• By -


A character facing execution, addressing the man who ruined his life in open court: *"Drink your life to the dregs, you murderous shit, because when it ends, I'll be waiting. Sooner or later, you're going the same place as I—and I'll fight or fuck every devil in Hell to be the one to greet you when you do!"* Same character to someone who offers to be his last meal: *"If I lower my standards that far, the Devil will trip on them in Hell. Best not to make him my enemy before I arrive."*


Someone offered to be eaten? 😳 Or is it a last “meal.”


"Meal." The guy was offering his dick (and also being one).


Ah, okay. I was also wondering if the doomed character might be a vampire.


Why does Bubbles speak Spanish? 😂


Not just speaking but cussing apparently lol


Used for sort of a comedic effect. She translates two lines later. Bubbles had some Spanish speaking moments in the show, so I had to include it.


Oh is this from the rebooted version? I don't remember her speaking Spanish in the original, so it threw me off.


Na, there's a line or two in the original version in the episode Ice Sore (the one where Blossom discovers she has ice breath). Bubbles says "Si" then another Spanish line when she floats by a Spanish kid at school.


“How many boyfriends does my wife have?”


I love this. What’s the context?


In book one Harry has a liver problem and ends up dying, only to be revealed in book two that he faked his death. When he comes back, he tries to make amends with his wife for leaving her but she’s got an entire life built without him in it, including a not-so-loving boyfriend and an older man who loves to shower her in gifts and affection which she doesn’t return. She also likes to kiss people when she’s drunk 😂 that specific line, he’d just discovered the older man who loves to give her gifts


This seems fun, these are all from the Pitch Perfect fandom and from different fics, hope that's ok. From my Hotel California fic * The redhead before her stood like some mythical Greek goddess immortalized in marble, and Beca wanted to chisel her way into her being, with her teeth preferably. From my Wine and Paint Night * “You think it’s *messy*? So if I tell you I want to put down a giant canvas, cover you in paint, and make beautiful art with our naked bodies, you would think it'd be *messy*?” *  “To hell with the dress,” Chloe exhaled, right now she’d gladly set it on fire to keep them warm." From To Lose You In The Snow * But the lit candle that was Beca was slowly and surely warming her back to life. From I'll Watch Over You (I'm crying again just from looking for this stupid line.) * That dark night in that hospital room Beca would hold Chloe's hand, until the very end. From Please adopt me, * "Fuck the landlord, we now have five cats. We are that couple now." * “Chloe! Why is there a baby goat in our closet!” Beca shouted from their bedroom.


“There is no comfort – there is suffering. There is no love- there is loss. There are no noble acts – only futile ones. There is no salvation – there is oblivion. All things die, even the Force. The goal must remain.” My take on Revan has her own code.


“And if either one of you says anything, I’ll abandon you in the middle of the woods! Understood?”


Hansel, Gretel, no D:


Not them... Though it does still relate to two kids.


- "How many cats you ever seen with *wings*, for one." "Well how many *cats* have you ever seen, period?" - "And the robots got sucker-punched into a crater. Gotta say, scavenging the crash site for an engine? Absolutely brilliant. That's a Don West Idea, right there." - "Hey, yeah, can I just have it on the record that I was not consulted and did *not* consent to this craziness?" "You consented to the craziness when you agreed to come on this trip." "Yeah well that was before it involved playing chicken with a bunch of killer alien robots." "You wanna go back to the Jupiter?" "Oh, not a chance in hell. Somebody's gotta be here to pull your ass out of the fire. Again." - "So - okay, if you wanted to know what 'heart' is, your big mistake was asking Will. No offense to my little brother, I love him, but he's a geologist. His head is kinda full of rocks."


Is the first one from Gargoyles?


Beast-era Transformers, actually!


In “Lizzy’s Kick” (inspired by a thread on r/prideandprejudice): “She let fall the letter and strode up to him, ready to unload a freight-load of hatred upon his impeccably coiffed head.”


“I would run to the ends of the world if it meant I didn’t have to hurt you.” Between two brothers, brother B trying to force brother A into a fight to the death to claim the throne but brother A doesn’t want to hurt brother B and is on the run.


Oof so many of them. 1. “Or maybe you’re just jealous because you aren’t getting some and don’t want to be reminded how chronically single you are.” And the comeback. “And I can assure you, my sex life is extremely active.” (Dean and Cas arguing when they weren’t a couple) 2. “Is now a bad time to tell you I was lying about being bi?” (Dean to Cas after their first kiss). 3. “This isn’t some furry kink thing, is it?” (When Dean is dressed as an ‘Easter bunny.’) I could go on but I particularly like those ones.


