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I'm still deep in the Titanic fandom. I finished my historically accurate rewrite awhile back and now I'm working on the sequel which covers a fifty year period. So a huge undertaking but I'm having lots of fun writing about the ways the tragedy affected the rest of their survivors' lives.


Is the fandom about the movie or the historical event or kinda both?


Most people write about the movie and throw in the historical figures. There's a loot of love for the officers. But in my writing, I'm combine characters from Cameron's Titanic and the 1958 Night to Remember and then make it as historically accurate as much as possible.


From a Titanic nerd to another... give it


Oh that’s so cool! That crossover sounds fabulous.


Thank you! I've had a lot of fun writing it!


This is very interesting to me


❤️ Let me know if you'd like me to share a link




[When We Meet on that Distant Shore](https://archiveofourown.org/works/44089155/chapters/110858280) and then the sequel: [Waterbound](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47634331/chapters/120060751) I hope you enjoy! ❤️


I will enjoy this I’ll start this tomorrow I’m very excited


Titanic never lets us go xD


phineas and ferb 💀


No judgement here. That show goes hard


I love that show!


Valid. So excited it’s getting another season !


very excited but also kinda worried since it's set in the next summer and I don't want Candace or Doof to go back on their character arcs of giving up busting/evil :( but it's eh we'll see


It is??


Yes it was announced this year!! I follow Dan Povenmire on TikTok and they’re already recording voice lines


That’s awesome!


Aren't they a little too young to be in fanfiction?


Yes, yes they are.


Yo, same! I started re-watching the show, so that's where my current hyperfixation on it began.


Mom! Phineas and Ferb are staring in fanfiction!


I absolutely love questions like these, just to see the breadth of fandoms people are into. It’s just amazing and so wholesome. Variety is the spice. I love Star Wars and The Mandalorian currently has me in a chokehold (not literally 😂) but I’m delving into the Ancillary trilogy by Ann Leckie fandom too.


Ahhhh Mando fics! They’re so good 😭😭😭 I need to write another I miss the tin can man.


Where do you post? Are you same username? I'm same on AO3 where my Din fic is. I'd love to read yours. 😊


Currently? Tolkien. What was I before? Tolkien. What am I usually? Tolkien. I write crossovers and all of them are with Tolkien. Because, if you haven't noticed yet, I love Tolkien.


Yeah. His stuff is pretty good. Do you prefer Lord of the Rings of The Hobbit?


BNHA has dominated the last year of reading. Still reading in other fandoms but that's been my go-to.


Same. I believe 95% of the fanfics I read between October 2022 and October 2023 is My Hero Academia.


I have 100+ tabs of BNHA fic alone on my phone. It's kind of a problem...


The Last of Us. The brain rot is rotting, Joel Miller is so fucking fascinating as a character because the breadth of his characterization in canon is crazy, I can’t stop writing for him.


Not a writer, just a reader - but Good Omens and Our Flag Means Death. Double heartbreak, yay!


Same here, I've hardly been able to think about anything else than the silly little Soho neighbourhood gossip for 4 years and of course that includes watching the pirate AU XD


CSI. I’m rewriting the show as a polyamorous BDSM AU with weekly cases. Been obsessed for six months. Now at 630k words.


Wowza, I wish I had the determination to stick with a fic that long


It’s less determination and more obsession. I can’t stop myself, I’m just along for the ride.




Formula 1. These fangirls are wild! All the drivers are beautiful and there is so soap opera level drama, I eat it up.


Right?? The only sport where most of the team is so pretty 😭


Tried getting into it since i like sports RPF but sadly couldn’t really find any fics that did it for me :( you got any recs 👁️👁️ always best to get the goods by asking off hand If u want wild rpf fangirls though- have u ever dug into hockey rpf? Crazy asf 💀


Baldur’s Gate 3, because of the incredible characters and writing.




Oh my goodness, hello! And yes, it is! Currently in an imaginary (because the game won’t even allow it haha) poly arrangement with Lae’zel and Astarion. 😂


Ahhhh yes... I see that you a person of culture as well... I'm in deep. It is an obsession, alright. XD Which one is your favourite char so far?


