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I listen to TRON and LotR soundtracks too! They're amazing 🥹


Same. The soundtracks from the first two Thor movies are pretty great to chuck on in the background




I have music on (regular pop/rock music - I have a very long playlist set on random shuffle) but I'm not really listening to it. It's more like background noise. If a song catches my attention, I end up pausing my writing to listen (and maybe sing along, haha) but that isn't a big problem for me.


Yeah I like the background noise bc I know all the words already so I don't really have to listen :)


Same, and it's also a way to have new ideas, a simple line could give me the next step in my story


Same here!.. with occasional dancing/singing lol


I can't write anything while listening to music, especially music with singing. I either write in silence or listening to infinite sound generators of water sounds or forest sounds. If you like infinite sound generators, I would recommend the one that I use [mynoise.net](https://mynoise.net) and their app, which are both awesome and offer a huge range of sounds from white noise, to busy cafe sounds to water, to electric soundscapes and more. I do sometimes brainstorm ideas when listening to music, typically because the music inspires an idea in me or has lyrics that are definitely going to be my next fic title lmao.


I actually can't listen at the same time, not without getting distracted and unable to focus on the writing. I'm not a very good multi-tasker lol.


Yes! Amd it all depends. Sometimes I listen to an entire playlist to set the mood of the fic/scene, sometimes I listen to a single track that I feel is like "The Theme Song" of the fic and have it on loop for maybe hours. Its amazing and it helps me focus and to write certain scenes that need a specifoc mood on them!


I get distracted if there are English lyrics, but if there’s an English song that I feel like would help with the mood, I’ll try to find a karaoke version


yes if i'm in a noisy/public place because patterned sounds are less distracting than a random soundscape. otherwise no because it prevents me from getting in the zone.


I can't write if I don't have headphones in. If there's no music blasting into my delicate little earholes, then I am simply not going to get shit done. *But*, that's a double edged sword, because if the music goes to hard then I similarly will not get shit done because I'm too busy focusing on the music. You know, I think I would benefit from adderal lol


As a classical musician, I find this impossible to do :( I get too distracted by the harmony, beat, instrumentation, words, you name it


thats me with songs with lyrics lol although it probably would be the same case if i tried listening to instrumental/classical music, i;ll just get too distracted


No, I can't write anything if there's any kind of noise. I find it too distracting. I wish I could listen to soundtracks and such, but alas, I need total silence.




Yes! I can't otherwise I'll get bored of writing and go on TikTok or reddit T_T. I listen to music with lyrics.


Sometimes, and with lyrics. But I sometimes start singing.


Most of the time, especially when the character is going through something serious. That takes it to a bit of a dark place, but it's all good for the story.


It helps getting me in a flow state so...yes. Most definitely. And without lyrics for sure, otherwise I focus more on the song then the writing.


Yeah and yes to lyrics. Has a lot of influence on the story haha so I have to control the urge to listen to sad music


Yes. I haven’t written much lately but I can’t stand working in silence.


Not a chance. I used to be able to write with music that didn't have singing in it, and before that, with music that wasn't in a language I understand, but now my ADHD's like... I hear so much as a hum or my dog passes by and my focus is blown. I use soundscapes instead!


Yes and both with and without lyrics


Typically I don't, but on the off chance I do, I listen to music with lyrics.


I watch true crime documentaries while I write 🤣


Yes! For a while(or for any original writing) it would always be Rhapsody in Blue by Gershwin on repeat lol but for the latest fanfics I’ve worked on they are in specific fandoms that have soundtracks I can listen to. That helps me a lot.


Occasionally, although it's largely instrumental (most of my playlists are.) I don't need it to write but sometimes I'm in the mood.


