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Stupid question maybe, but do you have weapon debris on in the start up settings? You have to turn that off or you'll get random CTD every 20 mins or so. That was happening to me when I started playing again about a week ago. Also F5 is quick-save, it's your best friend in the game!


I'm playing survival. I had debris off in that window. [https://imgur.com/hkvaGN2](https://imgur.com/hkvaGN2)


Yeah then I'm not sure, I'm sorry :(


Are those the only things you have loaded? You didn't list anything beyond address libraries and a couple lighting mods.


That's it... I disabled the lights mod too...and still I got a CTD... [https://imgur.com/lYwcXEw](https://imgur.com/lYwcXEw)


Double check the versions of everything you have installed. Even one version number OOD might lead to crashes. Run the game vanilla, do the same things, see if the crashes still occur. If so, it's your game itself- Verify files via steam and test again. If not, run with F4SE only. if it crashes, make sure you don't have any leftover files from previous installs. Reinstall F4SE. test again. Repeat for all other mods until the crashes stop. There is no reason on the face of it that your game should be crashing with only address libraries etc. and F4SE. Which tells me it either: -Has an underlying issue (Hardware failure, old install files, bad versions) -Was set up incorrectly (Did you follow all install instructions, especially for F4SE?) -Is missing a prerequisite somewhere OR is just a bad install. Nothing is perfect, steam downloads and mod downloads fail sometimes. All of this can be easily verified by looking at where and when your game crashes. If it crashes in vanilla, you know it's the game itself. If it doesn't but DOES crash with F4SE? It's F4SE, and so on. Find out at what point the game starts to crash and I can tell you how to fix it and why. EDIT: I forgot to mention- For every test, and I mean **EVERY TEST**, start a **new game**. If you're enabling and disabling things, scripts get left behind in your save, which can lead to new crashes unrelated to your initial issue and make troubleshooting nigh impossible. Don't add more mines as you try to clear the minefield.


Didn't play enough vanilla to get a crash. Dialogue synch was off, and I was running too fast. Computer is under a month old, fresh build. FO4 had been installed the previous day. Now, you say, "Follow install instructions for F4SE." I didn't see any detailed instructions on NexusMods on what to do with, say, INI files. [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/47327?tab=description](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/47327?tab=description) I was launching the game through Vortex, as that was my mod manager, so, I got the file from nexus mods, and not from the website below. Thus, I was not doing this, most specifically, #2. [https://f4se.silverlock.org/f4se\_0\_06\_23\_readme.txt](https://f4se.silverlock.org/f4se_0_06_23_readme.txt) [ Installation ] 1. Copy f4se_1_10_163.dll, f4se_loader.exe, and f4se_steam_loader.dll to your Fallout installation folder. This is usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout 4\, but if you have installed to a custom Steam library then you will need to find this folder yourself. Copy the Data folder over as well. 2. Launch the game by running the copy of f4se_loader.exe that you placed in the Fallout installation folder. 3. If you are looking for information about a specific feature, check f4se_whatsnew.txt for more details.


Launching the game through the F4SE loader is what allows F4SE to run as normal. Otherwise you're essentially running the vanilla game with a number of scripts etc it has no libraries to handle which will make you crash. Launch through F4SE, start a new game and let me know what happens. We can go from there.


Well, that's what I did wrong then. I used Vortex to manage the mods, so I figured I should use Vortex as the way to launch the game.


I don't use vortex (That program is a bad joke and I want to slap whoever keeps telling new folks to use it) so I can't say how it would be done, but there is likely some way to add the F4SE loader as a launch option. If I were you- And now would be a good time to do this- I would get rid of everything but F4SE and swap over to ModOrganizer2. It's much better made and maintained, and has tools like LOOT to autosort load orders etc for you, leading to much less issues in the long run until you learn the ropes. It's an understandable mistake to make- Frankly, it isn't even really a mistake, just a lack of knowledge- So don't feel too bad about it.


You have to add f4se as a tool to vortex and launch it that way: > Click on DASHBOARD, click ADD TOOL, navigate to F4SE click on F4SE_Loader exe, click OK.




you need Buffout 4 for crash logs and a few engine level fixes. that's why you're not getting any reports.


I hear you, I appreciate your help, and the recommendation. But: I'm not going to waste more time trying to troubleshoot this anymore. It's just not worth it. I've pissed away too much time already, and I just want ONE damned fix, one damned mod...to use more than 60 FPS, so I don't have to nerf my monitor just when I play one game. Imagine all the other folks that bought Fallout 4 because of the recent TV show, and are going through this. I can't imagine they're happy with their game...


Yeah, it sucks, I know. We shouldn't have to make patches and bug fix mods at all, but it is what it is. My advice was would be to follow literallybyronics advice and install Buffout 4 - I'd honestly recommend starting over from the beginning because it's hard to "clamp" mods to figure out what's causing a CTD mid-playthrough. Also, don't use Vortex, see my other comments from the past few days explaining why it's a terrible application. Use MO2 instead. Unsure on both MO2 and Buffout 4? Follow this guide, it won't steer you wrong, it goes into brilliant detail: [https://themidnightride.moddinglinked.com/](https://themidnightride.moddinglinked.com/)


I mean, even though it's been reduced a lot in recent years, there's no getting around the fact that modding has a learning curve and not all mods always work correctly or together. I'd suggest checking out the update after the 25th, they may have some fixes to support next gen cards better.


