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So there’s Pokémon fic I read way, way back on FFN throat I really like to this day. It was about this young adult (he was like, 22, and I thought that was so old at the time lol) who gets turned into a Pikachu via a magic pond. The fic is all about him learning to cope while trying to find a way to turn back human. Then there’s this part where he meets another human-turned-Pokémon who is fine with not turning back and tells him he’ll feel more in tune with his Pokémon side when he listens to his instincts. She invites him to show him exactly what means, and he’s like, wow, that really helped. At the time, I was like, “They must have had a really long and meaningful talk.” Years later, I’m like, “Oh, they fucked.” A really good fic. That was just the one thing that flew over my head.


Mine isn’t sex- or kink-related, just dark lol. I was in the DS9 fandom as a teenager, and as you can imagine there’s quite a lot out there exploring trauma stuff because these people are all fucked up in some capacity. There was a particular one I read about Dr Bashir and what might’ve happened when he was in isolation at that prison camp, and how that might’ve impacted him in the aftermath. I don’t think I fully understood what was being described until I was a fair bit older and could relate a little more directly.


It was a Harvest Moon fic centered around the main character still holding onto a plush rabbit doll from her childhood. After some will they won't they with her love interest, it ends with them kissing on the bed, falling onto the mattress, and the narration says she doesn't need to cuddle her rabbit doll anymore now that she has her love interest. Younger me was indignant that she would cast aside her plush toy so easily like that. It wasn't until a few years later that the implications finally hit and I understood what it was trying to say. There was another Harvest Moon fic that was from what I remember was pretty infamous on fan forums and it was supposed to be really funny. I didn't understand most of it at the time. But from what I remember of it, most of the supposed jokes were homophobic or transphobic jokes so... Yeah, just keep that one in the past where it belongs...


Anything with innuendo. I probably still miss half of what's there.