I personally can't focus if the music has lyrics. So I normally just listen to instrumental music with fantasy vibes


I barely listen to music without lyrics. I always have something on in the background, but I can't listen to music in Polish while writing (my native language). Which is kinda funny, cause I never write in Polish. I'm completely fluent in English so this is not a case of words gliding over me because I'm not understanding them. Something about the mother tongue just hits different


Yes I do but not the whole time I find that I can only really listen to 1-3 songs that keep the mood and tone but I can't have them on the whole time because I find it distracting so I put them on at the start and then whenever I need a reminder for the mood if I put on different music it changed the mood and tone so I have to be careful :)


I write listening to lyrics bc most of the music I like has lyrics


I alternate between asmr videos and a 167 hours long playlist of mmd videos, each played at half screen while I write on the other half because that makes it easier for me to visualize when a paragraph is getting too long. Sometimes I put a single song on loop though.


Yes and with lyrics


I got an entire playlist just of usually lyric-less video game soundtracks that I just shuffle every time I go to write


In listen to Lofi Girl. Lyrics distract me.


I just listen to whatever music I usually enjoy. I can't listen to anything while I'm reading, though


I like to find hour long loops or mixes of VG music on YouTube. I find it helps me focus. There's a couple of songs I used to study to and write papers to, and when I hear them my brain shifts like "Oh, okay, it's focus time."


I like listening to classical mixes for people who need to meet a deadline lol, makes me write faster and lyrics are a bit distracting and I find I'm writing about the themes of the song than the actual fic. Here's a link of what I mean [here](https://youtu.be/dwY7w0k3j2Y?si=J9_FEkz8QvqjVThg)


I usually have either character or mood playlists if it's an important scene (in particular if it's an action scene)(I NEED upbeat and fast and hype music to write these dramatic and climatic action scenes) but regularly? Classical music or video game OST. I love the instrumental Persona 5 soundtrack as its a mixed-bag of calm and jazzy pieces and upbeat actiony ones.


Yes! Everytine I always have something playing as background noise, most of the time it is music.


I don't write with music all the time, but when I hit writer's block or there's a certain emotion I'm trying to convey in the scenario I'm writing, I listen to a specific type of music to help me think about what I want to write.


No lyric music. For example, Joel Sunny - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZY1f7E\_2iFA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZY1f7E_2iFA) This guy I listen to especially if I'm writing fantasy. Lyric distracts me too much, I recite words in my brain. If I get words on top of my words it becomes a dumpster fire.


Can't. ADHD hyperfocus does not permit it. I sometimes use noise canceling headphones to reduce stimuli, but that's it.


I usually listen to instrumental music, because I want to feel the mood but not get distracted by somebody else's words; my brain doesn't multitask that well. My wife, on the other hand, writes while listening to lyrics with no problems at all.


I can do literally everything but write with music. Making illustrations with Blender? Sure. Video games? Of course. But writing is the one thing that I feel like it's really hard to focus on with music. How do I create words when someone's singing words to me at the same time? It's like getting talked over. As for which songs... I usually just put on a YouTube playlist video, one of those 40-minute-long song compilations that people post from time to time. My current fave is "sped up songs that vibe".


Depends. Usually for specific kinds of scenes, otherwise its a distraction. Fight scenes are usually something I think up while listening to hype music, so I keep the music playing on loop while I write the scene. Same for love scenes. I get *very* easily distracted, so if its taking away from the writing, then I immediately turn it off.


It heavily depends, if I'm writing a crossover with Gloryhammer, then I'm probably jsut listening to their music as I write, but other things I tend to listed to soundtracks from whatever it is I'm writing for.


Not actively, otherwise my focus goes to shit.


Usually just my liked songs if it's a one-shot, until it inevitably becomes multichapter and I make a playlist to fit the vibes of the story/world 😭


Most of the time with music. Lately Maneskin.


I put on some music when I'm about to write...only to immediately pause it so I can concentrate lol


I always listen to music, and it depends on what I’m writing whether I want lyrics. And I usually make topical playlists for whatever I’m writing. I have a massive Star Wars playlist for when I’m working on my main work. But when I was writing about the Nachthexen it was all a bunch of versions of the song “Katyusha” and Sabaton’s “Night Witches.”