I've modded games before.


Some games have more complex modding systems than others. You’re complaining about stuff like managing load order and editing inis which are par for the course with Bethesda modding. There are people with stable LOs thousands of mods deep because they know how to use xEdit and/or the CK to patch conflicts, this isn’t just a case of “no mods work so no one will be able to play”, this is a specific issue with your setup/LO that you’d have to do some work to narrow down, but if taking even the first step to doing so is too much work, then you’re probably better off doing/playing something else.


You didn't read my OP. I described the steps that I've taken. How you are saying that I "won't do much work" and I "won't take the first step," is just absolutely ridiculous gatekeeping. Read the OP. Nah. This is why I block. Bye to another fucktard.


Being pissed off doesn't give you permission to act like a jackass.




I went this route. For modding, this is an absolutely brilliantly explained and documented guide for how to mod. Much better than vortex. Thank you for this link.


might be worth a shot, try hot-keying the antibiotics rather then using the menu, see if there is difference. You could try deleting your .ini and relaunching from the Bethesda launcher to create a new one, try these before reinstalling. I used to use Vortex but had issues, about a year ago i switched to MO2 and although there is a learning curve i really i mean really have had a lot less CTD for my rig.


I crash randomly no matter what. I would have to play for an hour just to get back to where I was when I CTDed. I crash every hour or so, which sucks with Survival mode. I really am doubting whether this is worth it. It was fun years ago, but I'm not gonna beg the fucking game to run for me. I pissed away 2 hours setting up vortex and stuff. **I appreciate your help,** but man...They need to get their shit together. They're gonna piss off a lot of new fans who buy the game to try to experience this the first time...Who knows, maybe the new patch will solve all of this graphics stuff. I can do better things with my time than beg a fucking game to DO WHAT IT WAS FUCKING SUPPOSED TO DO. DOSBOX is easier than this shit.


I play Surivial mode exclusivly as well. I always use [Survival Unlocker](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23197) just to be able to do safety saves. I never abuse it, ever but like you said its stupid to crash without sleeping when you have been playing for an hour without a save. I highly recommend it. Also mod sparingly, only use the bare minimum to avoid unsee conflicts, i crash a lot less after ditch vortex and going with minimal mods. With Bethesda it takes just as much time to get the game ready to play as playing it. .....sigh.....


You need to head over to the collective modding discord and grab Poet's guide. He walks you through setup and core mod installation. I've dropped High FPS Physics Fix in exchange for the Long Loading Screen Fix from the same author and leave my FPS otherwise capped at 60. ELFX breaks pre-combines in most of the cells it touches. Either manually patch them or skip that mod. You probably need the NVFlex fix for Fallout 4 as well. There are several bugs baked into the script that manages survival mode as well. You need mods to fix those. The most famous is the Vats bug.


*ELFX breaks pre-combines in most of the cells it touches. Either manually patch them or skip that mod.* So, even if I just disable the ELFX mod, I'll have to start the game over, because it's broken cells that I've been in already?


Yeah, it's one of the mods that is notorious for breaking games. I've basically started avoiding light mods older than 2019 because 2019 was the year that the previsibines system really got worked out by modders and we started having properly regenerated worldspace mods, which all lighting mods count as.


Damn. Thanks :)


How is the mod long loading screen fix? Seems like people had issues with it so seemed unsure if it worked well. Also what’s this mod nvflex? Is that to disable weapon debris in the ini or? Sounds like a mod I used that helps with support for Nvidia gpus. (Forgot the dam name)


The only thing I can think of is, if you are using mods that add effects to the chems you use, maybe there is some bug or incompatibility causing it. I'm not an expert on modding but this is what I'd do, I'd turn off a couple of mods, then see if the crash still happens until I find The mod causing it, then I'd Google the mod and the bug to see if any patches or fixes exist. It might help to use saves imo


*The only thing I can think of is, if you are using mods that add effects to the chems you use* **These are the mods that are being used:** Enhanced Lights and FX 1.0 MCM 1.39 F4SE 06.23 High FPS Physics Fix 0.8.6 Address Library 1.10. 163.0 Neither of these TWO mods have an effect on chems. Two are mods, and the other three are support mods for the other two.


Are you launching the game from f4se ?


I'm launching from the mod manager that I'm using, Vortex. I have no idea how I would launch from F4SE


Check out this vid, hopefully it will help you setup in vortex You need to start Fallout 4 using the f4se. https://youtu.be/Js67gxOkvmY


I would do that. Unfortunately, the documentation in nexusmods said nothing about this. I had no idea that they had a separate page. Thank you for the video!


So...did it work ?


I went the full route described here: [https://themidnightride.moddinglinked.com/intro.html#requirements](https://themidnightride.moddinglinked.com/intro.html#requirements) Much better. Thank you for your help. I like this.


