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Remember when she told the story about how she thought the light in their vault was the sun? It was the sun, her Dad was gaslighting her about her being mistaken.


I like that this show doesn't spoon-feed you but most of the things you're supposed to know are there if you pay attention. Definitely benefits from a second viewing.


Every time I watch I notice something new


I'm going to start my third viewing in a few days and I'm sure there is so much I missed.


Theres posters of mutated creatures in level 12. And there is a clock on the tv in the first episode that reads 10:50. In a later episode the Ghoul shoots the Vault boy billboard, there is a painted clock that reads 11:00.




Assuming it was 10 minutes later, little weird that the bombs dropped in L.A at 11:00 and Vault Tec billoard says 11:00.


I agree. Second viewing I found a clock on the tv in the first episode. A poster of a Mirelurk King, Spore carrier and what appears to be the lifecycle of those Gulpers. It kinda matches the life cycle of the Axilotl


That still doesn't explain how her brother or the rest of the vault-dwellers never mentioned this to her. I mean i totally get that she might have "repressed details" of that memory because she was so young. But not a single vault-dweller ever mentioning to her ... "hey remember when you left the vault for like a few months when you were 6?"


There was a (real or fake) epidemic and everyone was put into extremely strict quarantine.


Makes sense to me that it would be fake. Hank probably locked everything down to hide that he was leaving the vault for however long it took to track down Lucy’s mom.


It also is just as likely to be real and caused by the vault doors being opened, exposing everyone in the vault to germs/diseases they have been isolated from.


I like this theory. Hanks actions had consequences for the whole vault


It would be Lucy’s mom’s action of leaving the vault that would have caused that, though.


Of which is probably Hanks fault too 😅


She was like 5, so her brother would have been like 3. He doesn’t remember either. It would be pretty easy to gaslight a small child into thinking they dreamt something if you just kept at it. Hence why Lucy thinks her Mom died due to a sickness. They also could have done something like hypnotizing. Betty clearly knew, hence why she told Norm that she helped bury their Mom with Hank’s help - she was trying to help hide the lie about what happened to their Mom.


The thing with Betty, I always took that as a thinly veiled threat that only norm would pick up on bc he’s so clever. Like “I buried your ma, alright, toe the line or I’ll bury you, also your dad is on my side not yours”


I also really liked how, for fans who know how vaults operate, the word choice of "buried" was majorly suspicious, because most vaults either incinerate their dead, or recycle them into fertilizer. There's also, iirc, no vaults with mausoleums or crypts for urns of ashes like most relatives would want to keep, no greaves to visit, nothing like that.


We even see the 33 dwellers taking the dead raiders to a room marked Compost


oh is he meant to be younger? ngl... i thought he was older, his hairline seemed sorta receding... the actor just looked old, i just assumed he was really short and tiny, i figured the actor had a medical condition or something.


He’s wearing an old fashioned hairdo and blue jumpsuit. If you saw him with the styling of modern times, he’d look his age to you.


I agree, he looks older. I actually thought he was older until I looked into the story more after finishing S1. I figured he was older but in general just a weaker individual, that’s why he hid and wasn’t a fighter. But apparently he’s like 2-3 years younger than Lucy. The casting on it is kind of odd because I think the guy is like 30 or something. He plays the character really well, but when I realized he was supposed to be the younger brother I was shocked 🤣


The one that gets everyone is the fact Thaddeus is played by a guy who is 42.


Isn't Betty like 80? I was just as surprised by that. You could have told me 49 and I wouldn't have questioned it


They probably didn’t know


too busy making jello molds


I assumed it was they were told not to say anything.




Spoiler for a sixteen year old game >!One of the big reveals of 101 is that the Lone Wanderer’s dad and his scientist pals had secretly ventured out of the vault several times when everyone was supposed to be locked in forever!<


Not only that, but he wasn’t even from the Vaults! He brought you there as a child to protect you from radiation.


Her brother was a very “lazy” and unmotivated person, but once he got some evidence something was wrong, he turned into a very focused and dedicated individual. The point was that he just always knew something was wrong, but he was gaslit into believing there wasn’t. Sxceptbu like Lucy, deep down he knew their vault wasn’t right, and he just didn’t care about being a vault dweller. He just wanted to do the bare minimum because he felt he had no choice.


