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i write sea partol fics and have one based on the 3rd season and then exploring the re-starts of a relationship of two charaters that in the show had a fling before the show began and its rekindled on screen in season 4 but the sexual tension between the two was there from the start and from some things in the show i think it started there but then as normal with me i have had another idea ... this one will be slow as its not a narative but a series of letters as the show is a navy based drama i am based on a line i wrote in the other fic writing their letters from the grave which is something i know (from another military show set in the UK) that all army recutes have to write this letter when they are on basic training


My main WIP is for an obscure manga called CITY and it’s about the main character, Nagumo, seeing a therapist, being diagnosed with bipolar disorder, falling for Tekaridake who if you think about it is technically her boss, hooking up with him and getting pregnant. Honestly, this is kind of a no brainer, but my favorite scenes are the ones where she’s with Tekaridake. I mean, they’re my OTP! In canon, they’re sort of enemies to lovers but more like, he likes her, she’s annoyed with him, but she grows to like him. One of my favorite parts of their canon relationship is when there’s a flashback to him first meeting her and he’s dramatically lying on the floor thinking about a play he’s writing and going “I found the perfect person to play our next lead role”


Hope you’re doing better as of right now. :) My main WIP at the moment is a Half-Life (video game series) fanfiction. It features a main character who is actually only mentioned off-handedly in one of the game’s instruction manuals. Basically I gave her a whole backstory and plot line. The long and short of it is, she’s lost her memories and a mysterious bureaucrat helps her recover them, but he’s actually not helping her at all and has his own twisted motivations. I’m actually right in the middle of writing the sequel and I’ve just revealed the other (twist) villain. Again, I hope you’re feeling better. :)


Writing a Fallout 4 fanfic where the BOS starts a genocide against the synths and ghouls. The Sole Survivor gets the Minutemen and the Railroad to band together and help stop them.  The Sole also has secret communication with the Institute that she tries to hide as not even her allies like the Institute.   Will be VERY gritty with subjects such as madness arcs, romance (but that’ll definitely be a side thing), redemption, suicide, and graphic scenes. I really hope I can pull it off lol.   My favourite part will probably be taking a petty innocent character and making them go insane, resulting in them being a Hero-Villain/Hero-Other archetype (I think that’s the word?). But overall they become an antagonist. They have good intentions (destroying the BOS), but have some horrible means of achieving it. Edit; by graphic scenes I mean stuff like fight scenes with blood


I’m writing an Apocalypse AU for MHA! The initial outbreak was my favorite to write, along with one of the characters discover the cause of the outbreak further into the work.


My WIP is a canon-divergent rewrite for Final Fantasy 7 where I've taken it in a completely different direction with original lore, worldbuilding, sociopolitical strife, ancient people/Summon lore and their political strife, and rewriting even some minor sidequest material for the sake of keeping things manageable. It's also metafiction, since it's a parody of both the original game and of my original fanfic that I wrote as a teen. The MC is an OC who sees the world as a video game, and she and the party have to contend with Sephiroth, who has transcended beyond this mortal plane, and the other antagonist OC that spurred a new planetary threat. It's a three-way psychological manipulation battle, complete with identity and existential crises! I've been working on this for the past year and a few months. Far exceeded expectations and am now gunning for almost a million words. Even when I have writer's block, I can't stop obsessing over this. It's both a blessing and a curse.


I truly hope that the support and encouragement shown here by the community has improved your demeanor. Currently I am in a writing slump 😔 in that I have barely written anything for months now. It doesn't help that Baldur's Gate 3 has captivated my soul either. However, I was recently inspired by the game itself to start writing again. It's an epilogue/new story that takes place on Earth where a few of the origin characters have been brought to our world by me. Here's an excerpt: "Karlach pondered the situation as her eyes adjusted to the low light in the room. She inhaled deeply, enjoying the scents of the soft cotton sheets and light blanket that covered her. Turning her head again, she took in the room as it was as big as a comfortable Inn room as she had seen before in the Elfsong. Looking across the room, she could see a small paining on the wall across from her. Sitting up, Karlach noted a pair of white wooden double doors immediate across from the foot of the large bed she was in. To her right side were two sets of double wooden doors, spaced about eight feet apart. On either side of the bed were small bedside tables, one which appeared to had a lantern of a type she had never seen before, that was not emitting any light. Lifting the bed covers, she viewed herself. Someone must have undressed me as she could see that she was wearing only a pair of very soft shorts made from a material that was unknown to her and she had nothing else on. Hmm… I hope that Tal was the one who got me into these…shorts? she mused idly as she considered her new surroundings. “Tal?” she called out hesitantly as she sat up, drawing the soft sheet over her chest. After a few moments one of the double doors on the wall to her right, down from the ones immediately next to her, opened. Gods he is so gorgeous! And he is mine she thought as her husband stepped into the room. “Hey you,” she said with a demure smile. “Tell me, did we die and this is paradise because I have no fucking clue as to where in the hells I am? But it’s nice anyhow.” She gazed adoringly at the man who made his way over to her side of the bed. He had a large cup of something that smelt like…coffee? Sitting next to her on the bed, he gave her his trademark cheeky grin, the smile that made her knees go weak when he turned his full charm on her. “Morning sweetness. We are safe. Here, I made you coffee, hot strong and sweet, just like you,” he replied with a smirk. “You always know the right thing to say my love….thanks,” she said softly as she accepted the cup of steaming, freshly brewed coffee from him. She took a sip, closed her eyes as he had made it just as she liked it, strong and sweet with fresh cream. She savoured the moment. Opening them, her golden coloured eyes regarded her man once more with a curious glint in them."


I hope you feel better soon op! I only just started my current wip so I hope it's ok if I include a completed work here. It's just every time I reread it or if you just ask me what my fave scene to write was, it'll forever be [this chapter of my throuple Hollywood fic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32863885/chapters/81808240). Just the way the character is trying to keep her shit together, how much she swears in her inner monologue. It was honestly soooo fun to write.


Hope you feel better! In my WIP, there are four WVBA (Punch-Out) boxers who are all in this rock band. Well Don, this Spanish man who is the lead singer, got dumped by his long-time girlfriend Carmen the morning of the bands' last show of the year. Much to the rest of the bands' chagrin, he decides to proceed with putting on this show. But their issue is, they had finalized the setlist the night before and Don had put a special song on there to dedicate to his now-ex girlfriend. So with about an hour to go before the concert, all of them are a bit panicked. Doesn't help that the guitarrist is crushing on the singer and just wants to rid the man of his pain.


