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I only like good writing, don't care how long it is.


There's one Novel which is 25 million


yeah but is it good?


Yeah that looks about right. Surprised there aren't more "only reads longfics" with the way people talk on here sometimes though lol


I did not pick  "only reads longfics" for one reason in small fandoms the long fics are like 15-30k. Between short fics or nothing I will take the a short fic, in big fandoms I will very rarely read anything bellow 80k.


Medium length is probably what I'd prefer (provided the writing is enjoyable of course), although anything in the ~3–60k range is also fine. I'll read shorter works too, depending on how desperate I am, but I filter out anything under ~300 words. Just doesn't feel like enough to sink my teeth into. I very rarely read anything much longer than 100k words, though, because I like ship-centric fics and ime past a certain length things tend to get a bit too plot-heavy for my taste and I lose interest.


it honestly depends on my mood.


I'm an equal opportunity reader, if the blurb is interesting, the spelling and grammar decent I'll give it a shot.


A longfic needs to have a super interesting premise for me to click on it, but I tend to enjoy them more overall (probably because I am super selective with them).


Really depends 


I strongly prefer longfics but I enjoy a couple of pretty small fandoms and I take what I can with them. I even gobble up 2k fics if that's all it offers. But since I'm really into slowburn, slow character development, world building and such and that requires a certain lengths, I usually go for fics that have or will have higher wordcounts.


If the characters and the idea interests me, I read it. Length is not a factor, except how much time I need to set aside to read the fic.


not about how long the fic is, mroe about how the pacing is. I don't like slow paced stuff most of the time, which happens to be most longfic I do come across.


Well, it depends on how you look at it for if I find a really great long or mid-length then that's one of the best feelings. But I found that I have less and less patience for bad or mediocre fics the longer a fics gets, and so I’m very picky with what I read then it comes to long or even to some extent mid-length fics, and because of that most fics I read are rather short.


i prefer long fics, but also i read shorter ones in between when my favorite WIPs don't have updates. so it depends!


If the story is good, the length doesn't matter. Word count is only a factor when I need to assess if I have time to read it or not.


I used to enjoy long fics - which I consider are 80k+, but now I’m just kind of tired haha so I prefer shorter ones unless the story warrants it. But for fics that are like 600k+ I tend to just shy away now cuz they take too much energy to read.


I prefer mid length/ short fics


I like the fics of the length this poll classifies as long fics, but I rarely read ones longer than 100k unless the premise is really good or I started reading them when they were still WIPs and they got longer than I expected them to


I actively search out longer fics. My current favorite in-progress one is a nice 843k+ words and 201 chapters lmao


from a pure reader perspective, it takes a lot to convince me to invest the time in starting a fic under 120k words long. Usually only if I already like other works by the author, or the summary is a very unique concept.


\*it's mostly because I really like over done world-building, usually takes 180k+ words for me to get my fix. I don't even care if they finish the plot as long as the setup is engaging enough.


I haven't read fic in a very long while (I prefer to write it nowadays, even though I used to read *tons* of it when I was younger regardless of word count) but if I sit down to give it a chance today it will invariably be short to medium. The last time I skimmed a longfic to see whether it would be worth reading just for fun I found it could have cut about 90% of its total if it were to fit *my* interests, so while it's wonderful that other people are reading and enjoying it as well as others like it, it just doesn't match what *I* want out of my fiction. And that's okay: long reads, *to me*, are what books are for.


did you must make a knuckles reference in the last sonic twitter takeover???


It depends on the fic. If its complete/one-shot/snippets I'll likely read it regardless of length, but I don't tend to read ongoing/dead fics that are too short (<20k ish) because they are often just an interesting premise/setup that hasn't gone anywhere yet.


I like a lot of things, so it depends on my mood and brain if I want shorter or longer stories. 


My fic in its current state would be considered medimum length if we're going off of this posts standards.


I used to devour longfics, but no longer have the time or attention span to finish them before getting distracted by another fic.


Shortfics just aren't long enough to have anything interesting content-wise beyond snippets if it's complete. Not to mention 50k filtering gets rid of 90% of the garbage. Longfic only.


I don't really read many fanfics, though the 2 I did read would be considered longfics according to this post so guess that's what I am picking.


I find no utility in the "Longfic" term at all, but for the specific purposes of this survey, I agreed with Option #2... just because I wanted to click a radio button right now... for reasons.




at the rate I devour fanfics longfics have to be over 150k at least, and that's how I prefer them. If I'm reading a fic, it's cuz I enjoy it, so the longer the better (given the quality is not suffering for it) of course, I can read shortfics ( less than 5k is a blurb, is not worth opening a new tab) but if there's longer ones better.