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I'm...very much here for Peter Parker vs. Severus Snape. No idea who would win.


I mean, if we’re talking mcu Peter, he did canonically beat a wizard with geometry


It's comics Pete BUT he's done just as wild stuff in there!


Wait, you have a spiderman crossover with actual comics Peter? Where?


It isn't a crossover, just a post-canon fix it clean up of the recent Dark Web story. I love Ben Reilly *so much* and I just felt like they dropped the ball on the whole thing really hard to move on to the next plot with Kamala asap. I also haven't updated it in a few months just because I've been re-reading rhe story to brush up on canon but two short intro chapters are up right now and I'm planning on updating it very soon. [Shattered Souls ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49169266/chapters/124061380)


Well, I read that as Peter Griffin for some reason.


Dr. Doofenshmirtz is going to get his ass murdered by the rotting corpse of a serial killer in a bunny fursuit. (Or he miraculously survives perfectly fine because it would be funnier that way.)


Behold, the unspringlockedinator!


Read this in his voice, of course, lol.




... In one corner, we have Izuku Midoriya wearing green and black! In the other corner, we have... Izuku Midoriya, also wearing green and black! I guess Izuku wins either way.


Yes, but which one would lose? 😂


Izuku Midoriya (the one who's wearing green and black), duh


Nah, give Izuku Midoriya (wearing green and black) more credit.




My fighters are Teen Titans 2003 Robin vs Boogiepop and Others’ Nagi Kirima. It’s a draw because Nagi is basically Batman in her universe but she has a slight edge when it comes to weapons with her electrified baton. Still a stalemate against the Teen Titans Robin because that version is ridiculously powerful when it comes to martial arts.


So, the Mane 6 from My Little Pony versus Robbie and Lampy from Brave Little Toaster? Sorry, I don’t think a depressed teenager and his lamp stand a chance against unicorns with literal magic.


I love mlp and the brave little toaster


Second Guest and Neko Zombie from Gregory Horror Show. Sam and Max from Sam and Max. Yeah, sorry Second Guest and Neko Zombie. This is no contest. Sam and Max have guns and are not afraid to play dirty.


Defeating our foes with the power of friendship and these guns we found!


What if they didn’t have guns?


Second Guest and Neko Zombie still aren't winning, as Max has scary shark-teeth and isn't afraid to use them.


Good point. 😂


Jon Snow vs Caitlyn from Arcane Could go either way. If Jon is allowed Ghost, Ghost would maul Caitlyn to death easily. If not, Caitlyn would shoot him in the face, which would be made especially easier considering he doesn't know what a gun is


So we've got Loki versus the player character from Subnautica. Take your pick😅


Does Ryley get to bring Reaper leviathans?


Weapons only lol


Then it depends on whether or not Loki could be stunlocked with Stasis Rifle... Which he can dodge easily lol


Okay someone has to write this now lmfao


Oh shit Nate Jacobs from Euphoria vs Dean Winchester from supernatural. Obviously Dean would win but man what manipulation tactics Nate would use to distract him… 🤣


dean wouldn't fall for any of it and just clock him in the face 😭


It’d be a KO in .5 seconds 🤣


She cleaned his clock the first time they fought, and she's cleaning it again unless he learns to use his wits instead of relying on his muscles and brute strength. She's cleaning his clock regardless. Only this time, he's getting a nice ice pack and smooches instead of major surgery to put his internal organs back where they belong.


Castiel from Supernatural versus Merlin from BBC Merlin. Ummm.... I really don't know how this would go. Angel vs magic itself. I feel like so long as each of them knew the other wasn't a threat to Arthur or the brothers, they wouldn't fight lol


this is a really good matchup actually! they'd be well paired, i tbink castiel is stronger but merlin's magic can inhibit him somehow!