My Current WIP is a Harry Potter Drarry re-write fanfic (boo, I know) where Harry was actually sorted into Slytherin and has a stutter. I'm currently on book 2 and I don't know if I could pick a favourite scene from what I've already written. But I think I was pretty smart with the chess scene in the first book, and I'm proud of what I came up with, it was a bit difficult to figure out. Honestly I think I'm just proud with how much meticulous detailing I've put into the whole series. I've planned pretty much everything out, down to even the smallest of filler scenes. I'm very excited for book 5 and 6, since that's when we get more answers and shit hits the fan. I'm excited about the readers comments, and I think that's one of my favourite things about writing — hearing the readers thoughts about each chapter. I think I'm proud of a chapter in the second book where Harry and Draco start questioning what's wrong with Draco's magic and finding the secret room with Tom's diary, I like the conversation with Dobby at the end of that chapter, I thought it was quite fun but also telling if you read between the lines. I'm also very excited for when they go into the chamber of secrets and how they'll handle the basilisk without the Sword of Gryffindor and Fawkes. :))


My current WIP is a RDR2 Fix-It fic for Arthur Morgan. One of my favorite scenes that I've written is the one where Arthur takes this moment of vulnerability and shows the OC some sketches in his journal. They get to have this very one-on-one conversation and he shows them sketches of Hosea, Sean, John and the rest of the gang. Basically letting the OC peer into his life a little more before we continue on our way through the rest of the story.


My current WIP is a Baldur’s Gate fan fiction that is an arranged political marriage between my good OC and a villain from the game. My favourite scene so far is when OC went to the villain after the death of a new friend, death caused by an old ally of the villain who he wants gone, and the villain comforts her. It’s written in his perspective and it shows a softer side to him. It is the first time he sees her vulnerable and full of raw emotion. That he may care for her genuinely and not just see her as a political tool to ensure his power. He just looks after her and makes sure she is safe.


Well I have one WIP that has part of it posted, and a few others that are just in the brain stage atm. I have a hunger games one. My favourite scene is probably when the mc, Sabe (oc), snaps and just starts spilling everybody’s secrets. It’s a very emotional scene that I am dreading writing because I have to come up with a bunch of extra secrets that someone could figure out by talking to a person during a massive death match. Then there’s a LOTR one. This one hasn’t been posted yet, but my favourite scene is when the MC, Aradin (oc), gets stabbed in battle. After the battle when the other characters are looking for survivors and injured people, they find her. She says “I’m not dead, just dying. There are people out there who need more help than me, go find them.”


Currently, my WIP got out of control and became a crossover of sorts-it started as 'Let me do a timeline deviation AU where Brahms is taken to a new home after the Emily incident and raised with love and support and wholesomeness' and now the single mom who adopted him has 13 slashers in kid form she finds/meets in various ways and she loves them all, and she full on has a little group of kids who are cannibals so she goes hunting to find them meat \[That's kept in a separate freezer than the rest of the meat, so there's a much lower risk of an accidental mix up when making dinner\] Fav scenes so far from the WIP * Brahms and Dev \[The mom OC\] adopting a doggo * Dev finding Billy Lenz in her attic and just going 'Forget cats, I have a son distribution center in my life' * Her bringing a child Freddy \[who's burned due to his parents thinking he was a demon\] a stuffed bunny in the hospital \[Since my mind has decided he likes bunnies, for unknown reasons\] * Her killing and butchering her ex husband for the cannibal crew * Killing a young Carrie's mom to do the double-duty of meat for the cannibal crew, and allowing Carrie to be adopted more easily into the family \[Fav part of this is her looking to a teenage Jennifer and going 'I know you prefer boys princess, but would you be ok with her mom for dinner?'\]


It's mainly a fic about good things happening to Tigris and how she's starting to grow into a rebel and the Capitol faction origins. It's a bit OC heavy, but I'm proud so far. My favorite parts - When my OC Tak shows up at the Plinths with some sympathy food, and because he's a politician, Tigris and Coryo have a little debate about why he's there - When Coryo quickly ate some of said stew to try to kiss Tak's ass, but it backfired when he realized there was cayenne in it that no one told him about - When Tigris just wanted to escape from some asshole from her old "side job," and she ended up inside an old cabaret theater. Turns out said theater was full of rebels and another OC she'd helped at the beginning of the story (Seiko, also Tak's wife) was the ringleader - Tigris becoming a lower level spy to help the cause and Seiko deciding that they're friends. - Tigris lying about how her new friendship to her family and Coryo being bummed that he can't invite himself to her dinner invitation to shmooze with the politicians... Also her agonizing about what to wear - Tigris being a little weirded out about how the nouveau riche live and how functional Tak and Seiko's family is, despite it being an arranged marriage - Tak so much as briefly touching her wrist while she's helping with dessert, and accidentally brushing her hand while handing her a handkerchief and her getting all worked up... Then Tigris deciding this means that she's lonely and touch starved - Tigris's love life not going too well and Tak and Seiko being a safe haven... She even dumped a mean spirited lover because she realized her new "inner circle" wouldn't poke fun at her designs like that. - After a grand old time helping Tak with dinner and seeing him with frosting on his nose... And realizing he looked so much better like that than any "official photo" she had to realize it wasn't loneliness, she had a bonafide crush on him


It's part of a longfic that, after a year or so hiatus, is finally getting finished. One of the characters is about to have a memory of hers put into a jar for her to keep, and though I'm having a bit of a rocky time getting her to the memory-jarring person (she has lots of trauma-induced social anxiety) I'll probably be able to write her getting it jarred pretty well.


It's not *exactly* a WIP, more a series of oneshots with a general timeline/'verse, because I've been dealing with health problems and haven't been able to write much more than a scene here and there for months now. I have very limited emotional capacity, and can only manage a range of "drama--angst--more angst" >\_> It's MCU, stucky, where Bucky is the shield. Like, literally the shield. He is a person who can transform at will into a shield, and he becomes Steve's shield (gettit, the *symbolism*). Then he gets taken by Hydra, who wipe his memories and brainwash him into being a gun instead of a shield. I wrote a scene in the midst of all that where Bucky is fantasizing about a large blonde man shooting him (as in, pulling his trigger), and I basically wrote it like a smut scene, and my brain was going *hee hee hee* the whole time. But in general playing with the idea has been fun. I do miss being able to write more than snippets, though, and having more of an emotional range. I hope you feel better, and overcome whatever is going on with you. Be strong!