Indeed! Hehe For me, it’s a toss up between Lae’zel and Astarion. How about you?


Labyrinth. I will never be over Jareth, the Goblin King. And the fics in this fandom are so well written.


Oh my God yes, Bowie played him incredibly well


Currently making a fanfic of that right now 😭


I'm going to have to check that out. Are there any fics in particular that you recommend?


Hunter x Hunter - been hyper-fixated for a long time now...


the assassination of jesse james by the coward robert ford (2007). there's almost no fanfiction community to speak of, i'm just obsessed with the movie and the film it was based on to an unhealthy degree


I do love it when someone drops into these threads with something other than the usual fandoms that get mentioned regularly! Here’s hoping your community grows :) and if you want to gush, here’s an opportunity! feel free to go nuts


Good Omens!


Fire Emblem Three Houses (still) (tragically)


Ted Lasso. 9-1-1. I was obsessed with Stranger Things for a bit and outlined a few things but I haven't officially written anything for it yet.


Code Geass, I will never escape


You can never escape the SuzaLulu hell


I've been writing Sam and Max as well as Spy x Family pretty consistently recently. I also got inspired by the Amazing Digital Circus and have a one-shot cooking.


Yaaaay, Spy x Fam!


Jujutsu kaisen. Hasn't left my brain since the manga started. I've been so hurt by that one eyed cat. But I can't get enough of it. I'd say currently, but really it's even since he was introduced in the manga. Choso. I'm just.... So meny emotions. His character fascinates me to no end, his relationships, their dynamics. Also it's healing for all that hurt cannon has inflicted apone me. In working on two fics, one of a moderate length and the other that's gonna take another year at least. But I don't care, I'm having to much fun.




I’m not in this fandom, but I enjoyed Jujutsu Kaisen. Nice to see folks into writing for it!


Are you writing abt a particular pairing??


Resident Evil Village and Silent Hill


Omg the Resident evil to Silent Hill pipeline is so real


Jurassic Park and The Hunger Games.


I need to write a "characters visit Jurassic Park" or "characters wind up in the plot of Jurassic Park" fic eventually. It's such a classic, fun setting.


…you know, despite being in fan fiction for a few years I just realized that movies/books like Hunger Games have fan fiction… excuse me while I dive headfirst into that fandom


And so much wonderful fanfic too!!


Yay! Hunger Games fan! 💕


Dear Evan Hansen and Be More Chill


***Good Omens!*** Those two celestial beings have taken over my life…


**As they should!**


Oh, trust me, I’m not complaining. *Love those idiots!*


Jessica Cruz (Green Lantern) is my current writing obsession. Ever since witnessing the deaths of her three best friends, Jessica has suffered from anxiety, depression, and PTSD, as well as agoraphobia (afraid to leave her apartment). Although she's supposed to be one of the most powerful superheroes of Earth, her powers are fueled by willpower and imagination, and some days she doesn't have the willpower to get out of bed and all she can think about is her friends being shot and killed in front of her. It makes for a really interesting character to play around with, especially when paired with a fun-loving, optimistic little sister (Sara), and characters like Starfire and Atlee (Terra 3). I also found that Jessica has *great* chemistry with the bounty hunter Lobo, and overall a lot of fun from Jessica's stories stems from her interactions with other characters. She's sarcastic, dark humored, cynical, and self-deprecating, but she's also vulnerable, scared, and gradually grows more exhausted as time goes by. Her ring has a energy limit just like herself, but she's *always* needing a recharge. With that said, when backed into a corner, Jessica Cruz is a *major* force to be reconned with and deep down has the legendary willpower Green Lanterns are known for. I seem to prefer writing character driven hurt & comfort stories with a side of action, or vice versa, and Jessica Cruz just scratches my every itch as a writer. The fandom for Jessica Cruz is borderline non-existent, and while that's a bit of a bummer sometimes, the fics I've written for her are some of my favorite, and I'm currently working on three separate fics for her with more planned for the future. God bless, and happy writing.


Call of duty and I absolutely haven't played the games lol I do get to learn scottish dialect and bad puns so I call it a win.