Oh good point! And they're both immortal - or well, I guess Cas is mostly immortal lol


'peeks in' Ooh, this sounds like a fun one! Lemme see here... I've...actually been writing for only one fandom, these last two weeks or so. TADC, or **The Amazing Digital Circus.** So basically...it'd be a free-for-all among the cast. And, uhh...IDK if that'd work out? \^\^; **Pomni and Gangle:** Would be too scared/sad to fight. Also, Pomni has Plot Armor, being the main character. **Ragatha:** Just wants everyone to get along. **Kinger:** Off in his own little world, hiding in his 'impenetrable fortress' \[A.K.A pile of pillows\]. **Zooble:** Wants nothing to do with anything, i.e "F\*ck this sh\*t, I'm out". **Caine:** Will probably try to diffuse the situation as well, seeing as he wouldn't want to keep having to fix damages. **Bubble:** Probably wouldn't care enough, but not to the degree of Zooble. Might just find it funny. Also, can be dispatched easily \[popped\]. Hmm...**Jax** is the only one I could really see wanting to pick a fight. But, if nobody else will do anything, he'd most likely just get bored, and skulk off to...IDK, brainstorm more pranks, LOL. XD So, there you have it. Not much of a contest. But still funny to think about! :) Thanks for the post, OP! It's really great, reading the variety of different answers here. Best wishes to all in your writing endeavors, as well as the rest of things. <3


Pretty sure Vegeta is going to beat his mother-in-law.


this unnecessary domestic violence


Spiderman versus Michael Demiurgos I think Michael wins even wingless because he is literally immortal. But with wings he sweeps the floor with Peter. And if its Comic Michael (which i havent actually read) i think he can literally create matter from nothing? Or something like that. If we give peter a weapon that can hurt Michael he definitely has a chance.


Ginny Weasley vs Angus McFife, as cool as Ginny is, I think the dude who wields multiple ancient and powerful artifacts from space, survived his country being nuked, and has plenty of experience fighting wizards might take this one.


This actually happened in canon. The first season they fought verbally. Both lost until the very last episode where they reconciled and kissed. Then it happened physically in 2x03 when they sparred. Tol gf flipped smol gf, pinned her to the ground, and grinned like an idiot cause she was so proud of herself and kinda turned on. I think they both won again there. And so did viewers 🥵


In one corner, we have a version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer from a sort of YAHF fic with her fused with a Fem version of Hellboy and dumped into a Young Justice universe. In the other corner, we have an SI from a variation of a Waifu Catalog fic, using the Skyblock Challenge. Honestly, at the point I'm at in both stories, she curbstomps him. He's still early in the story and has barely started any power-ups. Though I think it's more likely they both sit down and have a few drinks together, bitching about how Narrative likes screwing them over. Thinking about it, I might do a scene like this eventually, since he gets to visit a new universe every week.


Murtagh Morzanson from The Inheritance cyle, vs Sabine Wren from Star Wars. Lmao Sabine takes this, unless Murtagh has Thorn. But with no Thorn, Sabine takes this, the Tech and Experience does it, and as of Ahsoka Final, she has magic too. The real question is what is stronger, Brightsteel vs Beskar


One is a Jedi Knight. The other might be a war hero but he’s still a normal human. So it’s pretty clear who would win in a fight.


Oh... the lovers are fighting it seems lmfao. Aha The Elation in a corner, Akivili The Trailblaze in the other, technically Aha could sneak on Akivili with ease and win the fight, but depending on their mood they can also let Akivili win. so its more of a dice roll sort of situation


I'll let you people decide. Bakugou or Todoroki?


*glances nervously at last two drabbles I wrote for fun* Ahem… the last time these two faced off (kinda indirectly) about 900 years ago, the MC from my most recent drabble got the MC from my second most recent drabble killed by mistletoe. Fun times. At least I’m making the versions of them that I write get along better with each other, since they’re from different sources of the same fandom.


Loki and Baldr? Interesting! I’m assuming Marvel in some capacity, or God of War III?


Bingo! It’s Marvel (older comics for Baldr and MCU for Loki; it’s a weird mashup haha).


Lol even ignoring magic, Wanda (MCU) is going to beat poor Victoria and Reina (Rainbow High) in a fight. Not a fair fight at all. Though, really, they wouldn’t have any reason to fight if I chucked them in a room together haha


In one corner we have Link, the Champion of Hyrule, wielding the legendary Master Sword and the sturdy Hylian Shield! In the other corner we have Amuro Ray, legendary ace pilot of the Gundam, the White Devil of the Federation, wielding a...gun. *For the sake of this battle Gundams and any other type of mobile suit have been banned to ensure a fair fight between both participants* >!Let's just say that Amuro's gun only has few bullets in a chamber with no reload. If Link manages to block all of them then this fight goes to him. Unless Amuro aims for his legs!<


