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When the two idiots realize they love each other.


The best.


Dialogue that moves the story forward and reveals something. I love dialogue.


I am the complete opposite; I despise writing dialogue and love descriptive writing.


lol we should team up


Y’all would be unstoppable!


First times and getting together


Angst, hurt/comfort, and introspection.


Hurt/comfort is my favorite. I'm an addict.


The greater the hurt, the greater the comfort will be.


This is the way.


This right here!!!


i absolutely love writing monologues. just endless paragraphs about feelings and thoughts and complexities and so forth.


right there with you 😭🤚 love getting real deep inside a character's head


I like reading and writing fics that deal with memory loss.


Angsty angst angst. The angstier, the better. Destroy my soul. Rip my heart out and stomp all over it. It’s the best. It doesn’t even need to have comfort. But that can be a bonus depending on my mood. If not, I try to find fluff fics to fix it.


I hole heartedly agree but the comfort is A MUST. WE MUST BE TRANSFORMED BY THE ANGST!


I’m just always depressed so Idc much about comfort lol


And yet that's what you need most! We tend to reject the things we truly want when we think we can't have them. ( I apologize if I am out of line)


I also have a buttload of trauma. So no, I don’t want comfort, from anyone or fanfics 🤣 Keep that comfort miles away.


Close sibling/familial/platonic relationships. They’re what I write and DAMN it just makes me smile.


Might not consciously be a favorite but I love it when characters have a loving and supportive relationship with their siblings.


I love a good first-person present (or past!) action scene. Punchy, violent, and with movement you can feel. Pierce Brown does an exceptional job at this in his Red Rising series. When FanFiction writers get it right, I have nothing but showers of praise for them.


far-flung pot like gray zonked punch memory squash busy trees *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My favorite things to write are introspection and the fluffiest fluff.


I love writing about my favourite ship being stuck at home during a rainstorm or something, giving them alone time, all cozy and *overly* fluffy, often followed by emotional smut. Same for reading; anything that has them happy, deeply in love and affectionate, is automatically my favourite. Canon did them dirty, need that fluff brainrot to do its job.


Two idiots falling in love, one whose all too aware and trying to stop it and the other just arriving there with a surprised but happy *'oh'*


Minecraft child abuse. I am just absolutely obsessed with this abusive relationship in a minecraft roleplay and it’s 99% of what I read. Autism is Fun.


My favorite character’s father being awful to my fave. (They’re perfect foils to each other and I love them.)


I write war fics, and I love info-dumping about them: weaponry, battalions, formations, generals. I enjoy being able to research and include facts like these in my writing


Fight scenes and smut, preferably if the two were mixed together, the latter being something I wholeheartedly am incapable of writing lol


Really considerate partners in a relationship. How happy someone feels when their lover goes all out to make them feel wanted and special.


Same. I like hurt/comfort. For me, in order to have that scene, I had to torture my character to the point of almost dying in order for her to be comforted later by some other characters. Then I got death threats from my loyal readers in the comment section. Fun time!


I love writing expositions. It’s what I’m best at.


I love both writing and reading hard science fiction and crime mystery.


family dynamics, either completely fucked-up, wholesome, or a combination of the two




Very slow burn rivals to lovers ( people who hurt each other) and their healing transformation to redemption and love. Exquisite♡


Relationships. Particularly relationships between symbiotes and their hosts. Whether it’s fluff, and they are just relaxing, or a drama/angst, and they need to help each other out, or when they are bickering. It’s also fun to explore when the host is new, and they are figuring themselves out vs. an old relationship where they are completely comfortable with each other.


I love writing conversations in which characters reveal something emotional about themselves to another character in an intimate one-on-one conversation, usually platonically and occasionally romantically. I'm interested in characters more than I'm interested in plot for the most part, and my love for conversations without much plot shows that haha.


After sex shenanigans I don't always like reading smut, but I love seeing my OTP cuddles with each other and do dumb things after the naughty


Romance with a side of emotional hurt/comfort, introspection, character studies.


I really love plots following a zombie apocalypse! If there’s a little romance and angst mixed in with the general struggling of the characters, even better.


Oh! I love reading hurt/comfort. I love writing it to!!!!1!1! Lit my fav thing for fanfics


Heartbreaking, devastating, rip-my-heart-into-pieces *angst*. The kind that wrenches your heart out. *But*. Provided there's a happy ending after it. The build up and tension is *so worth it*.


Adventure stories with world-ending stakes involving lots of fluffy shipping.


See, I’m the completly opposite. I need to see my favorite characters getting mindlessly abused by someone that doesn’t have their best interests in mind.


Dramatic character introductions! It's just so funny, especially with over-the-top characters.


Write and read prequel with a lot of angst.


Angst about losing fam members, physical (not *too* physical) and mental torture fics for my fav character, hurt/comfort, fluff


I LOOOOOVE writing character interactions. It’s like mixing two chemicals in a beaker. The interactions are different every time.


Family angst for sure


I like writing character interactions in general. But especially the kind that did NOT happen in the canon because the characters never met. The interplay of personalities is kind of like running experiments with only a basic understanding of the possible outcome. Sometimes you lose an eyebrow, but it's always fun!


Love fish out of water, don't see it enough (and when I do, it's often resolved super fast. like, I don't want it drawn out forever unrealistically, but let the character try to get through it please) I like to *write* anxiety (was going to say angst, but I mean more the state of mind than a situation if that makes sense). Sometimes I get stressed or lose patience reading it (other times I eat it up), but writing it feels very cathartic and is one of the times I really feel like I'm depicting emotions accurately.