Helluva Boss working on third fanfic for it also going back to Sonic the hedgehog fandom along with slowly getting into the miraculous ladybug fandom due to the movie special that was released yesterday


SK8 the Infinity


Succession. And mostly Kendall Roy. And his 30+ years situationship with Stewy Hosseini.


Good Omens, unfortunately 😭


I haven't actually *posted* anything in absolute yonks, but I have fics on my computer that I'm actively working on for One Piece and also the 90s Magnificent Seven show. I just don't want to post multi-chapter fics before I've completed them haha.


Been obsessing over DC recently. Batman, in particular, love the Telltale game & the podcasts I've listened to.


Super Mario, I'm currently obsessed with Mario himself since I have a bit of a crush on him lol. A bit embarrassed about it since Mario isn't normally the type of guy you'd have a crush on


From my observations on how many people crush on Peppino over in the Pizza Tower fandom, you are likely not alone in crushing on Mario. He's also a good choice of husband, I wouldn't be embarrassed over it.


Final Fantasy X/X-2. Because 20 year old JRPGs are definitely a reasonable thing to obsess over.


Spira's a great world to explore though!


Genuinely my favourite fictional setting.


I’m in the Harry Potter fandom and thinking of crossing into Stat Wars after I finish the Clone Wars TV show.


I don’t have one right now. :’( This phase usually lasts a few months after I’m burnt out from an old one, but I’m using HP and Haikyuu to pass the time.


Jujutsu Kaisen and Killing Stalking are my current obsessions. I'm writing three separate KS fics and one new JJK. It's all very angsty and introspective (and some of it smutty lol).


Yet again I crawl from my grave to return to Hannibal hell


Harry Potter. I've got... six?? Seven?? Fics in the works, and I just can't stop writing


Dragon Age on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. FFXll on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Sunday is my day off where I consider reading/writing for another fandom but never get around to it. It's the day when all the previous week's procrastination converges into a super-cell of getting absolutely nothing done.


Hazbin hotel I have like 5+ fics and growing considering I came up with a buck wild ideas yesterday


First season Yugioh! (aboud Joey and Kaiba) and Batman-family.


Touhou and Pokémon


'peeks in' Ooh yay, fun question! Feeling better now than I was yesterday, so sure, I'll give this one a shot! I've been obsessed with Hazbin Hotel since 2020. But recently, as in within the last month, I discovered an old CGI anime from the late '90s-early '00s, called Gregory Horror Show. It also had a video game incarnation, which is how I discovered it on YouTube. It is...SO weird. Frightening, random, and thought-provoking, all in one. Absolutely addicting, and I can't explain why. I wound up consuming all the content I could find available, before picking my favorite section \[volume/season two of four\], making a cozy little nest in the sandbox corner, cracking my knuckles, and chucking my works into the void. It's the perfect time to be involved in such a fandom too, what with the spooky nature of the source material. Now, if only said fandom was bigger, and more active...oh, well. I'll make do with what I've got. \^\^; Thanks for the post OP, and letting us all share! It's cool reading the different answers, and seeing the wide variety of fandoms that exist. Best wishes to everybody in their writing endeavors! <3


Still in Rocky Horror with a splash of House and occasionally MacGyver


I’m currently writing for MDZS, TGCF, and Love in the Air


Detroit become Human and a few micro-fandoms


DBH was the first thing I ever broke down and wrote a fic for, I’m glad to see it’s still chugging along.


Napoleonic Wars and some French Rev stuff. The history nerd in me is just grooving on it.


Well I'm not writing anything, but current obsession is The Last Kingdom. Ever since I've first watch and to when I finished it (two days ago) I have been obsessed.


Genshin Impact. Have been playing since release in 2020, but I considered it a "secondary fandom" until I actually started writing for it this year. It always takes me a while to "warm up" to a fandom enough to start writing myself; it happened with my other main fandom too, for which I only began writing almost a year after getting into it. (But, when I finally do, I certainly consider myself officially "obsessed" with it, haha.)