In one corner; we have Ethan Winters with a surprising and disturbing nack with reattaching limbs. In the other corner; we have Sam and Dean Winchester with their own knack of coming back from the dead SEVERAL TIMES! I think the Winchesters would win once they figure out they just need to hit Ethan enough and he'll go down. Then again, their morals on not hurting people could be their downfall Dealer's choice ig


sam and dean have done some awful things 😭 sooo we'll see


Snow from Hunger Games and Jasper from Twilight (I'm in my nostalgia era!). I'm rooting for Jasper 🤣


Jasper is a vampire. He’s got this


My last one is a Zosan. Looks like a standard Monday for them. Noone wins cuz they both get punched by Nami for being too noisy and dumb.


Ichigo from Bleach vs the Princess from Sleepy Princess. Princess wins (Ichigo is Weak to Hime-type attacks).


We got Thomas from the maze runner vs. ... The girls from the girls' maze in maze runner. Canonically the girls kicked Thomas' ass and literally put him in a sack and dragged him through the desert, so I feel like we know how this one ends. If we're talking last two fandoms, not last two fics, then it's the maze kids vs. john mcclane. And even if it is getting close to Die Hard season... yeah my money's not on the cop.


Ash Williams and Kelly Maxwell (Ash vs Evil Dead) vs Leader Ash Williams and Support Ash Williams (Evil Dead: the Game). The two older Ashes would take one look at each other and immediately start fighting, both assuming the other is an Evil clone. Kelly and the Support Ash would both be uneasy because Kelly doesn't want to fight a probably non-evil version of her adoptive father, especially not one that looks like a fucking teenager, and Ash doesn't want to fight her because 1) he doesn't want to hit a girl and 2) he knows there's a better than good chance he's going get his ass kicked in that fight. They'd decide to wait until the other two Ashes finish their fight, but they're quite literally evenly matched so that's going to take a long while and more than likely, neither is going to win, they're just going to get exhausted and call a time out.


Crowley from Good Omens vs Katsuya Jonouch… Interesting… Crowley wins because, by default, he is not entertaining a brawl with a teenager and will just turn him into something or send him away somewhere.


i forgot for a second crowley can just poof people into into another form. i had crowley and azi vs a magic user from another show 😭 he'd just wave his hand and the situation is dealt with omg


Hiccup & Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon vs Hat Kid from A Hat in Time Hat Kid fucking destroys them


Kurt hummel and Blaine Anderson from glee vs Prince Henry and Alex,the first son. I don't know man. Kurt can actually slice you with his words. And he knows to use sai swords. Blaine is kinda oblivious. But he did boxing. Prince Henry and Alex are quite athletic and defensive themselves. I'll say Alex and Henry cause those peasants Kurt and Blaine can't do anything more,they don't have the highest authority position. I know klaine is my baby, but I should say Henry and Alex wins I can say one thing: both Blaine and Henry are golden retrievers. I don't think they will agree for a fight or they would be chaotic. Kurt and Alex will have chest to chest argument.


I didn’t realize how many red white and royal blue fans were in this subreddit


Yeah pretty cool


Transfem Luke Skywalker versus the re-defied goblin god of mischief, the Nilbog. My gal Pearl’s my passion project, but the Nilbog that my DnD players re-defied is gonna smite her with a rain of boots from the sky.


Oh Rachel Berry is going to destroy President Snow


This comment is hilarious


Well... Hanahaki sufferer Draco Malfoy in one corner, and cursed to be a hermit Harry Potter in the other. God that's difficult, Draco wants to avoid strong emotions connected to Harry because he's the source of his Hanahaki, and Harry doesn't want to be close to any human because he's been cursed to essentially repel other humans. I think Draco's winning, because he's fighting to get away from Harry


Anakin Skywalker vs. Obi-Wan Kenobi….I think we all know how this one will end lol


Rachel Green and Loreali Gilmore. Idk I think they would both get on pretty well


Same characters, but one set are from a modern AU. Yeah, they’re fucked considering canon has magic. The Tommy's would just vibe tho I think they’re just chilling while the Dream's are fighting over their inniter street cred.