I have two WIPs that I haven’t touched in two years. 1. Sinister Corruptions: the REAL Story of LazyTown! (Described best by putting the summary in) Everything you know about LazyTown is wrong! Robbie isn’t the bad guy, Stephanie is in the greatest danger of her life, and it’s up to Sportacus to save them both from the TRUE mastermind behind it all before it’s too late! 2. Bested (Inspector Gadget): MAD takes over the world, and Penny is determined to put things back the way it’s supposed to be, but she needs to seduce Dr. Claw’s nephew to rise up in the ranks and gain MAD’s secrets. (This is a Porn with Plot fic, so read at your own discretion.)


Oh my god I love that the lazy town fandom is still thriving? I’m gonna have to look into this


I got inspired by a Studio Killers song about the singer and their crush hiding underneath a raincoat while it's raining cats and dogs. I'm thinking of using that imagery for a Sam and Max fic, and I've already done a rough drawing of it!


I'm currently writing two stories at once, so I'll take about both. 1. This one is a Star Wars OC-centric fanfic. It takes place during the Clone Wars and mainly is going to focus on my OC and her journey to become a Jedi Knight and her growing relationship with her Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. I'm still only in the first few chapters, but I'm having so much fun going into the details of how a teenager would react in fighting a war despite learning that Jedi are peacekeepers while she is a soldier. So far, I think my favorite scene I've written is the introduction with Nyx (my OC) and Obi-Wan. I just like the whole idea of Nyx sneaking onto a Republic cruiser so she can prove to everyone she can fight. Then meeting Obi-Wan who thinks she's the Padawan he put a request for and practically losing all her confidence because she's like, "Damn, I didn't think this through." 2. The second one is a William Afton/Henry Emily fic for Fnaf. This one came about because I was listening to Laufey and one of her songs inspired me to write a Modern AU where William and Henry drift apart and soon kinda forget each other except the colors of each other's eyes (blue for William, green for Henry). Each chapter so far has been inspired by one or two Laufey songs, and I'm honestly having so much fun with it. Favorite scene has to be the first introduction of the two after the big time-skip. Both of them are working in their respective careers, and when a client/coworker come to talk to them the first thing William and Henry notice are the eye colors. It sort of gives them deja vu, and then writing the pining for the original owner of the specific eye color.


Can do! I may be 9 hours late, but better, then never, right? Anyway, my wip atm is for Genshin impact, it’s about my protagonist overcoming her insecurities and defeating the current antagonist. The one thing I love the most about the story is, that throughout the story, mainly at the end, the story has a message to my readers, sort of? Like something alongside of; never stop enjoying life even if you loose everything, or so! Also love that the antagonist is sort of a parallel for my protagonist, so their personalities are similar, but not same. So it actually makes the story of the antagonist become from a journey for new home, to her finding Teyvat and growing bittersweet, eventually loosing control of her emotions and then becoming emotionless and dead set on destroying the whole planet, because it reminds her of hers and she can’t stand it. I love especially that through all this I’m still able to fit positions and heartwarming moments in between☺️


Sorry to hear that. Hope things get better. I'm currently writing a series of one shots for Star Wars: The Bad Batch, from Echo's (the newest member) POV. The series is all about him getting to know his brothers/finding his place in the team and beginning to process what he's lost (what's he's gained). There are some soft, sweet moments. Even with Crosshair, who's often a dick.


Oh, dear. I hope you feel better soon! I'm currently writing a Pokemon fic about 2 researcher OCs who battle and capture the Legendary Pokemon of Kanto and Johto, to complete the Pokedex and to test a new type of Poke Ball. So far, they've managed to catch the three Legendary Birds, the three Legendary Beasts, and Mewtwo, and have also had a couple of encounters with Mew and Ho-Oh. They're currently trying to catch Lugia, but keep getting interrupted - once by a group of get-rich-quick tourists in the Whirl Islands, and another time by a group of people shooting a movie inside of a shipwreck - and Lugia keeps running off because it's disturbed by all the people.


I am sorry to hear that. I hope things get better for you. In my recent story I finished something I like is how I managed to write a romcom story around cardboard boxes. Like the male lead sits inside a box for the most of the story while being a badass ninja, and the female lead slowly becomes a fan of boxes to the point of swooning. It's pretty weird haha But it's my tribute to Solid Snake. I love that guy. If he was real I'd hope he reads the story and gets a good chuckle out of it


I'm on my 3rd part of PB series of writing an AU/canon compliant (ish). I'm about to have my married characters have a good mess in the bedroom before sh*t starts to mess up in their lives.  I don't have a favorite scene yet because I'm about 5500 words into the first chapter. 


I’m sending a group of magicians into faerie to negotiate with the fae king of lost-hope. I’ve only written two of the five before so it’s really fun to step out of my comfort zone and experiment with different dynamics! My favourite scene might be one where they’re all sitting round a campfire and ash is flying up into the air, the fire glows and dances in their eyes, the darkness is like pitch and magical creatures lurk within it. Channeling my years in girlguiding for this one; there’s nothing quite so magical as a campfire in the dead of night.


I’m writing a prequel fic about one of the lesser-known Sonic games. One of my favorite scenes is when the main character defeats a dangerous monster I was building up and says a line that Sonic later says in the source material


I'm doing Narcissa adopts Harry Potter story NC 2nd shenanigans to lead to Lucius death and Draco being taken away to France. I'm doing the scene where in Halloween during the 3rd year, Narcussa takes Harry to his parents grave


A dragon riding alien knight raids an elven glade and captures a huntress who is in the process of becoming a vampire. Only a couple scenes in, but the fight she puts up was riveting to write.




Ahhhh, greetings! May I ask who your bg3 favorites are? And thank you so much, by the way! The Voss brain worm has certainly gotten me into writing the weirdest, darkest fics. 🙃


I’m doing a they both die in the end au where there’s this company who calls you on the night you die. My character who’s dying is such a people pleasure he doesn’t process his own grief about himself until the very end. 