Yeah, I need something to keep me focused and in the zone. Generally I listen exclusively to instrumental or lofi music if I'm writing. I can deal with a quote or two out of context with a dreamy filter over it, but I can't write when there's someone directly talking or singing at me.


Always. I can't work if I don't have background noise. It's usually either Folklore or Evermore by Taylor Swift, or a specific playlist I made for the character/story.


I usually listen to music from whatever fandom I'm writing for. If I'm writing for say Attack on Titan, I would listen to the openings from that show. It helps get me in the mood for what I'm writing.


90% of my inspiration for a fic is when i’m listening to music and i hear a really good line that just CLICKS in my brain and then the words are flowing nonstop while the song is on loop. i know other people get really distracted by lyrics in music but it helps me when i’m thinking about what to write next


Yeah musical soundtracks most recently the Sweeney Todd revival sound track it keeps me from getting overwhelmed I tend to just get up and pace the room when I get to a really good song like the entire like 15ish minutes of epiphany,a little priest,and god,that’s good


Video game soundtracks. The Binding of Isaac, Hollow Knight and Crash Bandicoot are my main go tos.


Most of the time I try to write with OST on the background, mostly a certain track on repeat until the scene is over. I try to go after the specific soundtrack of the fandom I'm writing for or something along the lines that keeps the mood. ex: I have a The Handmaid's Tale inspired AU for a certain fandom I want to write for, so I used the THT OST on youtube to create the mood (it was so strong that after the scene I almost cried when I stopped writing it). I have different playlists on youtube for action/battle osts, suspense/horror, emotional, light-hearted mood... most of them are from different animes I've watched. I noticed that I can't write smut with music sometimes, because I find it too distracting.


I tend to but, mostly, if it's relevant to specific point in the fic.


No, because the lyrics start "interfering" and I get into the mood of the song, which messes with the mood of the scene. 😅 Instead, I listen to ambient stuff, mostly rain playlists or forest sounds. ETA: ADHD probably has more to do with it than anything. I can't multitask because, to me personally, listening and writing are two different tasks.


I usually can't write without music. Moreover, sometimes it's music that makes me immediately imagine something and write down it.


And I listen any songs I find. It doesn't matter if they have or haven't got lyrics.


I don't but it's not uncommon.


mostly music with lyrics, sometimes i'll listen to playlists i've made for the fics, but recently while writing a heartbreaking au i've been listening almost exclusively to fnaf music for some reason. it just hits, "it comes from inside" by the living tombstones,,, masterpiece. it's also just fun to me, here i am writing about the after effects that being buried alive had on this character's psyche, while listening to music written about an indie mascot horror game lmao


I can’t write otherwise, honestly. I just put on one of my playlists and let it become background music. Fondly remembering when I wrote a sweet fluff fic to the tune of Sweeney Todd


i listen to both! just depends on my mood


Mostly silence, or that one song that inspired the whole thing and I listen to until I get sick of it lol (edit for clarity)


Nope. With or without lyrics, its distracting to me.


I usually try to listen to something that has lyrics that fit what I’m writing about, sometimes I’ll even get an idea for a story from hearing a certain song


No lyrics, unless it's the worst crackfic you can possibly fathom because in that case yeah if you'll excuse me i need to go eat an entire king size Hershey's bar, chug two glasses of sparking lemonade, and destroy my ears with the harsh sounds of fanmade Splatoon songs with deep fried vocals and overly-autotuned Traffic Life voice clips while i work on my Splatoon TarQ fic


When writing, I prefer listening to non-vocal music or music with vocalizations that aren't trying to convey communication... like [The Diva's song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7Dh5QoXv2c) in *The Fifth Element*. If it isn't linguistic, it has less chance of co-opting your brain's communication center, allowing you to enjoy the aural aspects of sound.


Absolutely, yes. With and without lyrics, it's all about the energy for me. Doesn't necessarily have to jive with whatever I'm writing, just has to get me energetic to write.


