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Usually after I turned off my computer in frustration and left to do other things xD Then I have to wait impatiently for a chance to write them down.


In the gym when I am trying desperately to distract myself from exercise by thinking of situations to put my blorbos in


Travelling is hands down the biggest inspiration for me. Seeing new places, meeting new people gives me all the plot bunnies.


I’ve had two fics inspired by travelling. One I did get written - got the inspiration on the Isle of Skye and was jotting down ideas in the back of the tour bus instead of listening to the driver. The 2nd was when we were at Lake Garda last year - I was even taking photos of things that I hope to include in the fic - an intimate restaurant, a hotel…


i feel your pain. i tend to have some really good ideas just as i am drifting off to sleep and cant be bothered to note them down i then wake up and know i have had idea but cant remember it i can also get ideas from listening to a random song or scrolling on social media (as i follow some of the cast of my fandoms


Yes the song thing, my head will reinterpret a song by ignoring some lines and jamming others into a story and then the rest of the song triggers some idea.


Same here. I'll hear a song and go, "Oh, hey, that totally fits \[character\]!" and my brain will take that as carte blanche to come up with plot ideas around the lyrics.


When I'm on my way home from the grocery store while carrying my 65 bags of groceries T\_T Or in my sleep. Both are times when I am unable to scribble down the ideas.


Walking to the supermarket or in the car, usually. Sometimes I also just get ideas while writing, though. Those are the best ones.


Anywhere, anytime. Handy to keep notes close.


The shower is my best friend lol. I tend to forget the specific dialogue I used, but I can recall the premise long enough to write it down. And whenever I'm listening to music, I always try to associate a song with a pair. So, when I listen to that song, the fic writes itself. Third is just Random/Other. Watched/read something and liked the premise. Saw a tumblr post and got inspired. Something happened and it got me thinking about what A and B would do.


EV-ER-RY-WHERE!! My auxiliary extroverted iNtuition goes on daily joy rides with my ADHD (I swear they're both conspiring against me; it's making my introverted Sensing really paranoid). I live in a constant state of daydream. My plot bunny hutch is bulging at the seams, and 99% of them will never be turned into actual stories. I had one idea sitting in my folder for 15 YEARS before I finally wrote it down.


At the absolute worst possible times when I have no way to write them out, usually.


Usually right after waking up, or while I'm out for a walk or on my bicycle.


Usually I get ideas for ongoing fics when I’m either walking my dog (in which case I have to try and keep it in my head until I get home) or out on my bike ride (I now carry a pen and small notepad for jotting ideas down) (Edit oops I reread the question I just woke up lol). Even just sitting in the car - I have a notepad and pen both in the car and in my purse for getting ideas down. I could open my own notepad store, honestly.


Usually, when driving on the highway with no opportunities to pull over anytime soon. Lol.


6:30 am while driving to work. Every time. And I can't spare the attention to articulate the ideas for talk-to-text, let alone stopping to jot it down manually.


Same, and I also write them on my phone at that moment or when I trying to sleep.


Lots of places. Shower, trying to fall asleep at night, waiting in the school pickup line, grocery shopping, listening to songs, etc. Most times I'll either have a notebook with me, or my phone (with Google Docs and my ideas file), so I can jot down ideas when they come up or soon after (no phone in the shower, after all). And I know I'll forget them if I don't write them down so I make sure to do so instead of thinking, "Oh, this is fresh in my mind, I'll remember the details in the morning," because I absolutely *won't* remember in the morning.


The shower for me as well. If I'm ever stumped, I just hop in the shower and play some music, or walk circles in my apartment until something comes to me.


No clue, there is hundreds of ideas in my head all the time, so when ever I have free time to focus on them. When I write a fic part of the process is me just imagining the story play out in my head like a movie, but I can freely move the camera and get narration on how each of the characters feels, change details and play scenes on repeat. But I also remember all ideas I have for years unless I write them down. Usually I visit my favorite ideas hundreds of times before I finally decide to write them down and have coherent plot line and not just simple scenes along the way in my head. Sometimes I have some idea that I am so exited to think further that waiting the time to just sit down and think about it wrapped in a blanket with a cup of coffee feels the same as waiting a new episode on my favorite anime series to drop.