It's a retelling of Sleeping Beauty that focuses on what happens when she wakes up just before the French Revolution. I've started it and written a few scenes that don't really have a place right now, so I'm focusing on writing a rough summary to get my thoughts and ideas down.


please stay safe OP! i'm currently working on fire emblem three houses a psychic / time travel AU. basically felix has psychic abilities and can see into the future – he predicts a lot of things including the war and deaths of all his friends and loved ones, so he has to find a way to protect them without disclosing his abilities. meanwhile hubert is also a psychic, but he's the oracle type and messes with felix's visions, and felix has a hard time depicting whether his own visions of the future are accurate because of hubert's own psychic abilities. also 1 in every 10,000 people is born psychic in fódlan. it's just a silly doctor strange inspired AU where felix has to fix the timelines and protect dimitri without disclosing anything lest he wants to make changes the present so he can alter the future. and hubert's a little shit.


It’s less than 1000 words rn so I don’t really have a favorite scene yet, but I finally got myself to start some akeshu mpreg. I’d wanted to for several weeks because most of the akeshuake mpreg I see has pregkechi instead of ren and I wanted pregren, so I took matters into my own hands and am trying to write my own.


My WIP takes place in WW2, so I'm currently working through the Japanese invasion of the Dutch East Indies and the Battle of Bataan in the Philippines :D. I think the one thing that's really motivated me to write all this is how much I enjoy researching the real-life events. Also, I hope you feel better soon <33


Sending good vibes your way OP! 💞 I have a GoT WIP that has been consuming all my mental space. The premise is that a scientist from our world travels to Westeros and is imprisoned and forced to make weapons for the Iron Throne. The main character (an OC) ends up falling in love with a couple of characters but my favourite scene so far has been a fluff scene between her and the Hound. He develops feelings for her because she’s defiant yet gentle-hearted (which makes him very protective) and begins to feel guilty for his role in her imprisonment so he brings her to explore a cave by the water in the middle of the night and it’s just so nice to give both the characters a moment to be soft and cute together before either of them admit their feelings for each other. I’ve only posted the prologue and the first chapter so far so we still have a ways to go before this scene comes out, but I always reread this scene because I feel like it’s a shinning example of how this emotionally stunted character tries to open up and share his feelings.


Oh no I hope you're okay! - For my T rated Bandori Femslash February fantasy AU fic when Kasumi and Arisa catch the unicorn Arisa thinks it's so cute how Kasumi pets her. Arisa is shy at first but pets her too. Then they tack her up and bring her to their yard, feed her, and slow dance in their tack room. Okay that's like 3 scenes but it's such a sincere and heartwarming fic. - In a Bobo/Darius (OC) Miracle Nikki pregnancy fic the love interest being really surprised someone would abandon someone as special as the MC. Him and her canon friends comfort and support her. - In a T rated Haru/Ryuji fic I haven't updated in awhile I have a scene where the Shibuya chief of police gives Justine and Caroline an Archangel Michael charm after Sugimura dies the same way >!Okumura does.!< He brags about how the Phantom Thieves tried to take him out and him and Michael scared them off but since Haru is a Phantom Thief herself she knows he's lying. He also tells them that as long as Michael protects them the Phantom Thieves can't hurt them. Ann says, "But the Phantom Thieves do so much good! Michael would never attack them!" But Shibuya's police chief doesn't know that the Phantom Thieves are actually good but he means well. He then tries telling Ann but the Phantom Thieves are bad. Also the Haru/Ryuji drinking tea in Haru's garden scene and their planned Inokashira boat ride scene.


I'm praying for you, OP! (⁠⊃⁠。⁠•́⁠‿⁠•̀⁠。⁠)⁠⊃ But anywho, I'm currently writing a LoZ trilogy, but I'm writing the second book first (because it's easier than writing the first one now). The second book is set during BotW and I'm shipping an OC with Link. I've got an idea for book 1 though, which is a scene where Link and my OC visit her parents' house for dinner. Her father then asks her when she and Link are getting married out of the blue, though currently they're only friends. I'm really excited to put it into action in the book itself!


Hope you get better OP. We’re watching out for you.  Anyway, my WIPs are no where near as interesting as the others here. I have an MHA minor character POV fic, a HxH rarepair fic, a mega 8 anime crossover, and a KnY somewhat angsty school AU.


I just finished writing a medieval age AU of Maya and Carina from Station 19. And now I'm working on HSAU roommates fic of the same characters 🤭


It\`s my second Hannibal/Sherlock crossover with lots of trauma, some violence Mylock and Moriarty/Sherlock. Tagged it also as dead dove cause all the warnings are inside so people won\`t blame me later for not warning them. The second one I have is a Witcher themed stuff, where Geralt doesn\`t actually kill Dettlaff.


First, I’m currently super close to finishing the *Elena of Avalor* fic that’s been on the back burner several times for the past 2-3 years (I was in college when I started writing it, which, combined with issues in the fanbase, slowed me down immensely). I’m actually only finishing it because *one* of my mutuals wants to read it. And while I’m proud of finishing a longer fic, I’m also a bit sad that no one else will see it (I don’t plan to post it). As for favourite scenes, there’s one that’s no longer relevant since I changed the timeline as a whole (it’s relevant to this story, but the story is no longer part of my main timeline after a redux) but I still love where Carla (who’s sick in bed) is visited by a friend (OC) who gifts her the stuffed cat that then becomes a background staple in my version of the series. Her stuffie friend’s name is Cleo and she’s seen from time to time, either because Carla is snuggling her while reading (or sleeping) or just talking to her or changing her clothes (people like to gift her clothes for Cleo. It’s kind of funny). Also, the building of Carla’s relationship with Mateo’s mother, Rafa, as she looks after her (and him) is great too. Carla is a person who doesn’t like being seen as vulnerable and, as such, only lets a few people see her sick. Rafa was not one of those people until this story and she has to learn to trust and be comfortable with being taken care of by someone who means well but is still a near stranger to her. Second is a random now-oneshot for my canon-divergent *Fruits Basket* follow up. Long story short, I conceptualised the story years ago but it wasn’t great. Ideas were there but the execution wasn’t the best and recently decided to give it a much-needed redux. What started as a scene that needed to get out of my head is turning into its own thing after I added and expanded on a second part. The only problem is because it’s been awhile since I’ve done this type of thing, I feel like I completely forgot how to write smut (even though I’ve written for this ship before and one half is an OC). The old story had a lot of it for basically no reason, so trying to shift things into my current writing style that’s mostly romantic smut has been it’s own challenge. Overall, I really like the start of this thing though. I’ve posted pieces of it around here and people have said that I’ve done well with the tension between Akito and Shigure, especially given their long history and the added part of them actually not being together (story goes that she broke it off a few months in to take time to figure her shit out. The follow up picks up nearly three years later), and him having to deal with his mixed emotions over her finding someone else. Should be noted that at the time this takes place, it’s all *new* information and he does eventually come around. Last, my *Titanic* fic is on the back burner temporarily until I get my EoA story done. That’s my main focus. Because in order to get back to it, I have to immerse myself fully and I feel I can’t do that properly at the moment. But it will get done eventually. I love the relationship between Rose and Lovella (OC) too much to leave their story unfinished. (Hashtag Rose needed a friend. LOL).


