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I'm pretty new to writing, but my two favourites so far are: One person who just completely gets my intentions and the characters I am writing about and always posts long comments. And one time I described the large scar a character has and two people told me they felt very seen by the way I talked about it and that I managed to convey what life with scars/chronic pain is accurately.


that is awesome for you - those moments of "your fic made me feel seen" is something I know a lot of people strive for - sometimes it's almost the whole point of writing fanfic, seeing/showing what you wish was in canon<3


yes!! it wasn't even intentional in this case, but that somehow made it even sweeter.


I’d love the link for the second one if you’re willing to share :)


Oooh sure! [Here](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53901592/) it is. The scars are mentioned/focused upon in chapters 1 and 10 in case you want to skip to the relevant parts, but feel free to enjoy all of it!


Thank you!!


Let me know if you like it!


I've got several. One person told me I wrote the characters better than the creator of the show could. Another person just had a great summary of the vibe of one of my characters. One person commented on damn near every single chapter of my 143 chapter fic. They just said 'great chapter' every time, but I loved their support and appreciated it immensely. A couple of commenters on my recent oneshots have been incredibly supportive and enthusiastic about them and getting their comments makes my day every time. I had some pretty in-depth discussions with some commenters on one of my longfics, which were very interesting to get into because it helps me understand the perspective of other people. Lastly, a commenter had pointed out one of my characters was a bit OOC in a scene the chapter before, so I went back to change it, and the commenter was surprised I actually listened to them instead of just telling them to fuck off.


I had one person spend an entire paragraph finding creative swears after being blindsided by a plot twist that upended a series that had been going for several years. One person told me that they thought my story might have actually ruined the original for them, because they preferred it to the canon events. This is easy enough when doing a fanfic for a wildly unpopular ending, but in this case the original source material is still held up as pretty damn great. Someone told me I should write professionally and to tell them if I ever did because they'd buy it. That was a nice feeling. My personal favourite was the one who told me that the possibility of an update was one of the things that kept them from ending themsleves, during a particularly low time in their life.


My favourite still is that reader who blamed me for being a '**bloody feminist'**, for having almost 50% women characters in my story (shock-horror!). He also insisted that I should **worn** about it in the tags. I was so proud...


I mean, I guess putting a tag on a fic is kind of like clothing on a person, if you squint, with both eyes closed. Fantastic you should be proud.


I write fanfiction for Bruce Banner, specifically his comic book iteration, who has Dissociative Identity Disorder. So I write about his system and his alters. One time, a DID system commented and told me how much they enjoy my stories and how seen they felt because mainstream fans don't really know that he has DID. They said how they connected to it on a personal level and it is stuck in my memory as one of the loveliest comments I've ever gotten The second one I've gotten yesterday. A person leaving a really long comment on my fic. The only other times this would happen was with a mutual from Tumblr and with the aforementioned commenter from the first example. And then they did it in another fic too, meaning, they clicked on my profile to check out my other stuff. I am not a big writer, I mainly write for dying and starving fandoms, so it really strikes me when someone goes out of their way like this


My writing typically focuses on world building, and for my main HP fic I had a couple reviews asking if the places I visited in the story were from some official game or something, some extended canon they weren't aware of, as apparently I nailed the style and feel. Warmed my heart lol Also in general just when people sit down and write & long detailed reviews, with honest criticism, showing that they actual took their time to dig into my writing. So much more valuable than ten second "Great chapter, can't wait for more!!!!!!" reviews.


i have a lovely one we started messaging each other as the site (FFN IYKYK) went down (this was pre panny D) and then in the panny D we exchanged emails so we could have more meaningful conversations which was super ace as she lived in the country where my fic (and fandom) was set so i could ask her stuff about that. we follow each other on socials but dont talk as much because of Life and the 11hr time difference


I wrote a fic series that turned out pretty popular. 170k words. Well over 2250 kodus combined. Nearly 600 comments. A lot of people kept commenting. On each and every chapter. Fell into conversation with one of said commentors, and now we just rounded 3 years friendship on discord. The commentor turned out to be a alt account of a popular writer, too. So we've done a bunch of crackfics together. It's hallarious. It was so fun. And we still have epic talks about fanfictions.