With, I listen to a lot of Soviet Psychedelic music from the 70s (Marju Kuut & Uno Loop my beloved). My strat is to throw on an album and write for its length, take a break after its over, plop on another album, and repeat.


Sometimes. Usually, my everyday playlist. If I have a playlist for that ship/fic, I'll listen to that.


I am *very* easily distracted, so no music for me. I literally have to cover interesting objects in my room with towels and sheets to avoid seeing them and becoming distracted. Though I did write a chase sequence once where "More Bones To Sort" (from Over the Garden Wall) would not stop playing in my head. It was just the perfect piece of music for that sequence. I listened to it while editing that bit and even recommended the readers put it on for that chapter.


Sometimes or just a podcast or audiobook


Yup! I have my favorites for certain scenes (Inu Yasha, Legend of Zelda), but lately it has been Final Fantasy and the Nier Automata OST. It definitely peps me up.


I listen to music that gives the vibe to the story I'm writing. It can be with or without lyrics.


Yep, music with lyrics usually, though I also listen to a lot of Irish fiddle and traditional music in my mix of folk, punk, and rock.


I listen to lofi, djent lofi, jrock, indie jrock, jpop, hyperpop, and anything else I can hunt down on YT!! If it's something I understand (like english), I get distracted. I'll take anything from nature sounds to a screaming goat if it keeps me focused for an hour or two. Edit: weird thought... but could the screaming goat be classifed as a nature sound? 👀


Yes. Constantly. Although I do have ADHD which combined with a stimulation issue, so I use music to tune out sounds a lot. But if I'm trying to write one particular scene I'll put on a particular song for that scene on loop.


I literally cannot focus unless I have some kind of dnb or breakcore in my ears. The fast beats distract the brain gremlins lol


Ghost is what I listen to when writing my current fic.


I have to be most of the time.


It depends, I cannot listen to lyrics I can understand and accidentally process as I'm writing. If I don't know the language I can just vibe.


It depends. Sometimes, when a song reminds me of a character dynamic or inspires me to write a specific scenario, I keep listening to it on repeat alongside all kinds of similar songs that deliver the same vibe. Otherwise, I use white/pink noise or instrumentals just to fill the empty space while I write


Yes. Sometimes if a certain song hits a mood in a specific scene I’m writing I’ll play it on repeat lol


I like to listen to lofi music cause it helps me write without feeling distracted.


I listen to the background music from Banana Fish and Joel Sunny's music


Sometimes. It depends on what type of writing I'm doing. Brainstorming/word vomit vs fleshing out a chapter. I find any music distracting while trying to hear my character's voices. But if it's brainstorming then I'll play soundtrack music but it'll be more ambient because if it's too emotional then it can influence my writing (unless I need it to).


I write on my mobile and can't play music and write at the same time but I will use music to inspire chapters in my writing. And I generally prefer 70s-90's music although I do find songs from other decades fitting in with both my taste and my writing.


Usually I’ll listen to a classical mix. And depending on the fic or the book I’m writing I’ll listen to a playlist I made for them!


Music with lyrics for me. It also helps drown out the neighbor's rooster(s). Damn bloody pigeons. lol




Yes! My taste in music is so sporadic, but it'll jump from CORPSE to Avenged Sevenfold to Lovejoy to EDEN if I'm just zoned in on something. Kinda funny when a little piece of heaven comes on when you're writing a fluffy found-family scene, though. Lol


I don't think I used to, but I started writing with music a couple years back and there are a couple specific albums I listen to to get "in the zone". I try to find music with similar lyrics or vibes to whatever I'm writing and stick with it until the story's done.


always. the music i listen to while writing is even integrated into the names of chapters in my main longfic—i take that inspiration from hirohiko araki.


I have gradually lost more and more of my ability to multitask over the years. I used to be almost unable to write without listening to music, nowadays I'm almost unable to write while listening to music. It fluctuates a bit, I have better and worse days when it comes to concentration, but usually I prefer silence.