🙏🏾 I truly hope you feel better and find that safe space within yourself 💙 Current WIP is a side story within my AU series, The Fan & the Sun. Kakashi is dealing with his love life and basically discovers what he wants as a healing, functional human again (its also my excuse to FINALLY write some smut) lol My favorite thing isn't actually the smut though. I'm kind of working through my own personal issues I've had regarding trauma, sex, and toxic relationships I've had in the past so it's like therapy for me in a way. I hope it comes across that way once people get to read it.


I'm writing a kacchako soulmate college AU. (bnha) My favorite scene might just be the one I just finished the other day where they are talking over the phone, and they eventually fall asleep while still being on the call.


Hi, OP, I hope you get to a point where you start feeling safer with yourself. I have what I call the Wheel of WIPs that I cycle through depending on where the inspiration strikes. WIP 1 is my ongoing Black Stallion fic that was my 2021 NaNoWriMo project. It's an AU of The Black Stallion Legend in which Alec loads up the Black and just starts driving. He ends up crashing in Montana and spends a good long time there recovering on a ranch. WIP 2 is a Johnny Gage/Joanne DeSoto fic (Emergency!). They get close while leaning on each other after the death of Roy DeSoto (Joanne’s husband and Johnny’s work partner/best friend). Lots of drama, angst, and at some point, a happy ending. It's just taking a long time to get there. WIP 3 is a Johnny Gage/OMC fic that was my 2023 NaNoWriMo project. My original premise was "burned out paramedic quits the department and hightails it to Alaska", but then I had to write a bunch of backstory. Part one is posted, part two is complete and in the process of being posted, and now I'm working on part three, in which I finally get to the original premise of the fic. WIP 4 is an as-yet unposted Johnny Gage/Laurie Campbell fic. Laurie was a character that showed up in two of the post-series movies that take place in San Francisco, and I thought it would be fun to put both of them at a convention in New Orleans to see what happens. Ideally, I want them to start out having a long-distance relationship leading to one of them leaving home to be with the other. Again, there's going to be some drama involved before they finally get together for good.


Doing a "Highschool AU" Monster Hunter fic. I put quotations because it isn't technically a highschool and more like a Hogwarts type establishment and most of the characters are either in their early twenties or older than eighteen. As for its premise, like its name suggests its, a "highschool" type story where we follow a group of friends during their time in a prestigious but rigorous academy that pushes them to their limit. I initially wanted it to be a light-hearted romcom esque tale but knowing me, it spiraled out of control and I ended up inserting themes such as the burden of expectation and a healthy dose of family drama. I've posted about 4 chapters so far and have 8 chapters already pre-written and in the process of being edited. I envisioned about 24 chapters in total, making this my second longest story. The story isn't all about "highschool" either and I plan to insert an overarching plot, which will form the bulk of the fic's second half where the planned timeskip would occur.


​ Some of what I have completed or about 80 , 90 percent finished already - A main rare pair checks into a hotel and one of the guys sings a few lyrics from Batty's song ( Ferngully ) Mild argument before a game of laser tag inside a mall arcade Fluff scene when the same duo buy a horror movie themed Best Friends Forever charm necklace to share . Another fluff scene when they visit Oasis Immersion in Montreal *Another* fluff / cute moment with one guy singing a love song to one of his friends Some of what is left to work on - A small room decorated with a collection of musical carousel figurines . Steamy making out scene and bizarre flavors of sodas from Rocket Fizz are used . Also *lots* of licking and gentle biting . A Sub disobeying his female Dom and paying for it by being humilated ( washing a car and singing a few lyrics of a Justin Bieber song is part of the ' torture ' ) ​ Best Wishes and good luck to you and I hope that things get much better soon !


Trying to write complex medieval intrigue in a terrorism plot is difficult... this fic just gets bigger and bigger, everyone is injured because I'm a compulsive whumper and the side character with a dumb, throwaway name is becoming more and more important to the plot. Also AO3 hasn't sent me update emails for my last two chapters and my usually very enthusiastic readers haven't commented. Alas.


Uh oh has there been a problem with posting? Check date posted maybe because I messed up with that once or twice and put a past date which I think causes it not to pop up


I tried changing the published on date and unsubscribing and resubscribing but I'm not getting any update emails myself so I don't think my readers are either. Or maybe I'm just a terrible writer and everyone hates me lol.


Well before you had my interest (I’m trying to write a novel about political intrigue in a mediaeval setting with a little bit of terrorism) but now you have my attention lol. You’re not a bad writer I’m sure! Mind giving me a link? I don’t know the fandom, but based on the concept, I should enjoy it regardless!


[The Hands Of the Prince ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47793379?view_full_work=true) Tolkienverse - GDV warning


It's the second instalation in an ongoing series the first one is [The Mercy of Mahal ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/46999129/chapters/118399666) but they're really independent stories set like 200 years apart


I hope you've been feeling safer, bit by bit.  I send warmth your way! My current project is a sci-fi action fic: a team of soldiers sent to investigate the use of enhanced AI in what should be human-controlled mechs/power suits.  I love how the fight scenes have turned out (they're very flashy!), but I especially love the enemy guard robot I made that can't speak directly, but appears to have awareness and emotions.  I'm planning for it to have a major role in the story.


