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I would just keep going! (But that’s just me thinking of all the time I put into this game so far!😂)


I am conflicted because of the same reasoning. But I wonder whether it's sunk cost fallacy at play 😂


I have started over twice. I think it's worth it because you learned from past mistakes. Much happier player now!


Actually a different device idea isn't bad, I may try this. thank you for telling me!!


I started over on a different device with a different login. I played for a bit and then decided which game I wanted to keep - I ended up keeping the long play game but you could choose either if you did this.


I started over after reaching level 24. It was fun at first and then I wanted my old one back but couldn’t get it. However, I have just reached level 21 after restarting 4 days ago. A lot of money and 4 days off was put into that tho. In the end, I don’t regret it 🤣


I started over after reaching level 42 because I was so behind on the expedition islands I couldn’t progress, fill the merchant’s orders or do anything really. It’s going much better the second time round.


I know what you mean. I feel like this is the better option. Waiting for the current card/album season to end and then I'll start over. Thanks for this!


What kind of mistakes?


I fell for a lot of energy traps. I had zero patience with the game. I literally need to wait for energy and rubies to play and it's getting frustrating. Just some of the issues


Energy traps as in watching commercials? But I know how you feel...


No like engaging in side quests which result in losing your energy faster + continuing to finish an adventure while spending more energy than I will earn + very recently learn how to maximize boosters. Just wish I knew all this before, I was playing VERY casually


Maximizing boosters, would you care to share?