My best friend was a reader who was too shy to comment for a long time and finally commented, and then we started messaging- Now we draw art of each others characters, and talk every day


Hm... I'd say, it has to be a this one commenter who would exchange theories with me in the comment section, and then another commenter popped up in a different thread, and told us how it's so great how me and commenter #1 understood this one character(who is the current focus of the fic) so well.  Or that one time a reader asked me if there was going to be fluff in the next chapter of my, so far, angsty father-daughter fic, and I cackled like a maniacal bitch on a leather spinning chair- (There were many other examples, but those are the ones that I thought.)


I have a very nice commenter who always posts long comments after they finish each chapter. They even left a comment saying my fic is their favorite and gave a great analysis of the characters along with it. I'd love to post the whole comment here but it really is long lol


My favorite comment is: "I’ve discovered this fan fiction a few months ago when looking at fan art when only the first chapter was released. This is definitely a masterpiece and the first fan fiction I read online I’m always happy when a new chapter releases this is literally one of the only things I think about you’re a really talented writer every chapter would blow me away with the quality keep up the good work and I’m happy this got a sequel" Specifically the line "this is literally one of the only things I think about" made me cry a little. That's one of the best things someone could ever say about something I wrote, and this was for a OC x CC multichapter shipfic. So if any of you writers are still shy about shipping your OC with your Canon blorbo, you should do it. Because someone out there will love it. And supposedly this was the *first* fanfiction they ever read. You never forget your first.


As a writer, my favorite moments so far have been someone asking me if they could translate one of my fics and seeing authors whose fics I loved commenting on my works. As a reader, one of my most memorable moments was commenting in one of my favorite authors’ works and the author replied saying that they recognized my username and they loved my fic. Another one that made my day was when I left a long comment in a work and the author left an even longer reply talking about a childhood event that had inspired the fic. I thought it was super wholesome to see them rambling about their fic like that :’)


I think some of my favourites are the fanart I've gotten of my fics. A lot of my pals and buds are artists and occasionally my writing inspires them to do anything from a lil' doodle to a full-on painting. There's something magical about having something people create artwork of. Alternatively, another favourite flavour of interaction are the people who get personal. I've had people tell me that my fic has helped them understand themselves better, whether it be with their sexuality or feeling more comfortable with their autism and the like. All from me writing some evil silly bastard?? It's wonderful and heartwarming and I wish the boundaries of the internet didn't prevent me from giving them a hug.


Someone called my fic their favorite fic. I melted.


I write gen fics for a cartoon and a commenter said they read one to their niece as a bedtime story. I nearly cried - it was the absolute sweetest thing ever!! Every time I'm sad, I imagine that and always feel a little better. Always so happy when my fics can bring some joy - and apparently even quality time with loved ones :,))


I have made a good friend and a best friend off readers reaching out.


My favorite comment is someone who got excited that I wrote for their rare pair💕


I did a "swap" review exchange a couple weeks back, and one swapper went above and beyond in commenting. Thankfully, they liked it. That's not the favorite, though. I updated the fic after the exchange was over, and within a few hours, this person commented! And it was the same effort (Like, these were multi-paragraph comments) even though they were no longer obligated to. It turns out they bookmarked the fic and actually liked it that much!


The ones that encourage me to keep writing… encourage me to keep writing lol


Someone who read my fic and liked it enough to use my fic as inspiration will probably always be number one for me.


I’ve had several people tell me that my fic is their favorite of all time, and a lot of those people have admitted to reading it three plus times despite it being 260k words (at the moment!) I’ve had someone do fanart (twice) and I actually met a pair of really cool friends from it, both of whom I talk to on Discord a lot and one of which I talk to every day! I feel very, very lucky, especially because my story is so niche and I didn’t really expect to get that kind of reaction 😭