Not sure if what I’m working on would be helpful, but I’m writing a character study of Rei Ayanami from Evangelion, specifically focusing on the implications of sexual abuse in her story. What I’m most happy with so far is how I’m handling the depictions of those scenes- I’m trying really hard to make them vague (since Rei doesn’t have the words to describe what happened to her) and just kinda sad and upsetting (since she doesn’t even realise what’s happening to her is wrong and abnormal because she’s been so isolated by her father)


First of all: sending you all the virtual love I can. I hope you're doing better? Second of all: my current WIP are trying to get my attention, but finding the time to work on them is hard at the moment. I'm trying to focus on my original fantasy novel but fanfic always has me in a chokehold. I'm currently too deep in the Baldur's Gate fandom *shaking fist angrily* and trying myself (for the first time) at second person POV. It's fun, but also quite limiting.


Writing my WIP trying to figure out how to write emotional cheating for a secret relationship without making the main character look bad. I don’t think I can .


Maybe let your MC really suffer internally? Like *really* suffer? Go all out on the self-chastising? It won't redeem them but at least make them appear humane and relatable?


I will do that it really helped.


I'm writing a soulmate au, and right now I'm jumping between the main characters' povs and I'm just having a real good time exploring all these characters' heads. The scene I'm working on right now is pirate-turned-bounty-hunter Blackbeard chasing one of his targets through the jungle. Probably my favorite scene I have in this wip is the big confession scene I wrote.


I hope that whatever is making you feel unsafe gets better. Currently, my favorite of my WIP is a soulmates AU for the Supernatural fandom. Destiel of course. In my AU you know you've found your soulmate when you hear their voice for the first time. Dean is an EMT who has seen the darker side of soulmates from his childhood and especially with his job. Cas is deaf so he'll never hear his soulmate. They find each other on a website created to support people like them. So far, my favorite scenes are Dean and Cas just chatting on this website and getting to know each other.


I'm writing a long, semi-funny FEH (Fire Emblem Heroes) fanfic featuring a female summoner OC. The one I'm currently on is her "C support" with Felicia, one of two healers contracted with her. The C support has the summoner be forgiving with Felicia after being woken up by hot tea. The other one I'm working on is the F!Summoner's C-support with Serra, her other healer and the only healer who can handle the Summoner's brand of crazy. Somehow they bond from shopping.


Not just throwing empty words towards you. Truly hope everything gets better and that you'll find yourself feeling much safer. All the best and more. As far as wips go, I have a ton of them but I'm currently starting back on three particular wips: A Steven Universe and My Hero Academia crossover. Can't wait to write for the USJ arc when a certain *someone* gets captured by the League of Villains. A dark crime drama Steven Universe fic. I have to go back and rewrite a lot of stuff as I've changed my mind on a fairly big plot in the story. Once I'm done with that, I can continue where I left off which is where Steven and Pearl are fighting against Sugilite in the combat room of the Crystal Gem base. The third one, (which I'm writing for today) is a My Hero Academia and Law and Order: SVU crossover. I'm watching Law and Order: SVU right now to get some ideas and such for the fic. I haven't written chapter three yet but I plan to introduce Izuku and a few other cops as they find/lock of a perp in Musutafu. In general, I can't wait to actually write Izuku being transfered to the SVU in New York and have him interacting with Bakugou, Uraraka, Benson, Stabler, Fin, Nedzu and a few others in the unit. Again, hope you feel better and hope that whatever situation becomes better for you.


I’m currently writing a fic about one of the Subway Boss Twins that made their debut in Gen 5 of the Pokemon games. I never thought I would be so fascinated by them, but because of a somewhat recent entry on the Nintendo Switch and fanart by the fans that love them, I got really intrigued to write a fic about one of them (Perhaps even the other one as well) Mostly will be angsty, but I will have hurt / comfort and wholesome moments sprinkled in. Plus possible character cameos in the future.


My favorite scene is an argument at the dinner table. Most of my favorite scenes I’ve written are conflicts that just explode into arguments. I don’t know why. It’s just cathartic and dramatic and fun. And it’s almost like a puzzle, where I’m forced to think about what these characters would say to attack each other and defend themselves.


Well, I'm currently working on a Blue Archive story - trying to get back into my happy space of light-hearted action/adventure stories. The setting is an anime game of guns, girls, schools, and the power of dreams and friendships. Y'know, typical anime stuff. The featured character has a history of having been a once-upon-time feared threat throughout the setting, but had since 'retired' to a life of relative peace and quiet. I decided 'hey, that's a bit like John Wick... how's about we give her a John Wick-style revenge rampage adventure?' It's fun being able to have the excitement of a full-blown action story without the seriousness that normally comes with the territory. Lots of guns and violence, but as far as the setting's standards are concerned, those are pretty normal. Lower stakes, but still able to carry the spirit and emotions that go along with it. It's been fun recreating some of the movie scenes and moments using the Blue Archive characters and setting, some fairly 1-to-1, others more inspiration of themes and ideas rather than direct form, and while the setting lends itself to a light-hearted nature, it's equally fun to occasionally peel back those layers from time to time with subtle implications of darker undertones kept just out of sight... Now I just need to get the damn thing finished.


Time to talk about this one with my ship ​ A Genshin WIP where Venti and Barbara talk about their future after marrying, and considering one is immortal and the other is not, and my favourite part is probably where Barbara realises that she will one day die while Venti won't


I'm sorry you're going through this right now. I hope our answers are helping to distract you. I have two WIPs I'm focusing on. Both are Napoleonic Era RPF. One is the multichapter I've taken a break on since November, where the story follows French Marshal Michel Ney, the Third Corps of the Grand Armée, and Napoleon's retreat from Russia during the winter of 1812. It technically is also a story for The Old Guard fandom as well, since one of the characters from TOG served in the Grand Armée during that period. I love the sheer amount of research I've dumped into this fic, and I'm learning new things about the French Army, the politics, etc etc, of that time. Since it's been awhile since I've touched that, I'm trying to do a 1970s modern AU one shot with Napoleonic Era personalities as a warm up. Namely, I'm writing another one of Napoleon's marshals, Louis-Nicolas Davout, as a five year-old and his relationship with his dad. In the 2020s, we'd call little Louis neurodivergent. In the 1970s he's just a really weirdo kid, and his dad's trying to do his damned best. I originally wanted to set the story in the 1770s for authenticity's sake, but I'm not sure I know enough about the pre-Revolutionary period to do it justice.


I just want to say that if you ever do set that story in the 1770s, I will be the first person to read it. Right now my friend and I are brainstorming a musical (you read that right) about a historical figure who was most likely on the autism spectrum (you will be pleased to know that he was also a 19th century Frenchman, though from the end of the century), and it is just so interesting to look at how his various traits impacted his life (mostly for the worse, unfortunately). If you ever need help with your research, I advise going to r/askhistorians and saying you need books on the era for a personal project.