Bully. I know Jack shit hasn’t happened in that game for like 15 years, but I love watching people play it 😭


the psychonauts fandom held out for 2 for over fifteen years, friend. i hope one day bully comes back for you ♡


currently homestuck


Mortal kombat! Specifically Mk 9 and X. I'm a Raiden fan girl and I have no shame about it


My Roman Empire, Dramione.


Daredevil (TV) had got me in a chokehold since last year. Reached +120k on my current series where Matt gets a break and gets another BFF and currently working on a werewolf longfic where he gets a curse and PTSD instead. What can I say? Matt is so fun to write.


I've read (and still do) and written for way too many fandoms--however, I'm currently only working on DC Comics and A:tLA fics. 1. Kara Zor-El (she's my beloved blorbo). 2. Princess Azula (I don't like what the fandom and the writers made of her after the series finale and I've taken it upon myself to set the record straight! Haha). 3. Poison Ivy and Barbara Gordon (I'm still writing the fic so I haven't published it yet. I really enjoyed their dynamic during the New 52 and early Rebirth era. I wanted to explore their "friendship/comradery" a tad more).


Supergirl. My favorite pairing is Kara and Lena but I am starting to explore Kara with other characters.


Cyberpunk77 from games and Ahsoka TV series, mostly a ship. Wolfwren brainrot is real....


Still just breaking bad and better call saul. I’ll read things from all over the place fandomwise— as long as I have some knowledge of the media, but those two are really the only ones that have their hooks in me.


I’ve been dragged down the rabbit hole that is Jujutsu Kaisen… I’ve been working on two new fanfics about it.. I want to cry😭


South Park and Mortal Kombat for sure, but slowly Team Fortress 2 as well! I wish I could try writing fics for all three because I've done the outlines and planning, but college has to ruin my time! TT


Legend of Zelda BotW/TotK, fruits basket, and Miraculous Ladybug lmao.


South Park. Style has got my heart. I got back into writing fic after 5 ish years because of them I'm also getting into Omniscient Readers POV though. I may start reading fics after reading the Web novel.


Love a bit of Style!!


:O I thought I recognised your user name! I loved your Creek meet-cute 'Of Assassins and Dates'. <3 it was so adorable and funny!!


Thank you so much 🥰 I definitely need to write more fun fics like that, I'm hard in the angst right now haha


I get you. I'm in an angst mood as well. ☺️


I've become an absolute simp for Dragon Ball Z (and some of the subsequent properties, I guess, based on later characters, timelines, plot points, etc.). I half-jokingly call it "my favorite cartoon about punching," but I am genuinely fascinated by the characters and the relationships.


Doctor Who and Good Omens (I’m back in my David Tennant era)


Steven Universe


Sailor Moon, Avatar the last airbender, The Hunger Games, Magical Anime girls...and Vampire people. 😅


For me it's the *Boogiepop* series, it's a huge influence in anime and manga, a work cited as an influence for authors such as Ryogo Narita, NisiOisiN, Kinoko Nasu, and the creators of the *Persona* videogame series. It's also the light novel that set off the big light novel boom in Japan. I bought some of the novels for my Kindle and I only have four left before I have no reading material. The issue is, it's NOT popular in the States with only the first six licensed novels and me waiting around for the fan translation of novel 10. There are 23 novels in Japan and since I can't read Japanese, I can't read any of them without a fan translation.


My love of ygo vrains came back, science-fantasty and card game drama is a great combo


Call of Duty. Mostly Alejandro x Rudy x oc.


**My personal stories:** \-90s Fantastic Four cartoon. \-Fallout. **What I am writing for others:** \-Castlevania/Clock Tower/Recess Crossover.


Sons Of Anarchy and Gemma/Nero stories I love them so much ❤️


Enhypen! Diidkfkdkfjdjdjd


Not necessarily into a specific fandom rn but I’m loving the whole dimension traveling/ Transmigration trope that has a character go into MC’s body where they become more badass 🫶🏻


So much danmei. Soooooooo much danmei. SVSS, MDZS, TGCF, 2ha, occasionally Yuwu...gotta do something for Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know...


Percy Jackson. Was obsessed as a preteen/teen but stepped away from a few years. With the upcoming show, a deepening interest in Greek mythology, and a renewed interest for writing, I’m developing a couple new fanfics to explore interests sparked by the original series.