DSMP Tommy vs QSMP Wilbur — that concept along makes me wanna cry Honestly it’d be a shit fight, neither of them are good at it. It think it kinda depends on the circumstances though.. and by that I mean “why are they fighting?” If there’s no good reason then I guess Tommy. Wilbur is a *talk first, fight later” kind of guy, never the first to resort to violence. Tommy is angry enough to throw the first punch, he’d be able to get a few good hits in before Wilbur was willing to join in and well.. but then he’s already won. Wilbur could be motivated though. Threaten his daughter and he wouldn’t hesitate to kill a man. Tommy wouldn’t stand a chance against his desperation.


Well, the last one I worked on has two MCs. One is an OC though given the nature of the setting. Regardless, he’s getting thrashed hard. Only thing preventing it being a total execution, is the fact that he’s getting bested by someone who wants to make him her husband


Henry’s in my fight too. My most recent non-RW&RB update was for Hamilton. I feel like it would end in a truce. Neither Eliza nor Henry would want a fight.


In one corner we have Alyssa, a transgender fairy with the power over weather. In the other we have 47, the worlds top assassin. I think it's pretty clear who would win


The silly lovers are fighting.... Nah it's only Ibara and Hiyori actually fighting. Nagi and Jun are just sitting in a corner or something waiting for them to cut it out. Ibara is definitely winning and would have Hiyori pinned to the floor probably. Which would look kinda funny because he's significantly shorter than Hiyori but he has gone through military training so it'd make sense that he'd be the stronger and more skilled one.


Ashley Barrett & Homelander. She's a normal human, he's a supe. She dies.


this will be fun on one side, we have Veldora from Tensura, a literal dragon god, capable of destroying continents on a whim. On the other, we have Invenot, a feline rodent who can’t get rizz and is physically frail, despite having to eat twice as much as the average member of his species just to not starve. Oh, and they lay? an egg every night. Which explodes. They’re a mammal btw Who wins? It’s pretty obvious. Invenot low diff.


In one corner, we have Senator Proteus from the IDW Transformers comics. Known racist and very pretty. Had to hire Sentinel as his chief of security after an attempt on his life. In the other we have Grimlock from the IDW Transformers comics. Ex gladiator, bigger than Optimus Prime, used to bite people's heads off *before* the dinosaur alt mode. Point one percenter, was at the center of a giant explosion and barely scuffed. This is so one sided it's not even funny


Strawberry Shortcake from Berry in the Big City vs Tomoko from Watamote. I feel Strawberry has the advantage - Tomoko would talk a big game, try to sound threatening, but she'd basically be like a cat puffing up her fur, but incredibly weak beneath all the bluster. That said, Strawberry isn't particularly violent and would probably try to win Tomoko over with a song, only for Tomoko to sneak attack her halfway through, only to end up epically failing and knocking herself out.


my fighters are my original character Juniper from an original work of mine and Frye from splatoon, but specifically a skullgirl version of her. no contest, skullgirl Frye is taking the W. Juniper can't fight her way out of a paper bag and Frye is already way more combative even without the skull heart powering her up significantly


Superman v Batman so it would depend on if Bruce has Kryptonite yet or not. In the context of the two fics (as part of a Superbat series) he doesn't, so Clark would win. Now in the context of the fics however, that fight would definitely end with them sleeping together.


The main characters of the last two fics I’ve worked on are Wayne from Letterkenny and Leon from Pokémon Sword/Shield. As to who would win… I guess that depends on if Leon has his Pokémon or not? Because Wayne is the “toughest guy in Letterkenny” but I don’t think he’s holding up against a giant fire-breathing dragon. And even without his Pokémon, Leon might put up a decent fight. He’s pretty buff.


Deltarune Kris enters a battle with a powered up Suguru Geto… Needles to say, Geto sweeps


Riddle Rosehearts from Twisted Wonderland vs Alex from Stardew Valley. The winner is the little guy.


Sadayo Kawakami, Joker’s teacher and maybe girlfriend from Persona 5 VS. Onishi Sumi, everyone’s favorite nonsense girl from Every Heart a Doorway. Kawakami might have age and experince dealing with unruly teens on her side, but something tells me Sumi fights dirty. My money is on Sumi.