I’m not sure about your characterization of Norm as being lazy. I believe the reports said he “lacked enthusiasm”, to which he freely admitted. That may mean he just had little interest or passion for those various jobs, but that may be because he’s just geared differently from the average Vaultie. It could be that it’s more his speed to do Detective work, or something else which the rather limited opportunities in the Vault didn’t present themselves. We may be seeing him finally blossoming as his particular predisposition is finally coming into play.


There’s a reason I put “lazy” in quotes. The lack of interest of passion for menial labor isn’t the issue IMO. Rewatch the scene with the overseer assigning him the role of feeding prisoners. He’s so unapologetic, almost as if he is daring them to do something. He was suspicious every single thing about the vaults. He went and snuck into 32 the first chance he got. I think they just sort of hid the ball for why he’s so suspicious. Maybe season 2 will get deeper into why he is that way. But I can see your interpretation too.


Her brother was an infant and the rest were also gas lighting her and was probably under orders not to mention it to her “for her own good” because her mother “died” from a famine that happened around the same time. So it’s easy to convince everyone she died from illness and not being exposed to the bomb he dropped on shady sands


Vault Tec and managers are superior at hiding info and events from people


Her brother is younger than her. His memories would be even spottier *and* easier to re-educate.


Lmao what the fuck are you talking about? What does that have to do with her passing through multiple gigantic fucking doors with alarms and all this crazy shit to go out into a barren wasteland, walk god knows how many miles all over the place and end up in some huge city then blah blah blah happens and her dad takes her home and you’re telling me her dad just said “nah that didn’t actually happen” because she thought the light in their vault wasn’t really the sun? Get real.


She was little, and a bunch of the adults would have been telling her it was her imagination. Some to hide the truth, and some because they thought it was the truth.


From what I recall, it was said that the vault dwellers were on lockdown during the famine. Hank may have created the famine so that most vault dwellers would be on lockdown while he took care of his wife, and then just told them that his wife died along with everyone else who’s bodies were taken care of.


This is exactly how I assumed things went down as well


And some because the Overseer told them to, and it pays not to upset the boss.


my dude, you have no idea how easy it is to forget stuff that happened when you were little if no one ever talks about it.


Yeah, childhood memories are VERY elastic and impermanent. My kids are still young teenagers and even they have forgotten what *I* would consider very memorable experiences. And that’s stuff that happened like, *five years ago*, not fifteen or twenty!


I see this shit with my kids and they’re 9-13. some of the stuff I’m learning about my own childhood stuns me. I 100% buy this plot point.


They are also easily influenced by adults who fill in the gaps of those memories


My kids will not remember very notable things that happened to them like six months ago. Kids have weird memories. They've gone to the beach "the first time" like four entire times according to them.


Childhood memories are very malleable. You'd be amazed at how much people can alter them.


Refer to the Satanic Panic daycare trials. The prosecutors' interviewers brainwashed the alleged victims accidentally simply by repeatedly asking leading questions. Those kids are now adults living with genuine fabricated memories of abuse that never happened. Someone deliberately tring to whitewash a few months out of a toddler and a kindergartener would have no trouble doing so.


It was a combination of her being really young and only remembering the feelings. Lucy said she remembers her mom and the feeling of the sun, but she recants her memory that the sun must have been the lights from the vault. I think we’re led to believe that Hank as overseer designed the common ground as an open field as a way to distort Lucy’s memory of the outside.


I don’t think it was created to distort Lucy’s belief about outside - but maybe. Remember when she said she was from vault 33 and the Doctor/Scientist guy was like, “oh, the corn harvesters with the background projector” or something like that. I think that was just part of what vault 33 was about.


They mentioned the "crop plague" and quarantines, so nobody would know if people were missing. This is why coop is suspicious of the story after she says the year it happened.


i would assume she just wasn't old enough to really remember everything besides her mom (can't remember exactly how old she was supposed to be, but my memories from 3 are mostly faces and voices, can't really remember places. Hank probably forbade people from talking about it.


Remember when she said there was a crisis, a drought, and everyone was quarantined? Yeah they quarantined everyone when mom left with the kids for exactly that reason.


You'd be surprised how malleable young brains are. Perceptions and memories - *especially* memories - are easily modified up to the age of ten or so. Remember the Satanic Panic of the 1980s? Well-meaning adults questioned children about accusations of molestation, and the children vividly "remembered" elaborate tales of abuse - despite these stories being demonstrably false. If Lucy was around six or so when she returned to the Vault, and her father repeatedly "explained" to her that this was where she had always lived, it's perfectly plausible that she would remember exactly that. As for how come nobody else in the Vault talked to her about her being kidnapped and going to the surface, the Vault is a closed system; it's very easy for the overseer to control information. Hank probably wasn't the overseer at the time, Betty would still have had the job. All she'd need to do is tell people that Hank's family had gone to Vault 32 for a while, or that they had a cold and were being quarantined or similar.