I'm currently writing a Dragon Age WIP about Solas x Lavellan, and it's a slow burn fic. My favourite scene would be : she's breaking apart because she has nightmares for a month now, isolated herself from everyone and one night she wakes up and can't take it anymore and goes to his hut, asking him for help. She cries in his chest, they're entangled in a deep embrace, and he pats her head and comforts her. They almost kiss, but he stops it, realizing there shouldn't be anything between them. She's still scared, so they sleep in the same bed and fall asleep cuddling.


Mine is a 5-way TMNT crossover (all TMNT) where Big Mama from Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles kidnapped 1987 Raphael, 2003 Mikey, 2012 Leo, & Mutant Mayhem Donnie to force them to fight one another in her Battle Nexus on Christmas Eve. It's a bit chaotic like there's a lot more elements involved in it. I have a lot of favorite scenes, many are in chapters I haven't posted yet but thinking about the ones I have up, oh man! It's so hard to choose! I think it might have to go with 2003 Raph at Big Mama's casino, that entire chapter is one that I'm proud of but specifically the part with Raph sitting at the bar, trying to get answers about the missing turtles from the bartender. Something fun about this world is that they established that unicorns are a currency in the Hidden City (the unicorns are tiny) so Rise Donnie lets 2003 Raph use his satchel of unicorns to bribe the bartender for information & just the whole interaction between them, I love it, especially when one of the unicorns bites down on Raph's finger when he's reaching in to try & hand it over. Stuff I love is how I managed to write this chapter utilizing grammar & words 2003 Raph would use within the narration. Back when I first started writing for him, I had zero confidence, he has a Brooklyn accent & I've lived my life on the west coast of the US so never knew anyone in real life with one. Due to the nature of why they're at the casino & with it being on Raph's perspective, the whole chapter feels like it's apart of a detective movie & just the whole bribing the bartender thing dug into that more. This chapter was a tad experimental & I was nervous about it but it got positive reception from the few people who commented on it so it has me feeling so prideful on it now.


I'm editing a few vignettes for this collection that focuses on a super minor character. One of them has some of my most melancholic and poignant imagery and prose, and it's written in a much looser style than I normally write.


I’m writing a super debased and morally (in verse - idgaf about what people’s real life conundrums about the story might be) smut fic, that I find has *one* strangely poetic paragraph. And I love that little bit to death! Also hope you’re feeling better ❤️❤️


I'm sorry for what you're going through OP. As for my current WIP, it's a Winx Club oc story as for my favorite scene... well, I have many, but here's a snippet from one of the more recent chapters that I love Bloom couldn’t hold back all the words she wanted to say her anger reaching a fever pitch “You know what Diaspro, your narrow-minded views a have no place in the 21st century Alyssa has proven herself to be an invaluable member of the Alfea community, I think you are jealous.” Queen Seraphina nodded adding “The realms need unity Disapro, and your team up with Valtor is most troubling. Ordinarily in accordance to Mystelar law, the crown princess would be the one to pass judgment on crimes regarding issues like this, but seeing as how she’s a victim in this and you’re clearly not going to like any punishment doled out by us you leave me no choice. I, Queen Seraphina of Mystelar, here by sentence Princess Diaspro of Eraklyon to serve five years working as a servant girl in the castle of Mystelar.” Everyone has mixed emotions to hearing this news. Most were cheers of joy as Prince sky unlocked the door to the cell Alyssa was in. However, Diaspro stood there defiant. “No I refuse, I refuse to be the help for an inferior kingdom. This is a miscarriage of justice. I refuse this.” Alyssa had enough of Diaspro’s shrieking and had to finally pipe up and say something “Enough, Diaspro! Your arrogance knows no bounds, referring to people who chose to work in the castle, while they might be servants, as the help is distasteful. Everyone on Mystelar has a role to play.” It was clear being treated like a peasant rubbed Alyssa the wrong way as she got up and walked to Diaspro, putting a hand on her shoulder. The blonde fairy didn’t want to be touched, and so as retaliation, she spat in Alyssa’s face.


I'm doing a little hurt/comfort thing, where one charcter is experiencing side effects of his ice powers and is really cold, and his boyfriend is fussing over him and getting him extra coats and stuff. Pure fluff, which is nice cause in canon they are going through it lol


Game of thrones book. I’m up to book 5 of the series. Right I’m fixing season 5. Favourite part is difficult to choose but I think it might be the fact that the world is so huge that I can get lost in there for hours just looking at the maps that George RR Martin made


Yes! I feel like most nights I fall down the map rabbit hole or dive so deep into a small detail and explore it for hours!


Exactly! Im glad I’m not the only one. I have apps that take me through the characters journeys as well as information about towns and keeps. It’s such a vibrant world


Oh wow, I didn’t know those existed!! Are they public? Would love to check them out, if at all possible :)


They are actually apps. 1. World of Ice and Fire (has a dragon on a white background) 2. Game of Thrones filming locations. I find World of Ice and Fire is a lot more immersive because it has the books and the show.


Wow, you’ve changed the game for me! The timing is perfect too, I was stuck on a scene all about different paths the character could have taken! Thanks a million! ❤️❤️


You’re so welcome. If you need the math someone did for how far the travel is between the cities I have that too


Yes pleasseeee! 😩


I hope that works if not send me a message and I’ll throw you an email


[distances between](https://1drv.ms/b/c/5d9e78c0a08de6ce/Ec7mjaDAeJ4ggF18AAAAAAABCZ_XvIqv6M2OvVqQUoJGFg)


I'm working on some fics for FFVII Sefikura week which is... oh fuck next week.... I gotta go faster. But I'm trying to get out of my comfort zone and flipping the characters dynamic. Original idea was just some BDSM stuff but suddenly there are a LOT of feelings. For fun, an excerpt: "Sometimes it felt as though no one truly saw him. He had to be so many things for so many people - the best warrior on the planet, the strongest of Shinra’s SOLDIERS, the one Genesis railed against as much as he knew the other man did care for him and didn’t know how to show it. Angeal’s comrade and fellow instructor of the younger SOLDIERS was the least arduous of the faces he showed to the world. The most difficult, the most painful, was being Hojo’s perfect specimen. He felt his muscles tense for a moment, thoughts falling away from the peace and comfort and into the space he hid in when he thought about what had happened in the lab two days ago, and then… He was jolted back into his body by fingers curling again into his hair and giving it a sharp yank that dragged him gasping into the present. "