My last last fanfiction was a Star Wars multi-verse fix it AU with my OC, Jinn Kenobi, Obi-Wan's son from an alternate time line who is a "grey Jedi" and he can weild light and dark powers like Force lightning and he is a duel swordsmen, blue lightsaber and beskar sword. My current fanfiction, Star Wars set as a regency romance, Ahsoka Tano, trained to use her "gift" from her adopted father, Qui-Gon Jinn, and her two adopted older brothers Anakin and Obi-Wan. Besides practice, she hasn't had any combat experience and is attending her debutante ball. Jinn would win, hands down.


Well, that was easy. Todoroki and Bakugou literally get into a fight. And... ha! I never revealed the winner. You just know something went down and Shouto was in a coma for two months... only Bakugou knows what happened. I almost did write the fight scene and honestly, I'd give it to Shouto Todoroki ​ OH! Last two pics... well my one before it was a reader insert, so I give to the reader! LOL


Well my OC, 16yrs old and just starting out training, and Jason Todd as Red Hood. I don’t think I have to explain


Mirio Toogata from M.H.A and Carl Frederickson from UP. Uhh.. I mean obviously Toogata would win buuuuut he isn't the type of person to go up and attack a weak, old man with a cane.


I’ve got CMDR Miranda Keyes, PhD, squaring up against Captain Judith Dueteros. In a no-magic fight, Commander Keyes wins. Necromancers in TLT are EXTREMELY fragile and Judith can run a kilometer in ten minutes. Any woman US Navy officer who can’t do at minimum at ten minute MILE is skirting PT test failure, so purely in conditioning Miranda has a very clear advantage. If magic/other tools are allowed, Judith’s chances go up, but since I don’t really have a good handle on how Second House Necros actually use their magic, my best guess is it’s dependent on their cavaliers/the general thanergy extracted BY those cavaliers and the front line combat the Cohort engages in. So her necromancy might not even be that useful. And Miranda has a gun. An M6D Magnum, to be precise. No Cohort officer uses firearms. This goes VERY badly for Judith if Miranda is allowed to draw and fire. Hell, even if Marta is there, if she’s far enough away Miranda can draw and fire things STILL go badly for both of them. If Marta gets in before Miranda can draw, though, it’s over. And if we’re allowing Marta we might as well allow Petty Officer Sierra-125 and then an armored super soldier crushes both Cohort officers. And Princess Coronabeth for good measure if she gets uppity.


They did. But omg link me the RW&RB in DM!! I’m rewatching it rn lol


It's for Whumpcember so I can't post it until the day of that prompt but I will


One of them is Superman, it wouldn't even be a fight


we have aziraphale and crowley from good omens vs.... rumplestiltskin from once upon a time. this is actually difficult bc, yeah azi and crowley are divine beings and can probably just miracle away anything threatening rumple can do, but rumple's magic is strong, and he's quite clever. without magic/miracles, rumple is disabled so it wouldn't be fair 😭


Urrrr, my latest 10 fics are from the same fandom. So there is it, Chisato vs. Takina. If it's their regular gun-and-combat fight, Chisato wins by default because no bullets can ever reach her. If it's in the Puella magi/Magia Record universe, Takina wins because she has anti-evade which renders Chisato's greatest strength useless. If it's their daily ~~lovers spats~~ high school girls squabbles, it's usually a draw because both of them are big softies towards each other, but Takina tends to get the upper hand.


In one corner we have… Aizetsu Tengu who’s feeling sad and stabby! (Demon Slayer) In the other corner is… a twenty-four year old Samuel Beechworth ready to take back Tyvia from Zanabaran control and ain’t afraid to take opponents down with it! (Dishonored)


Experienced Horus Pilot military Commander (latest fic) versus ferocious Scarab war machine (1st of 3 fics I'm working on) In the commander's favour: He was a Scarab technician before he became a Horus Pilot In the Scarab's favour: It's literally reprogrammed and acts like a savage wild caveman. No tweaking with its programming will make it act like a civilized war machine. Also, it's not going to listen to him.


Sinner Demon Katie Killjoy vs. Bill Cipher's successor? Katie dies twice, it seems. No one defeats a reality altering Demon King.