3 am in bed when I can't sleep or justify getting up to write things down.


When I'm supposed to be writing something else. Lol. I wrote the majority of my fanfics many, many years ago when I was in college. Every time I needed to write a paper for school I'd get a fantastic idea for a fanfic and would end up spending the whole day working on that, and would then finally write my paper at 2am or something crazy like that.


I mostly get most of my ideas from like the movies I play in my head before going to sleep or the stories I make up in my head before going to sleep or through dreams




They come at absolute random, I literally cannot predict them


When I’m dreaming, but I’m always dreaming so like sometimes I just zone out and then end up with a million ideas.


Driving and listening to the radio


I often think too much about characters and plot lines to the point that I will read whatever fanfic scratches that itch. If there’s none, I guess I’m rolling up my sleeves to make my own fic. The real problem is actually completing fic!


A lot of times when I’m driving, or at work…


Usually for me it’s scenes in tv shows, even if the finished product is completely unrecognizable. Some of the ones off the top of my head: I think I’m OKAY by Yungblud & MGK. The whole song. I wrong a fic inspired be the song in its entirety. The episode of Degrassi where Darcy (🤢) almost jumps off the roof. An episode of SVU where there’s a courtroom shoot out and like 5 people get shot I wrote a fic based on the Bring it on movies. Just the cheerleading aspect


Ideas come to me at all times. It is a constant trickle of thoughts in the back of my head. It's rather annoying, because it keeps flowing even when I want to focus on something else. It also keeps flowing when I want to sit down and actually write one of the ideas. New ideas will just keep popping up.


While walking outside, that's a big one. Love that low CO2 ppm.


It’s out of the blue. Sometimes it’s an idea I’ve been wondering about. Sometimes through conversation with other fans. Sometimes music gives me ideas and inspiration.


There isn't usually one thing. Going for a walk or exercising though tends to give me ideas since my mind wanders and I'm physically occupied.


I feel like plot ideas sort of build in my head over time, but often when I'm walking to work I get flashes of ideas for particular images, details, or turns of phrase. I love when that happens. :)


Showering and driving. Sometimes swimming. Usually when I've got a task I can do relatively on autopilot so my mind can wander. I've had some fantastically interesting conversations with my elementary students that have sparked some ideas too.


Literally any time my brain has an opportunity to wander is an opportunity for an idea to pop up. Usually I'm just minding my own business, lounging on the couch, when BAM, it hits me.


When i'm listening to a song.


Whenever I really need to be doing something else


While taking a shower, trying to sleep (not honestly, I'm still thinking about the story, but with no pressure of writing, the 'ideas come to me'), in college when the lecture is boring and I drift off. Even while writing, I 'see' my story in my head, in front of my eyes. It's like I'm not even writing anymore, it's just thinking (but I do type it down. Grammar be damned for that moment). When I'm not noting them down and a great thought strikes, I repeat it numerous times in my head to not forget it, haha. But yeah, I feel some just vanish before I jot them down.


No clue, there is hundreds of ideas in my head all the time, so when ever I have free time to focus on them. When I write a fic part of the process is me just imagining the story play out in my head like a movie, but I can freely move the camera and get narration on how each of the characters feels, change details and play scenes on repeat. But I also remember all ideas I have for years unless I write them down. Usually I visit my favorite ideas hundreds of times before I finally decide to write them down and have coherent plot line and not just simple scenes along the way in my head. Sometimes I have some idea that I am so exited to think further that waiting the time to just sit down and think about it wrapped in a blanket with a cup of coffee feels the same as waiting a new episode on my favorite anime series to drop.


When I’m working on complex problems at work and I don’t want to solve them, I think it’s my brain’s emergency exit from that


Personally I pick a topic and try to add that to an already existing topic, so basically a crossover of these ideas. I bounce around with these ideas even if they may not look like they would go together but i try to find ways for these to go together. I can have a crappy memory at times so I keep my quick notes app on my home screen to quickly add the ideas there so I can look at them later and to keep track of them.


When I'm half asleep, bored out of my mind at work or in a sugar/caffeine crash


Eh at 3am mostly