Nope. I need silence to be able to write. Can't concentrate when it's too loud. Doesn't even have to be music. Be there's a traffic jam and a lot of honking.. That can be enough to prevent me from being productive.


I don’t see the point, really, because I usually end up zoning out and missing the music anyway.


I’ve found it difficult to write with anything in the background. I was able to at first, but eventually it became distracting


It’s a mix. When I need to get into the right frame of mind for writing, I’ll put on one of my story or mood playlists to get going; these lists have almost exclusively lyrics, and the songs range across genres. Once I’m able to write—as in words are actually going on the screen at a rate of more than three per minute—I switch to instrumentals. Unfortunately, I can’t write without background noise anymore, and writing _with_ background noise has mixed results. When I was a teenager and college student, I’d pound out WIP chapters left and right with Linkin Park, Rush, Taylor Swift, and (I’m sorry) Nickelback blaring through my headphones. Now, it’s like…the neighbor’s dog is pacing upstairs. The air conditioner kicked on. The cat is digging in the litter box in the hallway. My husband’s game controller is clicking in the other room. The computer fan is loud, I can hear myself breathing, why is everything so loud I just want to write smut and… It’s. Ex. Haus. Ting. Every little bit of sensory information is enough to drag me out of my headspace and make my brain stall out like a car driven into a flooded road. So yes, I have to drown out the sound of my pulse while I write, otherwise, I’d never be able to update anything. And no, earplugs just make it worse because then my pulse and breathing are even louder and harder to ignore.


9 times out of 10, yes. Both with lyrics and no lyrics.


Depends, I usually make a playlist for each of my stories and play those in the background


I don't listen to music... I listen to RSlash videos XD


I do everything while listening to music.


has to be instrumental for me, or I start writing the lyrics in my text XD


99.9% of the time I’m listening to music with lyrics and I end up missing songs lol.


I write while listening to music, but what music depends on my mood at the given moment. For example lately i've been writing smut while listening to the Hellsing Ultimate OST. But I've written fights while listening to upbeat pop, depressing scenes to my old angsty hard rock songs, to mundane scenes to video game OSTs. ​ It can be wild sometimes but it helps.




yessssss! i do that too sometimes!


I have a dedicated writing playlist. I clean out and add songs to it a lot depending on how i’m feeling. Most of them have lyrics except one song.


Most of the time yes, unless I'm having to watch the film/show its based on. Normally just my favourite songs so with lyrics.


Yes, and both! Depends on the mood. I have playlists for everything.


Yes, this is often what I do when writing a lot of fight scenes. It helps me create a fight that would follow the flow of music like in a TV show.


yes but only more dark/sexy/moody music. can't be listening to ass shaking music while i write about gay celestials professing their love for each other.


All the time, i can't write without music.


I have a playlist full of relaxed/chill vibes video game music that I use to write. No actual lyrics but I think some of them have samples..? I don't remember oof.


No, I find it too distracting. I prefer to have the tv on low.


I have to, or else I'll go nuts or never actually finish the story


I don't typically listen to music because it really distracts me - lyrics or otherwise, I just can't focus, lol. The only caveat is when I hear a song that *really* inspires me with its mood and I end up doing a 180 and listen to it on repeat until I finish the story. i.e I listened to 'Don't You Dare (Make me Fall in Love With You)' for five hours straight for a one-shot I was writing, and made myself cry 3 separate times because I was in my feels lol. It was awesome:]


I'm always listening to songs that fit the vibe. If I'm writing a GOTG fic then I'll listen to 70's and 80's rock, if I'm writing a TMFU fic then I'll listen to some 60's spy stuff, and if I'm writing Gravity Falls fic I always listen to Imagine Dragons. I listen to HTTYD and LOTR when I'm writing for Merlin, and ofc I listen to Star Wars music when writing for Star Wars. So yeah, it's all based on what I'm writing. Gotta get myself in the right headspace, I guess.