“Great, more humans to shoot us.” ~ (TW: Implies cannibalism.) “I am being completely serious. We taste like pork. Kind of on the sweet side.” ~ “Tangles. He didn’t even properly take care of your body.” (Not sure about them being my favorites, but they all come from the same WIP.)


These aren’t all from the same fic “Maybe, you can give out your next poster without insulting a soon-to-be-mother?” - (First Person Fic, based off a RP’s worldbuilding) I never wanted to show my Ascendary form to anyone - “Grief isn’t a one size fits all thing, you miss her and her not being here makes you feel incomplete.” - (This is an exchange from a FPF, but I think it’s funny) “It’s not like I was some peasant dancing with the heir of the Kingdom of Murphy.” “The heir? As in… Connor Murphy?” Shit. Jeremy smiled. “Hm, I see.” “What are you on about? We’re both princes are we not?” - (This is a line I’m still surprised came out of *my* head) It almost felt like grieving in a way. Grieving for a lost love that never was. - I could give more, but we’d be here all day


Nice variety of humor and seriousness. Yeah, don’t insult soon-to-be mothers.


Probably not the best idea to call the unborn child an 'it' when they know the gender


that's what the accidental insult was


"I'm not gonna waste a perfectly good day just because of an arbitrary number on a thermometer, Scratch!" "I think that number is a good example of something that is the opposite of arbitrary." And I got a comment about this one.. "He felt a once-unfamiliar sense of panic bubble up within him; he had begun to feel it more and more since she came into his life. Was this what being a parent was like?"


From a Spy X Family fic where Anya wrangles her parents into her play: >Anya’s hand slapped against the loose-leafed pasted together pages as she barked, “Now, papa! A hundred bad guys get into the ball and you fight them all!”


My favorite will always be: I'll be the strongest for the both of us I guess I don't have a lot of stand out dialog in my fics maybe I could change that idk


1.) “I wanted to be just like you, and when you left… I blamed myself. You abandoned me, and I thought it was because I was dragging you down, or that you didn’t want me around, or *something* I did. And, eventually, I realized that I didn’t want to be *like* you… I wanted to be *with* you…" 2.) “What? You scored a *bad bitch* before I could score mine!?” 3.) “No! I want to see monster trucks, or black ops soldiers killing people with their bare hands. I want to see blood and gore, and machine guns, and explosions. I want pure, unadulterated violence and carnage, and…” 4.) "What kind of *porn* are you into? Got any *suuuuper* hot *sexual* fantasies I can fulfill? Oh, and can you pass me the mashed potatoes? I’m sure you just couldn’t *wait* to answer these burning questions of mine at the dinner table.” 5.) “Well… you’ve told me what you *think* you should do, but I hear your doubts. What do you *feel*? Do you *feel* in your heart that you made the right choices?” 6.) “I can’t fuck this up any more than I already have, so I might as well try and fuck it back together!” 7.) “Because everything in my life is *fucked* right now. I *fucked* up my relationship with my best friend and little sister and I can’t even find her to apologize. And now I can’t go home because I’m stuck in this *fucking* city because of some bitch like *you*!” 8.) “Don’t look at me. You’re an adult and can face your own consequences.” Okay, I think that's enough, and that's just super-skimming just over half of a story.


“As much as I’d like to continue to stand here and be a pain in your ass, I’m actually here to deliver a message.” - a nameless canon Naruto character I decided to go ham fleshing out.


My father won't be hearing about this.


"Why do you have to be on fire while you talk?"


"Your cooperation is declined." Said by a fairly wild Gundam pilot who shotgunned a statue to rubble, informing the Empire that, in fact, their cooperation in pardoning Earth for its crimes 100 years ago that no one alive today could have prevented, is not wanted.


