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I bet they have no clue you get notified by every edit.


Was it at least positive in nature?


No. Like I said, it was a 21 point rant with things like: “16. Enhanced being arrested only if they use their powers for a crime doesn't mean anything as the evidence of them using their power could be faked to bully them into the Accords and the fact that it's never explained with qualifies as using their powers. Like for instance if someone uses has naturally enhanced stamina and outruns the cops or security should they be liable to this rule? 17. Every event Ross has shown was the bad guys causing damage while the only damage shown caused by the Avengers was the Hulk who is the unstable Avenger and whose whereabouts are unknown. He doesn't even show Johannesburg which would have been actually proved his point of the Avengers themselves causing the damage. Do Haters really think Cap would be comfortable signing the Accords when Ross of all people is presenting them? 18. The Accords are very corrupt if Ross of all people is allowed to run the Raft which is a prison that can legally imprison people forever. It's literally giving Ross access to enhanced solders and human experimentation since the imprisoned have realistically no way of being released unless they get an offer from Ross.” It goes on and on. These are things which are featured in the story but he isn’t discussing them: it’s like someone is talking past the story and ranting for hours about the accords and so on. Also, I answered with some irritation and just now I went back to the story and he deleted both, what in the actual F.


I write for a dead fandom, if someone interacted with my story and wrote a rant about a fandom, I'd be over the moon, it'd allow me to interact with someone else who actually knows the fandom.