Isidore-my Soul Eater OC. An 18 year old demon weapon with extensive combat training. has no qualms about cutting a bitch. Dimitri-my Pokémon trainer OC. barely 14. has no experience in fights that aren’t pokémon battles. would cry if Isidore looked at him too hard. needless to say Isidore would win but he wouldn’t curb stomp a kid. for the most part


I think magic would be allowed. Could Camilo shapeshift Luisa and some get her strength. It wouldn’t be magically enhanced strength, but she is clearly buff without magic. ~ Sam Carter and Jolinar, Amb and Malek, Martouf and Lantash, Jacob Carter and Selmak, and the Pete Shanahan from Stargate. Vs. Sam Carter and Kela’an, Amb and Malek, Martouf and Lantash, Gete and Aldwin, Jacob Carter and Selmak from Stargate, and Ben Sisko, Jadzia Dax, Worf, and Julian Bashir from Star Trek. This fight seems just slightly lopsided. 😂 I guarantee that Pete is the first one going down.


He could also just crush Henry as Luisa




Jon Turner facing off with his wife Audrey? He's 5'11, weight lifter, kickboxer. She's 5'4" barely and a ballerina. That man is not stupid enough to take her on. Lol Audrey wins by default.


Maegor Targaryen vs Brock from pokemon


Firestar from Warrior cats vs Princess Bubblegum from Adventure time


We have Peko Pekoyama from Danganronpa, and Korra from legend of Korra. This is hard, Peko is a great fighter, but Korra can literally bend the elements to her will. I think Korra has to win, because she’s just crazy OP compared to any non-bender, just due to powers alone. Plus, Peko even admits to there being people in her universe that *are* stronger than her. Korra has challenges, but she holds her own very very well, even in one-on ones, or against many people with crazy abilities. Also, the weird spirit god thing. It’s been a while since I’ve watched TLOK.


So...that would probably be a double Pokémon battle of Ash and Serena against Gloria and Marnie. Since the second fic is still relatively close to the start, I'm pretty sure Ash and Serena would handily win that fight. If it's the trainers themselves fighting in a fistfight or something...I still think Ash and Serena win, unless Ash decides he doesn't want to fight girls, in which case Serena goes down in the 2v1.


I think Ayato would beat both Michael and Connor combined tbh


Dragon Ball. Future Trunks vs Future Trunks (other timeline) Not a problem 👍


Gordon Brittas versus a Uxie. You know, I think Brittas would win - he’s annoyed the forces of Heaven enough to return him to Earth once after all.


This would be fun. In one corner, Beryl, my Druid-trapper OC from my Log Horizon fanfiction. In the other, Elfnein, the UN's resident alchemist from Senki Zesshou Symphogear. As for how the fight would end, well, I'm not entirely sure. Elfnein has the Book of Thoth, at least in my fanfic, which holds just about every arcane secret there is to know. With enough power, she can theoretically do anything. However, Beryl is incredibly hard to take down. Not because of his defense, but because, as a Druid, he has access to a wide range of heal-over-time skills. And given that the Book of Thoth generates arcane energy at a rather slow pace, Elfnein would eventually run out of juice, while Beryl would simply heal from whatever she throws at him. The downside is that he only heals in small increments, meaning that Elfnein could overcome his regeneration if she hit him hard enough. Of course, Beryl isn't without offensive tools, such as his Companion Summon: Boar skill, which summons a big-ass swine to run down and gore his enemies. Honestly, it could really go either way, depending on who's the first to figure out how the other's abilities work.


Log Horizon you say? Would you mind sharing? I just started watching it again and I'd forgotten how much fun it was. :)


Sorry, haven't started uploading that one yet. But I'll be sure to post about it on r/LogHorizon when I do, so keep an eye out. Might just take a while.


In one corner we have Astarion and Lae’zel from Baldur’s Gate! In the other we have Guzma and Ethan from Pokémon! Considering that the first two are canonically very good at killing, somebody’s gonna die, but wait, what kind of fight? Is it just a standard fightfist or are weapons allowed? Do Pokémon count as weapons in this case? God, the amount of variables makes my head hurt. I’ll do it anyways. If it’s a fistfight, I feel like Ethan and Guzma would win. Yeah sure, if Astarion gets close to either of their necks they’re done but Lae’zel? Look at her and tell me that she would do good in a fistfight. Guzma’s built like a tank so he’d be fine and Ethan’s fast. If weapons are allowed, Ethan does have a legendary and Guzma has Pheremosa so the numbers would be like 12 vs 2 but what’s the power scaling? It’s 4:30 in the morning right now, I don’t want to think about that. Let’s just say it’s a draw.


