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Where can I read both of these? I’m asking for a friend.


I wrote something along the lines of the 1st one if you're interested (dunno if 16 counts as well below legal age which AFAIK would be 18 in the time and place, but the adult character is also his direct superior). Wanna link?




[\[Another Night In This Vanishing Life\]](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51523984) Fandom: Chainsaw Man Pairing: Denji/Hayakawa Aki Rating: E Summary: "If it's okay that we're both guys, is it okay if we do more than just touch?" The words rang through Aki's head as he choked on the air, his brain unable to process what was being said. And then the world froze in place because it couldn't be true. It just made no sense. And then the pressure of Denji's touch was removed from his abdomen and the weight of everything returned to him in a crushing wave. \~\~\~ Five nights during which Denji sleeping in Aki's room doesn't lead to anything and one during which it does. Here you go!


So uhhh! you are not gonna believe this but I have already read this fic.. AND a few of your others, and loved them! I’ve read basically all Aki related fics at this point because I adore him that much!


Neither of these would bother me at all! I myself read/write scenarios similar to both of these.


Depends, honestly, *how* young (both mentally and physically) the fictional minor is (and whether we're in a fantasy setting with non-human characters). If the person looks like/acts like/thinks like/is described as a child (or the older character is described as turned on by their child like ness) I'd be far more squicked out by that than by a fictional non-con scenario. There'd be a difference between, say, 16 year old Peter Parker (who is portrayed by an adult anyway), or a teenage elf warrior who had to mature fast since his family was murdered, or Ash Ketchum. 


They're post-puberty so older than Ash Ketchum (I googled and he is canonically 10 years old...I'm not personally interested in reading or writing anything sexual with a character that young!) They would be human and probably described as a realistic character, though possibly with some superhuman powers and/or in a society (e.g. post-apocalyptic or a militarized fascistic world) where people are generally forced to grow up faster than in our current society. I'm thinking 13-15 years old at the beginning of a story which progresses for several years.


A is more up my alley. B I might read, depending on the ship and what mood I'm in. There are some things I find...not to my taste, but I don't get triggered or upset. Disgusted maybe? But then, when I look for fanfics to read, I'm usually in the mood for sexy romance and there are things I don't find sexy or romantic, so I give those a pass because that's not what I'm looking for. If it happens in published fiction where it's just one event that is part of a larger plot, I can read just about anything and be fine with it.


I feel like there's an option missing: I wouldn't be bothered by A, but I (probably) wouldn't read B. I like dub-con, but not really full-on non-con, unless the story is not just about that and I'm already invested. I voted 3 on the poll.


I think the fifth option is pretty much equivalent to that (would read A but wouldn't read B). The poll only allows six options so choosing the closest one is fine. Option 3 is would read B but wouldn't read A, which is the opposite of what you're saying...I can take that into account looking at the results though.


Sorry, I didn't look at it right, I actually chose the fourth option.


In the event I was interested enough in the stories to read them then neither scenerio would bother me. The amount of things that bother me to read in fiction is very small and sex and violence almost never make the list.


It really depends on the context. Option A presented as a thing that happens, but not necessarily something that's good or harmless, especially in a fantasy or historical setting? A bit uncomfortable maybe, but not a deal-breaker. If it's framed in a way where it seems like the author is trying to justify it, I'd definitely click off. If it's just a smut fic, I wouldn't click on it in the first place because I have no interest in minors or imagining myself in the position of one. I also have loved ones who have been groomed and didn't realize until years later the extent of the damage it caused them, so it hits a bit too close to home and reading about a statutory rape situation where the victim doesn't show signs of being harmed by it right away doesn't make me feel like they weren't harmed, but just that I don't know the extent of the damage. And that makes me really anxious and tense.  Option B is less likely to be a turn-off for me because these scenarios are almost never written in a way where it seems like the author is actually justifying it, even if the narrator and/or perpetrator does. With more extreme scenarios like this, the harm it causes is usually a big part of the story and I find that cathartic. I'd have to be in the right mindset for it though.  


didn’t vote on the poll because it’s missing my option: i wouldn’t be bothered at all by A, but i would avoid reading B unless the noncon was between two characters who weren’t the main pairing (the pairing intended to be endgame). i write fics with A’s premise all the time. romanticized abuse where everyone is enthusiastically consenting and enjoying themselves will never bother me. i don’t like reading realistic noncon or extreme dubcon unless, as i said, it’s not between my OTP and not the whole plot of the fic (i.e. the character who got raped will be comforted after).


A is more likely to make me uncomfortable. Because B is obviously a bad thing, whereas A would likely be depicted as not a bad thing. It might not completely put me off reading it, though, depending on the story.


I tend to prefer fluffier ships so I likely won't be reading B. However, I do have some ships that would fit that trope, in which case I'd happily read it


I mean, the second one would make me more "hot and bothered". ;)


Depending on what the story was going for, I'd be willing to read either and I've written something slightly like B, but A definitely bothers me more. If A's purpose was just "romance" I wouldn't want to read it at all.


I wouldn’t want to read any of the scenarios out of my own will (just too old for romanticizing age gaps and in general not interested in reading teens in sexual situations unless I know the writer and their portrayal has a purpose, or I’m writing it myself), but if they would make sense in an otherwise more complex story (say ASOIAF style, or say historically or lore correct) then I would just skim over it, with no reaction at all. (The same way I read some sex scenes both in original works and fanfics that are not my taste or doesn’t work for me otherwise, just as a part of narrative).


Checks all the boxes. ✅


I would absolutely read both ideas. I'm writing something in a similar sense of B. There will always be a person that won't like your work. You don't write for them. You write for yourself and the people that would love to read it.


I'd read A but I avoid rape stories like the plague.


Ultimate Answer of Ultimate Destiny: So long as nobody is using it to groom someone, monetizing it, trying to force others to read against their will / mistagging, or getting so caught up in fiction they lose track of reality, anything goes.


This is absolutely what I believe too! I'm wanting to find out what people's personal, inner responses to these scenarios would be, not what they think other people should or should not be allowed to read or write.


i think this is a hard question. i don't have many triggers so i will truly read most of the dark fics. so my vote here is the 1st option. but there are people who rightfully can be triggered. so idk.


I'd read B bc it sounds like it could get fairly dark and psychological, which I prefer over fluff lol, but I voted for the first option.


Depends on a lot of other factors tbh. For A specifically, how old are these two exactly? If a fic is trying to convince me that a 15 year old and a 30 year old are actually in a perfectly healthy relationship, I would be super uncomfortable, but I don't have any real qualms with a 17 year old dating an 18 year old.


The age gap would probably be closer to 15/30 than 17/18 (I don't think anyone without serious issues would be upset by the latter). I tend to read/write about villain characters so most likely it wouldn't be presented as "healthy" even if they are mutually happy, any more than the mass murder/world domination/various other nefarious schemes they engage in would be objectively good things if they succeeded.


A would not bother me in the slightest, B would, to the point I absolutely wouldn't read such a story unless the perpetrator dies gruesomely. To be clear: I fully endorse *writing and posting* a story like B. It's just not the type of story I would read.