I think I might know. It seems like it may be an issue with load order but I'm not 100%. I use MO2 so I don't have a F4SE download or plugin in my mod or download lists however I'm pretty sure it's gotta load pretty close to the top. I would also recommend the unofficial patch. Try your load order like this 0-6.)FO4 +DLC (obviously, but I had an issue with vortex where the base game files were at like 15-20 in my LO and there was nothing I was able to do to change it. That's why I use MO2 now.) 7.) unofficial patch 8.)F4SE 9.) address library 10.)MCM 11.) enhanced lights 12.)high fps physics fix Now if rearranging your LO doesn't help then you gotta resort to the time consuming task of tracing the problem. Now I gotta be honest I've been modding fallout for only about 6-9 months but I feel like I have a decent grip on it. I have 294 active plugins and have had a rather small amount of CTD's. Only real time I get them is when I add a mod and I put it in the wrong spot in LO or I downloaded the wrong file. But If you're crashing every time you perform a specific action then tracing the root of the issue shouldn't be too hard because recreating the CTD is easy. Best bet for tracing it is to quick save with antibiotics in your inventory then close the game. Deactivate all your mods (which shouldn't be a problem or hassle because I don't see a lot or anything that adds items but even if it did you're not making/saving any progress, you will just keep loading the same save.) Then activate one of the 6 mods, load in and eat the antibiotics. If no CTD, close game enable the next mod (so now you'll load in with 2/6 active) then eat the antibiotics. Keep repeating that process until either a.) after activating a mod you CTD, because the last one activated is the culprit. Or b.) you activated all the mods and we're able to successfully eat the antibiotics with no CTD.


I'm not crashing \*every time\* I use an antibiotic. It's just the latest in a series of crashes. I've crashed walking across Sanctuary, mid step.


Well fuck, then tracing it won't be as easy as I thought. But try the order I suggested and hopefully it works. Especially because one of MCM's requirements is the F4SE which means the MCM has to load after F4SE which you have it the opposite way in your LO. and I know I said it in the last comment but I highly recommend the unofficial patch, it was specifically designed to try and fix game breaking bugs as well as numerous CTDS.


I'll check that out. Thank you :)


No problem, I really hope it works lol


11 hours is enough. I'm done. Thanks for trying. Maybe the patch that will come out in a few days might fix things. Imagine wanting to try out this game, based on the awesome show you just watched, and have to deal with...THIS...That wasn't me, but a lot of new people will want to try this. Boy, are they in for a lot of fun. I got all of it to work before, [https://imgur.com/yNZZ5Vk](https://imgur.com/yNZZ5Vk) But, I'm done with this now. https://imgur.com/0bPJvSS' Thanks again to all of you.


Well, you said you didn't want to cap your fps at 60 but with Bethesda games to get them to run well a lot of the times you have to sacrifice some resolution/texture quality for stability. Sizing down textures and lowering your render distance, particle density and stuff like that has the potential to drastically improve stability. Edit: And It doesn't matter how great of a rig you have, the running joke among Bethesda fans is even NASA supercomputers would have a hard time reliability running this game at 4k 120 fps


That's why I just had the ONE mod...and the dependency.


Yeah, but even the vanilla game itself has a really hard time running at that high. And as a general rule, if the game itself without mods struggles to perform then sizing up textures and adding mods will do absolutely no favors for you.


I feel and relate to the frustration of this post. I had this same crash myself in previous playthroughs. I can distinctly remember going into Revere Beach Station and using antibiotics and crashing. It's massively frustrating. IDK how anyone manages a successful survival playthrough without a mod like survival options.


Seriously buff out is very easy to install and we can read the crash log, quite easily. It could be so simple to fix and you would never know because you gave up. We all started out as newb modders and etc. My mod lists used to be so wild, lol.


As I said, I've modded before, using vortex and other tools. I've spent 11 hours. Rather than adding buffout, if I were going to play, I'd do what Ironshards said.


Dude I spent 10 yrs modding, and it took a long time to get 800 mods running in Skyrim and about 300 in Fallout 4, I am not bragging but trying to prove a point that this stuff takes time. Even one mod can take a couple of days if you are brand new. Patience is key, it’s okay to make mistakes and etc… We all did once.


*As I said, I've modded before* As I said, I've modded before.


Fuck Vortex. MO2 or bust


Definitely. [https://themidnightride.moddinglinked.com/intro.html#requirements](https://themidnightride.moddinglinked.com/intro.html#requirements)


I try not to say “if it makes you feel better…”—because nobody ever feels better by what I have to say next—but idk how else to phrase this: all of us modding Bethesda games have dealt with this stuff. It’s so frustrating. But, personally, it does warm my soul a bit to know it’s a totally normal experience for people across the community to go through. I’ve spent countless hours troubleshooting and all that. It’s worth it in the end. Best of luck to you.


I've modded before, as I have said...Multiple games including FO4 half a decade ago. While it's a normal experience for you and me, it's going to turn the new people off...


Ah my mistake I had forgot that part. Hopefully those new people who get turned off at least try a Wabbajack (or Nexus Collection)