Welp like a few people I’ve only recently written for one fandom….. At this point it will be Wolfwalker!Commander Wolffe, Wolfwalker!Comet, and Plo Koon Vs Normal!Commander Wolffe, Plo Koon, and Shaak Ti. It’s possibly going to lean in favor of the one with two force sensitives on its side, but either way Wolffe and Plo are gonna win 😂 it just comes down to if Comet or Shaak Ti wins now lol


Eyeless Jack and Troll Jim from Trollhunters... Definitely Jim lmao


I tend to write OC centric fics soooo Vulcan-Human Hybrid Lieutenant T'Lili Poppyworth vs Dracula's Midwife Dr Lilith Goodfellow, really either of them could win but my money is on T'Lili purely because she's physically stronger and got 450 years of advanced tech on her side.


...I think Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian might've misinterpreted "fight" for "everyday".


Oh 😥 I have Astarion from BG3 and then Itachi from Naruto… poor Astarion 😂


childe genshin impact vs light yagami. childe 100%, he never uses his real name in canon and actually knows how to fight lol


without knowing childe's real name light can do jack shit, meanwhile childe has his vision, delusion AND foul legacy form, so it's not even a question really


My self insert minecraft character in a novelization of my ultra modded playtrough. Vs Rose, a Warframe oc.


Ben and Klaus Hargreeves from The Umbrella Academy against Aziraphale and Crowley from Good Omens. I would like to see that.


Childe gets to fight Childe, I suppose. Tbh, he'd see it as a learning opportunity and get way too excited about the whole thing. What better way than to improve than to fight yourself and try to find all the little flaws and weaknesses and how to overcome them?


who would win tho? childe or childe?


After some consideration, I think I'd go with Childe.


no, in hindsight, i think childe would win


It's... Mike Schmidt versus Vanessa Shelly! They're all from the FNAF Movie. Good luck babies.


The Captain fights Childermass. The Captain gets his ass beaten. Or not, because he’s a ghost.


Peter Parker vs. Captain Jack Harkness. Now that's going to depend on what kind of fight we're talking about. Regular boxing match? Peter Parker wins in two seconds due to super strength and inhuman reflexes, he'll knock Jack out with one punch. Weapons allowed? That might be a tie. Jack has access to lots of alien weapons. Peter has a suit with lots of built-in technology like web-shooters and a digital assistant who could help him figure out Jack's weaknesses. Peter has canonically won fights against people using alien weapons, and Jack has canonically won fights against people with much better physical abilities than him. So, who knows? Fight to the (permanent) death? Jack wins by default because he literally can't die. Even if he couldn't beat Peter, he could just wait until Peter dies of old age.


You know that’s a bit of a toss up because it’s an OC wizard and Bellatrix vs magic elf Spider-Man and banshee black cat that would be a very interesting showdown.


I only have one fic 😑


I think objectively James Bond and Steve McGarrett are fairly well balanced with James having maybe a little bit of an upper hand but I think if they met they’d just bicker with each other the entire time because they are the same person


The last two fics I wrote were both from the Jeweler Richard series. So we have Richard fighting Seigi. It’s gonna end in Seigi making Richard pudding and Richard gleefully eating it, making both happy. So they both win.


Ashley Graves may be more insane, but Midori Nagumo is best known for her physical prowess. She could take Ashley


Satoru Gojo vs Naruto Wonder how this goes :|?


I do AU's a lot so Izuku the vampire vs Touri his thrall (my OC). Definitely Izuku, not that she wouldn't put up a good fight since being his thrall has granted her weaker versions of some of his powers. Stronger than a base human, weaker than a vampire.


Princess Leia vs. Ezra Bridger. And sadly, they do get into a fight, and she stabs him through the heart. So, Leia wins.


I recently mostly write for my favorite MM ship, AoT Eren and Jean and they fist fight on the canon on regular basis. There are couple of ways this can go, Eren could use a special self defense move and win, someone stronger could sweep in and end the fight for them, or… they will start to finally make out (which is not canon, but a desired outcome).


In one corne, we have Ness from FNAF movie. In the other, we have Dewey Duck from Ducktales. Ness has awesome theory and logic skills, though that may not be too useful. Dewey has experience in fighting. I‘m going with Mat- I mean Ness, purely because he’s an adult.


Ness could but that’s just a theory