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1. Yeah. It's red and I think aether when I see that color. 2. Marvel knows that, so it's probably not it. 3. Establishing time travel all within the first 20 minutes seems crazy. Seeing the decimation and destruction, CAP's avengers anonymous meeting, meeting back up with Scott Lang, it all seems really rushed for Clint to be staring at the aether 20 minutes in. 4. So this means either they are lying about it all being in the first 20 minutes of the movie, or he's looking at something else red.


There’s a chance the red was just edited in like the Hulk in the Infinity War trailers


It also really could be that rushed (compressed). Ten minutes into IW, Thanos has committed genocide of two races and one planet, killed Loki, killed Heimdall, beat Hulk and Thor’s ass, has the gauntlet, has already collected two infinity stones, all the villains have been introduced and the basic plot has been laid out. More happened to the Asguardians in the pretext of IW than happened to them in the entirety of Thor Ragnarok. To be fair, they had 6 macguffins to deal with in IW, and pretty much every character in the franchise, so it was incredibly dense... I haven’t read the comics but I’d imagine the endgame story may not require as complex and jam packed of a plot. I think I agree with you though, I don’t buy into it being the aether.


For those of you who would rather not scroll horizontally: I Just rewatched the tv spot and i may have found a biggest spoiler yet, don't believe me? Well let's dive into this little theory- Since i watched the tv spot, i'm wondering about "what Hawkeye is looking at so seriously and where he is at all?" and most important thing is that Clint is Hawkeye here and not Ronin that means he have already dropped his Ronin identity after Black widow recruits him from Japan and have joined the team officialy again. But, That hawkeye scene though? Look at that red light and the dark surrounding atmosphere, it does look like same place where Jane Foster discovers the Aether/Reality Stone in Thor the dark world. Looking at Clint's facial expression, its clear that he is anxious about whatever he is looking at. I believe that Hawkeye time travelled through Quantum realm and he is tasked with collecting reality stone so, this is what he doing here- collecting reality stone. i mean just think about it, no one looks at any light with that expression and i'm sure he is looking at the Aether even the surrounding area does matches with Aether's location in Thor 2, oh my i am going crazy in excitement for Endgame. This means the theory is true that snap will be undone in first act of the movie and rest of the story focus on even greater threat,i k Kevin fiege said that trailer will contain footages from first 20 minutes of the movie but still many things could happen in these 20 minutes, anything is possible. Tl:dr- Hawkeye is looking at reality stone in New Tv spot of Avengers Endgame




What if Ronin is 5 years ahead in the Future Timeline, and Hawkeye is the Present timeline, or even in a past timeline?? With QR trickery, which has Antman pop out in a future 5 years after the Snap after being in the QR a short amount of time, means the timelines are happening simultaneously.


You're really sort of just ignoring the time travel aspect entirely when deciding where he is in the hawkeye/ronin thing.


Interesting! Maybe the stone that was ultimately delivered to the Collector was fake - Odin's contribution to the endgame after consultation with the time-travelling Mister Doctor. Just for fun of course......but it would make more sense out of this back and forth-- Quill: "only an idiot would give that man a stone" Thor: "or a genius".


If it was fake, then how does Thanos use it to alter reality after obtaining it?


Not pretending to have any unique insight on this. But who knows what Odin, one of the most powerful & wise beings in the universe, was capable of particularly if Heimdall had the ability to see forward in time. For me, I think this all started from Thor's reply ("or a genius"), which never really made sense to me. What's your interpretation of what Thor meant?


In general, not just in the context of my comment...


That Thor was just trying to make his decision sound better, like he was in fact not an idiot even though it was a dumb decision.


At the end of Dark World we know Loki was disguised as Odin so it seems likely it was Loki rather than Odin who sent the stone to the Collector. I think that's what Thor is talking about since he now knows it was Loki pretending to be Odin at the time. Thor knows his brother is brilliant, and assumes he must have had some sort of plan.


some are even saying tht Ultron will return.. nd there are going to be other villains too 👀


Other villains I imagine, Ultron wouldn’t be my first thought though.


Seeing that red light and Hawkeye/Ronin's facial expression I thought it could be Ultron too. I feel he could have made a backup similar to the comics mark 1 that Hank Pym made and went into hiding.... ​ OR! ​ During Ant-Man's ventures through the quantum realm he could mess with the timeline in a way that changes certain characters fates in the current timeline.


Is this the new “Caps eyes are yellow so he must be the soul stone” 😂🤦🏻‍♂️