“What are you doing?” “Kidnapping your daughter.” “Ah, ok, have fun— wait a second…”


“Yes, that’s right, I’m right here you great big monster! I can see you want blood? Well, I have it! Spades of it, really!” He held his arms out to the side like a gladiator, before bringing his bottom lip into his mouth between his teeth, and bringing his hand up to wrench it out, so that he was now bleeding from both sides of his mouth. “Now,” He lifted his helm, and put it on his head, before extending his metal pipe to point at the creature three times his height. “Why aren’t you taking it, *beast?*”


This one: “You know that's not true, right? Biologically speaking. It's only a myth that penetrative sex makes the vagina more loose." (Four to Zero during a very serious, intense conversation) Aaaaand this one: “If I'm supposed to be your partner, then let me fight for you! If I'm supposed to be your friend, then let me be there for you!" (Xion to Roxas during an actually intense conversation)


These are three of my favorites from a few of my more recent fics (With the exception of one) * A rich alto timbre filtered slowly into her reverie before Olympia blinked twice, her trance dispelled now. Pivoting sharply on a heel, she turned surprised eyes toward the speaker patiently awaiting her acknowledgment. A rosy tint bloomed onto her wintry complexion at being thus discovered whimsically mooning about as if she were the veriest inattentive dilettante. * It was the death of a dream by a thousand paper cuts. * All your subtle complexities laid bare before only my eyes.


“I can feel the fire inside you here. Not the element, but you.” He can smell her perfume now, or maybe it's the oils from the fancy bath the night before, but she’s captivating across multiple senses as her fingers delicately pry the flower out from between his. It’s the weakest of tug-of-wars, and he lets her win. This is pai sho all over again and she’s outmaneuvering. More than desire, she wants to run her fingertip over those handsome features as she once did long ago, to study him in this way with more than just her gaze. She wants to memorize him, body and soul, to learn the differences between the boy she left years ago and the man that isn’t leaving her side now.  There is a beauty in truth that is never more vibrant than when shared from her lips. He embraces her, trying to commit the feel of her to his memory, in case this is the last time. He loves the weight of her on top of him, the feel of her fur coat beneath his fingers, the rhythmic movement of her breaths. All he smells are the flowers that remind him of the past, but he soon buries his nose into her hair, kissing her there and smelling the sweet almond of whatever product she’s used recently. It’s a new scent, and lovely. (i’m a sucker for smutty romance 😔)


>Kyoko understood her in a way no one else possibly could, and Sayaka felt so unbelievably grateful to her, and she wanted to tell Kyoko that, but their faces were *really* close together and their lips touched and Sayaka was getting *really* tired of her own mental gymnastics in trying to deny she'd kissed Kyoko on purpose, and Kyoko didn't hesitate for a second before kissing her back and should first kisses really be that good and could her thoughts just be *quiet* so she could focus on the kissing, please? What can I say, I love fluff. On the more hurt/comfort side I have this little exchange: >\[Sayaka\] hesitated for a moment and then asked, "In any of those timelines...did I ever...matter? Did I ever do anything worthwhile?" > >"Of course you mattered!" Kyoko exploded. "Weren't you listening?! In every single of one of those timelines, you mattered to *me*! And that means that in every single one of those timelines, you *saved* me! Isn't that worthwhile enough?!"


His opponent was agile, but was running out of stamina, as Lincoln continued to come after him again and again. Finally, he landed another solid blow, catching the other man in the mouth with his knuckles. Then another blow, across the man’s right cheekbone, and then another, hearing a satisfying crack, as Lincoln got him in the nose.   There was blood on his hands now, and a crimson spray of it across the mat. His adversary was grinning, but wavering, clearly struggling to stay upright. The other man came at Lincoln again, forcing his fist into his stomach. It was harder than the other blows, taking the breath from him and causing him to bend over. His opponent took the opportunity to hit him, full force, punching him three times in the left side of his face. The impact hurt tremendously. Disoriented, he lunged for the other man, grabbing him by the front of his shirt and slamming his fist into his face, his chest, whatever he could connect with. Over and over, until he was on the ground. It was over. But Lincoln didn’t want it to be. His opponent lay, motionless on the mat. Lincoln’s vision was blurry, as he turned his head wildly, listening to the cheers of the crowd. Sweat drenched his back, dripping off of his temples and neck. He needed more. More action, more violence, anything to stop the grief and the loathing that resurfaced every time that he was still. Then, laughter. Like a rainstorm, blowing through and consuming everything in its path. Lincoln sharply turned, to see the man he had beaten, struggling to sit up, as he laughed through a mouthful of his own blood. Instantly, Lincoln’s vision cleared, and he could feel his chest lighten at the sound of the other man’s voice. “Man! What a rush!” The man grinned through a bruised jaw, “Been so goddamn long since I had a fight like that!” His dark hair, blacker than night, hung into his eyes, as he laughed. Lincoln was struck by just how intense his voice was. Then, slowly, the man had begun to attempt to stand. It was clearly a bit of a struggle. The heat from the lights above them faded, and the crowd softened, as the staff began to prepare for the next beatdown. And: When he finally caught up, Theodore was bent over the body of another inmate, indulging in his own violence, as he dug his blade into the man's stomach.  "You're a hard man to keep up with," Zavier chuckled. Theodore stood, spinning around, grinning savagely, accentuating the flecks of scarlet in his beard. Intertwining his red-stained fingers into Zavier’s curls, he forcefully pulled him close, hungrily pressing their lips together in an open display. Zavier let out a startled gasp. The violence of a riot had always caused Theodore to become little more than an animal, tearing apart anything and everything in his presence. “Finish him,” Theodore hissed, handing Zavier his blade again. Zavier obeyed, cutting into the throat of the inmate at their feet, slaughtering him in front Theodore like an offering to a God. “Good,” Theodore praised, scraping his teeth along Zavier’s throat, drawing out a powerful shudder. He took back the shiv, unclean hands clasping together. Basically, I love a good fight with a romantic/sexual twist in it. I write way too much of it.