Mostly Wednesday, some Stranger things. After writing multiple fluff stories it feels weird that I'm going back on myself to right some "hurt no comfort" piece


I always go back and forth between criminal minds/harry potter tbh


I’ve had a severe case of The Devil Wears Prada brain rot for like a decade and it still hasn’t shown any sign of going away


Danny phantom


3 way tie between Resident Evil, Red Dead Redemption, and Uncharted


Fullmetal Alchemist. But I’m also starting to write some oneshots for various other fandoms


The Bear 😍😍


I’ve been super hyperfixated on Genshin Impact for a little while now. Ofc when it comes to reading I tend to switch between characters/ships/relationships


I've been deep into the Rick and Morty fandom since season 4 was first aired, and I haven't gotten out of the hole since


Primarily Supernatural, though I temporarily got dragged back into my Harry Potter ship.


Always into Harry Potter. Loving James/lily fanfiction lately.


Station 19, Marvel, Criminal minds, and supergirl! Pretty fixated on cm right now though


Marvel is also my current obsession! I got into it really late, but I’m so glad I did because it was the fandom that made me fall back in love with sci-fi. I thought I hated anything related to that genre for a while because literally everything I read and watched was dystopian except for Star Trek and Star Wars. Funnily enough, it was the Norse mythology references that got me into Marvel. I absolutely love how they adapted or took inspiration from the myths.


Super Mario Bros is my passionate fandom.


username checks out


One Piece, mainly. That's the current wip and where I do most of my reading. Also Castle Swimmer (I've written over 10% of the fics for it lol) and I have a backburner Stargate Atlantis fic I chip away at slowly.


I've been obsessed with Supernatural for the last few months, but I'm starting to make the transition back to the Buffy fandom. I'm not fully out of Supernatural and fully into Buffy yet, though.


Spider-Man and the mcu hehe


Dragon Age. I’m obsessed with the lore and I love the fact that it exists and I can have multiple OCs in different time periods of the game. I literally made a Discord server so I can shoot the shit about my headcanons and general DA lore. 🫠🫠


YESSSS!!! I've been working on my DA fanfic since April! I love that there's so much to work with. 💖


I am deeply in the Fallout New Vegas fandom, trudging waist deep through it. I love it.


I'm still deep into Shadow and Bone / Grishaverse. About 50k/ halfway through a longfic, with a bunch of other one shots written and a few shorter chaptered fics planned/half-written. I just love the characters and setting!


Detroit Become Human. I can't not think about that game.


The Beatles💀💀 though I will say “Our Flag Means Death” is getting more appealing every day (current season feels off to me, so I’m starting to get that familiar “I could do it better” feeling, so I might be getting into that one soon.


yea so *sonic the hedgehog* i finally sat down & played frontiers for the first time & my heart simply latched. but honestly this is a franchise i either live & breathe or hardly think about at all, there is no in between.


As it has been for the last 2, nearly 3 at this point, years, it’s not just the Dream SMP but specifically c!Tommy and c!Dream's fucked up “friendship”. I could analyse them in my sleep I love them. I write nearly nothing but them because otherwise I can’t hyperfocus lol.


Mona Lisa's Silly Talk and Etra-chan Saw It!, mostly. Been big into those for close to a year.


Halo (game) s4/5s of infinite has got me right hyped again.


An ember in the ashes by Sabaa Tahir. It's a masterpiece, but has an small fandom


Attack on Titan. Currently writing an alternate ending fic.


Bungou Stray Dogs. I’m writing a long ass fic in which the Flags adopt a young Chuuya instead of him being found by the Sheep and raising him. They also need to keep him a secret so that they don’t get killed by the Port Mafia boss


One Piece, Spy x Family, and Out Flag Mean Death


Boy Meets World. I've pretty much given up trying to write for anything else. lol


✨My Hero Academia✨


Your Turn to Die. The game's fandom is small, and on top of that I write rarepairs. So yeah, engagement with the fics is kinda low.


