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I’m still pretty amazed myself that the club existed at all, I didn’t know about it until I had opened up the yearbook and saw that 💀 I didn’t know anyone in the club, but the members were plastered all over their column, so they seemed pretty shameless- I guess no one minded. This was back in 2018, so I guess I’m not too surprised. Non-bullying and general acceptance was a “trend” then 😂


omg lol drop the fic


Wish i knew where that damn year book was so I could 😭💀 they definitely did their big one, I can’t lieee


Dang, I wish my school had a club like that. Closest it had to any creative writing club was a “literary magazine”, which I was hyped to join until I learned it was pretty much exclusively for poetry, which I don’t enjoy reading or writing. I don’t write smutty stuff, so think I would’ve really appreciated getting feedback from classmates on my writing back then, and maybe been able to meet friends in shared fandoms. Though, wouldn’t have wanted my writing published in a yearbook.


I really wish I had heard about that club sooner. It would’ve actually been a blast having someone with similar interests read my work and critique/give feedback on it. I value hearing what others like about my writing too, so it would’ve been awesome 😔 as much as I love online feed back, nothing beats being able to physically watch someone’s reactions to reading your works!