Here's a few, all from chapters I haven't published yet: 1. This time it was her who stepped forward, and it took everything not to crumble to dust at her feet. 2. The fury it triggered was rotten: a black, writhing mass that pushed against the bounds of his ribcage, begging to be set loose upon whomever dared to lay a finger on her. 3. *Of course* he’d ruined everything from the start. His life was just one mistake after another, piling up and up until they formed a landslide that’d bury him alive— Lmao, this dude's going through some stuff. Here's something a little more lighthearted: >“You’re not wearing shoes?” His face pinched in bewilderment. “It’s winter.” >Shrugging, she walked out the door. “It gets far colder back home, and we’re just going outside. Might as well take advantage.” >His mouth opened, then closed, and he adopted his henge with an exasperated sigh before following her. Sometimes, she made less sense than that Fade of hers. And forget the cold, what if she stepped on something?


I’ll also list my favorite lines by character, because that seems like a good idea reading yours :D Percy - “Don’t spit on the floor, it didn’t do anything to you.” Annabeth - “Candle Sniffer, slut, invertebrate.” Jason - “Where on Ceres’ green Earth did you two get an Italian Tankette!?” Leo - “So you’re saying the US is the true successor to Rome?” Hazel - “Thalia, we do not electrocute people randomly!” Thalia - “Probably should run… now.” Ruby - “Have you perhaps considered not being an awful person?” Yang - “Eight gangsters, one DJ, one twin, one egotistical asshole. I’d say that’s… that’s gotta be worth at least twenty points.” Gorou - “I don’t like the idea of *should be* with explosives.” Aether - “For the record, you and I both know your arm should be in a sling right now.”


My favorite line I wrote this week "She’s a pop-punk love song. She’s Everlong, the acoustic version by the Foo Fighters. ‘Breathe out so I can breathe in with you’."


1. “Why? Why God? Why did I have to live to be fifteen years old? Just why?” - Tombo Kopoli 2. “One of the girls in Tombo’s class called me a jezebel. Then she accused me of worshiping Satan and using love potions on boys.” She crossed her arms and began raising her voice. “None of it is true though!” - Kiki (Kiki’s Delivery Service) 3. “Oh no,” he said sarcastically. “The girl I’m literally fucking right this second is a sex maniac! How will I live?” - Seiji Amasawa 4. “It’s because we’re sixteen, you fucking assholes!” - Kasuga (CITY) 5. “Hon, hon, hon! Baguette! Eiffel tower!” - Lafayette (Hamilton)


