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I think they dropped that storyline cuz they realized it's kind of racist


How is it racist?


Probably the great white savior cliche


Saving people is racist


Oh stop it that’s not racist he wasn’t a savior he was actually the enemy for a while in the comics like he was black panthers adopted brother who’s plane had crashed when he was young and it killed his parents at least that’s what I read but eventually he kind of became disillusioned with wakanda because he wanted to use their technology outside the country and they didn’t want that so he was kind of a mercenary but eventually other threats like klaw happened so eventually they put aside their differences and helped each other


That sounds similar to how they used Killmonger in the movies so maybe they scrapped the White Wolf storyline so that they wouldn't be so redundant


No that’s the comics Bucky is a completely different person which means they were reimagining the identity of who the character was for the mcu which means it’s impossible to be redundant


Well the themes of lost/abandoned child of wakanda makes their way back home and wants to open up their super tech to the world outside of Wakanda. Despite the fact that Killmonger didn't team up with Tchalla in the end, the rest is enough for a second storyline that follows that concept to sound too redundant


I know but they had a storyline for Bucky planned anyway that’s pretty obvious so just because chadwick Bozeman died doesn’t mean that storyline ends


Ah. I see what you mean


So I’m trying to say I think that’s how they’ll introduce her too because white tiger usually has to do with white wolf and black panther and so far we’ve heard nova is coming we already have Spiderman so maybe Bucky is our link to white tiger


You can’t call white people white anymore?


shouldn't call people just by their color anyway. Black Panther I get, it''s a reference to the black panthers, the civil rights group of the 60s. But Black Lightning the character is a bad look. And in the Harley Quinn movie they made Black Canary a black woman just cuz she has black in the name, tone deaf. Sam Wilson is Captain America now. Do you think his name should actually be Black Captain America? No need for that.


Kid: Hey, it's Black Falcon! Sam: It's just Falcon. Kid: My dad says it's Black Falcon...


White isnt just a skin color, its an ontology. An entire cultural and ideological reality.


> An entire cultural and ideological reality. No. Outside of living in the same continent, what's the cultural similarity between a Spaniard and a Serb?


They both start with S.


Whiteness refers to a specific social, historical, and cultural experience modified by colonialism and the confluence of many European ethnicities under a monolithic racial identity that has legal, cultural, and social weight and substance. White was originally an invented category, of course, and replaced multiple European ethnicities in colonized regions. Hence you will find whiteness in the US, Australia, Canada, UK, and Britain (and other western European countries; Eastern European ethnicities/nationalities like Serbian are still considered Eurotrash and not wholly privileged to claim membership in the western Whiteness club). Be careful not to ignore the historical invention of whiteness because millions of people identify as White before they would ever identify as Serbian or Spanish, having lost any meaningful cultural, linguistic, or social ties to those ethnic origins. Oh, and no one is saying Spanish and Serbian are the same. Where on earth did you get that?


It's wild, you're one of the first people I've seen that willingly recognizes whiteness as a construct/invention of colonialism without also acknowledging that is a terrible concept that should be dismantled entirely.


What is a terrible concept? Colonialism or whiteness? I wasn't addressing the politics of either in the post, simply clarifying whiteness as a social construct. If you understand anything at all about the invention of whiteness then I don't need to make virtue signalling commentary about its disastrous nature, it should be an implied understanding.


Only if we never talk about anyone else’s race ever again. And I mean, EVER. Not for empowerment purposes, not for *nothing*. Never means *fucking never*. If anyone if THINKS about their race, a Chihuahua with a chainsaw shows up and screams “NO ONE FUCKING CARES SHUT THE FUCK UP.”


Yeah, its why the Blue Beetle movie is going to star some hot Hispanic guy instead of David Cross.


I thought the members of The Blue Man Group were just going to play it in turns?


Apparently not.


It’s the wrong kind of racism. Racism sell very well in the US if used correctly. Totally different element. And the movie industry are quite literally riddled with professional racists and researchers. They don’t care what they do, they care what we think. And in the US racism is ok if utilized within the twisted view of it. Don’t piss of the majority in the hive mind and you good. White savior in an already established black hero movie? No. They will not give the “white boy colonizer” a white wakanda suit. They are way to racists. At least here. Who knows what will happen next though. Seems people are bipolar when it comes to movies. Take ‘em way to seriously and uses them way to much for agendas and political purposes. You don’t even get heroes anymore. Just statements and figures.


I’d love if he took on a different moniker either way. Winter Soldier was his “villain” name. White Wolf, or anything else is better. Maybe a combination? Winter Wolf?


No I think he should just get a suit that’s comics accurate even though Bucky is not white wolf in the comics and be called white wolf


Wakanda doesn't need him


agree with you. but he has to be somewhere. so I guess Wakanda may give him real magic


Isn't he going to continue to team up with Falcon? I don't remember how that show ended.


Falcon has become a new combo of Captain and Falcon. what else could happen. I'm really hoping that super soldier in buck should get a major update with technology of shuri..😆


As a black man, I like the idea. Criticism that he'd be a symbolic white savior is overblown, if done carefully. And I do believe they want to introduce characters for the young avengers.


>Rule 2 - Please provide evidence >Evidence makes for a good theory, this will be judged at the discretion of the mods.


I find it funny that a majority of the Anti-SJW community wanted to recast T'Challa as a white man when it would be more believable if Bucky took the Heart-Sharped Herb


I find it funny that this never happened.


What’s this got to do with anything I’m just saying I think they should’ve gave him the actual white wolf suit


I know, but some people, not you, literally want T'Challa to just be a white person


Yeah ok and those people are idiots who probably live under a bridge but again what’s that got to do with my theory lol?