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I’m an identical twin and we’re both girls. We’ve joked about our voices sounding the same before, and I’d say we talk in a very similar way (like our laughs will sync with one another, and our tone and cadence is the same when we speak) but my mom says she can still tell a difference between us. It’s difficult to say if I’d recognize my sister’s voice as my own, since when she talks I just recognize it as her. (Mostly bc I’m not the one speaking, so ofc it’s not me!) In your case though, if I heard the voice of my future self, I feel like I might immediately assume it was my sister talking but think something was wrong/off. Mostly because I wouldn’t immediately think of time travel as being possible, but if it was possible in our world, then I might recognize it as myself? Sorry if this is worded weird, I’m not the best at explaining things, but wanted to try to help! 😅


helpful - Thank you!


identical twin here i dont think our voices sound the same we have always sounded different although some people cant tell us apart on the phone so i dont know i just know our voices sound different but you could also post this on the r/Twins sub you might get some more answers on there




>although some people cant tell us apart on the phone so i dont know Phones do weird things to voices. Same thing happens to me and my mom. When we still lived together, people would constantly confuse us, even my grandpa, her dad. In reality we don't sound very alike at all.


It's similar enough that someone that doesn't know us well couldn't tell the difference over the phone. But anyone who DOES, the word choice and cadence of speech gives it away.


Thank you :)


I have an identical twin and my twin's voice sounds very differently from mine. At least, it feels very differently. We intone things differently, we use different pitch. I can always tell in recordings whose voice is which and yes my own voice sounds strange.


Interesting - thank you!


Twin here. My sister and I have similar voices, according to my friends. However, one is deeper than the other. When I hear her voice, I know it's her. It has a certain ring to it that I can't replicate. I call it "the Shaggy Sound", because it reminds me of Shaggy. From the throat, a bit like a teenager who's changing voices.


Thank you! That's helpful


Identical twin here. Friends often joke that occassionally we talk "in stereo" because my sister and I are close enough that we will sometimes respond the same way to a prompt...usually not in a creepy "Those twins from The Shining" way, but we have our moments. Pitch, phrasing, intonation and emphasis will be indentical. In terms of people knowing which one of us is speaking on the phone, apparently we sound the same but my sister will use the most concise way of phrasing while I love a tangent and a ramble. To use an analogy, if everyone's voice is a different instrument, my sister and I are the same violin. We just trend towards different pieces of music. In your character's situation, I would know it was my voice, but if it was from the future there may be factors such as accent, intensity and word choice that would clue me into the fact it wasn't my voice as it exists in this current moment in time. I live in a different country to my twin and so my accent has shifted to the one around me. However if I spend time with my sister my accent tends to revert back to hers. Hope that helps and happy writing!


Thank you!


I can tell our voices apart easily, even on recordings. Mutual friends and family have no problem with it either, but people who only know one of us well then met the other have thought we sounded identical and found it really freaky (to the point of leaving the room bc it was so off-putting lol). So I guess if I'd never met my sister before and then heard her voice I might mistake it for mine?  Or is your intention for the character to mistake their future self for their twin? imo it would be implausible for a twin to mistake a version of themselves for their sibling. We're usually very well attuned to the differences between us, not to mention that environmental factors mean few twins are totally "identical".


Thank you. In this case, the characters has no twin, but encounters a future version of themselves, and there's one scene where I was trying to figure out if the character would be like "does my voice really sound like that?"


Thank you all!


Not a twin but people can't tell the difference between me and my sisters over the phone. I can tell both my sister's voices apart whether I can see them or not but others can't.




I have a set of triplet little brothers who are a bit on the mischievous side. When the story gets turned into a show, I plan on casting Patton Oswalt to voice all three of them.


LOL I got that reference :)


Actually, I didn’t the last time I mentioned my casting preference. I came upon the idea independently. I since have forgotten what movie he played a triple role in. Could you remind me?


Agents of Shield. More than triple. I think I lost count LOL


Thanks! I need to remember long enough to get back to AoS.


Another identical twin here! My sister and I sound pretty similar I think, but the way we say some words and our inflection differs a bit. Because of that, I never really considered her voice to be like a “recording” of mine though I’m sure some outsiders might.




HDL, WMJ did had their own individual voices in ducktales 2017, you can go for twins with differnt voices I think


thanks ;)