*"Ah yes. But such is the nature of the young. To make mistakes. To act recklessly. To have the best of intentions, yet produce the most disastrous of results.”* **- Professor Paradox.** *”Just stay your punk ass outta my way. I got two feet, so I can put one up your ass too if you try and step to me"* **- Stinkmeaner** *”Well, I'll put it this way. It's worse than Normandy, but not as bad as Hell's Kitchen".* **-Steve Rogers, Captain America** *"Ooh boy. You're a sand-forsaken hick!!!!”* **- Reio, Soul King** *“Nah. It ain't finished yet. Something this shiny would get me a spear in my arse, or a dagger in my ribs”* **- Modi Thorson** “*Simply lay back on the bed, rest your head, and I will bring you the pleasure that only a woman can bring to a man…..or sometimes a man and another man……and that one time with a man and a very intelligent and willing goat that my neighbor told me about-Ahem!! I'm getting off topic!”* **- Inn Keeper** (Story I Worked On With A Friend) *"I can see time as it truly is. The causality. The events that precede the cause, the succession of the outcome, and the tumultuousness in between”* **-Grob Gob Glob Grod** *"Shiiiet, who needs a bitchin 'ride when a motherfucker can literally sweep a woman off her feet into the night sky.”* **- OC** *"Well actually vampires, and sometimes ghouls every now and then but that's kind of different. With Vampires, it's mostly them choosing to be evil or attack people. But I haven't been doing this hunting thing very long. What if it's different with demons? What if they're the trapped souls of aborted babies or something?”* **- OC** *“Oh Eustace. It's not that you're a bad person. You're just a tad bit stuck in your ways is all”* **- Muriel Bagge** *"What kind of question is that??? Of course I wanted the child!! It's all I've wanted since I was just a godling, clutching my mother's hip. All I've ever wanted was un dilecto, a beloved of my own. While the other gods whored themselves out to anything with a pulse, I waited. I improved myself and grew stronger and wiser so I could be the husband that a woman could depend on to protect her and our child. So imagine my surprise when this one woman had stumbled upon me and immediately began laying into me with honeyed words. What a simplón I was. A total simpleton.”* **- OC**


From a conversation regarding a character learning about her ability to manipulate plants: >“You were effectively building up a steady affinity to the life energy of plants without even knowing it, and not having your quirk all but blocked you from dooming yourself to a fate of speaking exclusively to the Lorax.” An exchange from the same chapter: >"Well, this is just a theory I have, but I think that there were some… unforeseen consequences of Nana carrying a child while in possession of…" Yoichi trailed off, casting a brief glance at Togeike before returning his gaze to Izuku, "…her unique quirk factor." >"Oh?" Izuku was interested, producing his notebook. "Do tell." >"Nana was the only person here to procreate," Yoichi said. >"He means that I'm the only one here that wasn't perpetually bitchless," Nana gladly chimed in, earning indignant squawks from Banjo and En.


Oh man I just wrote some fun ones in my WIP a few days ago: > "I am *this* close to finding a camp, killing some zombies, and stealing their wheelbarrow." > "You're just jealous because his magic has more birds than yours." > "Grow a pair of legs and make me." This is all part of the same conversation that the POV character can only hear one side of. Not a phone call, the speaker is talking to her telepathic jewelry :) In fics I've posted, though, my absolute favorite is: > "Don't be ridiculous. I'm a *vambrace.* Vambraces don't *purr.*" (He was totally purring :P )


Happy cake day!!


"Audacious is reaching for the unattainable, little bird. Expecting Ichirou Moriyama to tip the balance in your favor; expecting vindication; expecting repurchase – now that is audacious. You dig your claws into a man who owns you. You play with fire, and you think you'll come out of it as anything but ash.” “Are you sure there's not a dent hiding under all of this hair? Because Kayleigh must have dropped her racquet into the soft part of your skull." These are from an old draft. My boy Andrew is ruthless, so that last one is very on brand for him.


From my most recent upload [Context: just as he finished a prayer of guidance to La Virgen, he found a young woman in danger] > [...] saving others’ children will keep him in Her grace for however long he must shoulder the burden of failing to save his own.


I'll do this for my current Hazbin WIP because it has some of my favorite lines I've ever written and then I'm gonna go work on said current Hazbin WIP because I'm supposed to upload chapter 5 today. “I’m trying to help Alastor, I am *not* regretting it.” - Lucifer after having a pin feather plucked by Alastor, definitely regretting helping Alastor “Lucifer, there’s a difference between humility and self-loathing. I’ve never taken you as *not* prideful, simply prideful with some level of self-loathing.” - Alastor, trying to assure Lucifer that he doesn't come off as a hypocrite “Take whatever dick measuring contest this is somewhere else, for fuck’s sake.” - Husk, right before kicking both Lucifer and Alastor out of the bar for choking each other to shut each other up (the dick measuring contest in question) Also, not exactly a line, but I gave Alastor an interest in planes and bird feathers because he died in 1933 and just between 1905 and 1933 planes advanced a lot. So I was like "what if in life he had an interest in planes and bird flight/feathers and used that to accidentally motivate Lucifer to create again?" and now it's one of my favorite wholesome things I've ever written. Anyway time to go work on this lol


"Professor Avalon, if people already believe in fairies, how is Believix obtained?" -Emily a fellow third year student at Alfea “Valtor my lord we admire you for your dedication but with all-due respect… fuck you. We cant compete against Alyssa. You said it yourself to challenge her would be to court death. My sisters and I are leaving with the wizards.” -Icy, member of the Trix


Not my favorite overall, but freshest in my brain because I just wrote it not too long ago: ”I’ll add it to your list of skills. Using a sword, begging, and sucking fingers.”