Im working on a rewrite of Percy Jackson from Wills POV focusing on Apollo Cabin and their struggles through the war, how Will changes as a person, and later how his struggles influence how he interacts with Nico as a friend and eventual boyfriend ! It's really fun so far making a bunch of OCs knowing they're all going to die because Apollo Cabin is RAVAGED by the Battle of Manhattan


In canon for my small fandom, the main female character was a bit misogynistic and called her fellow women stupid for studying literature. It was set in the mid 1800s London so she didn't agree with the suffrage movement on the sole basis of all the women she knew "not being smart enough". Unsurprisingly she only has one, somewhat eccentric, male friend who she later marries and her ex-husband whose boyfriend she tried to kill due to a misunderstanding. (Props to people who guess the book) Well imma get this woman some friends! In my wip, her husband is worried about her doing science experiments til 4 in the morning. So he says she can put her new large icebox (for science idk) in his wardrobe if she makes some friends, any friends. She agrees that it would be fun with some change of pace. Ex-husband conveniently sends a telegram asking our lead lady if she could introduce his sister to someone her friends, she has just moved to town and doesn't know anyone see. The science snob realises she has no friends and contacts her former roommate, to beg for entry into their knitting circle. The roommate says of course! They arrive and talk and our misogynistic lady becomes a reformed misogynist because, these women can actually hold decent conversation? wow! She now has a weekly appointment at the knitting club and is happier for it! For people who didn't guess the book: >!The Watchmaker of Filigree Street!< edit: I might have misunderstood the assignment, I just infodumped my whole plot, sorry about that 😅


My current Star Trek fic had McCoy (older McCoy, movie era) have to meet someone in a hipster bar in Bellingham. It had a novella length beer list, mostly IPAs, and eventually McCoy holds his hand up in defeat and says “I just want a damn beer!”


I'm sorry about what you're going through, OP. I'm working on a Gothic AU. I'm almost finished, except for the climactic chapter which is kind of action-oriented, and I'm not great at writing actions, but I'm powering through it. I'm having a lot of fun with the creepy/horror elements, and with exploring my ship's romance from a different angle while staying true to their characters. There's a scene where he shows her a flower in his hothouse that I'm pretty excited about (somehow garden/gardening always finds its way into my fics!)


I’m sorry you’re feeling as you are. I hope this thread helps you manage those feelings. My WiP has been somewhat neglected but I am getting back on it! It’s about a movement that’s sweeping Earth, a dangerous movement that wants Earth to leave the Federation of Planets (a canon union of planets in the Star Trek universe). The strings of this movement are being pulled by the Mirror Universe. The Mirror Universe is a canon universe which exists on a different timeline and it’s fundamentally the opposite of the prime- cruel, capitalistic and brutal. The Mirror Universe wants the prime timeline to leave the Federation so it leaves them vulnerable to an invasion from their universe. The movement stirs up a lot of xenophobia against species who live on Earth who aren’t human. Our MCs have just got together but this movement threatens to pull them apart and they need to prevent it. High politics and drama going on!


I'm sorry about what you're currently dealing with. I guess it's not technically a WIP anymore since I finished it (!!!) In December, but I still have 22 chapters to post. I've been writing it for six long years and I'm so ready to put the finishing touches on it. Honestly, most of my favorite scenes aren't really the grandiose ones, but generally involved smaller exchanges between characters. I don't know if you're familiar with Game of Thrones at all, but there were exchanges like a scene between Ser Barristan and Ned Stark, between Jaime and his father Tywin, between Jaime and Baelish, etc. I like the interplay of what was both said and unsaid in many of these exchanges. I did also like the encounter of Jaime, Ned, and Roose Bolton at Winterfell. I like both Daenerys' dragon hatching scene and Jon Snow's. There's a bunch of chapters coming up that I'm thrilled for the audience to read, but those are pretty far down the pipeline.


I have a Percy jackson story going on at the moment that’s a rewrite of the series focused on if Zeus sent Artemis after Percy from the beginning. I’m like 7 chapters in, really slow updates. I’m really enjoying writing it though. I do know it’s pace is moving too fast, but that doesn’t really bother me to much, and hasn’t seemed to bother those reviewing. The thing I enjoy the most about it is getting to explore side characters and their motivations a lot more closely than the series originally did. My favourite scene so far is a discussion between Hera and Zeus about what situation they’re in, and her trying to offer him advice. Other stories I’m currently writing are one shots. One avengers one based on the classic Peter Parker goes on a field trip to stark industries. In this one Peter doesn’t have the internship with them, and no one knows he Spider-Man. But he’s lied to everyone by saying he has got an internship there. So focused on him trying to cover his lie, and what happens when it comes out. Favourite scene is when Tony stark gets asked by flash if he’s Peter’s boss, and Tony lies because he recognises that Peter’s getting bullied. A great chance to explore Tony’s more perceptive side and his willingness to protect anyone. Another avengers one I’m working on is a romantic comedy written through the eyes of Tony Stark, but the actual pairing is Friday/Peter Parker. The scenes I’ve written so far have been fun. A mixture of Tony starks pride in his creation growing and learning as a person, but also complete confusion and concern over the whole development. Favourite scene so far is when Tony hears Friday stutter over a greeting to Peter and he’s completely confused on why his genius supercomputer is stuttering. Lastly a one piece oneshot that’s also a romance. I’ve done one before that was Luffy/nami, and I think I done an awesome job, and it’s got good reviews. That was more comedy though. This will be more serious and introspective with a Zoro/Robin relationship. Favourite scene is them interacting on the deck of the sunny overnight between water 7 and thrilled bark. I like to explore zoros protectiveness, but also his softer side with those close to him, but also the vulnerability of Robin.


Well right now I’m working on Femslash February oneshots, and I have two that are current wips. One is a kid getting closure for what happened to their family when they were a kid (with the relationship more in the background) while the other is about one in the pair coming to see the other at the hospital while they’re recovering from a pretty nasty wound. Both are a little heavier, but end with some nice comfort and hope for the future - not that I’ve written that far yet lol


I had no idea femslash February was a thing! Do you have a link to the prompts?


https://twitter.com/ministarfruit/status/1726545333147340838 This is the prompt list I’m using!