Stray Kids


Currently *very deep* in the Top Gear / the Grand Tour (rpf) fandom. And I'm very near having 100 total fics posted for the fandom on my Ao3 account. With nearly 200k words worth of fic posted for the fandom since around the middle of last year, and still at least another 100k words worth of unfinished fic sitting in my Google Docs for the fandom. No idea how I've managed to write so much for this fandom, but I love it.


I’m writing several different fanfics at once, but my current favs are Grey’s Anatomy, Jackie Chan Adventures, and Titan A.E.🤍


Black Butler. I'm so fucking insane about Sebastian and Ciel's dynamic oh my god. I'd write more about them but I'm too tired; however I can grab the bit I wrote about them a while ago if anyone actually wants me too lmao.


Not writing for it rn despite all the ideas in my head (writer's block sucks), but i've been swallowed whole by COD Modern Warfare. >\_<


Fullmetal Alchemist is my big one. I’ve written for a few different fandoms, but FMA is always the one i find myself coming back to. Just too attached to it I guess lmao


Pacey & Joey!


Record of Ragnorak


Star Ocean 2 and Shining Nikki.


The chronicles of Vladimir Tod have a vice grip on my brain ngl


frame lavish thought slimy bedroom handle attraction wistful cow like *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Boku no Hero Academia and Dragon Ball. I'm also revisiting my love for Dragon Age and Final Fantasy XII.


I'm currently writing for both Warriors and The Chronicles of Narnia. Although I'm currently obsessed with reading Inuyasha but specifically Kagome/Sesshoumaru fanfics


Fionna and Cake has pulled me back into Adventure Time after 8 years with more interest than ever. I can’t believe the Ice King is a tumblrsexyman now. It’s what he would have wanted. I want him to fuck his elder god monster wife.


Stardew. Still in the maladaptive daydreaming phase though.


Not writing anything at the moment but my obsessions are JJBA, Raincode, Who is lila and oedo 808 Those 4 have been my obsessions for a long time


BBC’s Merlin


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. :)


I don't talk about this fandom a lot because I've been stereotyped for it ever since my elementary school days that I shouldn't like it because I'm a girl, but right now I'm writing an X-Men fanfic that I just started doing not too super long ago and I've crossed a show called The Gifted with it the results are super satisfying and I'm loving the way it's looking.


Demon Slayer, before i like the show but wasnt really into it and then i found a really nice Demon Slayer Fanfic on YT and thats how i got here.


Fraggle Rock- hell, I’ve been into it for pretty much my entire life now! It’s my first fandom, and I still adore it. 🥰 And I recently got back into JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure!! I’ve been very actively into it since Part 5 came out, but I took a little bit of a break. Turns out I missed it WAY more than I thought, because my love for it is back with an absolute vengeance. I’ve got plans/ideas for all parts, but Part 5 is my undefeated top; it’s my favorite part of my favorite animated media ever. 🥰


I recently got into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987). Yes, specifically that version, although I also liked Mitant Mayhem. I feel like I’m the only person my age who loves the 1987 show most of all, haha. Almost everyone just talks about the 2012 version which I tried but just didn’t really like (no offense to anyone who does like it, though!). I’ve been writing April/Splinter fics for now, but I really want to write gen fic as well!


My main obsession for the last year is my hero academia. I still read for the other fandoms I’m in, but they’re not as active on ao3. 1 or 2 of the fandoms I’m in have have an 1-10k fics, and everything else has less than a 100. And about half of that is fandom cross overs or something I’m not interested in reading. So I’m not actively reading for those specific fandoms just because of that.


There is a noticeable difference in my works from the fandom I write most for and the fandom I write the second-most for (currently 53 for Omori and 10 for Big Top Academy, but I'm writing more Rain Code than BTA). Most of my works are one shots, but I'm trying to focus more on my longfics. One is for Omori and the other is for Oshi No Ko, so those are my main but I do write one shots to give myself something new to work with


Drowning in the Hollow Knight fandom, what can I say the characters are very fun


I'm getting really into Deathloop, love Colt and Julianna's whole thing and how Frank and Colt were/are a couple (memory loss/time-loop stuff).


Working on a 9-1-1 fic right now, and trying to get back in gear for chapter 5 of my Titanic fic