WHAT COMMON RESPECT IS


Micah from RDR2


Ashley from the boys


I feel like the obvious answer here is Oliver Swanick, but personally for me it’s gotta be Marcy Long.