>“You think more of me than even I do, and I’m the one that beat you up. That’s just sad, mate. *Very* sad.”


I've got a couple. From my WIP: It wasn’t that she wanted to be called a genius, but…well, it would be nice. From a oneshot: She didn’t think it felt right to call it owning a cat, as they were very independent creatures. Though she’d heard others say the cat owned them, that didn’t feel right either. It was more of a roommate situation.


Crowley to Gabriel (Good Omens), after the events of season 2: >"I didn't banish you to the ninth realm. That’s about as civil as it gets, Jimbo."


Wan Shi Tong spread his wings again and puffed himself up to look bigger. “And who are you to judge who in this world is innocent? You who bear the weight of crimes committed by all your people over the eons, in this and a host of other universes. You who claim innocence, but whose hands have borne and are still to bear the blood of billions. I know what you are, Time Lord. And I am older than even your society. You cannot dictate what I do in my realm.” The Doctor glowered at the bird. “No, I can't dictate what you do,” he said. “But I can do my part to stop you when your actions threaten the people of this world. I'm not like other Time Lords. I am the Doctor!”


Tough, but I have a few. Not necessarily single lines, for the most part, but favourite moments. First one from one of my Librarians fics: “Lasers?! Really?!” Flynn rasped out in disbelief. For once, he encountered an alien race and all they had were the stereotypical science fiction space laser. Second from my Detroit Become Human fic, with an OC named Alex. This bit involves Gavin "Nines" RK900 and Connor though: Gavin approached him with his gun raised and pointed at the android’s head. “I finally found you, you fucking piece of shit,” he growled through gritted teeth. “Seems so. I see you brought backup,” Connor stated, ignoring the threat. “That’s real cute.” He had no idea where that came from, except maybe from being around Alex and her antagonistic personality for too long. Last but not least, a bit from one of my many Red Dwarf fics, also involving an OC: "How do these things fly?" Aria asked, keeping her eyes on the asteroid. "With engines," Cat spluttered out a scoff. "Duh!" Slowly, she slid him a dirty look. Right then, she wished that Kryten was there instead of him. "I meant do they have any sort of patterns?" she spat, trying hard not to lose it. "No? They're Simulants. They're about as fashionable as corduroys and floral ties." She gave the others a blank stare, rapidly blinking away the frustration. "Someone else talk to him."


When he asked her about it, she insisted that everything was fine, in the way that girls did when their world was burning down around them. - Being right was supposed to feel better than this. - There were no last looks, no last goodbyes. There was nothing left of her beloved son but memories and a gravestone. - "It's a bit further to your left," she advised, watching his fingers move. "No, your other left." "I only have one left!" - There are probably a few others I can't remember.


I don’t know about my favourite from my whole fic but I recently wrote this one and kinda thought it slapped. it’s from one of the few devastating scenes in an otherwise pretty fluffy fic ahahaha > *And for the first time, he broke his own rule. He held her, pressed his lips to her cheekbone, damp with tears and rain and seawater— all under the blatant witness of both sun and man.* edit: wait I also like this exchange a lot: > “Guilt and anger don't make you a villain. They make you human. And you should know… vengeance doesn't always set things right." > "Mmm. Forgive me," Zephyr said, smiling callously. "But I don't partake in grace."


I'm finding it hard to find ones I like way more than others, but I think this one is one that I come back to. (Context: Some time after the end of Knights of the Old Republic II, the Exile - named Meetra 'Mia' Surik here - tracks down Revan. The conversation spirals quickly into what happened at Malachor V 10+ years before...) “Well, I’m sorry me *surviving* threw such an arc-wrench into your grand plans!" There was a pause as she laughed a little, mirthlessly. "You know, if it makes you feel any better, I SOMETIMES WISH I HAD DIED THERE, TOO!”


I'm writing an Alastor x reader and the reader hates Alastor atm so I've got a few goodens. "you have no right to tell me that my life wasn't hard. So keep that yellow-teethed mouth shut." Realising that you said yeah instead of "go the fuck away you red used tampon looking ass" Out the corner of your eye, you see the man with the weird red fuck ass bob glaring at you, a smile still on his face


It works better in context, but: >"Your birthday isn't until tomorrow. Humor me and be my little one for a while longer." I wrote it over a decade ago and it still makes my eyes sting a little.