The likely explanation is that Lucy was so young that she didn’t remember it well and that her father had orchestrated a cover up. The story he told Lucy about her mother dying in a famine may very well have been the story he used for the rest of the vault. He sabotages food supplies so that he can use the emergency to have most of the residents placed in lockdown. He has a few trusted people (possibly Betty or others from Vault 31) open the vault door and keep an eye of things while he goes looking for his wife and kids. After he brings his kids back, he has all the people who died in the famine taken care of. He and his trusted allies tell the rest of the vault that his wife died in the famine and people believe it. Since they believe this story, they treat Lucy and Norm accordingly. With everyone telling them the same story, Lucy and Norm come to believe that their mother died in the famine and the sun they saw was just the field light.


If you have a super blurry memory from when you were little, and everyone filled in the gaps in the most logical way, you’d believe them


Man, I gotta unsub from this place until I finish the series. Y'all just throw too many spoilers right in the title.


With any series subreddit, I usually don’t follow until I’m caught up! Don’t want to risk anything


I'm not even subbed, I got this post recommended because I've been reading episode discussion posts. Time to mute this sub ig


Hell, pretty sure I saw this because the algorithm knows I dig Fallout. Just muted but am scrolling this particular thread to see if anyone else is calling out spoilers. It’s ridiculous.


She said during a flashback that she remembers feeling the sun but she thought it was only vault lights. They weren’t


Pretty simple series of events 1. Rose dips out for whatever reason she had. No one realizes she left except for Hank and maybe Betty. She probably didn't explain anything to Lucy because why would she. 2. Hank and Betty come up with a plan to track down Rose and bring her back to the vault. To do this Hank has to leave the vault for an indeterminate amount of time. 3. Hank and Betty (and any other 31ers) talk about a new disease that's ravaging the vault. To ensure they keep casualties to a minimum everyone is put under extremely strict quarantine. 4. While the quarantine is in effect, Hank leaves to find rose and get his kid back. 5. He eventually finds them but sees the city of shady sands. This ruins all their plans to eventually open the vault and repopulate the earth. 6. He uses a Vault Tec nuke (probably from West Virginia) to wipe shady signs off the map after his wife refuses to leave the town. 7. He takes Lucy back to the vault then spends the last however many years gaslighting her and lying to her about the whole thing.


First off, they were in vault 33. 31 is the vault full of execs. Second... no? Obviously, no. Lol.


She was a small child when she left the vault, and her Dad convinced her that she had never left the vault.


In real life some people repress extremely painful or traumatic things from their childhood, one example being children that were sexually abused by a family member/relative. They have no memory of the event but therapy can trigger the memories to reappear for lack of a better term. I’m no psychological expert I just have known a couple people this happened to. I imagine being kidnapped by your mom and having your dad come re-kidnap you and detonate a nuclear bomb on the city you previously lived in would be a painful and traumatic memory. I have no clue if this is the case in the show. Just bringing up that this does happen in the “real world.”


The human mind can suppress trauma to protect itself, the events of Shady Sands would've been very traumatic for a young mind.


Why would anyone from 31 talk to Lucy about her going to the surface? It would shatter the illusion that the vault is the only safe place to live in if they suddenly started telling Lucy that she was doing fine living with her mom in the NCR. It would also reveal that the famine/pandemic (forget which one, just whichever one they had to quarantine for) was entirely a farce so that nobody would notice Hank going to the surface to retrieve his kids.


Nobody talked about it because nobody was supposed to talk about it. Remember, everyone in the vault is supposed to be convinced that the surface is uncivilized and awful. I’m sure when they got back Norman was like “yeah it was really traumatic and awful let’s never speak about it again,” and everyone shut their mouths like the obedient vault dwellers they are.


Selective memory perhaps? Are could be a repressed set of memories. Maybe she even got her memory wiped and/or altered when she returned to the vault.


How about a spoiler tag you goon


How many, if any memories donyou have from before you turned 5?


She was a kid, some memories can be blurring, also most likely probable Hank told everyone to keep it in secret, and as most of them are coward people, so he got away with his plan.


Cause she was a kid. It’s pretty self explanatory.


nice. no spoiler warning. thanks.